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         Gonorrhea:     more books (100)
  1. Ceftriaxone now preferred for gonorrhea in MSM.(News)(sex with men): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Nicholas Mulcahy, 2004-06-01
  2. Gonorrhea; Questions to Ask.: An article from: NWHRC Health Center - Gonorrhea
  3. American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Venereal Diseases (Volume 03) by American Venereal Disease Association, 2010-01-12
  4. Gonorrhea associated with prostate cancer risk.(Infectious Diseases): An article from: Family Practice News by Sherry Boschert, 2005-01-01
  5. Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the venereal disease, ending with the subject of gonorrhea, and second part ... By Jessé Foot, ... Second edition. by Jesse Foot, 2010-06-10
  6. An essay on the cure of the venereal gonorrhea, in a new method. With some observations on gleets. By W. Ellis, apothecary. The second edition, with additions. by W. (William), 2010-07-23
  7. Trends in gonorrhea in homosexually active men - King County, Washington, 1989.: An article from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
  8. Alcohol outlets, gonorrhea, and the Los Angeles civil unrest: A longitudinal analysis [An article from: Social Science & Medicine] by D.A. Cohen, B. Ghosh-Dastidar, et all 2006-06-01
  9. A dissertation on the lues venerea, gonorrhea, and tabes dorsalis, or gleet: in which, the theory of these diseases though new, is divested of all subtilty, ... downpointing out in what esteem mercury by S. Perry, 2010-08-06
  10. Ceftriaxone's first line for gonorrhea in gay men: new CDC recommendations.(News): An article from: Family Practice News by Nicholas Mulcahy, 2004-05-15
  11. An essay on the cure of the venereal gonorrhea, in a new method. With some observations on gleets. By W. Ellis, apothecary. by W. (William) Ellis, 2010-07-23
  12. Syphilis, Gonorrhea and the Public Health by Nels A. / Crain, Gladys L. Nelson, 1938
  13. U.S. sees increase in syphilis and chlamydia rates: gonorrhea rate falls but resistance an issue.(News): An article from: OB GYN News by Timothy F. Kirn, 2005-12-01
  14. Gonorrhea

81. Nebraska HHS System: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program: Gonorrhea
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82. Gonorrhea
Sometimes referred to as the clap, gonorrhea often is characterized by An infected pregnant woman also can pass gonorrhea to her baby during delivery.
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RELATED STORIES Sex education: Start the discussions early Parenting teens: Take sex seriously The college transition: Managing stress and maintaining health MEN'S HEALTH Sexually Transmitted Diseases HIV/AIDS Genital warts Cervical cancer Chlamydia ... Cervicitis WOMEN'S HEALTH Sexually Transmitted Diseases HIV/AIDS Genital warts Cervical cancer Chlamydia ... Cervicitis INFORMATION CENTERS: Pick a category Health Centers Family Health Men's Health Women's Health Children's Health Seniors' Health Working Life Pain Management Condition Centers Immune System Allergy Alzheimer's Arthritis Respiratory System Cancer Endocrine System Digestive System Heart and Blood Infectious Disease Mental Health Note: All links within content go to Diseases and Conditions Gonorrhea From
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Overview Gonorrhea, a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease (STD), is one of the most commonly reported diseases in the United States, with more than 350,000 cases each year. Sometimes referred to as the clap, gonorrhea often is characterized by thick discharge from the penis or vagina. However, many people experience no signs or symptoms.

83. Virtual Hospital: Gonorrhea Questions And Answers
gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacteria that infects men, women and infants. An estimated 1 million cases of gonorrhea are reported each year while at
Gonorrhea Questions and Answers
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
First Published: 1997
Last Revised: January 2003 What is gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacteria that infects men, women and infants. An estimated 1 million cases of gonorrhea are reported each year while at least that same number go unreported. What are the symptoms of a gonorrhea infection?
Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear two days to three weeks after a person has been exposed to someone with the infection. Some men and women will not have symptoms at all until the disease has caused severe health problems. Men Women Painful burning sensation with urination Vaginal discharge Milky white to yellow discharge from the
penis Painful, burning sensation with urination Redness and swelling around the opening
of the penis Lower abdominal pain and fever Pain and swelling in the testicles How are gonorrhea infections transmitted?

84. Gonorrhea Fact Sheet
gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium Anyone who is sexually active can get gonorrhea, but those at greater risk

85. Gonorrhea
gonorrhea is a common infection of the genitourinary tract (specifically the It is also quite common to have both gonorrhea and Chlamydia infections at
What is it?

Gonorrhea is a common infection of the genitourinary tract (specifically the urethra and cervix) caused by the bacteria, Nisseria gonorrhoeae . About 1 million new infections are reported each year in the United States. Young men aged 20 - 24 have the highest rate followed by those 15 to 19 years old. In women, the highest rate are in adolescents aged 15 - 19 years old. It is also quite common to have both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia infections at the same time. In 130 AD, Galen named the condition Gonorrhea (latin for "flow of seeds"), because the condition was associated with urethral discharge in men. Click on the photos for larger view Gonorrheal discharge from penis ("The Drip") Gonorrhea discharge from vagina (Compare this discharge to that seen in chlamydia.

86. - Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Informative Material: MDAdvi
gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by an organism by the name of gonorrhea usually presents as an inflammation of the urethra with puss in men

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Home
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Syphilis Symptoms
1. Symptoms of primary syphillis include painless ulcer on the genital area, pharynx, rectum, tongue, lip, or elsewhere, two to six weeks after exposure. In addition, the glands (lymph nodes) in the area involved are enlarged and not painful.
2. Symptoms of secondary syphillis include rash, patchy and ulcerative lesions in the mucus membranes, multiple papules in moist skin areas (condylomas), swolen glands throughout the body, inflammation of brain tissue, hepatitis, arthritis, etc.
3. Early in the course of tertiary syphillis, there are no physical signs. However, later in this stage, the disease is characterized by the possible presence of tumors of skin, bones, liver. In addition, inflammation of the aorta (the largest artery in the body), the widening of the aorta at various portions, valvular disease in the heart, and central nervous system disorders may occur. Almost any tissue and organ may be involved in the late stage of this disease. Diagnosis
A. Serologic tests

87. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Gonorrhea
A discussion of the most common STDs, along with consequenses, prevention tips, and related links. Includes info about cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory
Home Main Menu STD Overview Chlamydia ... Crabs Treatment
Also known as "the clap", gonorrhea is a fairly common sexually transmitted disease . While anyone can become infected with gonorrhea, people between the ages of 15 and 29 are responsible for 75% of the reported cases. Women between the ages of 15 and 19 and men between the ages of 20 and 24 are the most at risk of becoming infected with gonorrhea. Type of Infection : Bacterial; from the Neisseria gonorrheae bacteria Mode of Transmission : Mainly through vaginal, anal and oral sex. Bacteria are transmitted through vaginal and seminal fluids. Infection can show up in the genital tract, mouth or rectum. Symptoms : Once infected, symptoms of gonorrhea can take between two and ten days to show up. In women, the cervix is usually the first site of infection. From there, the infection moves up into the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. Women are much more likely than men to be asymptomatic. If they do develop symptoms, they are likely to include: bleeding after sex, pain or burning sensation when urinating, need to urinate more frequently, vaginal discharge that is yellow or bloody, cramps, bleeding between periods, nausea or vomiting and fever. In men, gonorrhea symptoms include a puss discharge from the penis (white, yellow or green in color) accompanied by pain, burning sensation when urinating and swollen testicles. If the infection is in the rectum, symptoms will include discharge, anal itching and painful bowel movements. It is also likely that your feces will have blood in them.

88. CSHC - Gonorrhea
gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the gonococcus bacteria. Symptoms of gonorrhea generally appear two to ten days after contact with
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Gonorrhea What is it?
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the gonococcus bacteria. The gonococcus is transmitted from one person to another during very close physical contact such as vaginal, anal or oral-genital sexual intercourse. Symptoms
Symptoms of gonorrhea generally appear two to ten days after contact with an infected person. They may include: MEN:
  • white or yellow discharge from the urethra or anus. burning or pain when urinating or during a bowel movement. approximately 30% of men with gonorrhea do not have symptoms.
  • yellow vaginal discharge burning when urinating approximately 80% of women with gonorrhea do not have symptoms.
If you think you have been exposed to gonorrhea or if you have the above symptoms, see a Health Care Provider . Some other diseases have similar symptoms, but treatments are very different. Don't guess. Diagnosis
In men, diagnosis is made by microscopic examination and culture of the discharge from the penis. In women, a culture is taken from the cervix during pelvic examination. Most doctors and health clinics do not automatically test for gonorrhea, so the patient should specifically ask that such a test be done. Treatment
Cephalosporin injections are usually used to treat gonorrhea, followed by oral doxycycline. For persons allergic to these treatments, other effective antibiotics may be prescribed.

89. What Are They? - TEENS -
gonorrhea. What is it? A bacterial infection of the genital area. Symptoms, For many people, there are no symptoms. Some people may experience burning

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What Are They? Gonorrhea: What is it? A bacterial infection of the genital area. Symptoms: For many people, there are no symptoms. Some people may experience burning during urination, green or yellow discharge (from your penis or vagina), abnormal vaginal bleeding. How it's spread: Through unprotected sex. Treatment: Antibiotics for both partners. Possible Consequences: PID, arthritis, tubal pregnancy, sterility, complications during pregnancy, increased risk of HIV. Prevention: Always use a condom, you can get screened when you get a Pap smear, and see if your doctor will screen your partner, too. Human Papilloma virus (HPV) Chlamydia Genital Herpes Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) ... Syphilis Women, more than men, are much more vulnerable biologically, culturally, and socio-economically to STIs.
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90. Health Information - STIs - Gonorrhea
gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria, and is spread through oral, vaginal, or anal sex.This infection can cause serious problems, especially in
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Gonorrhea Graphic Images
Gonorrhea of the uretha with its typically thick creamy discharge. (With the permission of The American Academy of Dermatology)
Note the yellow discharge from the opening of the penis A baby's eyes infected with gonorrhea from birth

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91. SFCC :: STD Basics : Gonorrhea
gonorrhea can be transmitted to both male and female partners during vaginal, Over 1800 people in San Francisco tested positive for gonorrhea in 2003.
Chlamydia Hepatitis Herpes HIV/AIDS ... Talking to Partners GONORRHEA PHOTOS
See Graphic Images of Gonorrhea
What is gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea (gon-or-e-uh) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a type of bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoea. Gonorrhea can be transmitted to both male and female partners during vaginal, anal and oral sex from a partner infected in his or her throat, vagina, urethra or anus. Gonorrheal infections are completely curable with antibiotics. How many people in San Francisco have it?
Over 1,800 people in San Francisco tested positive for gonorrhea in 2003. While this total number represents a decrease from 2002, there was a 7% increase in male pharyngeal (throat) gonorrhea from 2002 to 2003 and a slight increase in male rectal gonorrhea among men who have sex with men. 48% of people infected were white, 18% were African-American and 12% were Latino. Over half of the adolescents diagnosed with gonorrhea were African-American youth. The gonorrheal rates for San Francisco were almost triple that of Los Angeles and the state of California as a whole. Why worry about gonorrhea?

92. Gonorrhea - Urologychannel
gonorrhea is one of the oldest STDs known to humans. gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which enters the body and multiplies
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Vaginosis Genital Warts Gonorrhea Granuloma Herpes ... Molloscum Contagiosum Crabs / Pediculosis Pubis Scabies Syphilis Trichomoniasis Find a Urologist ... Videos CONDITIONS Adrenal Cancer Bladder Cancer Bladder Control Problems BPH/Enlarged Prostate Emergencies Erectile Dysfunction Female Sexual Dysfunction Hematuria Incontinence Interstitial Cystitis Kidney Cancer ... Testosterone Deficiency Upper Tract Tumors Urethral Cancer Urinary Tract Infection Varicocele Vasectomy DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
CT Scan Cystoscopy MRI Scan TRUS/ Prostate Biopsy RESOURCES Anatomy Clinical Trials Education Glossary ... What Is a Urologist? Videos FOR DOCTORS ONLY Website Services Get Listed in MDLocator CME ABOUT US Testimonials Link to urologychannel Urologkanalen (Swedish) ... email this Overview Gonorrhea is one of the most commonly occurring STDs. It affects the mucous membranes of the urethra, cervix, rectum, mouth, throat, and eyes. Both men and women may carry the disease without experiencing symptoms. Gonorrhea frequently occurs with chlamydia/nongonoccal urethritis (NGU).

93. Virtual Naval Hospital: United States Naval Flight Surgeon Manual: Third Edition
If a patient has gonorrhea, all sex contacts are automatically assumed to be Traditionally thought of as a complication of gonorrhea, PID can be caused
United States Naval Flight Surgeon's Manual: Third Edition 1991: Chapter 11: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Naval Aerospace Medical Institute
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed Introduction
The spectrum of disease is far greater than simple "clap." Overall, up to 10 percent of men may have asymptomatic infections. Women seen in family practice and VD clinics are typically asymptomatic, but up to 90 percent of women hospitalized for gonorrhea have symptoms. However, these are typically mild and nonspecific (vaginal discharge, itching, dysuria); too often dismissed as cystitis or vaginitis. If thinking of gonorrhea, culture. Treatment
Treatment regimens may be found in Appendix A. Urethritis
Urethritis is the most common gonococcal disease. It occurs after two to eight days incubation, although occasionally as long as 18 days are required. Most cases have abrupt onset, severe dysuria, and copious purulent discharge, but mild cases occur and may mimic nongonococcal urethritis (NGU). Gram stain is positive in 85 percent of cases in men, and the presence of gram negative diplococci (GNDC) is essentially diagnostic. (The old requirement, that the GNDC be intracellular, has little validity and should be discarded). Ideally, four hours should have elapsed since the patient last urinated. Advantages of pretreatment cultures:
1. No need to obtain a repeat specimen (for culture) if the Gram stain is nondiagnostic.

94. Gonorrhea In Prepubertal Children -- Committee On Child Abuse And Neglect 101 (1
By law, all known cases of gonorrhea in children must be reported to the local health department. A report also should be made to a child protective;101/1/134

HELP E-MAIL ALERTS SEARCH A statement of retirement for this policy was published on May 1, 2005.
Abstract of this Article PDF Version of this Article Statement of Retirement Email this article to a friend Similar articles found in:
AAP Policy Online

PubMed PubMed Citation Download to Citation Manager PEDIATRICS Vol. 101 No. 1 January 1998, pp. 134-135
Gonorrhea in Prepubertal Children
Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect
References This statement updates a 1983 statement on this topic and reminds physicians that sexual abuse should be strongly considered when a gonorrheal infection is diagnosed in a child after the newborn period and before the onset of puberty. INTRODUCTION Top
Introduction References Sexual abuse should be strongly considered when a gonorrheal infection (ie, genital, rectal, oral, or ophthalmologic) is diagnosed in a child after the newborn period and before the onset of puberty.

95. List Of Species Used For Gonorrhea
Adult Health Advisor 2004.1 gonorrheagonorrhea, also known as the clap or GC, is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). gonorrhea is caused by bacteria. It is very contagious.

96. ► Gonorrhea - Female
A medical encycopedia article on the topic gonorrhea - female.
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Gonorrhea - female
Overview Symptoms Treatment Prevention Definition: Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (commonly known as "the clap") caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea . See also gonorrhea - male
Alternative Names: The clap - female
Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Gonorrhea is one of the most common infectious bacterial diseases and is most frequently transmitted during sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse and both oral and anal sex. Gonorrhea is a reportable disease and all state governments require that cases of diagnosed gonorrhea be reported to the health authorities (State Board of Health). This allows for adequate follow-up and testing of sexual contacts.
There are almost 400,000 cases of gonorrhea reported to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) each year in the United States. There are probably many cases that are treated but not reported. The total number of cases is thought to approach 1,000,000; if unreported cases are included, some estimates reach 2,000,000. A rate of 400,000 cases per year means that 1 out of every 687 Americans has gonorrhea. A rate of 2 million means that 1 in every 130 Americans are infected.
Gonorrhea is more common in large metropolitan areas, inner-city areas, populations with lower overall levels of education and people with lower socioeconomic status. Gonorrhea is most prevalent in people 15 to 29 years old. Risk factors include having multiple sexual partners, having a partner with a past history of any STD, and having unprotected sex (sex without the use of a condom).

97. SHS - Gonorrhea
gonorrhea is a bacterial disease that generally affects the genital organs. If left untreated, gonorrhea can cause abdominal, joint, bloodstream,
Description Gonorrhea is a bacterial disease that generally affects the genital organs. It is transmitted from person to person by intimate physical contact with the sex organs or the rectum of an infected person. The infection may also be present in the throat and can be transmitted orally. If left untreated, gonorrhea can cause abdominal, joint, bloodstream, and eye infections. Symptoms Men who have genital gonorrhea will usually notice a burning pain when urinating. There is often a discharge of pus from the penis. These symptoms generally appear two to six days after contact with an infected person, but the symptoms may be delayed as long as 30 days after infection. A considerable number of men who contract gonorrhea experience no apparent symptoms. Most women with genital gonorrhea do not notice obvious symptoms such as burning during urination or increased vaginal discharge. Both men and women may have rectal irritation, and discharge may occur. Gonorrhea infection of the throat may result in a sore throat, or slight hoarseness. A presumptive diagnosis of gonorrhea can be established by a simple smear test if the infection is present in the male urethra. Gonorrhea in the female genital organs, or in the male or female rectum or the throat is confirmed by laboratory culture tests.

98. Gonorrhea
gonorrhea should be treated with ceftriaxone 125mg im, Treat sexual partners of patients exposed to gonorrhea with the same antibiotic regimens (you may
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7.05 Gonorrhea (Clap)
A young man may present with symptoms of urethritis (dysuria, discharge), or perhaps prostatitis (low back pain) or epididymitis (scrotal pain). A young woman may have cervicitis or pelvic infection (low abdominal pain, dysuria, discharge). Both sexes may present with gonococcal proctitis (rectal pain, rectal discharge, tenesmus) or pharyngitis.
What to do:
  • Obtain a sexual history and look for rash, arthritis, tenosynovitis, perihepatitis, or pain on moving the cervix. These are signs of disseminated infection, which may require a longer course of treatment or hospital admission.
  • Gram stain any discharge or exudate and examine for gram- negative diplococci ingested by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which corroborate the diagnosis of gonorrhea (their absence does not rule out the possibility).
  • Culture the throat, urethra, cervix, anuswherever the patient is symptomatic or exposed, according to the history. To avoid killing the organism, use a special transport medium or plate immediately on room-temperature Thayer-Martin medium which will be incubated soon.
  • With female patients send a urine or blood test to rule out pregnancy.

99. Teen Health Website, Nova Scotia
They are all names for gonorrhea, a common STD which, if not treated early, As with chlamydia, a pregnant woman wit h gonorrhea can pass the germ on to

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STI information Safer sex Using condoms Visiting a clinic/doctor HIV and AIDS ... Glossary of terms Infections include: Balanitis Bacterial vaginosis Chlamydia Crabs / Pubic lice ... Thrush lllllllll
What is it?
You've probably heard of "the clap" or "a dose" or "a drip." They are all names for gonorrhea, a common STD which, if not treated early, can cause serious problems, especially for women. As with chlamydia, a pregnant woman wit h gonorrhea can pass the germ on to her baby's eyes during birth, possibly causing serious eye infection. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics.
What are the signs and symptoms?

They are all names for gonorrhea, a common STD which, if not treated early, If you catch gonorrhea, you may not have noticed any symptoms.
What is it?
You've probably heard of "the clap" or "a dose" or "a drip." They are all names for gonorrhea, a common STD which, if not treated early, can cause serious problems, especially for women. As with chlamydia , a pregnant woman wit h gonorrhea can pass the germ on to her baby's eyes during birth, possibly causing serious eye infection. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics.
What are the signs and symptoms?
If you catch gonorrhea, you may not have noticed any symptoms. If you do, they will likely appear from three to five days after having sex. With or without symptoms, you can pass the germ on to others during sex. This is what to look for:
  • a new or different discharge from the vagina
  • a burning feeling when urinating
  • pain in your abdomen, sometimes with fever and chills
  • pain during sex
  • a discharge from the penis, which may be thick, creamy and yellow-green in colour
  • a burning feeling when urinating
  • pain or swelling of the testicles
You can get and spread gonorrhea through oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Anal symptoms may include pain, discharge and bleeding from the anus.
What can it do to me?

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