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Hallervorden-spatz Syndrome: more detail |
21. Mineralization Of The Basal Ganglia Detected By CT In Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrom We studied a patient with autopsyproven hallervorden-spatz syndrome (HSS) andthe previously unreported finding of high-density lesions in the basal http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/38/1/154 | |
22. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) A rare autosomal recessive degenerative disorder which usually presents in late childhood or......Back. hallervordenspatz syndrome http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
23. Neurology -- Correspondence For Daroff, 64 (4) 588-589 Dr. Daroffs comments to the contrary, hallervordenspatz syndrome (HSS) is nolonger a universally accepted eponym. Hayflick et al 1, the discovers of http://www.neurology.org/cgi/eletters/64/4/588 | |
24. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor More books about hallervordenspatz syndrome . hallervorden-spatz syndromeAssociation (HSSA) - Contains news, research information, family pages with http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologica | |
25. Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome Topic - Unified Search Environment hallervordenspatz syndrome MSH/MH/D006211 MSH/PM/D006211 Dystonia MusculorumDeformans hallervorden-spatz syndrome Hepatolenticular Degeneration http://www.use.hcn.com.au/portals/shared/subject.`Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome`/h | |
26. Department Of Human Genetics - Clinical Laboratory And Patient Services PANK2 Sequencing for hallervordenspatz syndrome/PKAN Testing. Thank you for yourinquiry regarding PANK2 sequence analysis for individuals with a clinical http://genes.uchicago.edu/clinic/PANK2Test.html | |
27. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) , A rare autosomal recessive degenerativedisorder Hallervorden Spatz Syndrome, Pallidal Atrophies, Pigmentary......hallervordenspatz syndrome. http://fred.hmc.psu.edu/ds/retrieve/fred/meshdescriptor/D006211 |
28. Patient 41 Selftest hallervordenspatz syndrome and Wilson s disease may be reliably distinguished A. In hallervorden-spatz syndrome, lenticular degeneration results from http://www.bcm.edu/neurol/challeng/pat41/selftest.html | |
29. Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month The hallervordenspatz syndrome has been described in families from a variety of The MRI findings in patients with hallervorden-spatz syndrome are http://www.bcm.edu/neurol/challeng/pat41/summary.html | |
30. Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation Type 1 hallervordenspatz syndrome; HSS; Pantothenate Kinase Associated Neurodegeneration This disorder was formerly known as hallervorden-spatz syndrome, http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord179.htm | |
31. Hallerevorden-Spatz Syndrome - [Support Group] Provides emotional support to families affected by hallervordenspatz syndrome,a rare, progressive neurological disorder, resulting in iron deposits in the http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/shc/shc29hal.htm | |
32. NORD/HSSA Research Awards For Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome NORD/HSSA Research Awards for hallervordenspatz syndrome. September, 2002.Each grant is a one year, $30000 seed grant. These grants are intended to http://www.nbiadisorders.org/researchgrants.htm | |
33. Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome Families - Page One hallervordenspatz syndrome Families Page One (This page updated November 25, 2001).a-forstall.jpg (10522 bytes). tForstall.jpg (10885 bytes) http://www.nbiadisorders.org/families01.htm | |
34. EMedicine - Hallervorden-Spatz Disease : Article By Philip A Hanna, MD Hayflick SJ First scientific workshop on hallervordenspatz syndrome executive Swaiman KF hallervorden-spatz syndrome and brain iron metabolism. http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/topic151.htm | |
35. A Novel Pantothenate Kinase Gene (PANK2) Is Defective In Hallervorden-Spatz Synd hallervordenspatz syndrome (HSS) is an autosomal recessive Homozygosity mappingof hallervorden-spatz syndrome to chromosome 20p12.3-p13. http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v28/n4/full/ng572.html | |
36. A Novel Pantothenate Kinase Gene (PANK2) Is Defective In Hallervorden-Spatz Synd hallervordenspatz syndrome (HSS) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerativedisorder associated with iron accumulation in the brain. http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v28/n4/abs/ng572.html | |
37. HUM-MOLGEN DIAGnostics/Clinical Research 15/12/95 Hallervorden hallervordenspatz syndrome. Samples are needed for linkage analysis to map thegene(s) for hallervorden-spatz syndrome. We are interested in collecting http://hum-molgen.org/clinical/151295-2.html | |
38. HUM-MOLGEN Archive: DIAG, CALL: Spatz S./histiocyoma-lymphoma-retinitis DIAG message contains 2 submessage(s) 1) hallervordenspatz syndrome 2) for linkage analysis to map the gene(s) for hallervorden-spatz syndrome. http://hum-molgen.org/mail-archive/1995-Nov/msg00005.html | |
39. Arch Neurol -- Abstract: Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome, December 1977, Vakili Et A hallervordenspatz syndrome. S. Vakili, AL Drew, S. Von Schuching, D. Becker and W.Zeman. Two siblings with hallervorden-spatz syndrome showed striking http://archneur.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/34/12/729 | |
40. Arch Neurol -- Abstract: Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome And Brain Iron Metabolism, hallervordenspatz syndrome and brain iron metabolism. KF Swaiman Department ofNeurology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis. http://archneur.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/48/12/1285 | |
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