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41. TWCD's MPD And DID Resources And Insights Abuse, dissociative identity disorder, and multiple personality disorder resources and insights. Extensive listings of related websites. http://www.2multiples.com/twcrew/ | |
42. Julie's MPD Website! Healing the wounds of abuse using art therapy and poetry. Includes links to information about dissociative identity disorder and survivor sites. http://www.bmts.com/~jules | |
43. Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder - Definitions Recov Many survivors of child abuse and incest have developed Dissociative IdentityDisorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, as a reaction to severe trauma in http://incestabuse.about.com/od/didmpd/ | |
44. Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder - Definitions Recov Many survivors of child abuse and incest have developed Dissociative IdentityDisorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, as a reaction to severe trauma in http://incestabuse.about.com/cs/didmpd/ | |
45. Psychiatric Times A Patient with dissociative identity disorder Switches in the Emergency Room dissociative identity disorder (DID), known as multiple personality http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/p981107.html |
46. EMedicine - Child Abuse & Neglect: Dissociative Identity Disorder : Article By M Child Abuse Neglect dissociative identity disorder Dissociation is thedisruption of the normal integrative processes of consciousness, perception, http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2651.htm | |
47. EMedicine - Dissociative Disorders : Article By Idan Sharon, MD These include dissociative amnesia (DA), dissociative identity disorder (DID), dissociative identity disorder, Section 4 of 10 Click here to go to the http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3484.htm | |
48. Dissociative Identity Disorder DID Page Two dissociative identity disorder Page Two. Over the course of treatment, Julieeventually identified 13 different alter personalities. http://narramore.gospelcom.net/bk_115_multiple2.htm | |
49. MPD-DID (dissociative identity disorder). What is Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)?In MPD, most recently known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), http://www.uc.edu/psc/sh/SH_MPD_DID.htm | |
50. Dissociative Identity Disorder dissociative identity disorder Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment ofMultiple Personality. UK Support Groups. First Person Plural PO Box 2537 http://www.psychnet-uk.com/dsm_iv/dissociative_identity_disorder.htm |
51. Dissociative Identity Disorder Forum @ Www.ezboard.com Forum for those with dissociative identity disorder, formerly named mutiplepersonality disorder. http://pub80.ezboard.com/bdissociativeidentitydisorderforum | |
52. Psychology Today S Conditions Center Dissociative Identity Psychology Today s Conditions Center, definitive resource for psychological termsand info, dissociative identity disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) http://cms.psychologytoday.com/conditions/did.html |
53. Dissociative Disorders dissociative identity disorder Updated May 5, 2004 Dissociative IdentityDisorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder) National Alliance for the http://www.noah-health.org/en/mental/disorders/dissociative.html | |
54. Search Result For "Dissociative Identity Disorder" NOAH pages containing dissociative identity disorder . Displaying 15 of 166.dissociative identity disorder dissociative identity disorder; Dissociative http://www.noah-health.org/search/results.php?lang=1&keyword=Dissociative Identi |
55. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ,Ritual abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, any extreme abuse that has beensevere enough to cause the resulting symptoms such as those of Dissociative http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/DID |
56. IJ TRANSGENDER - Transgenderism And Dissociative Identity Disorder - A Case Stud This paper discusses the limitations for social scientists of the medical categoriesof transvestism, transsexualism and gender dysphoria. http://www.symposion.com/ijt/ijtc0404.htm | |
57. IJ TRANSGENDER - London Congress - Abstract - Gender Identity Disorder Comorbid Gender Identity Disorder Comorbid with dissociative identity disorder Review ofthe Literature and Case Report. http://www.symposion.com/ijt/greenpresidental/green08.htm | |
58. Multiple Personality (Dissociative Identity Disorder) Multiple Personality (dissociative identity disorder). All links were working asof 4/17/2004. A History of the Study of MPD/DID source Nancy Burnett. http://www.psywww.com/resource/selfhelp/mpd.html |
59. Dissociative Identity Disorder Fact Sheet Multiple Personality Disorder/dissociative identity disorder MPD/DID educationalresources and peer support. Includes issues of multiplicity, and abuse, http://www.m-a-h.net/library/did-general/article-didfacts.htm | |
60. Dissociative Identity Disorder dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality 3) dissociative identity disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) Sidran http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro98/202s98-paper2/Kaplan2.html | |
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