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Dolicocephaly: more detail |
62. Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology - UserLogin After the skin edema subsided, he was noted to have facial features consistentwith NS, as evidenced by dolicocephaly, downward obliquity of the palpebral http://www.jpho-online.com/pt/re/jpho/fulltext.00043426-199911000-00015.htm | |
63. The Nordish Portal Quote As for Normandy and dolicocephaly, it is not all as rare as you mightthink. If I can dig up the approximation I will post them. http://www.nordish.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1119&page=2 |
64. Science - Ethics - Power, Turner Statement Regarding Eugenics significant correlations could be established between dolicocephaly andmesocephaly or variations in cephalic index and reproductive performance. http://www.umich.edu/~idpah/SEP/sep_te.html | |
65. 3802cr5 More recently in 1992, Phelan et al reported a threeyear-old with developmentaldelay, hypotonia, dolicocephaly, ptosis, epicanthal folds and posteriorly http://www.sma.org.sg/smj/3802/articles/3802cr5.htm | |
66. Genetica Medica - Università Degli Studi Di Siena - XLinked Mental Retardation mild mental retardation, dolicocephaly; plagiocephaly;squint;high vaulted and narrow palate; tended upper lip; clinosactyly of fifth......Trait http://xlmr.unisi.it/dettagli2.asp?Cod=105 |
67. Sci.anthropology.paleo: Re: Homo Heidelbergensis toes longer than first toes (well, mine are), relative dolicocephaly (at leastamongst early populations, it seems to have diminished in the last http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/sci.anthropology.paleo/archive | |
68. Sci.anthropology.paleo: Re: Homo Heidelbergensis toes longer than first toes (well, mine are), relativedolicocephaly (at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ least amongst early populations,it seems to have http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/sci.anthropology.paleo/archive | |
69. The World Diseases A 2 Z Names By Countrylinks And Dr Impex dolicocephaly. Down Syndrome. Drooling. Dry Eye. Dubowitz Syndrome. Dwarfism.Dysencephalia Splanchnocystica. Dysmenorrhea. Dyspareunia. Dysphagia http://www.countrylinks.biz/diseases.htm | |
70. Phelan-McDermidin Oireyhtymä - Kehitysvammahuollon Tietopankki Kasvonpiirteisiin kuuluu pitkäpäisyys (dolicocephaly), täyteläiset kulmakarvat,silmien paksut riippuluomet, pitkät silmäripset, leveä nenänsilta, http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/phelan_mcdermid.htm | |
71. What Is Phelan-McDermid Syndrome? Facial features are fairly subtle and may not be recognized by your doctor longhead shape (dolicocephaly), puffiness around the eyes, long eyelashes, http://www.22q13.org/tell_me_more/2tmm_what_is_22q13.html | |
72. Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Medical | Characteristics Prominent, poorly formed ears, 65 percent. Pointed chin, 62 percent.dolicocephaly (elongated head), 57 percent. Ptosis (droopy eyelids), 57 percent http://www.22q13.org/medical/characteristics.html | |
73. Disorders Of Cholesterol Biosynthesis -- Clayton 78 (2): 185 -- Archives Of Dise The dysmorphic features which have been described include microcephaly, dolicocephaly,a large fontanelle, a triangular facies with down slanted eyes and http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/78/2/185 | |
74. OBGYN.net - OBGYN.net Ultrasound - Case Of The Month: SONOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF TR dolicocephaly, Prominent Cisterna Magna, Bicuspid Outflow Tract Valves.Cerebellar Hypoplasia, Single Umbilical Artery. Meningomyelocele http://www.obgyn.net/us/us.asp?page=/us/cotm/9905/cotm_9905 |
75. Dysostosis Multiplex Congenita - General Practice Notebook dolicocephaly; spatulate ribs oar-like; wide diaphyses and narrow epiphyses;wide metacarpals, phlanges, metatarsals - bullet-like; hypoplastic acetabulae http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-831848417.htm | |
76. Clinical Dysmorphology - UserLogin Other less common features include dolicocephaly, dysplastic ears, pointed chin,ptosis, epicanthic folds, saddle nose, fleshy hands, dysplastic toenails, http://www.clindysmorphol.com/pt/re/mcd/fulltext.00019605-200407000-00014.htm | |
77. Is Three-dimensional Ultrasound Adding New For Detection Of Congenital Anomalies dolicocephaly. 34. 3. Anencephaly; hydramnios. 2932. 2. Occipitalencephalocele (twin). 24,26. 1. Hygroma colli; oligohydramnios http://www.gfmer.ch/International_activities_En/El_Mowafi/Three-dimensional_ultr | |
78. Centronuclear And Myotubular Myopathy Information Point Patients often have typical myopathic facies with dolicocephaly, a high forehead,long face with midface hypoplasia and a narrow higharched palate with http://tonilouise.tripod.com/cnmgailreport2003.html | |
79. PEDIATRICS scaphocephaly=dolicocephaly premature closure of the sagital suture. brachicoronal. trigonal metopic. occicephaly lambdoid http://radiologynotes.servehttp.com/peds/pediatrics.htm |
80. BigTome.com Rhinitis Retinitis Pigmentosa Cyrptococcosis Gastrointestinal Disorders MurmursPeripheral Neuropathy Hidradenitis Suppurativa dolicocephaly SteinLeventhal http://disease.bigtome.com/bth/bt1_disease_1.shtml | |
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