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41. Facial/ Craniofacial Anomalies Children With facial differences A Parent s Guide by Hope Charkins, MSW (themother of a child with Treacher Collins syndrome), Woodbine House, Inc, http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/craniofa.html | |
42. Disabilityexchange.org - Taxonomy The person with an evident facial difference, unusual facial feature, Individuals with facial differences acquired through accident or illness, http://www.disabilityexchange.org/taxonomy/detail.php?fid=10&path=10_1183&c=2&ti |
43. Facial Nerve Center Information about the support group and links to other sites about facial differences . Archive of of the Facial Nerve Center s newsletter, Expressions. http://www.upmc.edu/FacialNerve/ | |
44. NACFC 2005 On-Line Registration Form Making a world of difference in the world of facial differences The NorthAmerican Craniofacial Family Conference. July 1719, 2005 http://www.cleftadvocate.org/NACFC2005Registration.html | |
45. CleftClub.com - Cleft Lip & Palate Support Group And Information Center - EStore Book Children With Facial Difference A Parents Guide Popular For me andfor several other parents of children with facial differences, this book has http://www.cleftclub.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=0933149611 |
46. Facial Disfigurement Provides emotional support and information to persons with facial differences . Networking of people with facial disfigurement in order to support each http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/shc29fad.asp | |
47. David Roche - Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Performer Our goal is to assist all persons with facial differences to have a positive A great place for people with facial difference to make contacts. http://www.davidroche.com/links.htm | |
48. Healthnet News Vol. XV, No. 2 Summer 1999 of facial difference such as cleft palate or facial feature asymmetry.Other types of facial differences may include vascular birthmarks or hemangiomas http://library.uchc.edu/departm/hnet/summer99.html | |
49. AAMP Conference Page Patients with facial differences A program established for professionals whocommunicate and care for persons with facial differences. http://www.res-inc.com/aamp.htm | |
50. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. for and on behalf of individuals with facial differences and their families . of the challenges and abilities of people with facial differences. http://www.rarediseases.org/search/orgdetail_full.html?org_name=AboutFace Intern |
51. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. AboutFace USA welcomes individuals whose facial differences are present at birth,such as cleft lip and palate, Apert, Crouzon, Treacher Collin, microtia, http://www.rarediseases.org/search/orgdetail_full.html?org_name=AboutFace USA |
52. Baby Facial: Infants Monkey With Face Recognition: Science News Online, May 18, facial features so that they no longer detect subtle facial differences trouble recognizing facial differences between members of other species. http://www.sciencenews.org/20020518/fob1.asp | |
53. Funny Face of what it is like for a youngster to live with a facial difference. to children and families touched by AVMs or other facial differences. http://members.aol.com/djbreslow/funnyface/ | |
54. Dr Stelnicki Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Cleft, Craniofacial And Asthetic Surgica Many patients with facial differences have their deformity corrected, but areleft disfigured by the presence of external scarring. http://www.drstelnicki.com/2fit.htm | |
55. NUTRITION, FEEDING, AND EATING She is the author of Children with Facial Difference A Parents Guide (Woodbine Due to your child s facial differences, it may take longer to master http://www.treachercollinsfnd.org/health.htm |
56. Domain Name Renewal And Web Hosting From Network Solutions Illuminate the lives of those with facial differences. Ways You Can Help.Distribute CLEFTLINE flyers and brochures to your local hospitals and pediatric http://www.charitablechoices.org/charities/CLEFTLINE/questions.asp | |
57. Child Health Alert Newsletter There are as many reasons for facial differences as there are faces themselves . A very good general resource about facial differences is published by http://www.childhealthalert.com/newsletters/jun98.htm | |
58. Child Health Alert Newsletter April 96 Reasons for facial differences are almost as numerous as the differences There is a new and very good general resource about facial differences. http://www.childhealthalert.com/newsletters/apr96.htm | |
59. COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR TEENS AND ADULTS Designed for people with facial differences Someone with a facial difference,a child or adult who feels selfconscious about how they look, http://www.forwardface.org/misc_text/education/communicat.htm | |
60. Vascular Anomalies Center An informational and support network for people with facial differences, theirfamilies, friends and professionals. They publish an excellent resource book, http://www.birthmarks.org/resources_support.asp | |
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