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         Gustatory Sweating:     more detail
  1. Diabetic gustatory sweating.: An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Dwight I. Blair, Julius Sagel, et all 2002-03-01

21. IngentaConnect New Objective And Quantitative Tests For Gustatory Sweating
Two newly developed tests for gustatory sweating, providing both quantitativeand topographic information, are presented. In both tests a paper stencil

22. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Neurological Disorders/Autonomic Nervous System/G
An article about gustatory sweating. A definition, the symptoms, causes andtreatment. url
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  • MedinineNet An article about gustatory sweating. A definition, the symptoms, causes and treatment. url: NORD: Frey's Syndrome Offers synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. url: url:
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    23. Entrez PubMed
    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the duration of effectiveness of intracutaneous injectionof botulinum toxin

    24. Entrez PubMed
    gustatory sweating is an autonomic disorder that frequently occurs after parotidgland surgery. We i

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    26. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disor
    More news about gustatory sweating . Error We did not find any matches for yourrequest. MedinineNet An article about gustatory sweating.
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    Life Detection Instrument Passes Key Test On Road To Mars (June 30, 2005) full story Hyperhidrosis And Its Treatment Becoming Better Understood (May 12, 2005) full story Drugs Aid Weight Loss Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients (March 10, 2005) full story WHO Warns Of Increased Risk Of Vector-borne Diseases In Tsunami-affected Areas (February 1, 2005) full story Scientists Solve The Mystery Of How Botox Attacks Nerves And Eliminates Wrinkles (December 23, 2004) full story Drinking Water Could Be Beneficial To Patients With Low Blood Pressure (December 9, 2004) full story University Of Oregon Study Is First To Link Histamine Receptors To Heat Stress (November 18, 2004) full story Intelligent Clothing Inspired By Pine Cones (October 5, 2004)

    27. Review Articles.1/95
    Bilateral gustatory sweating as a sign of diabetic neuropathy. is a reportof a case of diabetic gustatory sweating that appeared as the initial sign of
    Western Society of Periodontics
    Clinical Studies
    Volume Number 1, 1995
    Back to Index Mealey, B.L., OS, OM, OP, 77:113, 1994

    28. Improvement Of Diabetic Autonomic Gustatory Sweating By Botulinum Toxin Type A -
    Fourteen diabetic subjects with gustatory sweating were treated by intracutaneousinjections of botulinum toxin type A into the affected facial skin areas.
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    This Article Figures Only Full Text Full Text (PDF) ... Alert me if a correction is posted Services Email this article to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Alert me to new issues of the journal ... Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Restivo, D.A. Articles by Palmeri, A. Related Collections Cranial neuropathy

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    Improvement of diabetic autonomic gustatory sweating by botulinum toxin type A
    D.A. Restivo, MD PhD S. Lanza, MD F. Patti, MD S. Giuffrida, MD R. Marchese-Ragona, MD P. Bramanti, MD and A. Palmeri, MD PhD From the Departments of Physiological Sciences (Drs. Restivo and Palmeri) and Neurological Sciences (Drs. Patti and Giuffrida), University of Catania; Centro per lo studio ed il trattamento dei neurolesi lungodegenti (Drs. Restivo and Bramanti), University of Messina; Oasi Institute for Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Aging (IRCCS) (Dr. Lanza), Troina; and ENT Department (Dr. Marchese-Ragona), University of Padova, Italy. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Agostino Palmeri, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiologiche, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria, 6, 95125 Catania, Italy; e-mail:

    29. Neurology -- Sign In Page
    Fourteen diabetic subjects with gustatory sweating were treated by The associationof gustatory sweating (GS) with diabetes mellitus has been known for
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    Improvement of diabetic autonomic gustatory sweating by botulinum toxin type A
    Restivo et al. Neurology.
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    30. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery - UserLogin
    Methods One patient with Frey s syndrome (gustatory sweating) was Frey ssyndrome, or gustatory sweating, is characterized by excessive facial sweating
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    31. Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery - Abstract: Volume 16(4) July 2000
    Methods One patient with Frey s syndrome (gustatory sweating) was successfullytreated with botulinum toxin. After this, two patients with chronic
    LWWOnline LOGIN eALERTS REGISTER ... Archive Treatment of Frey's Syndrome (Gustatory... ARTICLE LINKS:
    PDF (38 K) Treatment of Frey's Syndrome (Gustatory Sweating) and 'Crocodile Tears' (Gustatory Epiphora) With Purified Botulinum Toxin.
    Hofmann, R. Jeffrey M.D. Abstract:
    Purpose: To determine whether purified botulinum toxin might be as effective in the treatment of "crocodile tears" (gustatory epiphora) as it has been in the treatment of other hypersecretion syndromes such as Frey's syndrome (gustatory sweating). Methods: One patient with Frey's syndrome (gustatory sweating) was successfully treated with botulinum toxin. After this, two patients with chronic symptomatic crocodile tears (related to previous facial palsy) were treated with botulinum toxin injections into and around the lacrimal gland. Results: Both patients reported remarkable relief from symptoms and were observed to have no tearing while eating. Conclusions: Purified botulinum toxin appears to be an effective treatment for crocodile tears.
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    32. Karger Publishers
    gustatory sweating and flushing, or Frey s syndrome, is a fairly common complication gustatory sweating due to misdirection of regenerated nerve fibres.

    33. What Is The Best Way To Control Sweat?
    Many patients I see often have sweat problems confined to their armpits or hands.Some types of sweat are normal. gustatory sweating is a good example.
    var zflag_nid="423"; var zflag_cid="192/179"; var zflag_sid="199"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14";
    What Is the Best Way to Control Sweat?
    By Dr. Peter W. Kujtan, B.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.
    This article originally appeared on page 20 in the October 4-5, 2003 issue of
    The Mississauga News

    A sudden change in sweat production can signal other problems. These can range from damage to the autonomic nerves controlling the sweat pores to various hormonal disorders and obesity. A full investigation is warranted in these cases. More recently, Botulism Toxin injections have been introduced as a means of controlling hyperhidrosis for months at a time. This fix works, but is both expensive and temporary. A more radical approach is used in the U.S. involving surgery. The procedure is called Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). It involves severing the nerves controlling the hyperactive sweat glands. In the hot humid climates, hyperhidrosis becomes a more bothersome problem.
    Other Articles by Dr. Kujtan

    34. Symptom: Sweating -
    Conditions causing symptom Sweating including possible medical causes, diseases, Diabetic neuropathy gustatory sweating Last revised Nov 12, 2003
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    Symptom: Sweating
    Sweating: Sweating more than normal Detailed cause information for symptom: Sweating:
  • Possible causes of symptom: Sweating (58 conditions)
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  • Medical conditions causing symptom: Sweating (61 conditions)
  • Medical conditions causing complication: Sweating (2 conditions) Medical articles on symptoms: These general medical articles may be of interest: Types of Sweating: Night sweats Symptoms related to Sweating: chills fever cold sweats night sweats ... sweat symptoms Sweating type of: Sweat symptoms Symptoms: symptom center symptom list symptom descriptions all symptoms Possible causes of symptom: Sweating: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Sweating as a symptom. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.
  • 35. Symptom: Sweat Symptoms -
    Conditions causing symptom Sweat symptoms including possible medical causes,diseases, disorders, Autonomic neuropathy gustatory sweating
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  • Possible causes of symptom: Sweat symptoms (60 conditions)
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  • Medical conditions causing symptom: Sweat symptoms (120 conditions)
  • Medical conditions causing complication: Sweat symptoms (6 conditions) Medical articles on symptoms: These general medical articles may be of interest: Types of Sweat symptoms: sweating Chills Night sweats Symptoms related to Sweat symptoms: chills fever cold sweats night sweats ... cold skin Symptoms: symptom center symptom list symptom descriptions all symptoms Possible causes of symptom: Sweat symptoms: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Sweat symptoms as a symptom. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.
  • 36. International Poster Journal (IPJ)
    Treatment of gustatory sweating with botulinum toxin A prospective study Because severe gustatory sweating decreases quality of life there is a strong

    37. International Poster Journal (IPJ)
    Prior studies have proven that gustatory sweating decreases quality of life 5 . A median area of 41 cm2 was affected by gustatory sweating.

    38. Australian Journal Of Oto-Laryngology: Gustatory Otorrhoea: A Rare Presentation
    Frey s syndrome is the most recognised of the gustatory sweating syndromes.In this case, a more unusual presentation of gustatory sweating of the external
    @import url(/css/us/style1.css); @import url(/css/us/searchResult1.css); @import url(/css/us/articles.css); @import url(/css/us/artHome1.css); Advanced Search Home Help
    IN free articles only all articles this publication Automotive Sports 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine. FindArticles Australian Journal of Oto-Laryngology May 2003
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    ABNF Journal, The AIDS Treatment News AMAA Journal ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Gustatory otorrhoea: A rare presentation of Frey's syndrome Australian Journal of Oto-Laryngology May 2003 by Dhepnorrarat, R C Rodrigues, S J Vijayasekeran, S
    Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. Prey's syndrome is most commonly seen following parotidectomy. Rare presentations of gustatory sweating have been described, including the chorda tympani syndrome and otorrhoea. A case is presented where otorrhoea was attributed to the classically described traumatic aetiology of Frey's syndrome many years after the initial injury. Diagnosis of this condition and differentiation from cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea are discussed. Key words: Prey's syndrome, gustatory sweating, otorrhoea

    39. [DYSPHAGIA] An MBS Question?
    that is mechanistically similar to the Frey syndrome (gustatory sweating) . new finding is not dissimilar to gustatory sweating after parotidectomy.
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    [DYSPHAGIA] An MBS question?
    • Subject [DYSPHAGIA] An MBS question? From (Irene Campbell-Taylor) Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 12:37:20 -0800 (PST) - To UNSUBSCRIBE from this list, please send an e-mail message to with the following text as a message: unsubscribe dysphagia -

    40. Bridges Medical Clinic
    Facial hyperhidrosis should be distinguished from gustatory sweating, 7gustatory sweating may result from misdirection of autonomic nerves fibers

    Hyperhidrosis: Current Understanding, Current Therapy :

    Authors: Markus Naumann, MD; Jonathan R.T. Davidson, MD; Dee Anna Glaser, MD Preface: The Patient's Perspective
    Lisa dates her problem with hyperhidrosis to her sophomore year of high school. It probably started a bit earlier, she thinks, but a humiliating experience during her Oral Communications class marks the symbolic beginning of her struggle with hyperhidrosis. After literally sweating through an oral presentation in front of the class, she heard a fellow student mutter in disgust, "Oh my God, look at her. Look at how bad she's sweating." Lisa still finds the memory painful. Being a 15-year-old girl is tough, but being a 15-year-old girl with hyperhidrosis is tougher. The fun of being a cheerleader was overshadowed by the turmoil of constantly worrying about how much she was sweating. She worked up the courage to tell her parents, but they didn't really understand. "I didn't even know that prescription antiperspirants existed, and I was too young to take the situation into my own hands," she remembers today at age 26. So she changed clothes 3 times a day, stuffed tissues, napkins, and paper towels in her armpits, and blamed herself. And that's how she coped with hyperhidrosis for the next 8 years. A newsmagazine show was on the TV, but Lisa wasn't paying much attention. Then she realized that the woman being interviewed was talking about her constant battle with sweating. "My head just spun around," remembers Lisa. "I thought it was just me, and so I blamed myself. Then I saw this woman on TV and I realized, I'm not the only one."

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