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101. UniProt Knowledgebase Keyword: Deafness The two principal types of deafness are conduction deafness and nerve deafness.Gene ontology links. GO0007605; perception of sound. Categories http://www.expasy.org/cgi-bin/get-entries?KW=Deafness |
102. Ménière's Society - Helping People With Vertigo, Tinnitus And Deafness Founded to support people with M©ni¨re's disease and those who care for them. Information about the organisation, with advice on managing the symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and deafness. http://www.menieres.co.uk/ | |
103. OFA: Deafness A link to more information on deafness prevalence, causes, and management from Interpret the meaning of the OFA congenital deafness certification number http://www.offa.org/deafinfo.html | |
104. University Of Tennessee: Center On Deafness The University of Tennessee, Knoxville was founded in 1794 and was designatedthe state landgrant institution in 1879. The University now has nearly 26000 http://sunsite.utk.edu/cod/ | |
105. Aphasia In Adults: Recent Research [NIDCD Health Information] Fact sheet covering established aphasia types and therapies, support organizations, and new approaches to evaluation, characterization, and treatment. Published by the National Institute on deafness and Other Communication Disorders. http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/voice/adultaphasia.asp | |
106. Sudden Deafness OTORRHINOLARYNGOLOGY-MEDSTUDENTS A small review of sudden deafness including the most common etiology, clinicalmanifestations, and treatment of this otorrhynolaryngologic emergency. http://www.medstudents.com.br/otor/otor4.htm | |
107. Welkom Bij Maak Een Gebaar Information about deafness and sign language in the Netherlands for hearing persons who would like to know more about the deaf community including 3D animations of signs. http://www.maakeengebaar.nl/ |
108. DeafClub.co.uk The BIGGEST Deaf Internet Search Engine A directory of deafnessrelated resources, including organisations, BSL, culture, magazines, and discussion groups. http://www.DeafClub.co.uk/ | |
109. Hearing Loss, Deafness, And Other Hearing Conditions On MedicineNet.com Hearing loss can have a variety of causes, which can be present at birth oraquired later in life. http://www.medicinenet.com/deafness/ | |
110. Hearing Loss, Deafness, And Other Hearing Conditions On MedicineNet.com Hearing loss can have a variety of causes, which can be present at birth oraquired later in life. http://www.medicinenet.com/deafness/article.htm | |
111. About Deafness/Hard Of Hearing Features syndication of articles related to hearing disorders. http://z.about.com/6/g/deafness/b/index.xml | |
112. Otosclerosis Offers a brief description of the disorder, symptoms and treatment options provided by About.com. Find links to articles and related resources. http://deafness.about.com/cs/etiology/a/otosclerosis.htm | |
113. Seeing Disabilities From A Different Perspective Fourth and fifth graders provide information on autism, blindness, cerebral palsy, and deafness. Includes causes, effects, and famous people who have suffered from these conditions. http://library.thinkquest.org/5852/ |
114. Harvard Medical School Center For Hereditary Deafness deafness Gene Mutation Database. Do you want to be the curator for your favorite Connexins and deafness Webpage. KeratitisIchthyosis-deafness Syndrome http://hearing.harvard.edu/db/genelist.htm | |
115. Deaf Websites. Deaf World. Deaf Sites. Deaf Links. Deaf Web Site Extensive list of sites pertaining to deafness, sorted by category. http://www.deafwebsites.com | |
116. Harris Communications - Products For Deaf, Deafness, Hard Of Hearing, Hearing Im Offers products for deaf, deafness, hearing impaired, hard of hearing. hearing loss,tmobile sidekick, sidekick, blackberry, pagers for the deaf, http://www.harriscomm.com/ | |
117. Medical Online Disease Information deafness can be either due to nerve deafness which involves the auditory poor Nerve deafness occurs in elderly people whose hearing deteriorates in the http://www.medicalonline.com.au/medical/disease_index/elderly/deafness.htm | |
118. Spasmodic Dysphonia [NIDCD Health Information] Answers to frequently asked SD questions, offered by the National Institute on deafness and Other Communication Disorders (a division of the National Institutes of Health). http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/voice/spasdysp.asp | |
119. DEAFNESS : Contact A Family - For Families With Disabled Children: Information O Contact a Family is a UK charity for families with disabled children. We offerinformation on specific conditions and rare disorders. http://www.cafamily.org.uk/Direct/d18.html | |
120. Interpreting Center on deafness, California State University at Northridge. http://prc.csun.edu/Content/Links/int.asp | |
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