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61. Chronic Ill Net Home ChronicIllnet is the first multimedia information source on the Internet dedicated to chronic illnesses including AIDS, cancer, Persian gulf war Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, heart disease and neurological diseases. This site speaks to many different peopleresearchers, patients, laypeople, and physicians, to name a few. http://www.chronicillnet.org | |
62. RAC-GWVI Research Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses. of gulf warrelatedgovernment research is to improve the health of ill gulf war veterans. http://www.va.gov/rac-gwvi/ | |
63. Pentagon To Screen All Troops For War Illnesses CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/South/06/02/sprj.irq.gulf.illness.iraq.ap/index.html |
64. Gulf War Illnesses Official VA site. Support information, resources, and archives of their newsletter. http://www.va.gov/health/environ/persgulf.htm | |
65. Continuing Support For Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Research: Request For Vetera Continuing Support for gulf war Veterans illnesses Research Request for In response to veterans concerns about gulf warrelated health problems, http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/gulfwar/walpole3/walpole3.htm | |
66. Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages The gulf war Veteran Resource Pages was founded in early 1994 to aid November 19th 2004 Research Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses, http://www.gulfweb.org/index.cfm | |
67. Gulf War Syndrome & Related Illnesses Veterans who served in the Persian gulf war or are provided with free, comprehensivemedical examinations, including laboratory and other diagnostic tests http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,30985,00.html | |
68. Military.com Resources gulf war Syndrome And gulf warRelated Illness December 4, 2001 Two Reportson gulf war-Related illnesses - The DoD has released reports on the http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=Veterans_Health_GWS.htm |
69. Gulf War Syndrome CFSgulf war Syndrome - Mary Christine reports that current research is showing the Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses for http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/gulf_war.html | |
70. Gulf War Illness Thousands of gulf war veterans have experienced chronic, war syndrome existsor to review or evaluate the literature on gulf war syndrome or illnesses. http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ocga/testimony/Gulf_War_Illness.asp | |
71. Homeopathic Treatment For Gulf War Syndrome And Illnesses© - Erika Price gulf war Syndrome and illnesses© By Erika Price, DIHom, DHM, BIHF (UK).Homeopathic SelfSufficiency www.geocities.com/HotSprings/7776/ http://www.homeoint.org/site/price/gulfwar.htm | |
72. BBC NEWS | Health | Jabs Linked To Gulf War Syndrome to blame for a range of debilitating illnesses known as gulf war syndrome . gulf veterans illnesses remain a high priority and the government will http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3388635.stm | |
73. Veterans' Health: Gulf War Studies: Defining Gulf War Illness | CDC EHHE/OD Defining gulf war Illness. In November 1997, CDC funded a study to characterize for defining the medically unexplained illnesses of gulf war veterans. http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/veterans/default2g.htm | |
74. Gulf War Syndrome - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Research Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses National gulf warResource Center Veterans for Common Sense http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War_Syndrome | |
75. A Review Of Gulf War Illness A great deal of gulf war illness has many of the features of chronic fatigue Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses Interim http://www.mod.uk/issues/gulfwar/map/coker.htm | |
76. 1990/1991 Gulf Veterans' Illnesses MOD s position on gulf war Syndrome . Information and Reports About theMOD s Veterans Policy Unit gulf Veterans illnesses http://www.mod.uk/issues/gulfwar/ | |
77. INFORMS - Scientists "Mine" Data To Analyze Gulf War Illness Persian gulf war Illness is the name given to a collection of reported illdefinedand lingering symptoms and illnesses reportedly afflicting some US http://www.informs.org/Press/GulfWarIllness.html | |
78. Gulf War Illness dramatize the gulf war related illnesses that service personnel were suffering.The possible causes of gulf war Illness consist of exposures to chemical http://www.britains-smallwars.com/gulf/GVA.htm | |
79. CBS News | Gulf War Illness Research Urged | November 12, 2004 12:01:13 The Research Advisory Committee on gulf war Illness urges that up to $60 million Additional progress in addressing gulf war veterans illnesses is not http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/12/health/main655322.shtml | |
80. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE gulf war II MYSTERY ILLNESS. The American gulf war Veterans Association (AGWVA),an independent gulf war Veterans support organization, has long searched http://www.gulfwarvets.com/news13.htm | |
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