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Cerebellar Vermis Agenesis: more detail |
21. DBGET Result: OMIM 213300 CEREBELLOPARENCHYMAL DISORDER IV;; CPD IV cerebellar vermis agenesis, Computed tomography demonstrates hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis. http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?omim 213300 |
22. Jouberts.html Anatomic anomalies include cerebellar vermis agenesis with dilatation of thefourth ventricle. It is an autosomal recessive disorder; onset is in the http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/joubert.html | |
23. BBC - Health - Conditions - Joubert Syndrome Joubert syndrome (also known as cerebellar vermis agenesis or cerebelloparenchymaldisorder IV) is a rare inherited disorder of the brain. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/joubert1.shtml | |
24. SEMERC: Information Services: Glossary: J Joubert Syndrome or Familial cerebellar vermis agenesis. Features includenystagmus, ataxia, alternating hyperpnoea (rapid breathing) and apnoea (cessation http://www.semerc.com/information_services/a_z/j.asp | |
25. Dandy Walker Malformation Prenatal diagnosis now is possible by ultrasonography that may show posteriorfossa cyst and cerebellar vermis agenesis. Fetal MRI may confirm the diagnosis http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/dandy_walker_malformation.html | |
26. ORPHANET® : Base De Données Sur Les Maladies Rares Et Les Médicaments Orpheli Cerebellar hypoplasia tapetoretinal degeneration cerebellar vermis agenesis Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia oligophrenia - congenital ataxia - coloboma http://www.orpha.net/Pat/GBC.html | |
27. Rare Diseases Terms - Office Of Rare Diseases cerebellar vermis agenesis. JoubertBoltshauser Syndrome. Information aboutJoubert syndrome is available from. OMIM Logo, The Online Mendelian Inheritance http://ord.aspensys.com/asp/diseases/diseaseinfo.asp?ID=6802 |
28. Joubert Syndrome cerebellar vermis agenesis. cerebelloparenchymal disorder IV (CPD IV). Summary,Partial or complete absence of the cerebellar vermis, episodic tachypnea, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/jablonski/syndromes/syndrome375.html |
29. Entrez PubMed DandyWalker syndrome and agenesis of the cerebellar vermis diagnostic problemsand genetic counselling. Bordarier C, Aicardi J. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9 |
30. Cerebellar Disorders there is partial or complete agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, cystic formationof the posterior fossa communicationg with the fourth ventricle, http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/central/cerebellar/cerebellar.htm | |
31. %220200 DANDY-WALKER SYNDROME; DWS The DWC constitutes complete or partial agenesis of the vermis, cystic dilatationof the fourth Partial or complete absence of cerebellar vermis; http://srs.sanger.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?[omim-ID:220200] -e |
32. Partial Midline Fusion Of The CerebellarHemispheres With Vertical Folia:A New Ce 006 Many conditions with cerebellar vermian dysgenesis or agenesis have beendescribed, The cerebellar vermis is formed upon fusion of the developing http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/content/full/20/6/1151 | |
33. Analysis And Classification Of Cerebellar Malformations -- Patel And Barkovich 2 This entity, lissencephaly with callosal agenesis and cerebellar One of ourpatients had absence of the cerebellar vermis, in addition to severe http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/content/full/23/7/1074 | |
34. Birth Disorder Information Directory - CO-CZ with cerebellar vermis Aplasia (Joubert Syndrome with Bilateral Chorioretinal Crane Heise Syndrome (Cleft Lip/Palate, agenesis of Clavicles and Cervical http://www.bdid.com/defectco.htm | |
35. The Turkish Journal Of Pediatrics Cranial computed tomography (CT) showed agenesis of cerebellar vermis and corpus cerebellar vermis and corpus callosum agenesis were present (Fig. 7). http://tjp.dergisi.org/text.php3?id=204 |
36. Clinical Dysmorphology - UserLogin Histology identified the cerebellar vermis, opening out into the cyst. Post mortem examination in one revealed cerebellar agenesis and enlargement of http://www.clindysmorphol.com/pt/re/mcd/fulltext.00019605-200201000-00003.htm | |
37. Clinical Dysmorphology - UserLogin magna in continuity with the 4th ventricle and an absent cerebellar vermis . agenesis of the corpus callosum has been reported in a previous patient http://www.clindysmorphol.com/pt/re/mcd/fulltext.00019605-200504000-00010.htm | |
38. CCM Cerebellar Vermis Hypoplasia Research cerebellar vermis hypoplasia occurs with a wide variety of genetic disorders, agenesis of the corpus callosum, cutaneous hypopigmentation, cataracts, http://www.ccm.ucsd.edu/CVH.htm | |
39. CCM Dandy Walker Malformation The core criteria of DandyWalker malformation are 1. cerebellar vermis A significant proportion (10-17%) display agenesis or dysgenesis of the corpus http://www.ccm.ucsd.edu/DW.htm | |
40. TheFetus.net - PHACES Syndrome With Cerebellar Hemihypoplasia-LuÃs Flávio Gonà or partial agenesis of the cerebellar vermis and elevated tentorium. followed by hypoplasia or agenesis of the cerebellum, cerebellar vermis, http://www.thefetus.net/page.php?id=433 |
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