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141. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 17, Ch. 224, Glomerular Diseases A description of nephritic syndrome with a look at its acute stage, the etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognoses and treatment. Also includes crescentic glomerulonephritis and chronic nephritic syndrome. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section17/chapter224/224b.htm | |
142. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Offers synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Thalamic Synd |
143. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) - Toronto Public Health General information about the disease for the public, child care and school workers, and health care professionals. Discussion of the quarantine measures to be taken during the public health emergency in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tamil, and French. http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/health/sars/ | |
144. Yale WSPWS Program Diagnostic assessment, selected treatment services and opportunities to participate in research from the Yale University Child Study Center. http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/wspws |
145. Welcome To The Official Home Page Of The Hughes Syndrome Foundation Information about antiphospholipid syndrome, the symptoms, diagnosing and treatment. Also information about the foundation itself. http://www.hughes-syndrome.org/ | |
146. The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association National nonprofit organization operated by women with this disorder. Featuring membership, communities, medical news, and events. http://www.pcosupport.org/ | |
147. Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy. Personal website describing an unusual peripheral nerve disorder plus the two related neuropathies, GBS(GuillainBarr© syndrome) and CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy). The possible effects of atmospheric pressure on the disorders' behavior are then outlined. http://www.pdn-info.co.uk/ | |
148. Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas Providing links and information about Turner's syndrome. Definition and Synonyms, FAQ, TSS Societies (National, State, and Local), Associated Links, Newsgroup discussions, Conference Information. http://www.onr.com/ts-texas/ |
149. The Alexander Foundation - Funding And Research For Cloverleaf Syndrome Alexander Foundation is a nonprofit charitable institution that supports the funding and research of Cloverleaf syndrome. http://www.thealexanderfoundation.com/ | |
150. The Williams Syndrome Foundation - Home Information for parents, carers, and professionals about a nonhereditary syndrome which can cause brain damage in varying degrees, combined with some physical side-effects. http://www.williams-syndrome.org.uk/ | |
151. Uro-Néphrologie - Syndrome Néphrotique http://www.medinfos.com/principales/fichiers/pm-uro-syndnephro3.shtml | |
152. The Noonan Syndrome Support Group Website Information about this organization as well the disease itself. Offers news, events, a survey, a newsletter and further resources. http://www.noonansyndrome.org/ | |
153. Potter's Syndrome Gateway Links to other web sites and information on this syndrome. http://www.geocities.com/potters_syndrome | |
154. Amniotic Band Syndrome - ABS Is A Set Of Congenital Birth Defects Information about the set of congenital birth defects (including clubfoot) caused by entrapment of fetal parts. http://www.amnioticbandsyndrome.com/ | |
155. The Williams Syndrome Association A rare genetic condition (estimated to occur in 1/20,000 births) which causes medical and developmental problems. http://www.williams-syndrome.org/ | |
156. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Asperger Syndrome Brief article about this disorder that is like autism. Read about causes, symptoms, treatments, and tests. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001549.htm | |
157. University Students With Autism And Asperger's Syndrome Support and resources for students with autistic spectrum conditions in higher education. Advice on attending school and getting a job. http://www.users.dircon.co.uk./~cns/index.html | |
158. MedlinePlus: Polio And Post-Polio Syndrome Directory of news, articles, and factsheets. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/polioandpostpoliosyndrome.html | |
159. Short Bowel Syndrome - ICQ Interest Groups - ICQ.com ICQ interest group about this disease. http://web.icq.com/groups/browse_folder?tid=6329 |
160. Vietnow - Veterans - Vietnam To Now - Vietnam Veterans Provides comprehensive information on several important topics, including homeless personnel, Agent Orange, POW/MIA, PTSD and Gulf War syndrome. http://www.vietnow.com/ | |
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