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         Des Syndrome:     more books (58)
  1. Erbliche Polyposis-Syndrome des Magendarmtraktes: Genetische Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung der Heterogenität adenomatöser Polyposis-Syndrome (German Edition) by Stefan Aretz, 2010-08-27
  2. Le syndrome des Grieux: La relation pere/fils au XVIIIe siecle (French Edition) by Maurice Daumas, 1990
  3. Le syndrome des Plaines d'Abraham (French Edition) by Eric Schwimmer, 1995
  4. Maladie Du Système Nerveux: Autisme, Pathologie Neurologique Professionnelle, Autisme Infantile, Syndrome Des Jambes Sans Repos (French Edition)
  5. Syndrome: Syndrome D'épuisement Professionnel, Syndrome Métabolique, Syndrome Des Loges, Syndrome Myélodysplasique, Syndrome Du Savant (French Edition)
  6. Etude clinique et anatomo-pathologique des Syndromes Neuro-Anemiques, en particulier des Denegerescences combinees subaigues de la Moelle avec Anemie, avec 20 figures et une planche dans la texte (Travail de la Clinique des Maladies) by Dr. Pierre Mathieu, 1925
  7. La fievre des achats: Le syndrome des achats compulsifs (Collection Les empecheurs de penser en rond) (French Edition) by Jean Ades, 1999
  8. Syndrome Neurologique: Syndrome de Guillain-Barré, Syndrome D'enfermement, Syndrome Des Jambes Sans Repos, Syndrome Vestibulaire (French Edition)
  9. Appareil Locomoteur: Syndrome Des Loges, Kinésithérapie, Technique Bowen, Tendon, Rhumatologie, Traumatologie, Appareil Locomoteur Humain (French Edition)
  10. Gremoire : Tests Et éChelles De La Maladie D'alzheimer Et Des Syndromes Apparentés
  11. Neuroleptique: Alimémazine, Métopimazine, Dyskinésie Tardive, Syndrome Malin Des Neuroleptiques, Antidopaminergique (French Edition)
  12. Apiculture: Apiculteur, Apis, Hydromel, Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Miel, Prairie Fleurie, Élevage de Reines (French Edition)
  13. Médécine Vétérinaire: Plan de Crise Pour une Pandémie, Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Traces, Fièvre Aphteuse, Asticothérapie (French Edition)
  14. Nuisance Apicole: Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Vespa Velutina, Gaucho, Maladie Noire, Thiamethoxam, Philanthus Triangulum (French Edition)

141. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 17, Ch. 224, Glomerular Diseases
A description of nephritic syndrome with a look at its acute stage, the etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognoses and treatment. Also includes crescentic glomerulonephritis and chronic nephritic syndrome.
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This Publication Is Searchable The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Section 17. Genitourinary Disorders Chapter 224. Glomerular Diseases Topics [General] Nephritic Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephritic Syndrome
The classic nephritic syndrome includes hematuria, hypertension, renal insufficiency, and edema. Frequently, individual components of the syndrome are absent. Nephritic syndrome may be acute and transient (eg, postinfectious GN), fulminant with rapid renal failure (eg, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis [RPGN]), or indolent (eg, IgA nephropathy). Pathologic changes, and therefore clinical manifestations, often vary over time.
(Acute Glomerulonephritis; Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis)
A syndrome characterized pathologically by diffuse inflammatory changes in the glomeruli and clinically by abrupt-onset hematuria with RBC casts, mild proteinuria, and, often, hypertension, edema, and azotemia.
The prototype of an acute nephritic syndrome is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) due to infection with certain nephritogenic strains of group A
Pathology and Pathogenesis
Lesions are confined mainly to the glomeruli, which become enlarged and hypercellular, initially with neutrophils or eosinophils and later with mononuclear cells. Epithelial cell hyperplasia is a common early, transient feature. Microthrombosis may occur; if damage is severe, hemodynamic changes produce oliguria, frequently accompanied by epithelial crescents (formed within Bowman's space from epithelial cell hyperplasia, probably mediated by growth factors from stimulated macrophages). Endothelial and mesangial cells increase in number, and the mesangial regions often are greatly expanded by edema and contain neutrophils, dead cells, cellular debris, and subepithelial deposits of electron-dense material.

142. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc.
Offers synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. Synd

143. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) - Toronto Public Health
General information about the disease for the public, child care and school workers, and health care professionals. Discussion of the quarantine measures to be taken during the public health emergency in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tamil, and French.
Public Health Home A - Z Index News Releases Publications ... Healthy Babies, Healthy Children SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
SARS Update
November 6, 2003
See below for SARS fact sheets and further information

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, is a severe form of pneumonia that affected Toronto and a number of other cities throughout the world during the spring of 2003. Toronto Public Health worked with provincial and federal authorities, other health units and community partners to ensure that cases of SARS were identified and managed appropriately.
There have been no new cases of SARS in Toronto since June 12.
Renseignements disponibles en
= available as a Web page = Le informazioni sono disponibili
in italiano = available as a PDF for download = La información está disponible
en español
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet: Work Quarantine Handwashing Disinfecting ... City of Toronto 1998-2005

144. Yale WSPWS Program
Diagnostic assessment, selected treatment services and opportunities to participate in research from the Yale University Child Study Center.

145. Welcome To The Official Home Page Of The Hughes Syndrome Foundation
Information about antiphospholipid syndrome, the symptoms, diagnosing and treatment. Also information about the foundation itself.
Welcome to the official home page of the
Hughes Syndrome Foundation.
HUGHES SYNDROME (The Antiphospholipid Syndrome: APS
  • A common disease Many clinical features Often undiagnosed Potentially treatable
Latest news
or by doctors as:
The Antiphospholipid Syndrome Young Stroke...

146. The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association
National nonprofit organization operated by women with this disorder. Featuring membership, communities, medical news, and events.

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~~ PCOSA Email Lists Have Relaunched! PCOLists are back up and running for the first time in over a year! Visit ~~ Read about the new book on PCOS. Click here. Medifocus Guidebook on PCOS. - Treatment Options and Latest Research.
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The PCOSA is pleased to announce the relaunch of PCOS Bulletin - the quarterly newsletter for members of the PCOSA community. The latest edition of the members only newsletter can be viewed by EVERYONE! You'll want to be sure to check out the exciting feature articles on the latest research in PCOS, health news and of course Miracle Babies, a column devoted to celebrating those little ones near and dear to the hearts of the PCOSA community. Click here to read the latest PCOS Bulletin online and print out a copy!

147. Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy.
Personal website describing an unusual peripheral nerve disorder plus the two related neuropathies, GBS(GuillainBarr© syndrome) and CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy). The possible effects of atmospheric pressure on the disorders' behavior are then outlined.
Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy may be known by a variety of other titles.
Neurologists around the world usually mean the same thing in these titles: MGUS-associated neuropathy/ polyneuropathy. ; Paraprotein-associated demyelinating neuropathy. ; Paraprotein associated neuropathy/polyneuropathy. ; CIDP associated with a paraprotein. ; CIDP associated with MGUS. ; Paraprotein-related or associated demyelinating neuropathy. ; Demyelinating paraproteinaemic neuropathy ; MGUS polyneuropathy. ; Peripheral Neuropathy associated with benign monoclonal gammopathy.
Please note. These pages are based solely on my own experience and my layman's reading of medical text books and articles from professional journals, in addition to other professional summaries online, and not from any personal medical expertise.
From this reading I have attempted to provide a layperson's account, because the only information about "my" neuropathy on the WWW has been very academic, professional neurological material. So I hope that my work helps others, as various messages have already confirmed. Some professional neurological language cannot be avoided!

148. Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas
Providing links and information about Turner's syndrome. Definition and Synonyms, FAQ, TSS Societies (National, State, and Local), Associated Links, Newsgroup discussions, Conference Information.

149. The Alexander Foundation - Funding And Research For Cloverleaf Syndrome
Alexander Foundation is a nonprofit charitable institution that supports the funding and research of Cloverleaf syndrome.
var ns4class='' PO Box 1515
Arden, NC 28704

Alex's Story
Our Purpose
How To Help
Contact Us
Events Cloverleaf Syndrome Kleeblattschadel Deformity, or cloverleaf syndrome is a type of craniosynostosis in which there is premature closure of multiple or all bones of the skull (sutures). This condition causes the head to form a cloverleaf shape. The head may be larger than normal due to accumulation of fluid (hydrocephalic) in the skull. The anomaly has been reported to carry dismal prognosis both in terms of neurological outcome as well as cosmetic appearance if treatment is delayed. Facial malformations include high forehead, severe proptosis, or exophthalmoses, beaked nose, and downward displacement of ears. Multiple breathing and feeding issues may occur.
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie See Alex's Story - "The Miracle Child"

150. The Williams Syndrome Foundation - Home
Information for parents, carers, and professionals about a nonhereditary syndrome which can cause brain damage in varying degrees, combined with some physical side-effects.
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What is Williams Syndrome?
Williams Syndrome is a rare disorder. Like Down's Syndrome it is caused by an abnormality in chromosomes, and shows a wide variation in ability from person to person.
New Parents
If you are a concerned new parent or relative, this section will give you all the information you may need.
Medical and Educational
A comprehensive resource for all medical practitioners, carers, parents and teachers working with and caring for those with Williams Syndrome. Includes information on research into WS, leaflets on Special Educational Needs for Children with WS, a leaflet for family doctors and information on The WS Advocacy Project.
What's New?
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Contact the Williams Syndrome Foundation
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151. Uro-Néphrologie - Syndrome Néphrotique
Nos Fiches Maladies
- Cardiologie

Charte Ethique
Diagnostic Etiologique
Traitement, Conclusion

DIAGNOSTIC ETIOLOGIQUE anomalies immunologiques ASLO foyer infectieux
Chez l' enfant . La ponction biopsie Chez l' adulte allergie Que ce soit chez l'enfant ou l'adulte, la hyalinose segmentaire et focale et la Elles sont responsables de - certaines polyarthrite cirrhose Voir tous les livres Autres ressources e-Cardiologie Hypertension Online, Miximage Photos libres de droits. audit et mesure d'audience visiteurs internet par Coup de Coeur "10 ans avant ma mort" Viviali Webmaster Haut de page

152. The Noonan Syndrome Support Group Website
Information about this organization as well the disease itself. Offers news, events, a survey, a newsletter and further resources.
Together, we can solve this puzzle. Enter Hello we are the parents of Gaelle (ASD, single ventricle, situs solitus, TGA, atresia, coarctation of the aorta). We live in Paris (France) and we are very so happy and honored to send you this award for your website because it was a pleasure visiting your wonderful site,and your story. Please link it back to . For me this award is a bearer of peace and happiness, because I think that your Web site is the reflection of your soul. Have a nice day, Christian DAUMAL Wanda Robinson,

The Noonan Syndrome Support Group, Inc.,
P.O.Box 145
Upperco, MD 21155, USA
1-888-686-2224 within the USA
or 410-374-5245
(Communication service is funded by the fund raising efforts of the Minnesota chapter of The Noonan Syndrome Support Group, Inc.)

153. Potter's Syndrome Gateway
Links to other web sites and information on this syndrome.
Potter's Syndrome is one of several serious or fatal kidney abnormalities.  In Potter's (or Potter) syndrome the baby's kidneys do not develop in the first few weeks of life in the womb.  The baby's kidneys are essential for the production of amniotic fluid in the womb.  If there are no kidneys, there is little or no amniotic fluid (this is known as oligohydramnios) to expand the womb around the baby and to allow the baby to grow and move.  The womb remains small and in its confined space the baby's lungs cannot develop properly.  Many babies with Potter's syndrome are stillborn.  In those who are born alive, the immediate cause of death is failure to breathe (respiratory failure) due to underdeveloped (hypoplastic) lungs, usually one or two days after delivery.  Even if this problem is treated the baby cannot survive without kidneys.  (Potter's syndrome is also known as Renal Agenesis, which simply means that the kidneys did not develop).     Potter's sequence is the name given to a condition which resembles Potter's syndrome in that although the baby has kidneys, there is little or no amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios).  This may sometimes be because the mothers waters have broken in mid-pregnancy, or due to developmental problems in the baby's kidneys or urinary system.  In Potter's sequence, as in Potter's syndrome, the baby's lungs are compressed and cannot develop properly.  The baby dies of respiratory failure within one or two days of delivery (subnote: although shorter and longer lifespans do exist).

154. Amniotic Band Syndrome - ABS Is A Set Of Congenital Birth Defects
Information about the set of congenital birth defects (including clubfoot) caused by entrapment of fetal parts.
Amniotic Band Syndrome Website - send in your ABS story to add to the site! Site Index HOME About ABS Stories Evan's Story Evan's Photo Gallery ABS Links Guestbook Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS) is a set of congenital birth defects believed to be caused by entrapment of fetal parts (usually a limb or digits) in fibrous amniotic bands while in utero. Read the TODAY's PARENT magazine article about us! My son, Evan, was born with ABS affecting his left hand and with bi-lateral clubfeet . When Evan was born we had never heard of ABS. I developed this Web site to help parents learn more about ABS and find support. Please keep in mind that I have no medical training and that the information provided here has been gleened from various sources. Please, feel free to send me your story to add to the site ~ it's these personal stories that make this site special. FORGOTTEN CHILDREN IN DEVELOPING COMMUNITIES:
This little girl was born with amniotic band syndrome affecting her right leg above the knee and a clubfoot. She was born in a community where parents are often ashamed of their disabled child, and may even keep them hidden in a dark room at the back of a hut. The Forgotten Children Rescue Fund has been set up to extend medical care to these children. PLEASE SPONSOR A CHILD - $25.00 a month for one year provides complete treatment for a disabled child.

155. The Williams Syndrome Association
A rare genetic condition (estimated to occur in 1/20,000 births) which causes medical and developmental problems.
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Is your child's behavior common for WS children? See experiences here... Membership What does membership in the WSA provide? Check the details here... Regional Sites Services, get-togethers and information specific to your region... WS listserve How do WSA members keep in touch with each other? By email of course... Members Area NEW: Try the new WS Chat feature with other WSA members. eStore Get the Fulfilling Dreams book... [Buy Now] Teachers information Doctors information Volunteer opportunities Sign up to get involved... Web links Advanced Site map Privacy statement Send email:

156. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Asperger Syndrome
Brief article about this disorder that is like autism. Read about causes, symptoms, treatments, and tests.
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Medical Encyclopedia
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Asperger syndrome
Contents of this page: Alternative names Pervasive developmental disorder - Asperger syndrome Definition Return to top In Asperger syndrome, a young child experiences impaired social interactions and develops limited repetitive patterns of behavior. Motor milestones may be delayed and clumsiness is often observed. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top Hans Asperger labeled this disorder "Autistic Psychopathy" in 1944, and the cause is still unknown. There is a possible relation to autistic disorder ( autism ). Some researchers believe that Asperger sydrome is simply a mild form of autism. The child with Asperger shows below-average nonverbal communication gestures, fails to develop peer relationships, has an inability to express pleasure in other people's happiness, and lacks the ability to reciprocate emotionally in normal social interactions. The condition appears to be more common in boys than in girls. There are likely genetic factors, but some theories suggest a prenatal infection may be to blame. While people with Asperger syndrome are frequently socially inept, many have above-average intelligence, and they may excel in fields like computer programming and science. There is no delay in cognitive development, in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, or in curiosity about the environment. Generally, there is no language development delay.

157. University Students With Autism And Asperger's Syndrome
Support and resources for students with autistic spectrum conditions in higher education. Advice on attending school and getting a job.
University Students With Autism And Asperger's Syndrome
What's New?
Prospects Transitions Project Prospects, The National Autistic Society's employment consultancy, is launching a new, two-and-a-half year project, which will help final year university students with Asperger syndrome into work. The project is joint funded through the London Development Agency and the European Social Fund and is aimed at students who live and wish to work in the London area. The aim of the project is to work with students who have either just finished their studies or are about to enter their final year at university. The aim of the project is to help them develop the skills which they will need to find employment. This will be achieved through a mixture of workshops and one-to-one sessions, focusing on areas such as career choice, communication and interview skills as well as effective job searching. The project will run until 2007. Prospects is currently looking for people, who meet the criteria to join the project. For more information about the Transitions project or to see if you would qualify to access it, please contact Judith Kerem on 020 7704 7450. Alternatively, we can be contacted via email. Email address is Managing Asperger Syndrome at College and University by Juliet Jamieson and Clare Jamieson, David Fulton Publishers, 2004.

158. MedlinePlus: Polio And Post-Polio Syndrome
Directory of news, articles, and factsheets.
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Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
Contents of this page:

From the NIH



Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome:

Postpolio Syndrome

You may also be interested in these MedlinePlus related pages: Paralysis Bones, Joints and Muscles Brain and Nervous System Infections

159. Short Bowel Syndrome - ICQ Interest Groups -
ICQ interest group about this disease.

160. Vietnow - Veterans - Vietnam To Now - Vietnam Veterans
Provides comprehensive information on several important topics, including homeless personnel, Agent Orange, POW/MIA, PTSD and Gulf War syndrome.
var sc_project=370719; var sc_partition=1; var sc_invisible=1; Our 20th Annual National Convention The volunteer spirit is what keeps VietNow going. We honored some of our volunteers at this year's convention. VietNow Magazine
To see what VietNow is all about you need to check out our magazine right here. Veterans Incarcerated
Veterans in prison have made some wrong turns, but we always remember that they were veterans first. POW/MIA
We work on it every day and we won't let anyone forget. Find out what's new with this important issue. Memorial
Seeing what's behind the names on "The Wall." Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Is your PTSD getting worse instead of better? American Gold Star Mothers and Sons and Daughters in Touch: Your sons and fathers would be proud National President, Rich Sanders.
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VietNow Issues VietNow Magazine Join Us ... Response to Iraq War Soldier in Annie's Mailbox

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