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61. High Altitude Cerebral Edema - Storming Media Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is usually a benign and selflimited illness whichbefalls previously healthy individuals who ascend rapidly to high altitude http://www.stormingmedia.us/36/3667/A366761.html | |
62. Edema Of The Brain cerebral edema. The cerebral hemispheres are seen from the top with the frontal Severe cerebral edema produces increased intracranial pressure with http://radiology.uchc.edu/eAtlas/CNS/858.htm | |
63. Edema Of The Brain cerebral edema. This is the base of the brain with the frontal lobes to the left Severe cerebral edema produces increased intracranial pressure with http://radiology.uchc.edu/eAtlas/CNS/859.htm | |
64. CJNS - Addison's Disease Presenting With Cerebral Edema Results A 16year-old female who presented with cerebral edema of unknown etiologywas eventually diagnosed as having Addison s disease. http://www.cjns.org/23maytoc/addisons.htm | |
65. NTII - Neurobiological Technologies, Inc. cerebral edema, or swelling in the brain, is a serious complication commonlyassociated with XERECEPT® Clinical Development Timeline in cerebral edema http://www.ntii.com/products/xerecept.shtml | |
66. COMMON TREATMENT FOR DIABETIC CRISIS IN CHILDREN MAY CONTRIBUTE TO RARE BUT OFTE In all, cerebral edema accounts for 50 percent to 60 percent of diabetesrelateddeaths She is also one of the rare children to develop cerebral edema. http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/news/diabetes_study.html | |
67. Massive Cerebral Edema After Recanalization Post-Thrombolysis -- Cruz-Flores Et Postrecanalization cerebral edema is an uncommon but potentially lethal complication Key Words stroke reperfusion ischemic brain edema cerebral http://jon.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/11/4/447 | |
68. Survey Of Anesthesiology - UserLogin Hypertonic Saline Ameliorates cerebral edema Associated With Experimental cerebral edema often accompanies brain tumors and frequently leads to lethal http://www.surveyanesthesiology.com/pt/re/survanes/fulltext.00132586-200308000-0 | |
69. Medical Image Database, Radiology Teaching Files And Cases, MedPix: Single Diffuse cerebral edema Factoid 1889 Created 2001-05-05 165333-04 Diffuse cerebral edema is among the most life-threatening of all cerebral insults http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/radpix.html?mode=single&comebackto=mode=geo_browse&r |
70. RESEARCHERS DEVISE WAY TO DETECT DANGEROUS BRAIN SWELLING IN DIABETIC CHILDREN In addition, the approach identified four cases of cerebral edema among the 69 Therefore, the diagnosis of cerebral edema needs to be made at the http://www.napa.ufl.edu/2004news/diabetesdeaths.htm | |
71. Redirect - Rediriger In Canada, two (2) pediatric cases describing cerebral edema have been Treatment should be stopped if symptoms compatible with cerebral edema are http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpfb-dgpsa/tpd-dpt/orthoclone_okt3_nth_e.html |
72. R1-Cerebral Edema Associated To Scorpion Sting: A Two Case Sting Report cerebral edema Associated to Scorpion Sting. A Two Case Sting Report. Romero NO (1),Hernández TJM (1). (1) Hospital Del Niño Morelense, Cuernavaca, http://www.jvat.org.br/next/jvat_including_tropical_diseases/next_publications/c | |
73. April 30, 1998-Vol29n30: What's The Real Cause Of Mountain Sickness?; Research A potentially lethal brain swelling known as highaltitude cerebral edema.Research conducted at UB suggests that high-altitude cerebral edema is caused http://www.buffalo.edu/reporter/vol29/vol29n30/n1.html | |
74. In Cerebral Edema Following Stroke, Both Mannitol And Hypertonic Saline May Redu Clinical Question In a stroke patient with significant cerebral edema doesmannitol improve clinical outcome? Clinical Bottom Lines http://www.uwo.ca/cns/ebn/CATs/stroke-cerebral-edema-therapy.htm | |
75. HDCN: Review Of Abstract By Silver Et Al. cerebral edema after rapid dialysis is not caused by an increase in brain organic Neurologic deterioration including seizures, coma, and cerebral edema http://www.hdcn.com/5/512jasil.htm | |
76. AAP Grand Rounds -- Sign In Page Risk factors for cerebral edema in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. cerebral edema was defined as altered mental status and either radiographic or http://aapgrandrounds.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/5/4/34 | |
77. AAP Grand Rounds -- Sign In Page Demographic risk factors for clinical cerebral edema include newonset Imaging studies of children in DKA suggest some degree of cerebral edema is http://aapgrandrounds.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/11/5/56 | |
78. Computed Axial Tomography Scan Demonstration Of Cerebral Edema In Eclampsia Prec The presence of cerebral edema in the occipital lobes are demonstrated by computed A repeat CT scan confirmed the resolution of the cerebral edema. http://www.greenjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/60/4/529 | |
79. Obstetrics & Gynecology -- Sign In Page Computed axial tomography scan demonstration of cerebral edema in eclampsiapreceded by blindness. Obstet Gynecol 1982;6052932.Abstract http://www.greenjournal.org/cgi/content/full/93/5/821 | |
80. Allnurses.com Nursing For Nurses - Cerebral Edema Without Increased ICP? This is a nursing discussion forum for all nurses in every specialty. http://allnurses.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-18907.html | |
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