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81. HealthCyberMap: Nutritional And Metabolic Diseases And Immunity Disorders Resource Title Gaucher disease Glucocerebrosidase Deficiency. Incl. Gaucher disease Type 1; Type 2 (Acute); Type 3 (Subacute/Chronic); PerinatalLethal http://healthcybermap.semanticweb.org/bodyviewer/nutritional.asp?Page=2 |
82. Gaucher Disease - Gastonia, North Carolina Gaucher disease Gastonia, North Carolina - courtesy of CaroMont Health. http://www.caromont.org/11784.cfm | |
83. Www.jewish.com Gaucher disease Webpage and Resources http//www.gaucherdisease.org/. This site provides important information about Gaucher disease with weblinks and http://www.jewish.com/page.php?do=page&cat_id=229 |
84. Treatment Of Lysosomal Storage Disorders -- Mehta Et Al. 327 (7413): 462 -- BMJ An oral treatment for Gaucher s disease (Zavesca, Miglustat, Actelion, A novel treatment of Gaucher s disease with nbutyldeoxynojirimycin (OGT 918) to http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/327/7413/462 | |
85. Gaucher's Disease - Ceredase/Cerezyme Enzyme therapy in type 1 Gaucher disease comparative efficacy of mannoseterminated glucocerebrosidase from natural and recombinant sources. http://www.arif.bham.ac.uk/requests/g/gaucher.htm | |
86. Healthfinder® Gaucher's Disease A general overview of Gaucher s disease that includes a description of the disorder, and treatment, prognosis and research information. http://www.healthfinder.gov/Scripts/ShowDocDetail.asp?doc=778&lang=1 |
87. Alglucerase (Ceredase And Cerezyme) For Gaucher Disease, 317 We cover alglucerase therapy for Type 1 Gaucher disease1 Cardiopulmonary Gaucher disease, including pulmonary hypertension; Thrombocytopenia platelets http://www.bcbsma.com/common/en_US/hresource/317.jsp |
88. Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease - Special Educational Needs Great Ormond Street Hospital for children NHS Trust, patient and family information, factsheets. http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/factsheets/families/F040901/page5.html | |
89. Understanding Gaucher Bones Everyone s bones, whether they have Gaucher disease or not, However in women with Gaucher disease, their bones may suffer additional loss. http://www.gauchersoutheast.com/bones.html | |
90. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Gaucher disease is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder in which The symptoms and physical findings associated with Gaucher disease vary greatly from http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Gaucher Disea |
91. Gaucher Disease Topic - Unified Search Environment Gaucher disease Topic Tree Gaucher disease MSH/MH/D005776 DXP/DI/U000704 MSH/EN/D005776 Gaucher disease Histiocytosis MastCell Sarcoma. http://www.use.hcn.com.au/portals/shared/subject.`Gaucher Disease`/home.html | |
92. Pathoindia Case 31 It looks like Gaucher s disease. The best hint is in the 100X Unfortunately, Gaucher cells are common in any disease with a high cell turnover (eg, AML, http://www.pathoindia.com/case31.html | |
93. Geneticalliance.org National Gaucher Foundation Gaucher disease Symptoms National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Gaucher disease eMedicine - Gaucher disease http://www.geneticalliance.org/ws_display.asp?filter=resources_by_disease&keywor |
94. Gaucher Disease Synonyms, Eastern Carolina Gaucher disease Synonyms University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina serves tarboro, ahoskie, edento, winsor, maxhead, dear county, outebanks counties http://www.uhseast.com/112969.cfm | |
95. Case Study 12 ANSWERS 1. C 2. C Discussion Gaucher S Disease Is Gaucher s disease is the most prevalent lysosomal storage disorder and is Type II (acute neuronopathic) Gaucher s disease presents in infancy and is http://wwwpathnet.medsch.ucla.edu/educ/lecture/pathrev/casestudy/case12/case12a. | |
96. Bombay Hospital Journal - Case Reports Storage cells in spleen are known to occur in Gaucher s disease.2 Ultrastructurally Gaucher s cells show cytoplasmic inclusion with smooth walled tubules. http://bhj.org/journal/2005_4701_jan/html/case_Gaucher.htm | |
97. Gaucher's Disease - Patient UK Gaucher s disease. They have not been checked to see if Gaucher s disease is included but these large sites are comprehensive. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/312/ | |
98. Curriculum Vitae: Samuel H. Doppelt, M.D. Gaucher s disease; pathophysiology of bone loss in Gaucher s disease; infusion therapy Evaluation of Gaucher s disease Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. http://www.fda.gov/cber/advisory/bp/doppelt.htm | |
99. Rarelink.net - Diagnoselisten Gaucher Disease Type III Du er her Hjem Diagnoselisten Gaucher disease type III Gaucher Foreningen i Danmark Morbus Gaucherföreningen http://www.rarelink.no/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=93 |
100. Rarelink.net - Diagnoselisten Gaucher Disease Type III (Morbus Du er her Hjem Diagnoselisten Gaucher disease type III (Morbus Gaucher) Gaucher Foreningen i Danmark Morbus Gaucherföreningen http://www.rarelink.no/diagnosedetail.jsp?diagnoseId=93&synonymId=162 |
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