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Gustatory Sweating: more detail | ||||
61. Hyperhidrosis - Patient UK Palmar hyperhidrosis or gustatory sweating can be sign of localised autonomicdisorder or occur before widespread autonomic impairment eg in diabetes http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40001952/ | |
62. Treatment Of Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating from the palms and soles, In addition, gustatory sweating was noted in 36%, and a 10% reduction in heart http://www.mf.uni-lj.si/acta-apa/acta-apa-02-1/altman.html | |
63. Treatment Of Hyperhidrosis In India ( ETS ) gustatory sweating, pneumothorax, intercostal neuralgia, Horner syndrome, 1 month after surgery, and gustatory sweating occurred in 17% (Lai, 1997). http://www.angelfire.com/ar/laparoscopy/Hyperhidrosis.html | |
64. Attract within 1 month after surgery, and gustatory sweating occurred in 17%.An effective treatment for such compensatory sweating is the intradermal injection http://www.attract.wales.nhs.uk/question_answers.cfm?question_id=995 |
65. The Center For Hyperhidrosis: Side Effects Of ETS gustatory sweating is a relatively rare side effect of sympathectomy. Patients whoexperience this will notice increased sweating when eating certain foods http://www.hyperhidrosiscumc.com/effects.html | |
66. Dalhousie Medical Journal Also referred to as auriculotemporal syndrome or gustatory sweating, In 1923,Frey described the occurrence of gustatory sweating in a patient who had http://medjournal.medicine.dal.ca/DMJONLIN/spring99/orig4.htm | |
67. Hyperhidrosis Center :: Procedure gustatory sweating occurs when eating spicy foods and is typically sweating ofthe upper lip, forehead, or back of the neck. Dry Hands http://www.stopsweat.net/procedure.html | |
68. ASAMS Articles - Copyright To Contributor And/or ASAMS A further 510% of patients may develop gustatory sweating which is an increased (d) Post-gustatory sweating propantheline hydrobromide before meals http://www.arachnoiditis.info/content/articles/neurological_aspects_arach/neuro_ | |
69. Arch Intern Med -- Abstract: Diabetic Gustatory Sweating Successfully Treated Wi Background gustatory sweating is a more common manifestation of diabetes Results gustatory sweating was relieved by application of glycopyrrolate and http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/159/8/877 | |
70. The Clinical Journal Of Pain - Abstract: Volume 19(3) May/June 2003 P 192-199 Ch Pathologic gustatory sweating was present in 7/11 patients asked, and abnormalsweating (known as compensatory hyperhidrosis) in 11/13 patients asked. http://www.clinicalpain.com/pt/re/clnjpain/abstract.00002508-200305000-00007.htm | |
71. The Clinical Journal Of Pain - UserLogin Pathologic gustatory sweating was present in 7/11 patients asked, and abnormalsweating Physiological gustatory sweating in a warm climate. J Physiol. http://www.clinicalpain.com/pt/re/clnjpain/fulltext.00002508-200305000-00007.htm | |
72. BJS - Your Gateway To The British Journal Of Surgery Online also known as gustatory sweating, with botulinum toxin A.Thirteen patients with a showed a decrease of gustatory sweating of more than 90 per cent. http://www.bjs.co.uk/bjsCda/cda/microJournalArticleDetail.do?DOI=10.1046/j.0007- |
73. FfSo Poll - Information On Side-effects Of ETS Moderate compensatory sweating, 7. Horner s Syndrome, 11. gustatory sweating, 7.Cold or warm hands, 2. Cold or warm feet, 1 http://home.swipnet.se/sympatiska/eenkinf.htm | |
74. Medicdirect - Comprehensive UK Health Information Prevention of salivary leak, gustatory sweating and facial hollowing. After asuperficial parotidectomy, occasionally saliva can leak from the raw surface http://www.medicdirect.co.uk/operations/default.ihtml?pid=1663&step=4 |
75. Medicdirect - Comprehensive UK Health Information Prevention of salivary leak, gustatory sweating and facial hollowing. After superficialparotidectomy occasionally saliva can leak from the raw surface of http://www.medicdirect.co.uk/operations/default.ihtml?pid=1678&step=4 |
76. Surgical Procedures gustatory sweating, or Freys syndrome, refers to increased facial sweating Some degree of gustatory sweating is quite common after parotid surgery. http://www.gbmc.org/headandneckrehab/surgicalprocedures | |
77. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery - UserLogin patients undergoing conservative parotidectomy and prevents the gustatorysweating. conservative parotidectomy, and it prevents gustatory sweating. http://www.jcraniofacialsurgery.com/pt/re/jcransurg/fulltext.00001665-200409000- | |
78. Hyperhidrosis - Treatment For Hyperhidrosis - Hyperhidrosis Information gustatory sweating occurred in 2 (4%) patients. A mean score of patient ssatisfaction with surgery was 8.5 + or 1.2. http://curesweatypalms.com/T-3_Hyperhidrosis_Article.shtml | |
79. Hyperhidrosis - Treatment For Hyperhidrosis - Hyperhidrosis Information the first specific treatment for diabetic gustatory sweating. toxin typeA treatment in patients with gustatory sweating (Frey s Syndrome). http://curesweatypalms.com/Treatment_Hyperhidrosis_Article.shtml | |
80. The Straight Dope: Do Chinese Lack Sweat Glands In Their Armpits? Why Does Spicy gustatory sweating is thought to be a side effect of the reflex that makes you For ordinary gustatory sweating, just shun the jalapeños and stick to http://www.straightdope.com/columns/021004.html | |
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