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41. Alors Parlons En ! Une m¨re raconte le prcours de son fils atteint atteint d'un syndrome c©r©belleux et d'un syndrome dandy walker, ses ©volutions, son quotidien, la bataille face l'int©gration scolaire et sa vie quotidienne. http://www.alorsparlonsen.com | |
42. Introduction: Dandy-Walker Syndrome - WrongDiagnosis.com Introduction to dandywalker syndrome as a medical condition including symptoms,diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/d/dandy_walker_syndrome/intro.htm | |
43. Symptoms Of Dandy-Walker Syndrome - WrongDiagnosis.com Symptoms of dandywalker syndrome including signs, symptoms, incubation period,duration, and correct diagnosis. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/d/dandy_walker_syndrome/symptoms.htm | |
44. Special Child: Disorder Zone Archives - Dandy-Walker Syndrome dandywalker syndrome/hydrocephalus recovery is so different today than it was I even faxed him a sheet of questions about dandy-walker syndrome and he http://www.specialchild.com/archives/dz-021.html | |
45. Patient 59 Selftest about the distinction between Joubert syndrome and the dandywalker syndromeare FALSE? A. Hydrocephalus is uncommon in the dandy-walker syndrome. http://www.bcm.edu/neurol/challeng/pat59/selftest.html | |
46. Dandy-Walker Syndrome a CHORUS notecard document about dandywalker syndrome. http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00111.html | |
47. Dandy-Walker Syndrome dandywalker syndrome. obstruction of foramina of Luschka + Magendie. enlarged 4thventricle; hypoplastic vermis + cerebellum http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/to-go/00111.html | |
48. Dandy-Walker Syndrome links to national and international support groups, clinics with genetic counselorsand geneticists. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/dandy.html | |
49. Dandy-Walker Syndrome - Dandy-Walker Malformation - Information Page With HONsel A congenital abnormality of the central nervous system marked by failure of the http://www.hon.ch/HONselect/RareDiseases/EN/C10. | |
50. Dandy-Walker Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) dandywalker syndrome A variant of Arnold-Chiari syndrome characterized by acongenital brain malformation involving the fourth ventricle and cerebellum. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/433.html | |
51. Dandy-Walker-like Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) dandywalker-like syndrome A familial syndrome combining characteristics of thedandy-walker syndrome with other abnormalities. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/434.html | |
52. EMedicine - Dandy-Walker Malformation : Article By Lutfi Incesu, MD Benda CE The dandywalker syndrome or the so-called atresia of the foramen of Bordarier C, Aicardi J dandy-walker syndrome and agenesis of the http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic206.htm | |
53. EMedicine - Dandy-Walker Malformation : Article Excerpt By: Lutfi Incesu, MD Synonyms, Key Words, and Related Terms dandywalker syndrome, dandy-walker cyst,dandy-walker deformity, Luschka-Magendie foramina atresia http://www.emedicine.com/radio/byname/dandy-walker-malformation.htm | |
54. Information About Dandy-Walker Syndrome This site contains information about burning feet. http://www.mamashealth.com/syndrome/dandy.asp | |
55. Dandy-Walker Syndrome dandywalker syndrome. This article submitted by Kathy Beladi on 11/9/95. One ofthe ladies I work with has a son who has dandy-walker syndrome. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/ChildNeurologyArticles/DandyWalke | |
56. Show-documents.asp dandy walker syndrome Written Information. Care Treatment. -, dandy-walkersyndrome New Search Health Extra Menu. http://www.clevelandclinic.org/healthextra/do-query.asp?TopicId=1293 |
57. Dandy-Walker Malformation (Syndrome) dandywalker Malformation/syndrome. dandy-walker syndrome dandy-walker syndrome Malformation dandy-walker sites francophones dandy-walker Variant http://www.bdid.com/dandy.htm | |
58. Dandy-Walker Syndrome - Patient UK dandywalker syndrome - Patient UK. A directory of UK health, disease, illnessand related medical websites that provide patient information. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40001364/ | |
59. Dandy-Walker Syndrome - OhioHealth dandywalker syndrome is a brain malformation that s present at birth (congenital).It involves the cerebellum, the part of the brain that coordinates http://www.ohiohealth.com/healthreference/reference/AA9CD284-C300-420C-B8AF0D876 |
60. Dandy-Walker Syndrome What is dandywalker syndrome? In order to discuss dandy -walker syndrome,one needs first to say something of the anatomy and physiology of the http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/ate/childrenshealth/200255.html | |
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