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         Factor V Leiden:     more detail
  1. Stroke after Marijuana smoking in a teenager with factor V Leiden mutation.(Brief Article): An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Mark A. Marinella, 2001-12-01
  2. Estrogen use with factor V Leiden not advised.(Women's Health)(Clinical report): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Colin Nelson, 2006-08-15
  3. Factor V Leiden genetic variant in an American Indian population.(COMMUNICATIONS--PROFESSIONAL): An article from: Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science by Melanie Nadeau, Sheri T. Dorsam, et all 2007-04-01
  4. Genetic Polymorphisms: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, 5-Httlpr, Factor V Leiden, Rs6265, Rs6313, Rs6295, Rs5569, Rs6311, Rs6314, Rs7997012
  5. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms: Factor V Leiden, Rs6265, Rs6313, Rs6295, Rs5569, Rs6311, Rs6314, Rs7997012, Rs1805054, Rs4680, Rs1801133
  6. Factor V Leiden thrombophilia: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Dawn, MS, CGC Jacob, 2005
  7. Blood Proteins: Hemoglobin, Hemocyanin, Glycated Hemoglobin, Haptoglobin, Human Serum Albumin, Fibrin, Factor V Leiden
  8. Factor V Leiden as a common genetic risk factor for venous thromboembolism.(Genomics to Health): An article from: Journal of Nursing Scholarship by McDonald K., III Horne, Donna Jo McCloskey, 2006-03-22
  9. Factor V Leiden

81. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Utility Of Factor V Leiden
Full text of the article, Clinical utility of factor v leiden (R506Q) testing for the diagnosis and management of thromboembolic disorders from Archives
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IN free articles only all articles this publication Automotive Sports 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine. FindArticles Nov 2002
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10,000,000 articles Not found on any other search engine. Featured Titles for
AAACN Viewpoint
ABNF Journal, The AIDS Treatment News AMAA Journal ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Clinical utility of factor V Leiden (R506Q) testing for the diagnosis and management of thromboembolic disorders Nov 2002 by Press, Richard D Bauer, Kenneth A Kujovich, Jody L Heit, John A
Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. * Objective.-To review the current state of the art regarding the role of the clinical laboratory in diagnostic testing for the factor V Leiden (FVL) thrombophilic mutation (and other protein C resistance disorders), and to generate, through literature reviews and opinions of recognized thought-leaders, expert consensus recommendations on methodology and diagnostic, prognostic, and management issues pertaining to clinical FVL testing. Data Sources, Extraction, and Synthesis.-An initial thorough review of the medical literature and of current best clinical practices by a panel of 4 experts followed by a consensus conference review, editing, and ultimate approval by the majority of a panel of 28 additional coagulation laboratory experts.

82. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Detection Of Factor V Leiden And Pr
Full text of the article, Detection of factor v leiden and prothrombin gene mutations in patients who died with thrombotic events A retrospective
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IN free articles only all articles this publication Automotive Sports 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine. FindArticles Oct 2002
Content provided in partnership with
10,000,000 articles Not found on any other search engine. Featured Titles for
AAACN Viewpoint
ABNF Journal, The AIDS Treatment News AMAA Journal ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Detection of factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutations in patients who died with thrombotic events: A retrospective allele-specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction study Oct 2002 by Ranguelov, Rostislav D Rosenthal, Nancy Bromley, Christine Vasef, Mohammad A
Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. A Retrospective Allele-Specific Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Study * Context-Individuals with factor V or prothrombin gene mutations are at increased risk for thrombotic events. Furthermore, the risk of recurrent deep venous thrombosis in heterozygous carriers of both factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutations is high enough that some investigators suggest lifelong warfarin prophylaxis for these individuals, even with a single spontaneous thrombotic event.

83. Factor V Leiden
Met erfelijkheid heeft iedereen te maken. Het Erfocentrum heeft informatie voor mensen die meer willen weten over een bepaalde erfelijke ziekte of

Factor V Leiden Synoniem
APC resistentie Korte beschrijving
Factor V Leiden is een aangeboren en erfelijke bloedstollingziekte. Door Factor V Leiden blijft het bloed stollen. De factor V in het bloed is afwijkend. Daardoor kan het APC niet functioneren. APC betekent: geactiveerd Proteïne C. Het APC heeft een taak bij het stoppen van de bloedstolling. Als iemand een wondje heeft komt daar door bloedstolling een korstje op. Eerst vormt zich een voorlopig afdeklaagje. Aan dit afdeklaagje hechten zich stoffen, onder andere factor V. Factor V heeft de functie de bloedstolling te stoppen zodra het korstje stevig genoeg is. Maar bij ongevoeligheid voor APC (APC resistentie) reageert Factor V te langzaam op de werking van APC. Daardoor wordt het bloed te stolbaar. Stolseltjes kunnen vervolgens aangroeien en ergens in het lichaam een verstopping in de bloedbaan veroorzaken. Dit leidt tot trombose. Trombose komt vaak voor in de bloedvaten van de benen. Trombose kan ook op andere plaatsen in het lichaam voorkomen. Als het in de longen optreedt is er sprake van longembolie. Sommige situaties verhogen de kans dat Factor V Leiden opspeelt. Zoals het gebruik van de anticonceptiepil, zwangerschap, roken of te weinig bewegen.

84. AMWA : The Role Of Factor V Leiden Mutation In Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Thrombophilias such as factor v leiden mutation may be responsible for a portion of the unexplained cases. In recent years, a number of studies have reached

85. Fatal Dural Sinus Thrombosis Associated With Heterozygous Factor V Leiden And A
Laboratory studies showed heterozygous factor v leiden by polymerase chain The combination of a heterozygous factor v leiden mutation and a short aPTT

86. Venous Thromboembolism: Factor V Leiden And The Oral Contraceptives Increased Th
Venous thromboembolism factor v leiden and the oral contraceptives increased the factor v leiden mutation, 35, 6, 9.3 (3.6 to 24.1), 574 (206 to 1830)
Venous thromboembolism: factor V Leiden and the oral contraceptives increased the risk
Clinical bottom line (level 3b)
  • The risk of venous thromboembolism in healthy women aged 15-49 was very small (0.02%). Oral contraceptives independently increased the risk (NNF = 940 for 5 years) Factor V Leiden independently increased the risk (NNF = 570 for 5 years)
  • Vanderbroucke et al: Lancet 1994; 344: 1453-1457
    Expires September 2003 The study Case-control study with objective outcomes, adjusted for confounding factors, not validated in an independent set of patients.
    Setting: anticoagulation clinic, Holland; 1988-93
    155 patients (aged mean 35y (range 15y to 49y), first episode of venous thromboembolism
    Excluded if
    • malignant disease pregnant or peripeurperal recent miscarriage

    • Cases: 155 patients (% , mean age ): cases of first VTE
      Controls: 155 patients (% , mean age ): friends, relatives or acquaintances matched for age

    87. Leven Met Factor V Leiden
    Leven met factor v leiden (antistolling, antistollingsbehandeling, anti-stollingsmedicatie, anti-stollingsmedicijnen, antistollingsmiddel,
    ... Startpagina Factor V Leiden 7. Leven met Factor V Leiden Factor V leiden is geen ziekte. Het is een stollingsafwijking waarbij je een verhoogde kans hebt op trombose. De mate waarin Factor V Leiden invloed op je leven heeft, kan sterk verschillen. Sommigen merken er niets van, anderen worden er dagelijks mee geconfronteerd. Om klachten tot een minimum te beperken hebben wij een paar tips voor je bij elkaar gezet. Direct hieronder tref je algemene tips aan. Bovenaan kies je uit specifieke onderwerpen, maar kijk ook eens bij: Algemene tips:
    • Meldt bij iedere arts dat je Factor V Leiden hebt en of je anti-stollingsmedicijnen gebruikt. Dit is namelijk belangrijk als je geopereerd moet worden. Ook is het nodig je tandarts op de hoogte te brengen van het gebruik van anti-stollingsmedicijnen. Bij het trekken van kiezen of tanden kan hij dan in overleg met de trombosedienst je medicatie tijdelijk laten aanpassen.
    • Draag een medische kaart of SOS Ketting bij je waarin je medicatie staat vermeld.
    • Zorg ervoor dat je bloed goed kan circuleren. Knellende kleding of een houding waarbij je de bloedcirculatie belemmert, moet je vermijden. Denk bijvoorbeeld ook:

    88. Startpagina Factor V Leiden
    Startpagina factor v leiden (factor v leiden, fvl, stollingsafwijkingen, trombose, )
    ... Index Index A B C D E ... Z A Academisch Ziekenhuis Leiden Factor V (Stollingsfactoren) Accelerine VI Stollingsfactoren (Stollingsafwijkingen) Acenocoumarol Verschil Marcoumar / Sintrom (Medicatie) ACL Anti-fosofolipiden-syndroom (Lupus Anticoagulans (LAC)) Actieve factoren Stollingsfactoren en hun route (Stollingsafwijkingen) Ademhalingsmoeilijkheden Longembolie (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Aderen Bloedproppen bij kinderen (Nieuws) Post Trombotisch Syndroom (Trombose) Aderontsteking Trombose (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Aderverwijding Spataderen (Trombose) Aminozuur (Hyper)homocysteïne / HCC (Overige stollingsafwijkingen) Aminozuur methionine (Hyper)homocysteïne / HCC (Overige stollingsafwijkingen) Aminozuurgehalte (Hyper)homocysteïne / HCC (Overige stollingsafwijkingen) Angiografie Longembolie (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Angst Stoppen met Antistollingsmedicatie (Medicatie) Anti fosfolipiden Antibody Syndroom Anti-fosofolipiden-syndroom (Lupus Anticoagulans (LAC)) Antibiotica Medicatie (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Anticardiolipide antibody Anti-fosofolipiden-syndroom (Lupus Anticoagulans (LAC)) Anticoagulantia Medicatie (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Anticonceptie Anticonceptie (Leven met Factor V Leiden) Erfelijkheid (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Factor V (Stollingsfactoren) Orale anticonceptie (de pil) (Situaties waarin je risico loopt om trombose te krijgen) Roken (Situaties waarin je risico loopt om trombose te krijgen) anticonceptiepil Anticonceptie (Leven met Factor V Leiden) Erfelijkheid (Startpagina Factor V Leiden) Minder vrouwen kiezen pil (Nieuws)

    89. Factor V Leiden Syndrome
    factor v leiden Thrombophilia is the most common inherited disorder of blood clotting.
    Report Broken Links Exchange Banners Contact Us Factor V Leiden Syndrome See I.B.I.S in English Spanish Russian Ukranian Search
    Factor V Leiden Syndrome
    Abstract Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia is the most common inherited disorder of blood clotting. It is the result of a specific mutation in the gene for factor V which leads to increased risk for clots in the large veins of the legs (deep venous thrombosis), or clots that travel though the bloodstream and embed in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). It is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. If a person inherits one copy of the mutated gene, he or she has a 2 to 8 times risk (2 to 8 in 1,000) for developing clots. If a person inherits two copies of the factor V Leiden mutation, the risk increases up to 80 times (80 in 1,000). It is estimated that three to eight per cent of the Caucasian population and 1.2 percent of the African-American population in the U.S. carry one copy of the gene and about 1 in 1000 Caucasians have two copies of the gene. Testing: DNA analysis of the Factor V gene.

    90. Gradipore Factor V Leiden Assay
    rainbow scientific is a five year old mecial diagnostics company based in Windsor CT that markets, sells, and distributes stateof-the-art products in the
    Products Gradipore GradiLeiden V
    A simple functional Screening Test for Factor V (Leiden)
    Factor V Leiden and APC resistance The Factor V (Leiden) mutation has been identified as the most important underlying cause of hereditary thrombophilia. This mutation in clotting factor V confers resistance to normal proteolytic cleavage by activated protein C (APC), resulting in impaired function of an important regulatory mechanism in the clotting process. Factor V Leiden has traditionally been first detected by screening tests using addition of exogenous APC to patient plasma in an APTT test, where the clotting time for normal patients is prolonged, while individuals with a mutation in Factor V exhibit shorter clotting time results. However the mutation can also be detected by a Dilute-Russell's Viper Venom Time (DRVVT) based test. The DRVVT method avoids limitations inherent in the APTT based method, which requires a normal baseline APTT and may be affected by high concentrations of Factor VIII, Lupus Anticoagulant and anticoagulant therapy. The use of a DRVVT test also eliminates the requirement to pre-dilute patient samples with Factor V deficient plasma. GradiLeiden V GradiLeiden V is a simple alternative to the APTT based procedure for detecting resistance to Activated Protein C caused by the Factor V (Leiden) defect. This system is based on the activation of the patients endogenous Protein C by pre-incubation with Agkistodon contortrix venom reagent (VACL). A Phospholipid Rich Russell's Viper Venom reagent (PR3V) is then used to perform a Dilute Russell's Viper Venom Time (DRVVT) test on the plasma

    91. APCR And Factor V Leiden Mutation
    Laboratory Medicine is a division of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Pathology, and consists of the MGH Clinical Laboratories and the

    Laboratory Medicine
    Laboratories Coagulation Handbook
    APCR and Factor V Leiden Mutation
    Coag Test Handbook Index
    Elizabeth M. Van Cott, M.D., and Michael Laposata, M.D., Ph.D., "Coagulation." In: Jacobs DS et al, ed. The Laboratory Test Handbook , 5th Edition. Lexi-Comp, Cleveland, 2001; 327-358. Activated Protein C Resistance and the Factor V Leiden Mutation [CO004550] Related Information Synonyms Activated Protein C Resistance; APC; Protein C Resistance, Activated
    Applies to Factor V Leiden Mutation
    Abstract Resistance to activated protein C (APC) is a condition which leads to a hypercoagulable state with an increased risk for venous thrombosis. The effect of exogenous APC on patient's clotting time [usually activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT)] is used to detect presence of resistance to APC (as occurs in individuals with the factor V Leiden mutation). A few laboratories might use clotting times other than the PTT. DNA-based assays can be used to directly detect the presence of the factor V Leiden mutation.
    Specimen Plasma (for clotting time-based screening assay) and whole blood (for DNA-based confirmatory assay)

    92. Factor V Leiden
    Laboratory Medicine is a division of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Pathology, and consists of the MGH Clinical Laboratories and the

    Laboratory Medicine
    Laboratories Coagulation Handbook
    Factor V Leiden
    Coag Test Handbook Index
    Elizabeth M. Van Cott, M.D., and Michael Laposata, M.D., Ph.D., "Coagulation." In: Jacobs DS et al, ed. The Laboratory Test Handbook , 5th Edition. Lexi-Comp, Cleveland, 2001; 327-358. Factor V Leiden [CO006300] Related Information Abstract See Activated Protein C Resistance and Factor V Leiden Mutation . The term "factor V Leiden" is often used interchangeably with activated protein C resistance, although they are not true synonyms. The factor V Leiden mutation causes the vast majority of cases of activated protein C resistance. Whether or not additional mutations other than factor V Leiden can cause clinically-significant activated protein C resistance is under continued investigation.
    Last updated on November 9, 2004

    factor v leiden ASSAY (1380006). SYNONYMS Protein C resistance, APC Resistance, Activated Protein C resistance. CPT 4 CODE 83890, 83894, 83905
    LSG Home Page A lphabetical Index A B C D ... LSG PDF Version LINKS POCT Web Accreditation Certificates Pathology Clinical Services Department of Pathology FACTOR V LEIDEN ASSAY (138-0006) SYNONYMS: Protein C resistance, APC Resistance, Activated Protein C resistance CPT 4 CODE: Test Order Mnemonic: FACT5 PCR Applies to: Mutation of Factor V clotting factor Lab: Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Request Form: Must be manually written on any of the available Laboratory Request Forms Collection: Routine Venipuncture Storage Instructions: Whole Blood Refrigerated Causes for Rejection: Serum, heparin collection tube Availability: Samples are accepted Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Room 5.212, John Sealy Annex, or any time in Specimen Receiving, McCullough 5.136 Special Instructions: Do not Centrifuge or separate specimen Specimen: Whole blood with EDTA (purple) or Sodium Citrate (blue) Volume: 5 mls. Minimum Volume: 1 ml Container: EDTA (purple) or sodium citrate (blue) Reviewed by Dr. Payne/ S. Seifert 2/00 A B C D ... Statewide Search
    This site published by Department of Pathology Clinical Services.

    factor v leiden. TEST CODEFVLPCR CPT CODE83890,83892,83894,83898. SYNONYMS Arg 506Gln mutation in factor V, activated protein C (APC) resistance
    [ Skip Navigation ]

    95. Factor Five Leiden Support
    Support for sufferers of the factor Five leiden blood clotting disorder, an inherited blood condition discovered in 1995. History, glossary, and meeting information (Oregon).
    When I was 19 years old, I developed my first venous thrombosis. I had been on oral contraceptives for about three months at the time and they felt this was the cause of my first deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Three years later, following the birth of my second child, I developed my second DVT, I was 22 years old. Of course this was assumed to be related to childbirth. Both DVTs had been in my left calf, so I wore my support stocking and tried to elevate my legs as much as possible. Although that leg was never quite the same again. Three years after my second child was born I was in my first year of college. My son was in the second grade and was going to have some time off, so my mother met us at school to take him home with her for a few days. She looked great, happy and full of her usual energy. We had coffee and talked for awhile, then I went to class. I never saw her alive again. She died very suddenly that night. Dad thought she was having a nightmare, he tried to awake her, but she was gone. They had to take her out of the home with my little son there. She was 46 years old, it was ten days before her 47th birthday. We never found out why she died, although it always haunted me. I wanted to live longer than my mom. Two years ago I lost my big brother Mike, this was very sudden also and just as shocking for us. He was 47 years old. Six months older than mom was. He died of a sudden heart attack.

    96. GenID :: Factor V - Leiden
    Reverser Hybridisierungskit zur Bestimmung der Mutationen FVQ506 im Faktor VGen sowie der Mutation 20210A im Faktor II-Gen.
    POSITION : Kits Molecular-diagnostic Kits Factor V-Leiden Prothrombin 20210A ... References
    Risk Factors of Genetic Thrombosis:
    Factor V-Leiden and Prothrombin 20210A

    Reverse hybridization kit for the determination of the mutation FV:Q506 in the Factor V gene and the mutation 20210A in the Factor ll gene
    RDB 2005E
    Factor V-Leiden
    Thromboses are caused by disorders of the coagulation system. One later complication can be the development of a lung emboly. One of the regulating factors of the coagulation system is Activated Protein C (APC), which is a serin protease influencing the coagulation process together with a cofactor by proteolytic inactivation of Factor Va and VIIIa, two components of the coagulation cascade. Factor Va is derived from the Factor V-Protein by cleavage, which in turn is mediated by Factor IIa.
    According to current knowledge, the resistance against Activated Protein C (APC) is the most common genetic risk factor for venose coagulation disorders. The cause is a point mutation in the Factor V-gene bringing about a substitution of guanin (G) by adenin (A) at position 1691. In the translated protein this results in the substitution of the amino acid arginin by glutamin at the position 506 (FV:Q ). The altered Factor V gene product is called Factor V Leiden (FVL).


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