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Cerebellar Vermis Agenesis: more detail |
81. Increased Plasma Malondialdehyde Associated With Cerebellar Structural Defects - Five patients suffered from midline fusion defects or vermis agenesis. Among thechildren with vermis agenesis two patients presented a typical history and http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/77/3/231 | |
82. Agenesis Of The Vermis Here is a list of responses that have been posted to this article agenesis ofCerebellar vermis (9/15/96) 142 PM http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/GeneralFeedbackArticles/Agenesiso | |
84. MUMS List Of Disorders - C cerebellar Hypoplasia (23); cerebellar Pontine Hypoplasia (2); cerebellar vermisAgenesis (10); cerebellar vermis Hypoplasia (5); Cerebral Atrophy (20) http://www.netnet.net/mums/mum_c.htm | |
85. OBGYN.net - OBGYN.net Ultrasound - January 1999 Case Of The Month from an increased indentation of the cerebellar vermis to complete agenesisof the vermis with a deep cleft between the hemispheres of the cerebellum. http://www.obgyn.net/us/us.asp?page=/us/cotm/9901/cotm_9901 |
86. Indian Pediatrics - Editorial Unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia has also been described in Aicardis Syndrome(9) . callosal agenesis, ocular abnormalities A new syndrome. http://www.indianpediatrics.net/may2000/may-542-545.htm | |
87. Dandy Walker Malformation consisting of a triad of abnormalities; complete or partial agenesis of thecerebellar vermis, cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle, http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/medical/Volume VII/DANDY WALKER MA | |
88. Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology - UserLogin An 18month-old girl with agenesis of the corpus callosum, hypoplasia of thecerebellar vermis, hypotonia, and severe developmental delay presented with http://www.jpho-online.com/pt/re/jpho/fulltext.00043426-200110000-00016.htm | |
89. The American Journal Of Forensic Medicine And Pathology - UserLogin The DandyWalker malformation is an apparent agenesis of the cerebellar vermiswith preservation of the hemispheres and the presence of a cyst that http://www.amjforensicmedicine.com/pt/re/ajfmp/fulltext.00000433-200006000-00013 | |
90. Article : Rhombencephalosynapsis - A Rare Diagnosis On Computed Tomography; Auth Michaud J, Mizrahi EM, Urich H. agenesis of the vermis with fusion of the cerebellarhemispheres, septooptic dysplasia and associated abnormalities. http://www.ijri.org/articles/archives/2003-13-1/cns_107.htm | |
91. Joubert Syndrome Foundation & Related Cerebellar Disorders The Joubert Syndrome Foundation Related cerebellar Disorders is an international The disorder is characterized by agenesis (absence) or hypoplasia http://www.joubertsyndrome.org/ | |
92. Other Images cystic dilatation of the 4th ventricle; complete of partial agenesis of thecerebellar vermis; hydrocephalus (which may occur late) http://www.adhb.govt.nz/newborn/TeachingResources/Radiology/HUSS/NeonatalOtherHU | |
93. Joubert Syndrome Joubert syndrome. Cerebelloparenchymal Disorder IV, CPD IV, cerebellar VermisAgenesis, JoubertBoltshauser Syndrome http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/joubert.html | |
94. S | Erfocentrum | Voorlichting | Pagina 4 | Arts En Apotheker Retinal Aplastic-Cystic Kidneys-Joubert Syndrome -vermis Aplasia -vermis CerebellarAgenesis. www.erfocentrum.nl/zena/joube.php - 14 aug 2003 http://www.artsenapotheker.nl/c39555/p4 | |
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