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Gustatory Sweating: more detail | ||||
41. Treatment Of Hyperhidrosis (2) In all cases, gustatory sweating ceased within two days, gustatory sweatingmay also occur. Sympathectomy also results in cardiac sympathetic http://www.regence.com/trgmedpol/medicine/med79.html | |
42. Rosacea ETS Comments And Warnings For example, gustatory sweating was reported by 47% of 352 patients who were The incidence of gustatory sweating was lower (12 of 72 patients) in http://rosacea.ii.net/hl/26808.html | |
43. :: The Neurotoxin Institute :: gustatory sweating was completely abolished in approximately half of the patients gustatory sweating can occur in diabetic patients with neuropathy and http://www.neurotoxininstitute.com/ad_sd06.asp | |
44. :: The Neurotoxin Institute :: Improvement of diabetic autonomic gustatory sweating by botulinum toxin type A.Neurology. 2002;5919711973. Saadia D, Voustianiouk A, Wang AK, http://www.neurotoxininstitute.com/ad_sd09.asp | |
45. Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria - Kuttner et al.18 described 19 patients with severe gustatory sweating following gustatory sweating and flushing after conservative parotidectomy. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0004-282X2003000200017 |
46. Brazilian Dental Journal - The mechanism of postparotidectomy gustatory sweating (the Auriculotemporalsyndrome gustatory sweating due to misdirection of regenerated nerve http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0103-64402004000200014&script=sci_arttext&t |
47. The Laryngoscope - UserLogin Several therapeutic approaches exist to treat gustatory sweating (Frey s Nineteen patients with severe gustatory sweating have been treated with BOTOX http://www.laryngoscope.com/pt/re/laryngoscope/fulltext.00005537-199803000-00013 | |
48. The Laryngoscope - UserLogin In 1859, Rouyer11 briefly described three cases of gustatory sweating. In the other two cases, gustatory sweating was attributed to parotitis, http://www.laryngoscope.com/pt/re/laryngoscope/fulltext.00005537-199909000-00021 | |
49. Redo Surgeries - Hyperhidrosis, Blushing gustatory sweating began 6 mo post op, hands are still warm and dry after first ETS, 6 months later gustatory sweating developed. 4 years after surgery, http://www.hyperhidrosis-usa.com/redos.html | |
50. Current Opinion In Otolaryngology & Head And Neck Surgery - UserLogin Management options for gustatory sweating (Frey syndrome) gustatory sweating (Freysyndrome) is a universal problem after surgery of the parotid region http://www.co-otolaryngology.com/pt/re/cooto/fulltext.00020840-200006000-00014.h | |
51. Current Opinion In Otolaryngology & Head And Neck Surgery - Abstract: Volume 8(3 gustatory sweating (Frey syndrome) is a universal problem after surgery of theparotid region and might be encountered in a large number of pathology cases. http://www.co-otolaryngology.com/pt/re/cooto/abstract.00020840-200006000-00014.h | |
52. Article Abstracts - Media Library - LifeCell.com in the prevention of postparotidectomy gustatory sweating (Frey s Syndrome).INTRODUCTION gustatory sweating is a common postoperative problem and a http://www.lifecell.com/media/70/Article Abstracts/26 | |
53. Gustatory Sweating gustatory sweating emotions. All that is necessary of their browes, themPomegranates, to ever presumed such as animals, slavery was still something But the http://gustatory-sweating.pl.olkusz.pl/ | |
54. Thieme-connect - Artikel Im Volltext Ingesting highly spiced foods stimulates physiologic gustatory sweating in mostpeople. Aberrant gustatory sweating follows up to 73% of surgical http://www.thieme-connect.com/sample/htmlsmpl.html | |
55. The History Of Gustatory Sweating: The Contributions Of Lucja Frey - Gustatory S gustatory sweating Parasympathetic innervation of cutaneous sympatheticreceptors; Localized facial sweating flushing with gustatory stimulation http://medinfo.ufl.edu/other/histmed/dunbar/slide3.html | |
56. The History Of Gustatory Sweating: The Contributions Of Lucja Frey The History of gustatory sweating the Contributions of Lucja Frey RealAudiogustatory sweating RealAudio Auriculotemporal Nerve http://medinfo.ufl.edu/other/histmed/dunbar/ | |
57. Linda Bartoshuk Q A Lee, TS (1954) Physiological gustatory sweating in a warm climate. Journal ofPhysiology, 124528542. q Why do dairy products stop the burning feeling http://www.pbs.org/safarchive/3_ask/archive/qna/3294_peppers.html |
58. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Although these symptoms, sometimes referred to as gustatory sweating, Objective quantification of the gustatory sweating area was done by the starch http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.0007-1323.2001.01982.x | |
59. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent He denied any gustatory sweating, hot flashes, wet flushes, or dysesthesias Botulinum toxoid in the management of gustatory sweating (Frey s syndrome) http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1524-4725.2004.30017.x | |
60. Hyperhidrosis, Sweaty Palms, Sweat, Excessive Sweat, Sweatypalms, Endoscopic, En A more rare side effect, gustatory sweating, which occurs in about 10% of gustatory sweating, a condition in which sweating increases while eating or http://users.rcn.com/szarnick/hidrosis.html | |
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