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Cerebral Abscess: more detail | ||||||
81. Cerebral Abscess Associated With An Intrauterine Contraceptive Device -- Kum And cerebral abscess associated with an intrauterine contraceptive device. N Kum andD Charles. The present communication is the first report of a metastatic http://www.greenjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/54/3/375 | |
82. Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month or other predisposition to cerebral abscess formation such as a valvular multifocal cerebral abscesses and a possible neighborhood exposure, http://www.bcm.edu/neurology/challeng/pat64/summary.html | |
83. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor Exceptions include cerebral abscess and epidural abscess near a focus of cerebral abscess may be treated by high dose antibiotics and drainage of http://www.bcm.edu/oto/grand/71395.html | |
84. Statesman.com Abscess brain; cerebral abscess; CNS abscess. Definition. A brain abscess isa lesion caused by inflammation and infected material (pus) within the brain http://www.statesman.com/health/healthfd/shared/health/adam/ency/article/000783. | |
85. UpToDate Anaerobic Bacterial Infections The exception is cerebral abscess associated with endocarditis or cyanotic heartdisease in Occasional cerebral abscesses involve Actinomyces species. http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=bact_inf/34691&title=Brain Tumors |
86. Radiology In Ped Emerg Med, Vol 5, Case 8 In addition to epidural or cerebral abscess, the same mechanism applies Low frequency delta waves commonly signify a cerebral abscess (slow wave foci). http://www.hawaii.edu/medicine/pediatrics/pemxray/v5c08.html | |
87. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Neurological Disorders/Brain Diseases/Cerebral Ab Image of cerebral abscess. url www.vh.org/Providers/TeachingFiles/CNSInfDisR2/Tex mozilla.org url www.mozilla.org/; Wikipedia url en.wikipedia.org/ http://www.thedoctorslounge.net/dir/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_ | |
88. Brain Abscess and other material that can occur when the brain is infected by bacteria orfungus. Alternative Names. Abscess brain; cerebral abscess; CNS abscess http://www.healthscout.com/ency/1/000783.html | |
89. Radiography cerebral abscess Back to Pictures . Prev Next Add Photos. cerebral abscess.jpg Postedby dr_rahul2000 on 7/6/2001, 7KB http://groups.msn.com/radiography/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=2 |
90. Amoebic Liver Abscess By Dr. O.P. Kapoor The symptoms of an amoebic cerebral abscess simulate a pyogenic cerebral abscess, Huard collected 59 cases of amoebic cerebral abscess all of which http://www.bhj.org/books/liver/s6c01.htm | |
91. KMU Pathology Lab¡mSlide 4.¡nBrain Abscess, Cerebrum Emboli cerebral abscess from infected foci in body 40%. Direct extension ofcerebral abscess from adjacent infected foci. Relate to cerebral trauma, 30%. http://pathology.class.kmu.edu.tw/ch01/Slide4.htm | |
92. MRI Technique For Measuring Blood Volume Helps Distinguish Between Abscesses And Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI allows physicians to differentiatebetween cerebral abscessesinflamed areas in the brain caused by infectionand http://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/medizin_gesundheit/bericht-35923. | |
93. AJR -- Sign In Page Ratio of relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) in abscess capsule to rCBV inwhite matter was 0.78. Contrastenhanced axial T1-weighted image shows two http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/figsonly/183/5/1247 | |
94. AJR -- Sign In Page Distinguishing between cerebral abscess and rimenhancing tumor is a Few reports attempting to distinguish cerebral abscesses from neoplasms using http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/183/5/1247 | |
95. Nocardiosis With Brain Abscess Due To An Unusual Species, The initial cerebral abscess surgical resection yielded 2 ovoid, Coronal sectionsof the cerebral hemispheres showed several abscesses in the right http://arpa.allenpress.com/arpaonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1043/0003-998 |
96. Citrobacter Meningitis And Cerebral Abscess In Early Infancy: Cure By Moxalactam A 7week-old boy developed multiple cerebral abscesses as a complication ofneonatal Citrobacter diversus meningitis. He was successfully treated medically http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/31/12/1575 | |
97. Entrez PubMed Nocardia asteroides cerebral abscesses are rare but challenging intracraniallesions. Early diagnosi http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
98. Nocardia Cerebral Abscess: New Concepts In Diagnosis, Management, And Prognosis Three cases of multiple cerebral nocardial abscess are presented. Accuratelocalisation of nocardia cerebral abscesses by computerised axial tomography http://jnnp.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/42/11/1038 | |
99. BioMed Central | Full Text | Cerebral Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma cerebral abscesses occur most frequently in patients with HIV infection Multiple cerebral abscesses are commonly present, which may result in http://www.biomedcentral.com/1523-3820/3/471 | |
100. Skull Tongs: An Unusual Cause Of Cerebral Abscess [Letter] Department of Neurosurgery, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai 400 012, India. Skull tongs an unusual cause of cerebral abscess Letter http://medind.nic.in/imvw/imvw10202.html | |
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