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41. WCGIP 2002: Attractions Father Damien was the Saint who worked with the sufferers of hansens disease (lepers)on Molokai and eventually contracted the disease himself. http://www.wcgiphawaii.org/att.htm | |
42. Incertus » Incertus Archive » Alison’s Story I once went through a period of obsessing about hansens disease. Funny now butnot then. Comment 6 Left by Incertus on July 20th, 2005 http://www.incertus.imntb.com/2005/07/07/alisons-story | |
43. Island Of Shadows Though Leprosy (hansens disease) is crippling in its later stages no one was leftto care for the afflicted. Their only contact with the outside world was a http://www.filmwest.com/Catalogue/itemdetail/1352/ | |
44. Center For International Rehabilitation Research Information And Exchange: Thesa hansens disease Use Leprosy. Head injuries Use Brain injuries. Health careSCOPE NOTE Includes health services, comprehensive health care, http://cirrie.buffalo.edu/thesh.html | |
45. Helpful Telephone Numbers hansens disease Information, 713840-8352. HIV Prevention, 713-794-9092.Immunizations, 713-794-9267. Immunizations, Foreign Travel, 713-794-9181 http://www.houstontx.gov/health/helpfulnum.html | |
46. USPHS Dental Category Gillis W. Long hansens disease Center. ATTN VJ Langlois. Carville, LA 70721.(504) 6424752. An officer called to active duty with the PHS for the first http://www.phs-dental.org/depac/newfile17.html | |
47. Internet Disability Resources American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc. HIV/AIDS TreatmentInformation Service hansens disease (Leprosy). American Leprosy Missions, Inc. http://www.mwcil.org/mwcil/docs/resources.html | |
48. CUG English Version 12) hansens disease and some other infectious skin diseases. 13) Those withserious disbilities or malformation. 14) Serious visual disturbance (such as http://www.cug.edu.cn/2003/ecug/3admission/International Students/Regarding Syst |
49. Molokai: Molokai Mule Ride - Deals And Reviews - You'll LOVE It! - TripAdvisor the work of Father Damien and others in the leper (hansens disease) colony . The Hansens residents are all well over 60 and when they have gone it http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g29221-d107782-r2620721-Molokai_Mule_ | |
50. Register Of Patients Transported To The State Insane Asylum newly opened camp for lepers at Indian Village in Iberville Parish which hassince evolved into the Gillis Long hansens disease Center at Carville, La. http://nutrias.org/inv/civilsheriff/vf350.htm |
51. NCCS - Search NTEE Definitions Female Genital Diseases; Genitourinary Diseases; hansens disease; Hematuria;Hemoglobinuria; Hepatitis; Hydrocele; Impotence; Incontinence; Infertility; http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/PubApps/nteeSearch.php?gQry=G43 |
52. NCCS - Search NTEE Definitions Epididymitis Research; Erectile Dysfunction Research; Female Genital DiseasesResearch; Genitourinary Diseases Research;hansens disease Research; http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/PubApps/nteeSearch.php?gQry=H43 |
53. Texas Department Of State Health Services, Program Phone List hansens disease, (800) 2528239, (512) 458-7447. Hazard Communication, (800)452-2791, (512) 834-6600. Health Care Quality And Standards, (512) 834-6634 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/phone.shtm | |
54. Ministry For The Family & Social Solidarity Any head of household, who suffers from Leprosy or hansens disease, or who hasa member in his/her household suffering from one of these diseases, http://www.msp.gov.mt/services/sif/service_info.asp?cluster=family&serviceid=86 |
55. Global Medical Staffing and I was confronted with things I had not seen before, such as severe boxjelly fish stings, hansens disease, Meloidosis and even a crocodile bite! http://www.gmedical.com/p_comments.asp?section=training&id=3 |
56. MIME-Version 1.0 Content-Location File///C/97538EA5/DISEASE ORANGE = COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. SELECTE= D DISEASE REPORT 20002004. DISEASE.2000. 2001. 2002 Leprosy {hansens disease}. 2. =. 1. =. =. Listeriosis http://www.orchd.com/epi/DISEASE.mht | |
57. Environmental Health & Safety CAPT Richard Truman (microbiologist at hansens disease Center) used NASA imageryin a study with Louisiana State University. http://www.usphs-scientist.org/contributions/photos/2000poster/Environmental.htm | |
58. Reducing Environmental Exposure Risks CAPT Richard Truman (microbiologist at hansens disease Center) is using NASAimagery in a study with Louisiana State University. http://www.usphs-scientist.org/contributions/photos/99poster/sld019.htm | |
60. Red Book® Online -- Committee 2000 Robert R. Jacobson, MD, PhD, Gillis W. Long hansens disease Center, Carville, LAWilliam R. Jarvis, MD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, http://aapredbook.aappublications.org/about/commlisting.shtml | |
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