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81. Development Of Cytotoxic Cerebral Edema In Rats Following cerebral edema is one of the major consequences of brain injuries such cerebral edema is always accompanied by electrolytic disturbance in brain tissue. http://www.cmj.org/information/full.asp?id=1295 |
82. Development Of Cytotoxic Cerebral Edema In Rats Following Development of cytotoxic cerebral edema in rats following intracaudatum injectionof tACPD, an agonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors http://www.cmj.org/information/abstract.asp?id=1295 |
83. Journal Of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism - Abstract Of Article: Tumor Necrosi Tumor necrosis factor alpha neutralization reduced cerebral edema throughinhibition of cerebral edema, cerebral ischemia, matrix metalloproteinases, http://www.nature.com/jcbfm/journal/v25/n8/abs/9600086a.html | |
84. Cerebral Edema And Intracranial Hypertension - Humana Press Humana Press publishes scientific and medical books, journals, ebooks, onlinejournals, and CD-ROMs for the research professional and physicians. http://www.humanapress.com/ChapterDetail.pasp?ccode=1-59259-772-6:063&isbn=1-592 |
85. Common Treatment For Diabetic Crisis In Children May Contribute To Rare But Ofte cerebral edema can lead to coma, neurological damage, and death. In all,cerebral edema accounts for 50 percent to 60 percent of diabetesrelated deaths http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/2001/D/200114723.html | |
86. NDI Terminology - Cerebral Edema NDI Foundation. cerebral edema. DEFINITION. Definition has yet to be entered.Check back later. The definitions used in this glossary of terminology either http://www.ndif.org/Terms/cerebral_edema.html | |
87. Cerebral Edema In Childhood Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Natural History, Radiographic cerebral edema in Childhood Diabetic Ketoacidosis OBJECTIVEChildren whodevelop cerebral edema (CE) during diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) exhibit http://care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/27/7/1541 | |
88. Cerebral Edema Without Ketoacidosis Or Hyperosmolar Coma In A 16-Year- Old Boy - cerebral edema is a rare, but life threatening, complication of diabetic There is no documentation of the occurrence of cerebral edema outside the http://care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/extract/28/3/753 | |
89. Type 1 Diabetes And Sports Participation Predicting cerebral edema during Diabetic Ketoacidosis cerebral edema is adevastating complication of diabetic ketoacidosis and remains the leading http://www.idea2000.org/moreinfo/docs/Cerebral_Edema_during_Ketoacidosis.html | |
90. The Turkish Journal Of Pediatrics Risk factors for cerebral edema in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. N EnglJ Med 2001; Predicting cerebral edema during diabetic ketoacidosis. http://tjp.dergisi.org/text.php3?id=245 |
91. Ketoacid Levels May Alter Osmotonicity In Diabetic Ketoacidosis And Precipitate Risk factors for cerebral edema in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. N EnglJ Med 2001;3442649. Abstract/Free Full Text http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/88/4/366-a | |
92. Entrez PubMed OBJECTIVE Children who develop cerebral edema (CE) during diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)exhibit definable signs and symptoms of neurological collapse early http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
93. Entrez PubMed Acute cerebral edema due to lead intoxication is an unusual presentation in anadult. Here we describe an adult with pica presenting with severe http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
94. IIDRSI Cerebral Edema Translate this page Term, cerebral edema. Definition, Accumulation of fluid within the brains Term, edema cerebral (nm). Definition, Acumulación de fluido en el tejido http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/iidris/index.php?action=contexte&num=3753&mode=mu |
95. High-Altitude Cerebral Edema - Detroit, Michigan HighAltitude cerebral edema - courtesy of Henry Ford Health System of Detroit,Michigan. http://www.henryfordhealth.org/115058.cfm | |
96. Bumetanide Reduces Cerebral Edema Formation In Rats With Diabetic Ketoacidosis - The mechanisms responsible for cerebral edema formation in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)are not well understood, although evidence suggests ischemia as a http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/54/2/510 | |
97. Proteinuria Precedes Cerebral Edema In Stroke-Prone Rats : A Magnetic Resonance After detection of cerebral edema (T2weighted MRI), 6 rats were killed for ResultsSHRSP invariably developed cerebral edema in 30 days (range, http://stroke.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/29/1/167 | |
98. FACTORES DE RIESGO DE EDEMA CEREBRAL EN NIÑOS CON CETOACIDOSIS DIABÉTICA Translate this page El edema cerebral ocurre en el 1% de los casos de cetoacidosis diabética en Los niños que presentaron edema cerebral comparados con el grupo control no http://www.intermedicina.com/Avances/Pediatria/APE26.htm | |
99. EL_Movies http://cats.med.uvm.edu/cats_teachingmod/pathology/path302/np/neuro_infect/movie |
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