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Hepatocerebral Encephalopathy: more detail |
41. Marchiafava-Bignami Syndrome - Patient UK Other brain lesions associated with alcoholism, eg Wernicke s encephalopathy,hepatocerebral degeneration, head trauma, central pontine myelinolysis and http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40001259/ | |
42. OTHER DISEASES OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 572.2 Hepatic coma. Hepatic encephalopathy hepatocerebral intoxication Portalsystemicencephalopathy. 572.3 Portal hypertension. 572.4 Hepatorenal syndrome http://www.thera.info/icd9-cm/sect-570-579.html | |
43. Scope Of Work Hepatic stupor and coma (hepatic or portalsystemic encephalopathy) Chronic acquired (Non-Wilsonian) hepatocerebral degeneration Kernicterus http://www.cochraneneuronet.org/livello2/scope_of_work2.html | |
44. ICD-9-CM From Code 570 Hepatic encephalopathy; hepatocerebral intoxication; Portalsystemic encephalopathy.572.3 Portal hypertension; 572.4 Hepatorenal syndrome http://www.dmi.columbia.edu/hripcsak/icd9/1tabular570.html | |
45. Clinical Geriatrics Psychosis in dementia may occur in alcoholic dementia, or dementia associatedwith hepatic encephalopathy (chronic hepatocerebral degeneration) and http://www.hmpcommunications.com/cg/displayArticle.cfm?articleID=cgac1984 |
46. Free Online ICD9/ICD9CM Codes And Medical Dictionary Hepatic encephalopathy. hepatocerebral intoxication. Portalsystemic encephalopathy.572.3 Portal hypertension. 572.4 Hepatorenal syndrome. Excludes http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/index.php?action=child&recordid=5128 |
47. Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL We report two patients with chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (CAHD) who Hepatic encephalopathy is well known as one of the central nervous http://ppv.ovid.com/pt/re/obes/fulltext.00000132-200208000-00007.htm | |
48. Current Opinion In Neurology - UserLogin Early detection and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy as more severe formsof encephalopathy or chronic nonWilsonian hepatocerebral degeneration. http://www.co-neurology.com/pt/re/coneuro/fulltext.00019052-199812000-00009.htm | |
49. ISNO Dutch Neuromuscular Research Support Centre - NMD with distinct hepatocerebral and myopathic forms of this disorder. Mitochondrial encephalopathy lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes (MELAS) http://www.isno.nl/sorteer/ziekten/?id=107 |
50. The Neurology Of Liver Failure -- Lewis And Howdle 96 (9): 623 -- QJM In fulminant hepatic failure where hepatic encephalopathy develops within 8 The pathogenesis of both acquired hepatocerebral degeneration and hepatic http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/96/9/623 | |
51. The Neurology Of Liver Failure -- Lewis And Howdle 96 (9): 623 -- QJM Hepatic encephalopathy and liver transplantation. Fulminant hepatic failure.Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration and hepatic myelopathy http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/extract/96/9/623 | |
52. Journal Of Computer Assisted Tomography - UserLogin Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration is a well known irreversible neurologic Portalsystemic encephalopathy presence of basal ganglia lesions with high http://www.jcat.org/pt/re/jcat/fulltext.00004728-199811000-00024.htm | |
53. Journal Of Computer Assisted Tomography - UserLogin Portosystemic encephalopathy was previously only thought to occur in adults with The hepatocerebral degeneration is attributed to the toxic effects of http://www.jcat.org/pt/re/jcat/fulltext.00004728-200209000-00003.htm | |
54. Transplantation - Fulltext: Volume 62(11) December 15, 1996 P 1679-1681 COMPLETE Type II citrullinemia is an adultonset hepatocerebral disease caused by adeficiency of A 25-year-old Japanese man suddenly developed encephalopathy, http://www.transplantjournal.com/pt/re/transplantation/fulltext.00007890-1996121 | |
55. Untitled Document Tubulopathy, encephalopathy, and liver failure due to CIII deficiency no ortholog, Mitochondrial DNAdepletion syndrome, hepatocerebral form (MDS) http://www-deletion.stanford.edu/YDPM/doc/mtdisease_yeasthomolog.html | |
56. Cirrhosis Is associated with mental confusion, ie encephalopathy. part of the spectrumof acquired hepatocerebral degeneration). Grading of hepatic encephalopathy http://janis7hepc.com/cirrhosis3.htm | |
57. Articles Do Ammonia Levels Correlate with Hepatic encephalopathy? of the spectrum ofacquired hepatocerebral degeneration). Grading of hepatic encephalopathy http://janis7hepc.com/articles1.htm | |
58. *601465 DEOXYGUANOSINE KINASE; DGUOK Affected individuals with the hepatocerebral form of mtDNA depletion syndrome hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, jaundice, and encephalopathy with hypotonia, http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:601465] -e |
59. 231670 GLUTARIC ACIDEMIA I cardiomyopathy, and Reyelike hepatocerebral crisis, and the latter can occurduring intercurrent Infantile encephalopathy; Spastic diplegia; http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:231670] -e |
60. Magnetic Resonance Imaging And Spectroscopy In Hepatic Encephalopathy. Gupta RK, Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a potentially reversible neuropsychiatric In conclusion, MRI and MRS examine different aspects of hepatocerebral disease. http://www.indianjgastro.com/article.asp?issn=0254-8860;year=2003;volume=22;issu |
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