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161. Harding University - Communication Introduction to degree programs in Oral Communications, disorders, Journalism, Public Relations, Management, Theatre, and Media. http://www.harding.edu/communication/index.html | |
162. St Catherine's School Nonmaintained, residential special school for children with primary speech and language disorders in Key Stages 2 to 4. Information about education and facilities, speech and communication therapy, and vocational training for students aged 16-19. http://www.stcatherines.org.uk/ | |
163. CS&D Wepage communication Sciences disorders. Dr. Claire Taub Department Chair. Alba Pankiewicz - Secretary. Normal Ave., Speech Bldg. 119 Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 http://www.chss.montclair.edu/csd/csd.htm | |
164. Edinboro University Of Pennselvania Department of Speech and communication Studies. Programs leading to the BA in communication Studies and Speech Hearing disorders, as well as the MA in communication Studies and SpeechLanguage Pathology. http://www.edinboro.edu/cwis/speech/sp_comm.htm | |
165. School Of Communication At Northwestern University :: School Of Communication :: School of communication consists of the Departments of communication Studies, communication Sciences and disorders, Performance Studies, Radio/TV/Film, and Theatre. http://www.communication.northwestern.edu/ | |
166. Special Education Tutoring Services Offering tutoring services for children with specific learning disabilities, attention and behavioral disorders, and mild retardation and communication delays. http://www.angelfire.com/ca6/judywatson/index.html | |
167. Search, University Of Canterbury Educates in both theoretical and applied aspects of human communication sciences and disorders. Information about undergraduate and postgraduate study, people, research, clinical services and location, plus links, student journal and positions available. http://www.spth.canterbury.ac.nz/ |
168. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De Naturalanimal ! Specializes in holistic pet care, dealing with nutrition, homeopathy, veterinary acupuncture, animal communication, TTouch, nutrional supplements and behavioral disorders. http://www.naturalanimal.net/ |
169. Barbara Hunt Therapist and marriage counselor in Dallas, Texas specializing in relationships, sexual issues, depression, anxiety, assertive communication skills, adult ADD/ADHD, biofeedback for pain and stress disorders. http://www.licensedtherapists.com/barbarahunt/ |
170. Psycholinguistics At UMass Designed to provide students with expertise in psychological, linguistic, and communicationdisorders based approaches to psycholinguistics. http://www.umass.edu/psyling | |
171. Greater Phoenix Chapter Autism Society Of America A nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of children and adults with severe disorders of communication and behavior. Based in Phoenix, Arizona. http://www.phxautism.org/ | |
172. SPEAK Of Missouri - Support Group St. Louis (Missouri and Illinois) support group for apraxia and other speechlanguage disorders. Provides meeting times and locations and helpful St. Louis metro area resources. http://www.speech-express.com/communication-station/missouri-speak.html | |
173. MedicalSource.com_D2R: Your Source For Speech-pathology - Communicationdisorders MedicalSource.com Your Source For disorders communicationdisorders - communicationdisorders.net. http://www.communicationdisorders.net/ |
174. Diagnostic Instruments s, with references, of the diagnostic instruments used at the University of Michigan Autism and Communications disorders Center....... http://www.umich.edu/~umacc/diagnostic_instruments/description.htm |
175. Hearing Loss And Older Adults - Senior Health, Aging And Elder Care Health Condi A physicianproduced listing of health information about hearing loss and communications disorders. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=20432 |
176. Vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsev PDF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNICATIVE disorders MAJORS http://vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsevier&journal=00219924 |
177. COE&HP Rehabilitation Education & Research Faculty introduction and overview of the bachelor's and master's degree programs in communications disorders and the master's and doctoral studies in rehabilitation counseling. http://www.uark.edu/depts/coehp/RHAB.htm | |
178. Dome Error www.comdisdome.com Help Tutorial Homepage. You must enter a username and password. Continue. Copyright ? 2003 ContentScan Inc All rights reserved. http://www.comdisdome.com/dome/login.jsp |
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