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121. The Department Of Communication Sciences Department of Communication Sciences allows students to concentrate in either communication disorders or Communication Processes. http://vm.uconn.edu/~wwwcoms/ | |
122. Communication Disorders The mission of the communication disorders (CD) Program is to offer students pursuing The communication disorders Program is accredited in the area of http://education.gsu.edu/epse/programs/cd.htm | |
123. AAC Demographic Information Expressive communication disorders in persons with multiple sclerosis A survey. UNL Logo UNL Dept. of Special Ed communication disorders http://aac.unl.edu/AACdemog.html | |
124. Welcome To NSSLHA Web Site A student interest group for the communication disorders and sciences. News, member list, event information, photos, and contact information. http://stdorgs.uww.edu/nsslha/ | |
125. NCSU Department Of Communication The Department of Communication offers B.A. with concentrations in mass communication, public relations, communication disorders, theatre, and public interpersonal communication, as well as M.S. in Organizational Communication. http://www.ncsu.edu/chass/communication | |
126. Communication Sciences & Disorders The School is dedicated to offering diverse opportunities for professional development, providing exemplary instruction and mentorship in model academic and clinical programs, and fostering competence and leadership in its graduates. http://www.emerson.edu/communication_disorders/ | |
127. Speech-language Disorders An annotated index of pointers to resources and information on the Internet relevant to speechlanguage disorders and differences. http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster2/splang.html | |
128. Dr. Vincent Carbone, BCBA Information on workshops conducted by Dr. Carbone and his associates in the U.S., Canada, and the UK, that train care providers in more effective communication techniques to use with children suffering from autism and related neurological disorders. http://www.drcarbone.net/ |
129. ISSPD - International Society For The Study Of Personality Disorders Supports scholarship, clinical experience, international collaboration and communication of research on all aspects of personality disorders including both diagnosis, course and treatment. http://www.isspd.com/index.html | |
130. Pituitary Disorders Education & Support Their goal is to improve health care through communication, public awareness, and patient education. Lists treatments and conditions, newsletters, and patient stories. http://pituitarydisorder.net/ | |
131. Specialty Diets, Inc. ForMyDiet.com provides information, peer communication, specialty diets products, tools, and services to assist and support the management of medical diets such as Juvenile Diabetes and metabolic disorders. http://www.formydiet.com | |
132. IconTalk - A Resource For Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, And Se Structured teaching approach, consulting and product information for students with Autism Spectrum disorders and other severe communication problems. http://www.icontalk.com/ | |
133. Communication Sciences And Disorders Contains information on programs, people, facilities, organizations, and other general information. http://csd.utexas.edu/ | |
134. La Forteresse éclatée Pro Aid Autisme is working for better answers to the needs of people challenged by autism or similar disorders of communication. http://www.proaidautisme.org/ | |
135. Developmental Disability, Early Intervention, Developmental Delays, Autism Scree Information about developmental milestones and screening tools to detect early indications of social, emotional, communication, behavioral, and developmental disorders. http://www.firstsigns.org | |
136. Central Institute For The Deaf, A Center For Oral Deaf Education (keywords: Oral Research on speech, language, and hearing sciences and their disorders and oral education for the hearing impaired. Other activities include clinical services, including hearing testing and sale of hearing aids, education of future teachers for the deaf audiologists, and researchers in communication sciences. http://www.cid.wustl.edu/ | |
137. North American Hair Research Society Organization dedicated to hair research and the treatment of hair loss. Promotes communication between researchers and provides access to recently published articles on hair disorders. http://www.nahrs.org/ | |
138. Home Provides evaluation and remediation of speech and language disorders to preschool, schoolage or adult patients in northeastern Ohio. http://www.abc-speech.com/ | |
139. Barry Prizant Dr. Prizant has more than 25 years experience as a clinical scholar, researcher and consultant to young children with Autism Spectrum disorders (ASD) and related communication disabilities and their families. He is the Director of Childhood communication Services and an Adjunct Professor in the Center for Human Development, Brown University. http://www.barryprizant.com/ | |
140. Stages Learning Materials Photographic flash cards and posters to teach basic language and communication skills to individuals with autism and related disorders. http://www.stageslearning.com | |
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