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Dolicocephaly: more detail |
81. Prader Willi Syndrome and infantile central hypotonia with poor suck, improving with age; failure to thrive;characteristic facial features with dolicocephaly, narrow bifrontal http://amersham-health.org/medcyclopaedia/volume VI 1/PRADER WILLI SYNDROME.ASP | |
82. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery - UserLogin a term introduced by von Baer 3 in 1860 meaning boatshaped, and dolicocephaly (Greekfor long-headedness) are commonly used to describe this anomaly. http://www.plasreconsurg.com/pt/re/prs/fulltext.00006534-200208000-00003.htm | |
83. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery - UserLogin Fig. 1. The difference in facial skeleton between Caucasian dolicocephaly andOriental brachycephaly. Because of these differences, aesthetic corrections http://www.plasreconsurg.com/pt/re/prs/fulltext.00006534-199702000-00007.htm | |
84. Obstetrics: Microcephalic Foetus With Oligohydramnios At 37 Weeks - Indegene Bul Using BPD for diagnosis may give a high false positive rate becuse of normalvariants such as dolicocephaly. An MRI of fetus is not really required. http://www.indegene.com/bb/ubb/Forum2/HTML/000214.html | |
85. Home Page respectively, with the following morphological alterations of the craniumscaphocephaly or dolicocephaly, brachycephaly and trigonocephaly. http://www.ilfeto.it/Archivio_Giornali/2004/15-03-04-eng.html | |
86. Three M Syndrome Specialized xray studies may detect, confirm, and/or characterize certain craniofacialmalformations (eg, dolicocephaly, maxillary hypoplasia) as well as http://www.webmdhealth.com/common/content/contentShell.aspx?url=/content/hw/nord |
87. Resources For Genetic Counselors - Bloom Syndrome Characteristic facies keel-shaped face, dolicocephaly, narrow cranium, malarhypoplasia, nasal prominence, small mandible, and prominent ears. http://www.genesoc.com/counseling2/article24.html | |
88. Resources For Genetic Counselors - Marfan Syndrome Specific facies dolicocephaly, malar hypoplasia, retrognathia, down slantingpalpebral fissures, deep set eyes, palate can be highly arched http://www.genesoc.com/counseling2/article102.html | |
89. Incidence Of Cranial Asymmetry In Healthy Newborns -- Peitsch Et Al. 110 (6): 72 Otherwise unusual head shapes were noticed in 3 multiplebirth infants, includingcephalohematoma, dolicocephaly, and frontal bossing (n = 1). http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/110/6/e72 | |
90. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Figure 1. dolicocephaly and a photosensitive rash over the central face. FullSize. Figure 2. Conjunctival telangiectasia and scarring of the lower eyelid http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1525-1470.2005.22212.x | |
91. Abstract macrocephaly, dolicocephaly, frontal bossing, nystagmus, ventriculomegaly,corpus callosum hypoplasia, disharmonic maturation of phalanges and carpal http://web.feccbologna.it/7_39.htm | |
92. American Ethnic Backgrounds - Skadi Forum However, Mediterranean is not one of them. Dark eyes, dark hair, and dolicocephalydo not make a Mediterranean. Several races share those characteristics. http://forum.skadi.net/showthread.php?t=10630&page=4 |
93. Scaphocephaly Back to Glossary. scaphocephaly. Also known as dolicocephaly, this head shape isa result of premature closure of the sagittal suture (sagittal synostosis). http://www.neurosurgerypa.com/glossary/scaphocephaly.html | |
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