Disease Injury Nutrition Poison ... Tympanic membrane Cholesteatoma Definition: A type of cyst located in the middle ear. Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Cholesteatoma can be a congenital defect, but it more commonly occurs as a complication of chronic ear infection . Long-term inflammation and malfunction of the eustachian tube leads to chronic negative pressure in the middle ear. This pulls a portion of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) inward, creating a sac or cyst that fills with old skin cells and other debris. The cyst becomes chronically infected. The cyst typically continues to fill with debris over time and may erode the mastoid bone and the bones of the middle ear. Symptoms: , usually chronic hearing loss in one ear pain or numbness in the ear or around the ear dizziness Signs and tests: Inspection of the ear may show a pocket or perforation (opening) in the eardrum, often with drainage. The deposit of old skin cells may be visible with an otoscope. The following tests may be performed to rule out other causes of dizziness caloric stimulation Your doctor may order a CT Scan to further evaluate the problem. | |