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141. Cholera Translate this page Die cholera ist eine durch Bakterien (Vibrionen) verursachte Infektionskrankheit . Nur ganz vereinzelt wird die cholera nach Deutschland importiert. http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/laenderinfos/gesundheitsdienst/merkblatt/c | |
142. Afghan Capital On Verge Of Cholera Outbreak - Infectious Diseases - MSNBC.com Authorities chlorinated wells across the Afghan capital amid fears the city of4 million people was on the verge of a cholera epidemic. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8231960/ | |
143. Cholera - Onmeda Medizin Und Gesundheit Translate this page cholera - eine ernstzunehmende Seuchenkrankheit. Wo kommt sie her, was löst sieaus, wie kann man sich schützen, was ist bei Infektionsverdacht zu tun, http://www.onmeda.de/krankheiten/cholera.html |
144. Patron Saints Index: Cholera cholera. Roch Saints Index Page Catholic Community Forum Contact Author Message Board. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/pst01140.htm | |
145. Evolution: Library: Cholera: Domesticating Disease The case study of the 1991 cholera epidemic in South America is the backdrop forthis segment. That s the case with the bug that causes cholera . http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/l_104_01.html | |
146. Fowl Cholera Fowl cholera has occurred only once in Michigan and that was in a green heron . The mechanism of spread of avian cholera among waterfowl is unknown. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_12150_12220-26650--,00.html | |
147. AllAfrica.com Sudan Cholera Hits Sudan Camp allAfrica African news and information for a global audience. http://allafrica.com/stories/200507251627.html |
148. Vaccine Information Statement-Cholera Vaccine cholera vaccine is a suspension of two strains of killed cholera bacteria in saline cholera vaccine is about 50% effective in preventing disease. http://depts.washington.edu/druginfo/Vaccine/HealthDept/Cholera.html | |
149. Cholera.diaryland.com * Spring 2003 - 1022 am - 2003-11-28. /diary . Previous // Next Archived Guestbook Notes Profile Rings Images Septicity.com SidewalkVagina.com http://cholera.diaryland.com/ | |
150. Poultry Diseases - Fowl Cholera This is a contagious bacterial disease of worldwide distribution caused byPasteurella multocida. The disease affects domesticated as well as wild birds. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/poultry/5357.html | |
151. Guidelines For Cholera Control Issues on prevention of disease outbreak, control of cholera, treatment of patients, This document, Guidelines for cholera Control was compiled by the http://www.doh.gov.za/issues/cholera/guidelines.html | |
152. Hardships On The Oregon-Trail cholera Perhaps the biggest problem on the Trail was a mysterious and deadly cholera killed more emigrants than anything else. In a bad year, http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/Hardships.html | |
153. HOG CHOLERA Hog cholera (HC) is a highly contagious viral disease of swine that occurs in an Although minor antigenic variants of hog cholera virus (HCV) have been http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/gray_book/FAD/hoc.htm | |
154. The Australian: Cholera Hits Starving Masses [July 29, 2005] The Australian, Australia s national daily newspaper. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16092265%5E1702,00 | |
155. David Gratzer On Public Health On National Review Online In 1854, cholera was killing Londoners, claiming 500 people in just over ten days . How is it that public health has gone from cholera to school choice? http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/gratzer200402120851.asp | |
156. The Sydney Morning Herald Fears capital on verge of cholera epidemic The Sydney Morning Herald. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/23/1050777306292.html | |
157. Meine Gesundheit: Cholera Medikamentenratgeber, Reisevorsorge, Rehakliniken. http://www.meine-gesundheit.de/281.0.html | |
158. Cholera Vaccine Adverse Reactions Transverse myelitis following cholera, typhoid and polio vaccination. JR Soc Med . Acute renal failure after TAB and cholera vaccination. http://www.whale.to/vaccines/cholera.html | |
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