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61. Bryan Hall The costello syndrome, Meisner RabsonMendenhall Syndrome, costello syndrome may have many of the same features (eg the dry skin and the curly hair), http://www.noonansyndrome.org/articlesinfo/Bryan Hall.htm | |
62. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics - Abstract: Volume 23(1) January/February 2003 costello syndrome Orthopaedic Manifestations and Functional Health. Summary Sixteen individuals with costello syndrome underwent a complete history, http://www.pedorthopaedics.com/pt/re/jpedortho/abstract.00004694-200301000-00019 | |
63. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics - UserLogin costello syndrome Orthopaedic Manifestations and Functional Health Sixteen individuals with costello syndrome underwent a complete history, http://www.pedorthopaedics.com/pt/re/jpedortho/fulltext.00004694-200301000-00019 | |
64. 219200 CUTIS LAXA WITH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY Davies, SJ; Hughes, HE Cutis laxa a feature of costello syndrome. Patton, MA; Baraitser, M. Cutis laxa and the costello syndrome. J. Med. Genet. http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:219200] -e |
65. %218040 COSTELLO SYNDROME Later these cases were diagnosed as costello syndrome (Der Kaloustian, 1993; The hypothesis of autosomal recessive inheritance of costello syndrome was http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:218040] -e |
66. PHP : Resource Details , costello syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder with approximately 150 reported cases......International costello syndrome Support Group (UK) http://www.php.com/include/agency/agency_item.php?AgencyID=2134&where_keywords= |
67. Support Group Resources International costello syndrome Support Group costello syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder with approximately 150 reported cases world wide. http://disability-resource.com/osupp.html | |
68. KMOV.com | St. Louis, MO | Health A New Zealand doctor identified costello syndrome in 1987. costello syndrome alters physical features but can also affect the heart, a child s ability http://www.kmov.com/health/health_stories/stories/kmov_health_050622_costellosyn | |
69. Current Opinion In Cardiology - UserLogin Exclusion of PTPN11 mutations in costello syndrome further evidence for distinct etiologies of Noonan, cardiofacio-cutaneous, and costello syndromes. http://www.co-cardiology.com/pt/re/cocardio/fulltext.00001573-200403000-00007.ht | |
70. Congenital, Hereditary, And Neonatal Diseases And Abnormalities Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities costello syndrome (not on MeSH) - Cri-du-Chat Syndrome - Cri-du-Chat Syndrome - Cri-du-Chat http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c16.html | |
71. Tumor Predisposition Syndromes costello syndrome diaphyseal medullary stenosis with malignant fibrous histiocytoma Cockayne syndrome. congenital neutropenia. costello syndrome http://www.humpath.com/article.php3?id_article=360 |
72. Canadian Directory Of Genetic Support Groups International costello syndrome Support Group (costello syndrome) International Dyslexia Association (Dyslexia) International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans http://www.lhsc.on.ca/programs/medgenet/i_sup.htm | |
73. The Advertiser - Award For Child Who Beat The Odds But Cath says the need to raise awareness of costello syndrome is still vitally And the very first costello syndrome Clinic has just been opened in http://www.nemadvertiser.co.uk/news/w/124/124973_award_for_child_who_beat_the_od | |
74. Health Library - Pediatrics THE FUNCTIONAL HEALTH STATUS AND ORTHOPAEDIC MD, Michael J. Goldberg, MD, FAAP, with the costello syndrome Study Group. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tufts-New England Medical Center Hospital, |
75. Resources For Genetic Counselors - Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome costello syndrome this syndrome resembles BWS only in the neonatal period, Children with costello syndrome have very coarse facial features and failure http://www.genesoc.com/counseling2/article22.html | |
76. The Turkish Journal Of Pediatrics 15) Platton MA, Baraitser M. Cutis laxa and the costello syndrome (Letter). costello syndrome natural history and differential diagnosis of cutis laxa. http://tjp.dergisi.org/text.php3?id=86 |
77. Health Library - www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.htm Nemours.org - Application process - Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Adaptive skills, cognitive and behavioral characteristics of costello syndrome. and Behavioral Functioning in Patients with costello syndrome. |
78. Title Adaptive Functioning Competence/ Cognitive Ability/ costello syndrome. 5036. Clark, R., Dogan, RR, Akbar, NJ Youth and parental correlates of http://www.aseba.org/products/adaptive_functioning_&_competence.htm | |
79. Link Directory - Finnish Information Center On Mental Retardation costello syndrome, Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation (MCA/MR) Syndromes Costello Kids, International costello syndrome Support Group http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/engl/webs_c.html | |
80. 04.26.2004 costello syndrome. costello syndrome Support Group (UK) costello syndrome NORD costello syndrome-case report. CREST Syndrome http://genetics.rusmedserv.com/catalog/syndlist/ | |
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