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         Familial Spastic Paralysis:     more detail

41. Neurology -- Sign In Page
A form of familial presenile dementia with spastic paralysis (including thepathological examination of a case). Brain 1940;63237–254. Plant GT, Revesz T,
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Verkkoniemi et al. Neurology.
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42. Spastic
3. a person exhibiting spasticity, such as occurs in spastic paralysis or incerebral palsy. (references) familial paraparesis spastic
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.
Definition: Spastic
. Relating to or characterized by spasm; "a spastic colon"; "spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy". . Suffering from spastic paralysis; "a spastic child". . Affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; resembling a spasm; "convulsive motions"; "his body made a spasmodic jerk"; "spastic movements".
. A person suffering from spastic paralysis. Source: WordNet 1.7.1
Date "spastic" was first used: references Etymology: Websters 1913
Specialty Definition: Spastic
Domain Definition
1. of the nature of or characterized by spasms. 2. hypertonic, so that the muscles are stiff and the movements awkward. 3. a person exhibiting spasticity, such as occurs in spastic paralysis or in cerebral palsy. ( references
Relating or referring to spasm; affected with spasm; characterized by a spasm or spasms. Source: European Union. references Relating or belonging to spasm; produced by spasm; one affected with spasticity. Source: European Union.

43. *606352 ALSIN
Among 201 patients with familial, sporadic, or earlyonset ALS, Hand et al. In a patient with infantile-onset ascending spastic paralysis (607225),[omim-ID:606352] -e

44. New Gene For Rare Inherited Paralysis May Aid Other Spinal Cord Research, Too
sometimes called familial spastic paraparesis or StrumpellLorain disease . Support groups and a new spastic Paraplegia Foundation bring patients and
Public release date: 25-Sep-2003
E-mail Article

Contact: Kara Gavin

University of Michigan Health System
New gene for rare inherited paralysis may aid other spinal cord research, too
ANN ARBOR, MI – A single mutation in a single gene is enough to slowly rob people of their ability to walk, scientists from the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania report today. And while the inherited defect itself is rare, its discovery may help researchers unravel the mysteries of much more common paralyzing conditions, from spinal cord injury to Lou Gehrig's disease. In a paper published online today in the American Journal of Human Genetics, and scheduled for the journal's October issue, the U-M and Penn team describes a new gene, called NIPA1, for a form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, or HSP. HSP is the name given to a group of disorders affecting about 20,000 Americans. HSP gradually disables its victims as long nerve cells in the spinal cord degenerate and muscles weaken and become spastic. It is often misdiagnosed as other nerve disorders, including multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also called Lou Gehrig's disease). There is no cure for HSP, which is also sometimes called familial spastic paraparesis or Strumpell-Lorain disease. Treatment is limited to physical therapy and exercise to help retain as much muscle function as possible, drug treatment to tame spastic muscle movements, and medication to treat patients' bladder and bowel control problems, and depression.

45. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, see familial periodic p. spastic paralysis,paralysis marked by spasticity of the muscles of the paralyzed part and

46. TWS Patienteninfo
Translate this page o FSP = familial spastic paraplegia o HSP = Hereditary spastic paraplegia o SPG =spastic paraplegia o SSP = spastic spinal paralysis
ACHTUNG: Eine sehr patientenfreundliche, weil leicht verständliche Darstellung der Erkrankung finden Sie hier Geschichte der Erkrankung Im Jahre 1880 beschrieb der Heidelberger Neurologe A. Struempell Namen der Erkrankung o Struempellsche Krankheit
o Struempell-Lorrain-Krankheit
o Erb-Charcot-Krankheit o Spastische Spinalparalyse
o Diplegia spinalis progressiva
o Spastische Paraplegie o FSP = Familial spastic paraplegia
o HSP = Hereditary spastic paraplegia
o SPG = Spastic paraplegia
o SSP = Spastic spinal paralysis Einteilung und Klassifizierung Genetik
Als 1998 die Tom Wahlig Stiftung gegründet wurde, war noch kein die FSP verursachendes Gen bekannt. Inzwischen gibt es mehr als 27 Genorte und 10 (Stand 1/05) bekannte Gene. Die grosse Hoffnung aller Betroffenen, durch Entdeckung des Gens und dessen genaue Beschreibung incl. aller möglichen Mutationen sei man der kausalen Therapie nahe gerückt, hat sich leider nicht erfüllt. Vielmehr versuchen namhafte Wissenschaftler- Teams (siehe auch unsere Förderprojekte ) herauszufinden, was eine bestimmte Gen- Mutation in der Zelle tut und wieso es dadurch in bestimmten Fällen zu der bekannten Degeneration des 1. Neurons kommt. Das geschieht zunächst "nur" im Labor (in vitro) aber auch an Maus- oder Fliegenmodellen (in vivo). Dem Betroffenen bleibt im Moment nur das "Prinzip Hoffnung".

47. General Search
FSP familial spastic paraparesis Hereditary progressive spastic paraplegia spastic gait spastic paraplegia spastic Spinal paralysis spasticity
Test Names for Keyword(s) Test Name Code Synonyms ABCC8 (CH) DNA Sequencing Test
Alzheimer's Evaluation
Apolipoprotien E
ADmark Alzheimer's Dementia Presenilin-1 PS-1 Amyloidosis Evaluation (TTR) ATTR Familial Amyloid Cardiomyopathy Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (FAP) Transthyretin (TTR) Amyloidosis Aprataxin DNA Sequencing Test Ataxia ARX DNA Sequencing Test Abnormal genitalia Agenesis of the corpus callosum Autistic features Infantile spasms Seizures Atlastin (SPG3A) DNA Sequencing Test Diplegia spinalis progressiva FSD - French Settlement Disease FSP - familial spastic paraparesis Hereditary progressive spastic paraplegia HSP - hereditary spastic paraparesis Spastic gait Spastic paraplegia Spastic Spinal Paralysis Spasticity SSP - Spastic spinal paralysis Strümpell Disease or Strümpell-Lorrain-Disease Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome (AIRE) Evaluation APS Type 1 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) Autosomal Dominant Ataxia Evaluation Ataxia Ataxia Profile SCA Botulinum Toxin Type A Antibody Test Botox Calpain 3 DNA Sequencing Test Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Evaluation HMSN Median neuropathy Chorea Differential Evaluation HD Huntington's chorea Chromosome Analysis - Routine Congenital abnormality Downs Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Dysmorphism Edward Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

48. Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL
The clinical and genetic spectrum of familial spastic paraparesis (FSP) continues to HOLMES G. Family spastic paralysis associated with amyotrophy.
Sorry, the URL specified, , is invalid.

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49. Spastic
Medline NLM definition paralysis of the legs and lower part of the body.PubMed search on spastic paraplegia familial spastic Paraplegia Support Group
Spastic paraplegia Patient Support Information
Medline NLM definition:
paralysis of the legs and lower part of the body.
PubMed search on spastic paraplegia
Hereditary spastic paraplegia
factsheet: National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Support Groups
Familial Spastic Paraplegia Support Group

FSP Group Secretary, 18 Tainter's Brook, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1UQ, England
Provides information and advice, runs a telephone helpline.
204 West 84th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA
Outside the US, Tel: 212-241-8567
Fax: 212-987-7363 Email: Excellent website on movement disorders. Includes: Information on disorders and treatment; Answers to FAQ's; An international listing of support and advocacy organizations and links to their web sites; A schedule of regional and national support group events; Web chats; News on the latest research; Links to other sites of interest and affinity groups.

50. Linkage Of 'pure' Autosomal Recessive Familial Spastic Paraplegia To Chromosome
Infantile ascending hereditary spastic paralysis (IAHSP) Clinical features in 11 Genetic localization of a new locus for recessive familial spastic
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Request Permissions PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Hentati, A. Articles by Siddique, T.
Linkage of 'pure' autosomal recessive familial spastic paraplegia to chromosome 8 markers and evidence of genetic locus heterogeneity
A Hentati, MA Pericak-Vance, WY Hung, S Belal, N Laing, RM Boustany, F Hentati, M Ben Hamida and T Siddique
Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 60611. 'Pure' familial spastic paraplegias (FSP) are neurodegenerative disorders that are clinically characterized by progressive spasticity of the lower limbs and are inherited as autosomal dominant (DFSP) or autosomal recessive (RFSP) traits. The primary defect in FSP is unknown. Genetic linkage

51. Linkage Of A New Locus For Autosomal Dominant Familial Spastic Paraplegia To Chr
Autosomal dominant familial spastic paraplegia (ADFSP) is a genetically Infantile ascending hereditary spastic paralysis (IAHSP) Clinical features in
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Request Permissions PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Hazan, J. Articles by Agid, Y.
Linkage of a new locus for autosomal dominant familial spastic paraplegia to chromosome 2p
J Hazan, B Fontaine, RP Bruyn, C Lamy, JC van Deutekom, CS Rime, A Durr, J Melki, O Lyon-Caen and Y Agid
Unite de Genetique Moleculaire Humaine, CNRS URA 1445, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Autosomal dominant familial spastic paraplegia (AD-FSP) is a genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a spasticity of the lower limbs. A locus causing AD-FSP (FSP1) has been previously mapped to chromosome 14q. We now report linkage of a second AD-FSP locus (FSP2) to

52. Search Results For Spastic Paralysis - Encyclopædia Britannica
Sleeping sickness is characterized by familial periodic paralysis Expand your search on spastic paralysis with these databases paralysis&submit=Find&source=MWTE

53. Search Results For Spastic Paralysis - Encyclopædia Britannica
More results on spastic paralysis when you join. respiratory muscles andparalysis; fatal within 2 to 5 years of onset; one type, familial ALS, is . paralysis&fuzzy=N&ct=eb&iq=10&sta

54. Motor Syndromes
WorsterDrought syndrome Congenital suprabulbar paralysis ALS2 Mutation inanother region of alsin gene; familial spastic paraparesis, infantile onset

Search Index Links ... Patient Info
Differential diagnosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


ALS variants

Primary lateral sclerosis
Western Pacific ALS

Lower extremity, benign
Monomelic Diabetic amyotrophy Hand weakness ... Insulinoma Mitochondrial: Motor Neuron Disorders Hereditary Bulbar Lower motor neuron Upper motor neuron ... Symmetric Motor Neuropathy Distal IgM vs GM1 ganglioside IgM vs GalNAc-GD1a ganglioside Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) ... Painful Paraneoplastic Lymphoma Breast Poliomyelitis Post-polio syndrome ... Spinal muscular atrophy : Hereditary SMN (5q) Androgen Receptor (Bulbar SMA) Distal SMA Hexosaminidase A (Tay-Sachs) ... Toxic From Bramwell: Atlas of Clinical Medicine ALS with Bulbar involvement
Motor Neuron Disorders: Differential Diagnoses

55. 1996-2003 Revisions
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis LGMD General features Nemaline rods spastic paraparesis familial Type II muscle fiber atrophy

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July 2005
Acid maltase deficiency


Dystrophin mutations

Episodic ataxia
mtDNA depletion

Parathyroid disease

Tubular aggregates

May 2005
Congenital MD Goldberg-Shprintzen Myosin-loss myopathy Myotubularin: Carriers Pathology IBM Index Muscle DDx Myosin-loss ... SMN protein SPG: General principles Subperineurial clear space Pathology Thiamine deficiency June 2005 ATPases Disorders ATP sensitive K channels ... CFEOM CMTX: Type 5 Disc disease: Familial LHON Multiple myeloma Myasthenic syndrome ... Sarcocystis March 2005 CMT 4A CMT 4H Complex regional pain Cores: Pathology Danon disease: Pathology LGMD + Retardation Marine (channel) toxins Brevetoxin ... Palytoxin Multicore Pathology Syndromes SPG 28 April 2005 Cerebellar ataxia, recessive Childhood onset Early onset with DTRs Joubert syndromes CMT 1X: Variant syndromes Diabetes Autonomic neuropathy Distal myopathy Dystrobrevins PEO: Dominant Sarcotubular myopathy Spastic paraparesis Optic atrophy + PN Syntrophins SRP myopathy: Pathology January 2005 Ataxia + Upgaze palsy Central hypoventilation CMT: DIB Congenital MD Ullrich Diabetic neuropathy LGMD 1G Myofibrillar myopathy ZASP Myotonic dystrophy DM1 mechanisms Porphyria SPG 3A SPG 26 ... Tethered cord Wallet websites Printable versions February 2005 CK High CMT IA Fasciitis Eosinophilic Spanish toxic oil Gap junctions Lymphoma ... SPG 6 November 2004 ARVD Brachial neuropathies Central core CMT 2L ... Desmin FSH: Pathology Intermediate filaments LGMD 2A Muscle pathology ... Neurofibroma Rod myopathy Nebulin SCA 18 Schwannoma Scleroderma ... Thymoma December 2004

familial Periodic paralysis. familial Polyposis. familial spastic Paraparesis.familial Tremor. Family Health. Family Planning. Famine Fever
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The names were derived from the specific illness/disease source directories. Therefore, there are some variations in the names. When ordering a list of URLs for your illness/disease, where possible, include the general usage, technical, acronym, and/or abbreviation names. Fabry Disease Facelifts Facet Degeneration (Low Back Pain) Facet Joint Problems Facial and Head Injuries Facial Asymmetry Facial Dermatoses Facial Hemiatrophy Facial Infection Facial Injuries (Cheek, Chin, or Jaw) Facial Injury: First Aid Facial Nerve Paralysis Facial Nerve Problems Facial Nerve Weakness or Paralysis (Bell's Palsy) Facial Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux) Facial Pain Facial Pain and Sinus Pain Facial Palsy Facial Paralysis Facial Tics Facioscapulohumeral Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (Landouzy-Dejerine) Facio-Scapulo-Humeral-Muscular D. Factitious Disorders Factitious Hyperthyroidism Factitous Disorder Factor II Deficiency Factor IX Deficiency Factor IX Hemophilia Factor V Deficiency Factor VII Deficiency Factor VIII Deficiency Hemophilia Factor X Deficiency Factor XII (Hageman Factor) Deficiency Factor XIII Deficiency Fahr's Disease Fahr's Syndrome Failure failure to thrive Fainting Fainting and Dizziness Fainting- What Causes It Fainting: Action Fainting: First Aid Fairbank Disease Falciparum Malaria Fall Allergies Fallopian Tube Fallopian tube procedures [in Infertility] Fallot's Tetrology Falls Falls and Hip Fractures Falls, Old Age

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familial Non Hemolytic Non Obstructive Jaundice. familial Periodic paralysis.familial Polyposis. familial spastic Paraparesis. familial Tremor
Directory Index HealthMedNet Example Report Request Form Directory Index ... DataBase Note:
The names were derived from the specific illness/disease source directories. Therefore, there are some variations in the names. When ordering a list of URLs for your illness/disease, where possible, include the general usage, technical, acronym, and/or abbreviation names. Fabry Disease Facelifts Facet Degeneration (Low Back Pain) Facet Joint Problems Facial and Head Injuries Facial Asymmetry Facial Dermatoses Facial Hemiatrophy Facial Infection Facial Injuries (Cheek, Chin, or Jaw) Facial Injury: First Aid Facial Nerve Paralysis Facial Nerve Problems Facial Nerve Weakness or Paralysis (Bell's Palsy) Facial Neuralgia (Tic Douloureux) Facial Pain Facial Pain and Sinus Pain Facial Palsy Facial Paralysis Facial Tics Facioscapulohumeral Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (Landouzy-Dejerine) Facio-Scapulo-Humeral-Muscular D. Factitious Disorders Factitious Hyperthyroidism Factitous Disorder Factor II Deficiency Factor IX Deficiency Factor IX Hemophilia Factor V Deficiency Factor VII Deficiency Factor VIII Deficiency Hemophilia Factor X Deficiency Factor XII (Hageman Factor) Deficiency Factor XIII Deficiency Fahr's Disease Fahr's Syndrome Failure failure to thrive Fainting Fainting and Dizziness Fainting- What Causes It Fainting: Action Fainting: First Aid Fairbank Disease Falciparum Malaria Fall Allergies Fallopian Tube Fallopian tube procedures [in Infertility] Fallot's Tetrology Falls Falls and Hip Fractures Falls, Old Age

58. Infantile-Onset Ascending Hereditary Spastic Paralysis Is Associated With Mutati
Rare familial forms with a dominant or recessive pattern of transmission have All patients presented a severe spastic paralysis with an infantile onset

59. Brain And Nervous System - Genetics Home Reference
Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis, familial see von HippelLindau syndrome spastic Paraplegia see infantile-onset ascending hereditary spastic paralysis
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Brain and nervous system
The brain and nervous system form a complex network of signals that carry information (in the form of electrical impulses) to and from the body. Several disorders that directly affect the nervous system have a genetic component.

60. Scope Of Work
Variants of familial spastic Paraplegia Hereditary spastic Paraplegia with Primary hyperkalemic periodic paralysis Paramyotonia congenita
Index of Diseases
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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
High-Altitude sickness
Hypercapnic pulmonary disease
Hypoglycemic encephalopathy
Hepatic stupor and coma (hepatic or portal-systemic encephalopathy)
Uremic encephalopathy
Encephalopathy associated with sepsis and burns
Disorders of sodium, potassium and water balance Central pontine myelinolysis Chronic acquired (Non-Wilsonian) hepatocerebral degeneration Kernicterus Hypoparathyroidism Cerebellar ataxia associated with myxedema Effects of Hyperthermia on the Cerebellum Cerebellar syndromes associated with celiac-sprue and Jejunoileal bypass Cushing disease and corticosteroid psychoses Thyroid encephalopathies Pancreatic encephalopathy

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