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81. Institut Für Humangenetik of a chromosome 1;22 translocation in a patient with costello syndrome. the gene for Noonan syndrome, PTPN11, in 18 patients with costello syndrome. http://ihg.uke.uni-hamburg.de/publikationen.de.php?forscher=kk |
82. Disruption Of The PDGFB Gene In A 1;22 Translocation Patient Does Not Cause Cost We studied a female patient initially diagnosed with costello syndrome who carries In 18 patients with costello syndrome, mutation analysis of the genes http://www.pdg.cnb.uam.es/UniPub/iHOP/gp/10553779.html | |
83. GLB1 - Beta-galactosidase-related Protein Precursor loss of EBP from fibroblasts of costello syndrome patients is associated and high proliferation of fibroblasts from costello syndrome are related to http://www.pdg.cnb.uam.es/UniPub/iHOP/gg/88648.html | |
84. Publication Is the locus for costello syndrome on 11p? Publication or Journal, J Med Genet. Volume, 40. Page Numbers, 46971. Year Published, 2003. Authors http://www.medicine.manchester.ac.uk/research/PubDetails/index.aspx?ID=14141 |
85. EP Magazine Issues - May 2003: Mobility 115 Nicoles Answer costello syndrome By Arnold Kim A familys search for a diagnosis leads them to an unexpected answera rare disease called Costello http://www.eparent.com/magazine/may03_magazine.htm | |
86. Genetics And Molecular Biology - Patton MA and Baraitser M (1993) Cutis laxa and the costello syndrome. J Med Genet 30622. Patton MA, Tolmie J, Ruthnum P, Bamforth S, Baraitser M and http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1415-47572005000200001&script=sci_arttext&t |
87. CFC International One male child was seen with costello syndrome. He had a cranial nerve 4 palsy, with a head tilt and higher eye on one side relative to the other. http://www.cfcsyndrome.org/conference-summary.htm | |
88. CFC International DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Noonan syndrome, costello syndrome In the costello syndrome, there is worse skin involvement with the presence of calluses on http://www.cfcsyndrome.org/clinical-synopsis.htm | |
89. Retrovirally Mediated Overexpression Of Versican V3 Reverses Impaired Elastogene The phenotypic resemblance of patients with costello syndrome and Hurler disease has been linked to impaired formation of elastic fibers that coincides with http://ajp.amjpathol.org/cgi/content/abstract/164/1/119 | |
90. Retrovirally Mediated Overexpression Of Versican V3 Reverses Impaired Elastogene The phenotypic resemblance of patients with costello syndrome and Hurler disease Other manifestations of costello syndrome include soft skin with excess http://ajp.amjpathol.org/cgi/content/full/164/1/119 | |
91. Internet Is Useful For Information On Rare Conditions -- Dearlove Et Al. 315 (71 Journals and the internet letters. BMJ 1997;31413512. (3 May.) Free Full Text; Dearlove OR, Harper N. costello syndrome. Paediatr Anaesth (in press). http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/315/7106/491/a | |
92. FvO Vragenplein / Syndromen En Specifieke Handicaps / Diversen / Wat Is De Ziekt Onze zoon Maël is 6,5 jaar en heeft costello syndrome. Wij zijn in contact met 2 andere kan je de informatie of costello syndrome naar ons sturen? http://www.fvo.nl/vragenplein/thread.php?id=95&site=1 |
93. Azfamily.com | News For Phoenix, Arizona | Health & Fitness: Healthy Living Right now there are about 150 babies diagnosed with costello syndrome worldwide. This text is invisible on the page, but this text is affected by the http://www.azfamily.com/health/living/stories/KTVKHLiving20050805.456e5214.html | |
94. Grouping Of Multiple-Lentigines/LEOPARD And Noonan Syndromes On The PTPN11 Gene neurofibromatosisNoonan syndrome (NFNS MIM 601321), and costello syndrome CFCS MIM 115150, NFNS MIM 601321, costello syndrome MIM *218040, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=379170 |
95. ORPHANET - Maladies Rares - Médicaments Orphelins Translate this page Le syndrome de costello est caractérisé par un retard de croissance postnatal, des traits épais, un excès de peau au niveau du cou, des paumes, http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=FR&Expert=3071 |
96. Infant Teaches Christmas Spirit The chances of being born with the syndrome are only one in 60 million. The syndrome was first detailed by Dr. costello, a pediatrician from New Zealand who http://www.fuquay-varinaindependent.com/news/2003122400551.html | |
97. The Agitated Camera It is from this costellosyndrome that the cinematographic elements in The My term the costello-syndrome is thus merely meant as a descriptive http://imv.au.dk/publikationer/pov/Issue_10/section_3/artc2A.html | |
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