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         Des Syndrome:     more books (58)
  1. Erbliche Polyposis-Syndrome des Magendarmtraktes: Genetische Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung der Heterogenität adenomatöser Polyposis-Syndrome (German Edition) by Stefan Aretz, 2010-08-27
  2. Le syndrome des Grieux: La relation pere/fils au XVIIIe siecle (French Edition) by Maurice Daumas, 1990
  3. Le syndrome des Plaines d'Abraham (French Edition) by Eric Schwimmer, 1995
  4. Maladie Du Système Nerveux: Autisme, Pathologie Neurologique Professionnelle, Autisme Infantile, Syndrome Des Jambes Sans Repos (French Edition)
  5. Syndrome: Syndrome D'épuisement Professionnel, Syndrome Métabolique, Syndrome Des Loges, Syndrome Myélodysplasique, Syndrome Du Savant (French Edition)
  6. Etude clinique et anatomo-pathologique des Syndromes Neuro-Anemiques, en particulier des Denegerescences combinees subaigues de la Moelle avec Anemie, avec 20 figures et une planche dans la texte (Travail de la Clinique des Maladies) by Dr. Pierre Mathieu, 1925
  7. La fievre des achats: Le syndrome des achats compulsifs (Collection Les empecheurs de penser en rond) (French Edition) by Jean Ades, 1999
  8. Syndrome Neurologique: Syndrome de Guillain-Barré, Syndrome D'enfermement, Syndrome Des Jambes Sans Repos, Syndrome Vestibulaire (French Edition)
  9. Appareil Locomoteur: Syndrome Des Loges, Kinésithérapie, Technique Bowen, Tendon, Rhumatologie, Traumatologie, Appareil Locomoteur Humain (French Edition)
  10. Gremoire : Tests Et éChelles De La Maladie D'alzheimer Et Des Syndromes Apparentés
  11. Neuroleptique: Alimémazine, Métopimazine, Dyskinésie Tardive, Syndrome Malin Des Neuroleptiques, Antidopaminergique (French Edition)
  12. Apiculture: Apiculteur, Apis, Hydromel, Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Miel, Prairie Fleurie, Élevage de Reines (French Edition)
  13. Médécine Vétérinaire: Plan de Crise Pour une Pandémie, Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Traces, Fièvre Aphteuse, Asticothérapie (French Edition)
  14. Nuisance Apicole: Syndrome D'effondrement Des Colonies D'abeilles, Vespa Velutina, Gaucho, Maladie Noire, Thiamethoxam, Philanthus Triangulum (French Edition)

101. Le Syndrome De Williams Et Beuren
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102. Malicious Mother Syndrome
Paper defines the DivorceRelated Malicious Mother syndrome.
Divorce-Related Malicious Mother Syndrome
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page to do a search on that word. Used with permission from the Fathers' Rights Newsline
Divorce-Related Malicious Mother Syndrome
Ira Daniel Turket, PhD With the increasing commonality of divorce involving children, a pattern of abnormal behavior has emerged that has received little attention. The present paper defines the Divorce Related Malicious Mother Syndrome. Specific nosologic criteria are provided with abundant clinical examples. Given the lack of scientific data available on the disorder, issues of classification, etiology, treatment, and prevention appear ripe for investigation. INTRODUCTION A divorced man gains custody of his children and his ex-wife burns down his home. A woman in a custody battle buys a cat for her offspring because her divorcing husband is highly allergic to cats. A mother forces her children to sleep in a car to "prove" their father has bankrupted them. The actions illustrate a pattern of abnormal behavior that has emerged as the divorce rate involving children has grown. Today, half of all marriages will end in divorce (Beal and Hochman, 1991). The number of children involved in divorce has grown dramatically (e.g., Hetherington and Arastah, 1988) as well. While the majority of such cases are "settled" from a legal perspective, outside the courtroom the battle continues.

103. Rett Syndrome Research Foundation: Welcome
Promotes biomedical research for the treatment of Rett syndrome, often misdiagnosed as Autism and Hypotonia. Offers detailed information, links, studies, support groups, and information on the Rett syndrome gene MECP2 recently discovered.
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CIBC Miracle Day 2005
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free, quarterly newsletter. our electronic RSRFNewsAlert. "Research Update" Now Available Syndrome featured in New York Times ... Contact Us

An article and case study of this rare disease. Includes links.
Prof. Camillo O. DI CICCO
Member of " DNA Repair Group " National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bethesda.
VIth Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (Abstract)
A case is reported of a 28 year old man referring the appearance of swollen blisters due to insignificant trauma since birth. Later he noticed progressive changes of the skin as teleangectasies, atrophic spots, sensivity to sun, dystrohic fingermails and webbing between fingers.
The patient was hospitalized several times for an appropriate diagnosis and asked for the permission to undergo an operation of plastic surgery in Paris to correct webbing of the hands.
The rare association of two congenital diseases, epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica and poikiloderma, leads to the diagnosis of a Kindler syndrome.
The Kindler Syndrome described by Theresa Kindler in 1954 is probably a variant of hereditary acrokeratotic Poikiloderma in whitch Poikiloderma is preceded by a tendency to blistering following traumatic blisters.
There are not many ultrastructural studies on this syndrome. The ultrastructural level of blister formation has not been well characterized. The cutis of the hand back of our patient has been examined at the electronic microscope and it shows a thinned epidermis with a normal keratinization and a compact corneous ortokeratosic layer. A dermo epidermic flaking is noticed in several points and at different levels.

105. Triplo-X Syndrome :
Information and support for parents with daughters having this gennetic disorder, with scientific literature and contacts.
Home Development Prenatal Articles ... Login Page
"Let the Knowledge Flow"
2004 National Pediatric and Adolescent Conference
Chromosome Variations (47,XXY / 47,XXX / 47,XYY /
48,XXYY / 48,XXXY and more) Friday, July 16, 2004 to Sunday, July 18, 2004
Kansas City, Missouri
For more info Please visit: WELCOME Parenthood represents one of the most amazing changes that occurs in our lives.  Having a child with triplo-X or 47, XXX  does not detract from this monumental change.  This site is a place where you and other parents can learn  about what triplo-X means for your child and you.   It is my hope that this site will encourage you to forge a strong relationship with your child and to help her grow up happy and healthy.  For those of you faced with the possibility of having a child with triplo-X, this site can help you make a more informed choice. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
2.  There's a great support group for parents, parents-to-be, and their daughters to share resources and support regarding the diagnoses of Trisomy X at:

106. Addison's Disease And Type I Diabetes
Information about Schmidt's syndrome a polyglandular autoimmune syndrome involving adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease) plus autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulindependent diabetes mellitus.
Home Control My Endo History Links AddisonsDiabetes Forum ... Contact
My name is Glenn Kardel. I have polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II, frequently referred to as Schmidt's syndrome. The classic manifestations of this syndrome are adrenal insufficiency plus autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. I have all three of the above conditions: Addison's disease , hypothyroidism, and type I diabetes.
Addisons and hypothyroidism are treated with oral hormone replacement medications. Type I diabetes is the most serious and difficult to control of the three conditions. Treatment usually involves balancing insulin therapy administered through injections or a pump, diet, and exercise with the goal of maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
After I was diagnosed with Addisons and started taking hydrocortisone, I started to have highly variable blood sugars. I began to have sugars in the 300's and also frequent hypoglycemic episodes. I started searching for information about the interaction between Addisons and diabetes or any special treatment strategies related to the two conditions and was surprised to find almost nothing.
Given the adverse and potentially dangerous effect Addisons has on diabetes, this information should be explicitly stated and available to people with Addisons and diabetes. This website is my attempt to provide information on this subject and hopefully connect with others who have useful information about Addisons and diabetes.

107. The New England Journal Of Medicine: Research & Review Articles On Diseases & Cl
Correspondence about this condition to the New England Journal of Medicine.

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Permissions Info Editorial Policies ... Contact Us September 8, 2005 FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS THIS WEEK IN THE JOURNAL Prophylactic Levofloxacin in Patients with Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia Patients who were assigned to levofloxacin had a lower incidence of fever and clinically documented bacteremias than those assigned to placebo. These data support the prophylactic use of levofloxacin in this high-risk population. CME Exam Antibacterial Prophylaxis after Chemotherapy for Solid Tumors and Lymphomas 1565 patients who were receiving cyclic chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma and who were at risk for temporary, severe neutropenia received either 500 mg of levofloxacin once daily or placebo for seven days. Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Coronary Disease In patients with coronary artery disease, the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells correlated inversely with the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The level of these cells thus may be a useful marker of coronary risk.

108. Mental Health
Information on insomnia, Restless Legs syndrome, sleep in the elderly, and nonmedicine countermeasures is provided by Medbroadcast, a Canadian health web-broadcaster.

109. Ehlers-danlos
This site offers extensive information for patients and doctors, plus links.
Ehlers-Danlos Support Group
Support for the New Millennium
Welcome to the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome UK Support Group
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is the name given to a group of heritable connective tissue disorders. EDS can affect the skin, ligaments, and internal organs.
New Site NOW COMPLETE! CLICK HERE Or paste HTTP:// into your browser

110. Klinefelter Syndrome Support Group Website
Educational and support information about Klinefelter syndrome/XXY and its variants.
Klinefelter Syndrome
Support Group Home Page

What is Klinefelter Syndrome?

Living with Klinefelter Syndrome - My Story

Hurricane Katrina Relief Information

Send any comments or questions to the webmaster. Bookmark This Site To Return For Updates
This page created by Stefan

my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! The information, text, graphics, and links provided on this site are provided for those seeking information about Klinefelter Syndrome/XXY. The opinions of the webmaster are his alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any organization with which he is affiliated. The webmaster does not warrant the accuracy, or completeness of any links provided herein. Submit your page to 34 popular sites for free, using one form!

111. InteliHealth: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
What PMS is, its symptoms, what your doctor looks for, diagnosis, expected duration, prevention, treatment, when to call a professional, prognosis, and additional resources.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • What Is It? Symptoms Diagnosis Expected Duration ... Additional Info
  • What Is It? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms that many women experience during the one to two weeks before a menstrual period. These symptoms disappear soon after the start of menstrual bleeding.

    112. BWH Renal Division Home Page
    The Laboratory of Inherited Kidney Disease at the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital is conducting research to identify genes involved in the development of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and nephrotic syndrome.

    113. NINDS Forwarding Page
    Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
    NINDS has redesigned its website and the URL for the page you were seeking has changed. The new URL for this page is /disorders/fahrs/fahrs.htm . Please update your bookmark to this page. You will be automatically taken to this page in 5 seconds, or you can click the link to go there now.

    114. Syndrome De Peters SNOF
    à rechercher dans la famille pour pouvoir fournir un conseil génétique,
    Accueil Annonces Art Histoire ... Homepage
    Syndrome de Peters
    Nous remercions les parents de la petite fille pour leur autorisation Rev 02-03-2003
    Von Hippel en 1887, puis Peters en
    • absence de membrane de Descemet,
    Actuellement, le syndrome de Peters , et concernent la , l' iris , l' et le cristallin Ces maladies regroupent les syndromes de Peters Axenfeld et Le syndrome de Peters migration ou bien une dysfonction cerveau hypophyse , des cartilages , des os papilles dentaires
    On peut constater uniquement une amblyopie Une forme un peu plus grave associe des Plus grave encore est l'association d'une cataracte ou bien d'un contact le syndrome de Peters-plus Le syndrome de Kivlin-Krause
    Il faut d'abord envisager un bilan glaucome En cas de cataracte , en sachant que cette chirurgie est toujours encourageants
    Beauchamp, G. R. : Anterior segment dysgenesis keratolenticular adhesion and aniridia. J. Pediat. Ophthal. Strabismus 17: 55-58, 1978. Cabral de Almeida, J. C.; Reis, D. F.; Llerena, J., Jr.; Neto, J. B.; Lopes Pontes, R.; Middleton, S.; Telles, L. F. : Short stature, brachydactyly, and Peters' anomaly (Peters'-plus syndrome): confirmation of autosomal recessive inheritance. J. Med. Genet. 28: 277-279, 1991

    115. WHO | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
    Symptoms and treatment guidelines, travel advisory, and daily outbreak updates. From the World Health Organization (WHO).
    All WHO
    This site only Home About WHO Countries Health topics ... WHO sites
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) NEW GUIDANCE ON SARS
    October 2004
    Guidelines, recommendations, descriptions

    WHO Collaborative Networks

    Travel advice

    Other information resources: links, images
    Situation Updates - SARS
    Cumulative number of reported probable cases Areas with recent local transmission Resolution to the WHO World Health Assembly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (pdf, 120k) SARS, an atypical pneumonia of unknown aetiology, was recognized at the end of February 2003. WHO is co-ordinating the international investigation with the assistance of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and is working closely with health authorities in the affected countries to provide epidemiological, clinical and logistical support as required. HIGHLIGHTS New Guidance on SARS October 2004 DISEASE OUTBREAKS Poliomyelitis Ethiopia - Update Full text Yellow fever Guinea Full text Cholera West Africa Full text Disease Outbreak News New publication: Laboratory biosafety manual. Second edition (revised) [.pdf]

    116. Syndrome De Sjogren SNOF
    Accueil Annonces Art Histoire ... Homepage
    Rev 06-04-2003
    • Une sensation de sable dans les yeux , Des rougeurs.
      Une augmentation des caries dentaires ;
    Douleurs musculaires et articulaires.
    • Irritation des nerfs des bras, des mains, des jambes ou des pieds (neuropathie) ; Sensations d'engourdissement ou de fourmillements ; Cancer du tissu lymphatique (chez moins de 1 % des personnes atteintes de cette maladie).
    Quelles sont les formes de la maladie ?
    • Equilibre du repos et exercice

    et des syndromes secs

    150, rue de Verdun
    TEL/FAX 02 35 61 11 99 Barbara TURPIN

    117. PWSA Of Victoria (Australia) Home Page
    Includes details about the organization, a diagnosis/infant guide, a general guide, members stories and links.
    Updated August 2004*
    The PWSA of Victoria Web Site is intended to provide information only - not to diagnose or advocate particular treatment options. The Diagnosis and treatment of Prader-Willi Syndrome should be made through a qualified medical professional. Thus, it is strongly urged that patients do not change treatment without first consulting their doctor.
    The inclusion of any resource or link in the PWSA of Victoria Web Site does not imply endorsement.
    Site design: Helen Anderson
    On this Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Victoria (Australia) website you will find:
    • Details on our Association, what we offer and how we can be contacted Information for those who have had a recent diagnosis of PWS for your infant or toddler General information about PWS across all age groups A list of books, publications, and tapes available in our Members Library Stories and pictures from some of our members Contacts for other Australian PWS Associations
      Links to PWS Associations around the world and other useful organisations A link to our community at MC2 (at the top of the page) where you can look at, or post messages to, a forum where parents and others discuss PWS issues. You can also "chat" to others in your situation and find out about events

    118. Antiphospholipid Syndrome
    Among the topics discussed are primary and secondary APS, clinical manifestations, treatment and further reading.
    Information for
    health care professionals click on brain to return to index page Neuroland Search site Neuro Med Neuro Note Texas Dr ... YSL
    Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS)
    Primary APS: no underlying systemic disorder Secondary APS: presence of an underlying disease, most commonly SLE. Antiphospholipid antibody: two main groups. Lupus anticoagulants (LA): dRVVT used as both a screening and confirmatory test. It is a sensitive assay, provides accurate results during pregnancy. A prolonged dRVVT may be better than other tests for predicting arterial thrombosis. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA): Predictive value probably rises with the titer. Both IgG and IgM ACA may carry a risk, the correlation seems to be stronger with IgG antibodies. A mild increase involve very little risk. No direct correlation between the concentration of antibodies and extent of thrombosis. Whether elevated cardiolipin, phosphatidylserine, or phosphatidylethanolamine antibodies are a cause of stroke or are only a marker of the presence of other precursors of stroke remains unknown. Associated laboratory abnormalities: may include a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time, false-positive VDRL, elevated ANA, ESR, thrombocytopenia.

    119. Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Guaifenesin Fibromyalgia Treatment Guaifen
    News and articles, chat rooms, message boards, coping suggestions and events.

    Support .com World's Largest Site Over 5 million Annual Visitors Chat Rooms Message Boards Advisory Board SEARCH our Site:

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    Fibromyalgia Webmaster tools Top Categories Digestion Energy Fatigue Guaifenesin ... For Women Welcome to ProHealth's
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    • Patient owned. Dedicated to research. Your purchases have helped us raise and donate over $2 million to fund Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research to find a cure.
    - CFS patient Carol Sieverling writes, "The following is my interpretation of transcripts and tapes of conversations that took place between Dr. Paul Cheney and two different patients, including myself, during September and November of 2004. Any treatm ... READ MORE Treatment for Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: A Complementary Health Care Perspective - Dr. Steven Ross writes, "Because of the widespread musculoskeletal manifestations of Fibromyalgia (FMS), patients suffering from it are very likely to seek complementary and alternative medicine. This paper will review FMS, with emphasis on complemen ... READ MORE Fibromyalgia: Treating Overlapping Conditions (Excerpt From “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fibromyalgia”) - Lynne Matallana writes, "Overlapping conditions are a case of bad news and good news. The bad news is that people with fibromyalgia experience a variety of overlapping conditions; the good news is that many treatment options are available to successf ...

    120. The Facts About Tourette Syndrome
    Basic information about Tourette's syndrome. Includes a list of symptoms classified as either simple or complex.
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    The original, although not official, Tourette Syndrome web site. Please read this
    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by tics involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way. Diagnostic criteria include: Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present at some time, although not necessarily simultaneously; The occurrence of tics many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day or intermittently throughout the span of more than one year; Periodic changes in the number, frequency, type and location of the tics, and in the waxing and waning of their severity. Symptoms can sometimes disappear for weeks or months at a time; Onset before the age of 18. Although the word "involuntary" is used to describe the nature of the tics, this is not entirely accurate. It would not be true to say that people with TS have absolutely no control over their tics, as though it was some type of spasm; rather, a more appropriate term would be "compelling." People with TS feel an irresistable urge to perform their tics, much like the need to scratch a mosquito bite. Some people with TS are able to hold back their tics for up to hours at a time, but this only leads to a stronger outburst of tics once they are finally allowed to be expressed.

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