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         Hydrocephalus:     more books (100)
  1. Dyskranie: Hydrocephalus, Starchild-Schädel, Schädeldeformation, Mikrozephalie, Turmschädel, Trigonocephalie, Makrozephalie, Skaphocephalus (German Edition)
  2. Annual Review of Hydrocephalus VIII: 1990 (v. 8)
  3. An inaugural dissertation on the hydrocephalus internus, or internal dropsy of the brain. Submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost, ... faculty of the University of Pennsylvania by Robert Chisolm, 2010-08-06
  4. Young People with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus: Learning and Development by Leonie Holgate, 1985-12
  6. Hydrocephalus: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence</i> by L., MD, PhD, DrPH Fallon, Deborah, MS Nurmi, 2006
  7. Annual Review of Hydrocephalus, 1990 by Satoshi Matsumoto, Kiyoshi Sato, et all 1992-03
  8. An Essay On Hydrocephalus Acutus: Or Dropsy In The Brain (1808) by John Cheyne, 2010-09-10
  9. Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Hydrocephalus malresorptivus. Peripheral Nerves (Advances in Neurosurgery)
  10. Leben mit Spina bifida und Hydrocephalus: Ein Ratgeber by Antje Blume-Werry,
  11. Cisternography and hydrocephalus;: A symposium
  12. Maternal rights, fetal harms. (case study and commentaries on treatment of prenatal hydrocephalus and the ethics of cephalocentesis): An article from: The Hastings Center Report by Carson Strong, Kathy Kinlaw, 1991-05-01
  13. Cisternography and Hydrocephalus: A Symposium by John C[harles] (born 1937), et al, eds Harbert, 1972
  14. 100 Q and A's About Hydrocephalus (100 Q&As About) by Mohanty, 2010-12-31

81. Hydrocephalus, Family Guide To Neuromedicine
hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when either too much CSF is hydrocephalus is a condition some infants are born with or may acquire later in
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The normal brain has four pockets, called ventricles, which are filled with fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF). The CSF is constantly being produced and is responsible for nourishing the brain and spinal cord. The CSF flows through a pathway from the brain, down through the spinal canal and is eventually reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when either too much CSF is produced, the CSF is not reabsorbed into the bloodstream or the normal flow pathway is blocked.
Types of hydrocephalus
Obstructive hydrocephalus
There is an obstruction in the flow of CSF within the normal pathway.
Communicating hydrocephalus
There is no block in the flow of CSF, but the CSF is not absorbed properly back into the bloodstream
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Usually occurs in older age groups and is due to a lack of properly functioning brain structures.
Secondary hydrocephalus
Usually results from an infection (such as meningitis) or a severe head injury.

82. A Journey To Hydrocephalus
A parent's description of the diagnosis and ongoing adventure of her daughter's life with this disorder.
    Oh hello there and welcome to my page. These pages are going to take you on a journey to Hydrocephalus. What's that you ask. Well it's water on the brain. My daughter has this. First I will be telling you her story. Next,I will be doing it through pictures and captions. I hope to provide you with some links too so that you may have some help, if you too are going on this journey or know someone that is.
    Are you ready to begin this journey? Then click here:
    Please sign the guestbook, THANKS :)
    Thanks for this wonderful
    award Sunny!!!
    March 11, 1998
    This background set came from:

83. Hydrocephalus
Communicating hydrocephalus; Noncommunicating hydrocephalus. Communicating hydrocephalus. Obstruction is in the subarachnoid space; Results in dilatation
Up Tracheostomy Foreign bodies ENT disorders ... Neck lumps in children
Normal CSF Circulation
  • CSF is an ultrafiltrate of the plasma Secreted by the choroid plexuses of the third, fourth and lateral ventricles Total volume of CSF is approximately 150 ml Approximately 500 ml of CSF is produced each day CSF circulates from ventricles into subarachnoid space Absorbed by the arachnoid granulations around the superior sagital sinus In health rate of production equals rate of absorption CSF pressure is usually 10-15 cm water
Causes of hydrocephalus
  • Hydrocephalus is characterised by dilated cerebral ventricles Intraventricular pressure can be normal or raised Usually arises due to interruption to the normal flow of CSF Two main types of hydrocephalus are recognised
    • Communicating hydrocephalus Non-communicating hydrocephalus
    Communicating hydrocephalus
    • Obstruction is in the subarachnoid space Results in dilatation of the entire ventricular system Causes include:
      • Meningitis Intraventricular haemorrhage Congenital absence of the arachnoid granulations Arnold-Chiari malformation Encephalocele Choroid plexus papilloma
      Non-communicating hydrocephalus
      • Obstruction is within the ventricular system Usually results from congenital or neoplastic lesions Causes include:
        • Aqueduct stenosis Atresia of the foramina of Magendie and Luschka Ventriculitis Intraventricular tumours Dandy-Walker syndrome
        Clinical Features
        • May be diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound Postnatal diagnosis depends on the rate of progression of the hydrocephalus Acute hydrocephalus presents with features of raised ICP

84. Home Page
Details the birth, development, and special needs of this special boy born in 1998 with hydrocephalus.

Hydrocephalus First Year Special Mothers ... Contact Us Ryan the star of and reason for this site is my grandson. Here is a picture of him with my son - his Uncle David. We do not think of Ryan as a "Special Needs" child we all know that he is a "Special Child". He was a year old in this picture! Looks cute huh. But things were not always this good.
Ryan was born at Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall UK to our daughter Debra, on April 25th 1998 - 17 weeks premature (23 weeks into pregnancy). He weighed just 1lb that's less than half a kilo and things looked bad. He was baptized the next morning because we were warned he had very little chance of surviving. Debbie is our second daughter and her first pregnancy had gone the same way, that little boy (Rhys) only lived a few hours. Phone calls were made to all the family and a lot of tears were shed. There was also anger "why us". Then the "Why her" syndrome set in with a vengeance. My daughter, MY BABY, had never done anything to hurt anyone. She was (and still is) soft and gentle, taking in all the "lame dogs" who cross her path. Then one day surfing on the net to find information about very premature babies (the information was depressing) I found this little story. For anyone else who goes through the "Why me" or "Why us" stage please click here or go to the "Special Mother" page of this site.

85. Hydrocephalus
Penn State Children s Hospital provides world class care and services to patients.

86. Laura's Page
Features their little daughter, Laura. She was born premature, had IVH and hydrocephalus. Read her story and meet the family.
Hungarian Hydrocephalus page Laura's site in Hungarian Hydrocephalus Association Association for Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida Laura's Page Hello!
But in January I felt very bad again: headache, vomiting, poor apetite. And my parents had to run to the hospital with me. It was a Sunday evening. The doctor controlled my shunt, and it was so painful! Next day my parents were told, that I have a shunt infection, they have to remove my shunt. The infection was a very serious one, located in my left ventricle, as the doctors told, I was near to die. The surgeon told us, that he must do a lot of painful things (punctio, drain) to save my life. I was there in the hospital for more than four months. Often had headache, vomiting, and my appetite was horrible, I wanted to eat only when my mummy was with me. All the nurses and doctors were very kind and friendly, and were playing with me, when they had free time. And I've learned to hang up my head again, and was near to roll left and right. My parents visited me every day, but I missed my brother very much!
In May 2001 i was told, that there is no infection in my head anymore, so I had a shunt surgery again. After 7 days was at home again! But in June - after 2 weeks in my home - I had to go back to the hospital for 2 weeks, because my temperature was very high, about 40 degrees. Thanks God, the cause of it was not my shunt! So I arrived home in time for my brother's birthday party.

87. IRSC - Neurological Disorders, Hydrocephalus
The Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC) Global disABILITY resource is dedicated to communicating information relating to the needs of children Disorde

88. Hydrocephalus Links And Information
Kristen, a young woman living with congenital hydrocephalus shares her journey to adulthood. Features links to medical resources, support groups, and HYCEPHL, an e-mail discussion list.
Coming Soon~ The New Website Layout~ * Brand New Guestbook, New Polls, Updated Hydrocephalus Links * and much more.................. For now, sit back and enjoy the view!!! Page last updated: August 5, 2005 created by Kristen Boring All images and page code, are property of, and should not be redistributed in any way, shape, or form.

89. Neurosurgery - Hydrocephalus Program
Adult hydrocephalus is an important condition often neglected. This group treats patients with hydrocephalus of all kinds including idiopathic and normal
home find a BWH doctor request an appointment about BWH ... Department Research
Hydrocephalus Service
Adult hydrocephalus is an important condition often neglected. This group treats patients with hydrocephalus of all kinds including idiopathic and normal pressure hydrocephalus.  Dr. Peter Black is wll known for his clinical and research work for patients with hydrocephalus. During the past five years he and his team have participated in a national research project testing a programmable shunt valve and its use in the management of hydrocephalus. The pressure on the programmable shunt can be increased or decreased without additional surgery.  Presently volumetric imaging has been added.
This group also specializes in the care of patients thought to have idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Utilizing standard and investigational diagnostic testing, patients are evaluated to assess whether a shunt placement would be helpful.
Please contact Nancy Olsen-Bailey, R.N. or Donna Dello-Iacono at (617)732-6826 for more information. To schedule an appointment call (617)732-6810.

90. Hydrochat
Features their son who was born with hydrocephalus and oesophagusatresi.
@import url(; HC mailinglist
for members



Tim was born in 1992 with


This page was last updated on: June 26, 2005 headcircumf. 49 cm at birth First shunt at day 2
Split throat. Throath had no connection with stomach, at birth. Critical first surgery when he was 10 hours old! In Sweden there are less than 1000 people alive living with this disease. About Tim and hydrocephalus Om Tim och hydrocefalus Oesophageal atresi HydroChatSuomi finnish mailinglist Denna sida i Net Ring Tim's mamma Alla sidor i ringen Vill du statistik Powered by RingSurf Subscribe to hydrochat Powered by Click to subscribe to hydrochat Also Welcome to Hydrocefalus own Domain Links

91. Hydrocephalus Treatment Options For Children At Mayo Clinic
hydrocephalus treatment options for children, including pediatric neurosurgery, at Mayo Clinic.
Home About Mayo Clinic Jobs Contact Us Mayo Clinic Locations: Arizona Florida Minnesota Mayo Clinic ... Medical Services Hydrocephalus (Children) Hydrocephalus (Children) Treatment Description of Hydrocephalus Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes and Risk Factors ... Medical Services
Treatment of Childhood Hydrocephalus at Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Each year, approximately 4,000 infants in the United States are born with hydrocephalus, and an estimated 6,000 children develop hydrocephalus during the first two years of life. The word hydrocephalus is made of two Greek words: hydro, meaning fluid and cephalus, meaning head. It is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the brain. Although hydrocephalus is often referred to as "water on the brain," the "water" is actually cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) a clear fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. CSF is manufactured in chambers inside the brain, flows through channels in the brain to get outside the brain, bathes the surface of the brain and spinal cord, and is finally absorbed into the venous blood stream. Any interruption of the normal circulation, such as a blockage, causes the fluid to accumulate in chambers inside the brain and place harmful pressure on the brain tissue. Hydrocephalus can almost always be treated successfully, eliminating symptoms such as an unusually large head, nausea and sleepiness. The intellectual impact of hydrocephalus on a child will vary depending on the severity of the hydrocephalus and other conditions that may be present.

92. Hydrocephalus
Information about water on the brain and the personal experiences of Aiden Scott.
var google_language="en"; var adHB=true; wDoL("top","Z9JE62Z"); wCls("Z9JE62Z"); wDoL("btm","Z9JE62Z"); showA("Z9JE62Z"); Web Hosting by Brinkster Want to chat to other people who suffer from Hydrocephalus? Just click on the link to begin making new friends! My name is Aiden Scott. I have produced this site in order to provide people with information about Hydrocephalus. I sincerely hope that people find my site to be interesting and I hope that I have provided you with plenty of information so that you will have more understanding of Hydrocephalus. Click on the link above to send me an email Aiden’s Guestbook Name: What is your email? Your homepage: Where are you from? North America Latin America Middle East Africa Europe Asia Comments? This message is private

93. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) And Hydrocephalus
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) AND hydrocephalus (The ventricular system dilates This coronal section enlarged lateral ventricles in a case of hydrocephalus
(The ventricular system dilates when CSF flow is obstructed. Therapy, regardless of etiology and pathogenesis, involves shunting the CSF and re-establishing its flow.)
This coronal section enlarged lateral ventricles in a case of hydrocephalus
A. CSF Circulation
Pathway: lateral ventricles, foramen of Monro, third ventricle, aqueduct of Sylvius, fourth ventricle, foramina of Magendie and Luschka; subarachnoid space over brain and spinal cord; reabsorption into venous sinus blood via arachnoid granulations.

B. Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus
Obstruction to CSF flow within ventricular system or at outlet foramina . Sites of narrowing are commonly obstructed, e.g. aqueductal stenosis.

C. Communicating Hydrocephalus
Obstruction to CSF flow in the subarachnoid space after exit from fourth ventricle. Causes include leptomeningitis (fibrosis seals subarachnoid space and obstructs CSF flow) and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Previous Section Course Index Section Index

94. Hydrocephalus Neurosurgery
Tumors Vascular - Functional - Trauma - Emergency - ICU - Pediatric - Nerve - Spine - Skull Base - Radiosurgery - Interventional. hydrocephalus
NeuroSurgery InfoNet Specialty Tumors - Vascular - Functional - Trauma - Emergency - ICU - Pediatric - Nerve - Spine - Skull Base - Radiosurgery - Interventional Hydrocephalus Problem Surgery
Normal pressure
Lumboperitoneal shunt
John Peter Gruen, MD 2001

95. My Hydrocephalus Pages
Simon's interests and information about hydrocephalus and personal experiences. Relates causes, treatments, complications, and procedures.

What is hydrocephalus ?

Causes of hydrocephalus

Diagnosing hydrocephalus

Treating hydrocephalus
To my personal pages
Welcome to Raving Lunatics
Hydrocephalus page
I have tried to ensure that the information on this page is as correct as possible. I am not a doctor, I have hydrocephalus, and I have read a bit about the condition. If any-one finds information on this page which is incorrect, I expect them to tell me about it, I do not want to misinform people.
I haven't tried to find data about the success rate of treatment for a number of reasons:
  • Every case of hydrocephalus is different.
  • Current information about the results of treatment has been very difficult to find.

When I read this sources of the information which have been used to write these pages I had no intention of writing about it, and therefore didn't keep a list of the books that I read.
Send me mail

96. Hydrocephalus Ex-vacuo Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Me
Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.

97. CARiccio's Home Page
Photos and family updates on the Riccio brothers. Family updates and hydrocephalus treatment information.
htmlAdWH('93212823', '728', '90'); Main Children Getting Well
Michael (left, 8 years old) has hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus Association Homepage

HyFI Mission Statement

Michael depends on a brain shunt Medco Forum
In Feb 1992, Michael became the test case for a programmable brain shunt- Medos Valve
For hydrocephalus support group in NJ, visit:
Welcome To Hydrocephalus


Online chat: hydrohav.html at
Christopher (right) is 7.
His eye is looking better! Below is the story of the accident. May 15, 1998 Lafayette, NJ Joseph (Dad), Michael, and Christopher involved in car accident that left Christopher with skull fracture, closed head injury( HomePage ), and severe eye trauma. While Joe and Michael were transported by ambulance, Christopher was rescued by NorthSTAR (Shock Trauma Air Rescue) helicopter June 27, 1998 Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ NJDHSS, Office of Emergency Medical Services Michael and Daddy thank you for visiting our page! Let me know what you think about my page. Send mail by clicking

98. Welcome To NHS Direct Online
NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. hydrocephalus In hydrocephalus there is an abnormal amount of cerebrospinal fluid within and around the brain,

99. The Rafel's Home Page
Family photos, stories and updates. Sarah, oldest of three girls, was born premature and lives with hydrocephalus; shunted since one month old.
Welcome to the Rafel's Home Page
We are so glad you stopped by. Since moving to the country in 1996, our family has undergone many changes. We've built a new house . Our first daughter, Morgan , will be 5 in June and continues to amaze us. Our second daughter, Hannah will be 2 in July. And the stork just dropped Hope on our doorstep at the end of March. The rest of the family includes me , my wife Kristin, and our mini-lop bunny, Cocoa . Someday soon, we hope to add a dog to the mix, but we have to find one that will get along with Cocoa. As you look around, you'll see many creative graphics and backgrounds. They were made by the following creative people

100. InteliHealth: Hydrocephalus
InteliHealth Featuring Harvard Medical School s consumer health information. For more than 550 diseases and conditions, learn What Is It?, Symptoms,
  • What Is It? Symptoms Diagnosis Expected Duration ... Additional Info
  • What Is It? Hydrocephalus, also known as "water on the brain," is a condition in which there is extra cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid acts as a cushion for the brain and spinal cord, supplies nutrients, and takes away waste products.

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