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61. Jouberts.html MAJOR MeSH HEADINGS *cerebellardiseases-congenital; *Cerebellum-abnormalities; MINOR MESH HEADINGS Apnea-pathology; cerebellar-diseases-pathology; http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/joubert.html | |
62. Cerebellum And Disease Models - Workshop Animal models for studying diseases of the cerebellar system Chair CI De Zeeuw,Department of Neuroscience, ERASMUS University Rotterdam, The Netherlands http://www.nesys.uio.no/Workshop2/ | |
63. Cerebellar Disease Dog cerebellar disease dog explanation cerebellar relating to or associatedwith the cerebellum; cerebellar dog disease cerebellar and more http://www.eprintcity.com/cerebellar_disease_dog.htm | |
64. Pets Health Brain Abnormalities usually due to cerebellar disease. The cerebellum regulates Degenerative cerebellar disease may involve the following breeds. http://www.cah.com/dr_library/atax.html | |
65. Mapping Movement; Amy Bastian up about movement in cerebellar disease or PD, she says, and quantified it. she explained why patients with cerebellar disease overreach objects, http://www.neuro.jhmi.edu/BrainWaves/2004_Fall/Bastian.htm | |
66. Postural Instability, Balance, Parkinson Disease - Welcome To The National Parki The postural instability of cerebellar disease can usually be distinguished In cerebellar disease, muscle tone is decreased, the muscles are hypotonic. http://www.parkinson.org/site/pp.asp?c=9dJFJLPwB&b=100112 |
67. NEUROSCIENCE SAMPLE EXAM 1 Which of the following statements concerning cerebellar disease is INCORRECT? a.cerebellar disease may be accompanied by intention tremors http://www2.umdnj.edu/~paneuweb/exam1_95.htm | |
68. Treatable Psychiatric Symptoms Common With Degenerative Brain Disease Sixtyeight per cent of those with cerebellar disease suffered from mood disorders Personality change was present in 26 per cent of cerebellar disease http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/press/2002/August/020806.htm | |
69. Non-motor Associative Learning In Patients With Isolated Degenerative Cerebellar Dissociation of HabitLearning in Parkinson s and cerebellar Disease J. Cogn.Neurosci., April 1, 2002; 14(3) 493 - 499. Abstract Full Text PDF http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/122/1/87 | |
70. Absence Of A Common Functional Denominator Of Visual Disturbances In Cerebellar of visual perception in patients suffering from cerebellar disease. from cerebellar disease with that of controls on a number of visual tasks, http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/122/11/2133 | |
71. Gordon Morgan Holmes (www.whonamedit.com) Inheritable disease picture with cerebellar ataxia due to a degeneration of Rebound phenomenon seen in cerebellar disease. StewartHolmes syndrome http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1189.html | |
72. STCA New Home Page The classic signs of cerebellar disease can therefore be summarized as wide basedstance, ataxia characterized by dysmetria, and intention tremor, http://www.amstaff.org/health.htm | |
73. Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia - Patient UK Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia. MachadoJoseph disease. Most forms ofcerebellar ataxia are acquired disorders but hereditary forms can be autosomal http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40000823/ | |
74. Tremor - Patient UK Neurological disease eg severe cerebellar lesions, Wilson s disease, neurosyphilis, Associated with brain stem or cerebellar disease including MS, http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40000127/ | |
75. Neurosurgery - UserLogin Thus, it is suggested that cerebellar disease leads to less excitatory input from cerebellar tremors as a result of other disease processes have been http://www.neurosurgery-online.com/pt/re/neurosurg/fulltext.00006123-200504000-0 | |
76. Entrez PubMed Although ataxias of stance and gait are frequent manifestations of cerebellardisease, the number of human studies examining stance or gait in cerebellar http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/pubmed/11685415 | |
77. Spinocerebellar Ataxia In other words, stay tuned, but we aren t there yet. There are numerous nongeneticcauses of cerebellar disease. which are not covered here. http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/central/cerebellar/sca.htm | |
78. Alphabetic List, Diseases And Disorders Acquired Facial Neuropathy (see Facial Nerve diseases) Arachnoidal CerebellarSarcoma, Circumscribed (see Medulloblastoma) Arachnoiditis http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/alphalist.html | |
79. IVertigo.net Vertigo , Central Neurologic Causes, B.Todd Troost Demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis, postinfectious demyelination, posterior fossa such as hematoma, metastatic tumor, and cerebellar infarction) http://ivertigo.net/vertigo/vercentral.html | |
80. Laboratory Medicine Neurology Widebased stance in animals with vestibular or cerebellar disease, or with alesion involving proprioceptive pathways between the spinal cord and the http://wsava2005.com/memorias/Diezmo1_2_3_4/03087LuisadeRisioNeurologicexaminati | |
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