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82. Conditions And Diseases/Rare Disorders
cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (2) Kindler Syndrome An article and casestudy of this rare disease. Includes links.
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Conditions and Diseases : Rare Disorders CATEGORIES: Agnosia Aicardi Syndrome Alstrom Syndrome Barth Syndrome ... Wegener's Granulomatosis LINKS:
  • Cherubs
    A non-profit support group for the families and medical care providers of children and adults born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
  • Contact a Family
    Information about this organization as well as the CaF directory of specific conditions and rare disorders. Also details about the Rare Disorders Alliance - UK.
  • Fibrosing Mediastinitis
    The least common, but most severe, late complication of histoplasmosis. Educational and research information. Includes interviews, patient stories, and a community forum.
  • Fibrous Dysplasia Support Online For those seeking support and information concerning the rare bone diseases: fibrous dysplasia, McCune Albright Syndrome and Cherubism.

83. Genetic Disorders
BeckwithWiedemann Syndrome Canavan Celiac cerebrocostomandibular syndrome Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Cleidocranial Dysplasia Cockayne Syndrome
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    Medical genetics knowledge base. NIH funded, expert-authored descriptions of inherited disorders. Covers genetic testing in diagnosis and management and genetic counseling of patients.
    Explains a gene defect which causes several diseases including Maternally Inherited Diabetes with Deafness. Features a newsletter, forum and definitions.
    Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome

    The BPEI (BPES) Family Network encourages people to get in touch with each other, share information and ask questions. Explanation of this rare eye disorder.
    The Center For Jewish Genetics Disorders
    A critical effort to provide public and professional education for many of the identified Jewish genetic disorders. Find info on screening and counseling, advocacy, events and community resources. Dr. Greene's HouseCalls
  • 84. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery - UserLogin
    Two patients, one with cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (CCMS) and the other withan unspecified syndrome, were operated on a second time.
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    cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (2). CharcotMarie-Tooth Disease@ (6). CleidocranialDysplasia (3). Cockayne Syndrome@ (2). Coffin Lowry Syndrome@ (4)

    86. Conditions And Diseases/Rare Disorders - The Medword List
    Barth Syndrome (1). cerebrocostomandibular syndrome (1). Cleidocranial Dysplasia (1).Cystinosis (3). Degos (1). Erythromelalgia (1). Jacobsen Syndrome (2)
    HOME ADD SITE MODIFY SITE NEW ... Conditions and Diseases : Rare Disorders Categories: Agnosia Aicardi Syndrome Alstrom Syndrome Barth Syndrome ... Wegener's Granulomatosis Links:
    • Cherubs
      A non-profit support group for the families and medical care providers of children and adults born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
      (Added: Mon Jan 01 2001 Hits: 29 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)
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    • Contact a Family
      Information about this organization as well as the CaF directory of specific conditions and rare disorders. Also details about the Rare Disorders Alliance - UK.
      (Added: Mon Jan 01 2001 Hits: 32 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)
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    • Human Growth Foundation
      Information about growth-related disorders through education, research, and advocacy. Member driven organization. (Added: Mon Jan 01 2001 Hits: 32 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Review It
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    87. ÓÑÇéÁ´½Ó-GRE¿¼ÊÔ
    cerebrocostomandibular syndrome CharcotMarie-Tooth Disease CleidocranialDysplasia Cockayne Syndrome Coffin Lowry Syndrome Cornelia De Lange
    Web TOEFL GRE GMAT LSAT ... Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome See also: Musculoskeletal Disorders Neurological Disorders Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders ... GREâ·Ñ×ÊÁÏ

    88. Cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) Syndrome (CCMS)
    A list of synonyms, summary and major features.
    Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation (MCA/MR) Syndromes
    View the Full Record
    Syndrome cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) syndrome (CCMS) Synonyms Smith-Theiler-Schachenmann syndrome rib-gap syndrome rib gap defect-micrognathia syndrome Summary Mental retardation associated mainly with costovertebral malformations and orofacial defects. Mental defect may not be inherent but rather a consequence of neonatal respiratory distress. Major Features Head and neck: Microcephaly and micrognathia. Mouth and oral structures: Palatal defects include short hard palate, absent soft palate, cleft palate, and absent uvula in association with glossoptosis. Neck: Pterygium colli. Thorax: Bilateral rib gaps between the costovertebral junction area and he lateral arc, most frequently occurring between the third and seventh thoracic segments occur in most cases. Flail chest is the usual consequence. Hypoplasia of the sternum and clavicles may be associated. Extremities: Elbow hypoplasia and other limb abnormalities may occur. Spine: Fusion of the vertebrae to each other, scoliosis, and hemivertebrae may be associated.

    89. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Rare Disorders/Cerebrocostomandibular Syndrome --
    National Library of Medicine cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) syndrome (CCMS) A listof synonyms, summary and major features.
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  • National Library of Medicine: cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) syndrome (CCMS) A list of synonyms, summary and major features. url: NORD - Cerebrocostomandibular Syndrome Sample report, plus links to organisations. [Fee required for full report] url: url:
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    90. Opera Directory
    National Library of Medicine cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) syndrome (CCMS).A list of synonyms, summary and major features.

    91. Syndrome DB - Table Of Contents
    cerebroosteo-nephrosis syndrome cerebrocostomandibular (CCM) syndrome (CCMS) cerebrocutaneous angiomatosis cerebrofacio-articular (CFA) syndrome
    Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation Syndromes
    Table of Contents
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    B C ... Z
    C syndrome
    Caffey pseudo-Hurler syndrome

    Caffey syndrome

    Calabro syndrome
    U.S. National Library of Medicine
    , 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894
    National Institutes of Health

    Last updated: 20 November 2001

    92. DARS Early Childhood Intervention Services
    756.9, cerebrocostomandibular (SmithTheiler-Schachenmann) syndrome. 759.89,Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome. 759.89, CHARGE syndrome (CHARGE Association)*

    93. Warman Lab Site - Department Of Genetics
    CamptodactylyArthropathy-Coxa Vara-Pericarditis syndrome; Cerebrocostomandibularsyndrome Infantile Systemic Hyalinosis Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis
    Center for Study of
    Genetic Bone and Joint Disorders
    Current research
  • Acromesomelic Dysplasia , Maroteaux type

    Camptodactyly-Arthropathy-Coxa Vara-Pericarditis
    Cerebrocostomandibular Syndrome

    Infantile Systemic Hyalinosis

    Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis

    Multiple Synostosis Syndromes
    (Genetics of Osteoarthritis Study)
    (The Twins Bone Health Study)
    Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome
    (OPPG) Progressive Pseudorheumatoid Dysplasia (PPD) Proximal Symphalangism Spondylocarpotarsal Syndrome Design by
  • 94. Website Directory - Rare Disorders
    Aicardi syndrome Alstr¶m syndrome Barth syndrome Cerebrocostomandibularsyndrome Mascot McCune Allbright syndrome Communication Online Town
    Shape up Blog Shape Up Directory Add Your Site Health Directory Addictions Aging Alternative Animal ... Conditions and Diseases > Rare Disorders Sub-categories: Agnosia Aicardi Syndrome Alstr¶m Syndrome Barth Syndrome ...

    A non-profit support group for the families and medical care providers of children and adults born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Contact a Family
    Information about this organization as well as the CaF directory of specific conditions and rare disorders. Also details about the Rare Disorders Alliance - UK. Fibrosing Mediastinitis
    The least common, but most severe, late complication of histoplasmosis. Educational and research information. Includes interviews, patient stories, and a community forum. Fibrous Dysplasia Support Online
    For those seeking support and information concerning the rare bone diseases: fibrous dysplasia, McCune Albright Syndrome and Cherubism. Human Growth Foundation
    Information about growth-related disorders through education, research, and advocacy. Member driven organization. Information Centre for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
    Offers an Internet portal. Includes news, forums, rare disease and orphan drug info and registration forms

    95. OMIM
    UVEAL, WITH CLEFT LIP AND PALATE AND MENTAL RETARDATION; 117650 CEREBROCOSTOMANDIBULARSYNDROME (searching for spina bifida heart defect cleft palate )
    Ponisze odno¶niki pozwalaj± na wykorzystanie zasobów OMIM On-line Mendalian Inheritance in Man w NCBI. Strona g³ówna OMIMu
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    Wyniki przeszukiwania wg has³a "Wady cewy nerwowej" (Neural tube defect/s) w OMIMie
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