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         Campylobacter Pylori:     more detail
  1. Campylobacter Pylori & Gastroduodenal Disease by Rathbone, 1989-08
  2. Campylobacter Pylori in Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
  3. Campylobacter Pylori: Proceedings by H. Menge, M. Gregor, et all 1988-08
  4. Gastroduodenal Pathology and Campylobacter Pylori (International congress series)
  5. Helicobacter Pylori, Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer by P. Malfertheiner, Germany) European Campylobacter Pylori Study Group Meeting 1989 (Ulm, 1990-10
  6. Campylobacter pylori: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Campylobacter Pylori, Kronberg, June 12-13th, 1987
  7. Epsilonproteobacteria: Helicobacter Pylori, Campylobacter (French Edition)
  8. Aktuelle Gastroenterologie - Campylobacter pylori (German Edition)
  9. Campylobacter pylori by Rauws and Tytgat, 1989
  10. Campylobacter Pylori in Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
  11. Proteobacteria: Thiomargarita Namibiensis, Enterobacteriaceae, Bdellovibrio, Campylobacter, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Helicobacter Pylori
  12. Comparison of Helicobacter pylori colonization on the tonsillar surface versus tonsillar core tissue as determined by the CLO test.(Campylobacter-like ... article from: Ear, Nose and Throat Journal by Bijan Khademi, Nika Niknejad, et all 2007-08-01
  13. Helicobacter Pylori 1990: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Helicobacter Pylori Bad Nauheim, August 25 26th, 1989 by H. Menge, Gregor M., et all 1991-07
  14. Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Infection via the Gut (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)

61. One-Week Triple Therapy With Omeprazole, Clarithromycin, And
Cutz E, Association of campylobacter pylori on the gastric mucosa with antral Sherman P, Chiasson D, Treatment of campylobacter pyloriassociated

62. Omeprazole-based Dual And Triple Regimens For Helicobacter Pylori
Coghlan JG, Gilligan D, Humphries H, campylobacter pylori and recurrence of of duodenal ulcer relapse after eradication of campylobacter pylori.

63. Helicobacter Pylori : Sites Et Documents Francophones
CAMPYLOBACTER puis après séquençage et étude de leur profil Synonyme(s) MeSH campylobacter pylori.
Helicobacter pylori Définition [MeSH Scope Note ; traduction CISMeF] : Bactérie de forme spiralée ou incurvée, gram-négatif, micro-aérobie, pathogène de la muqueuse gastrique, (isolée en 1982 de patients Australiens, porteurs de lésions gastriques ou de maladies ulcéreuses). Ces bactéries sont uréase positive. Elles ont d'abord été classées dans le genre CAMPYLOBACTER puis après séquençage et étude de leur profil biochimique incluses dans le genre HELICOBACTER. (see Int J Syst Bacteriol 1989 Oct;39(4):297-405).
Définition [VIDAL de la famille] : Bactérie fréquemment présente dans les ulcères de l'estomac ou du duodénum. Elle empêche la guérison et favorise les récidives à l'arrêt du traitement antiulcéreux. Son éradication permet des guérisons définitives. Le traitement associant un antiulcéreux à des antibiotiques constitue un progrès important pour les malades souffrant d'ulcère chronique de l'estomac ou du duodénum.
Définition F édération N ationale des C entres de L utte C ontre le C ancer] :
Synonyme(s) CISMeF HP.

64. ATCC: Bacteriology Collection: Bacteria Catalog
campylobacter pylori subsp. mustelae subsp. nov. isolated from the gastric mucosa of Transfer of campylobacter pylori and Campylobacter mustelae to

65. Anti -
A sensitive and specific test for the detection of campylobacter pylori infection. Seroepidemiology of campylobacter pylori infection in various;year=2001;volume=19;issue=2;spage

66. Efficacy Of Sonicated And Acid-Extractable Antigens In The Serodiagnosis Of H. P
Recurrence of duodenal ulcer and campylobacter pylori infection after campylobacter pylori antibodies in humans. Ann Intern Med 1988;109 117.;year=2005;volume=23;issue=2;spage

67. Medical Update : Ulcers Caused By Bacteria? New Concept In Gastroenterology. (Ca
New concept in gastroenterology. (campylobacter pylori) @ HighBeam Research. New concept in gastroenterology. (campylobacter pylori)
  • Library
    New! ... Customer Support Question / Keyword(s): Advanced Search
    • Current Article: Ulcers caused by bacteria? New concept in gastroenterology. (Campylobacter pylori)
    Start M Medical Update September 01, 1989 ... Ulcers caused by bacteria? New concept in gastroenterology. (Campylobacter pylori)
    Ulcers caused by bacteria? New concept in gastroenterology. (Campylobacter pylori)
    Medical Update; September 01, 1989;
    Medical Update
    September 01, 1989
    Researchers report that peptic ulcers may frequently be caused by a type of bacteria known as Campylobacter pylori. Because peptic ulcers have historically been associated with genetic, emotional, endocrine or vascular factors, this startling announcement could revolutionize much of the treatment for ulcers if an effective antibiotic can be developed to counteract the bacteria.
    Peptic ulcers had been viewed as resulting from excess secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach that damaged its mucosa (lining). Now it appears the activity of the C. pylori may be the primary cause of the mucosal damage. Multiple numbers of investigators have discovered that the condition of persons with gastritis (stomach inflammation) improves once the organism that caused the discomfort has been destroyed. They also found that peptic ulcers healed more rapidly and reappeared less frequently when the C. pylori inf Tools:

68. Karger Publishers
7 Hirschl AM Frequency of occurrence of campylobacter pylori and analysis of the systemic and local immune response. Zentralbl Bakteriol Hyg A 1987

69. Karger Publishers
of nitroimidazole resistance in campylobacter pylori by coadministration of Cytotoxin activity in brothculture filtrates of campylobacter pylori.

70. Archives Of Hellenic Pathology
Correa P, Ruiz B. campylobacter pylori and gastric cancer. In Rathbone BJ and Heatly RV (eds) campylobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease.

of Pathology
of Pathology
Helicobacter Pylori infection and gastric cancer
G.N. Delimbaltadakis, A.Ch. Lazaris, C.D. Atzaraki, A.J. Manouras, G.N. Bonatsos, B.Ch. Golematis SUMMARY Objective: Helicobacter pylori (H.P.) has been implicated as a causative factor in gastric carcinogenesis. This study explores the inter-relationship between H.P. infection, proliferation fraction in the gastric mucosa and the presence of carcinoma. Method: Forty patients with gastric cancer (group A), twenty patients with H.P. infection (group B) and twenty patients without H.P. infection (group C) were examined. Serum samples from all patients were tested for lgG antibodies against H.P. by an ELISA technique and tissue sections were assessed for H.P. The proliferation fraction was immunohistochemically determined using the PC-10 monoclonal antibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA). Results: 45% of patients with gastric cancer harboured H.P., while 85% of them were seropositive with antibodies against H.P. The mean labelling index for PCNA staining in gastric mucosa was 23.2%, 11.1% and 4.8% for groups A, B and C respectively. A high PCNA labelling index was indicative of high proliferative state of the gastric mucosa which could be more vulnerable to genotoxic agents. Conclusion: H.P. gastritis is common in patients with gastric cancer and the bacterium acts as an irritant on the gastric mucosa and probably is a co-factor in gastric carcinogenesis.

71. MedNet HELLAS: 26o ÅÐÉÓ
Cave DR, Vargas M. (1989) Effect of a campylobacter pylori protein on acid (1989) campylobacter pylori and duodenal ulcers, the gastrin link.
È. ÑïêêÜò MD, PhD, FACG
Ôï ðåðôéêü Ýëêïò, éäéáßôåñá ôï 12äáêôõëéêü, áðïôåëåß êëáóéêü ðáñÜäåéã ìá íüóïõ ìå ðïëõðáñáãïíôéêÞ áéôéïëïãßá (multifactonal disease). Óôçí áéôéïëïãßá ôçò íüóïõ õðåéóÝñ÷ïíôáé åðéèåôéêïß ðáñÜãïíôåò (HCÉ, ðåøßíç, ê.ëð.), áìõíôéêïß ðáñÜãïíôåò (âëÝííç, HCO Çelicobacter pylori H.pylori Ç. pylori Ç. pylori Ç. pylori . ÁðïôÝëåóìá ôçò äéåñãáóßáò áõôÞò åßíáé ç áíÜðôõîç ìåìâñáíùäþí ìéêñïóõìöýóåùí (pedestals) ðïõ ðáñáôçñïýíôáé ìå ôï çëåêôñïíéêü ìéêñïóêüðéï êáé ðïõ óõíáíôþíôáé åðßóçò óå ëïéìþîåéò ìå Üëëá ðáèïãüíá âáêôçñßäéá. Ôá öáéíüìåíá áõôÜ óõíäÝóåùò, óõíïäåýïíôáé áðü äéÜöïñåò êõôôáñéêÝò áëëáãÝò. Åôóé ïé ìåóïêõôôÜ ñéåò óõíäÝóåéò ìåôáîý ôùí êõôôÜñùí ôçò âëÝííçò áëëïéþíïíôáé, ç ðáñáãùãÞ âëÝííçò åðçñåÜæåôáé ðïóïôéêÜ êáé ðïéïôéêÜ êáé åðßóçò ïé ìéêñïëÜ÷íåò ôùí êõôôÜñùí åîáöáíßæïíôáé. Åðéðñüóèåôá ïé êõôôáñïôïîßíåò ôïõ Ç.pylori Ç.pylori (ëéðïóáê÷á ñßôåò, åðéöáíåéáêÝò ðñùôåÀíåò, ïõñåÜóç, ê.ëð.) öÝñïõí óå åðáöÞ ôï ìéêñüâéï ìå ôï ôïðéêü áíïóïëïãéêü óýóôçìá êáé áðïäåß÷ôçêáí éêáíÜ íá åíåñãïðïéÞ -óïõí ïõäåôåñüöéëá ðïëõìïñöïðýñçíá êáé ìáêñïöÜãá/ìïíïðýñçíá. ÁðïôÝëåóìá ôçò åíåñãïðïéÞóåùò áõôÞò åßíáé ç áõîçìÝíç Ýêöñáóç ôùí áíôéãüíùí HLA-DR êáé ôùí õðïäï÷Ýùí IL-2 ôùí ìïíïðõñÞíùí ìå ðáñÜëëçëç áýîçóç ðáñáãùãÞò ôïõ Tlimour Necrosing Factor (TNF) êáé éíôåñëåõêßíçò-1 êáé åðßóçò ç áõîçìÝíç ðáñáãùãÞ åëåõèÝñùí ñéæþí ïîõãüíïõ- áðü ôá åíåñãïðïéç ìÝíá ïõäåôåñüöéëá- ìå äõíçôéêÞ ôïîéêÞ äñÜóç. Åðéðñüóèåôïé ðáñÜãïíôåò üðùò ç åíåñãïðïßçóç ôïõ óõìðëçñþìáôïò, ç åðéöáíåéáêÞ áíïóïóöáéñßíç IgÁ êáé ç heat shock protein öáßíåôáé íá äéáäñáìáôßæïõí êáèïñéóôéêü ñüëï óôçí ðñüêëçóç ôçò éóôéêÞò âëÜâçò

72. World J Gastroenterol
Naturall occurring chronic gastritis and campylobacter pylori infection in the Establishment of gastric campylobacter pylori infection in the neonatal

73. FNCLCC - Le Dictionnaire Des Cancers De A à Z
Translate this page campylobacter pylori. Voir helicobacter pylori. 16/5/2002 mise à jour le 21/02/2003. Liens connexes. Helicobacter pylori.

74. Endoscopic Biopsy Pathology Of
Rapid diagnosis of campylobacter pylori by Gram s stain. Immunocytochemical identification of campylobacter pylori in gastritis and correlation with

campylobacter pylori. Zie HELICOBACTER PYLORI terug naar Labogids index. AZVUB Labogids.
terug naar Labogids index.
AZVUB Labogids

76. Georgia Tech Faculty, Paul Edmonds
Clinical and Microbiological Features of campylobacter pylori Associated Fox, JG, N. Taylor, P. Edmonds, DJ Brenner, campylobacter pylori subsp mustela
Edmonds Publications Donlan, RM, JA Piede, CD Heyes, L Sanii, R Murga, MA El-Sayed and P Edmonds. 2004. A model system for growing and quantifying Steptococcus pneumoniae biofilms in situ and in real time. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Ferreira, JL, SJ Eliasberg, P Edmonds, and MA Harrison. 2004. Comparison of the mouse bioassay and the ELISA for the detection of Type A botulinal toxin in food. J. Food Protection Goodridge, C, L Goodridge, D Gottfried, P Edmonds, and JC Wyvill. 2003. A rapid MPN-based ELISA for the detection of Salmonella typhimurium in poultry waste water. J. Food Protection O'Hara, H. M., C. D. Heyes, P. Edmonds, and M. A. El-Sayed. 2002. Identification of pathogenic bacteria using spectroscopic methods. Submitted to: Current Microbiology Craven, K. E. J. Ferreira, M. Harrison, and P. Edmonds. 2002. Specific detection of Clostridium botulinum types A,B, E, and F using the polymerase chain reaction. J. Assoc. Off. Agri. Chem. Intl.

77. Póster Electrónico Nº 029 BIBLIOGRAFÍA
Gastric and esophageal campylobacter pylori in patients with Barrett´s esophagus campylobacter pylori colonization of Barrett´s esophagus-
Nº 029 Indice
Organismos Helicobacter pylori en esófago de Barrett; prevalencia en Córdoba, Argentina.
Sambuelli, Ruben; Armando, Raúl; Guidi, Andrés; Trakal, Esteban; Butti, Abel; Gómez, Silvia; Trakal, Juan José; De la Vega, Juan; Alarcón, Matías. TITULO INTRODUCCIÓN MATERIAL Y METODOS RESULTADOS ... BIBLIOGRAFÍA
  • Trakal E. y col. Organismos tipo Campylobacter en esófago de Barret- Act.Gastroenterol. Lat.Am. 1987; 17:85-96
  • Paull A. y col. Gastric and esophageal Campylobacter pylori in patients with Barrett´s esophagus- Gastroenterology 1988; 95:216-218
  • Talley y col. Campylobacter pylori colonization of Barrett´s esophagus- Gastroenterology 1988; 94:A454
  • Talley y col. Campylobacter pylori and Barrett´s esophagus- Mayo Clinic Proc. 1988;63: 1176-1180
  • Hazell, Z. Campylobacter pylori can infect the oesophagus- Gastroenterology 1988; 94:A178
  • Grahan, D. Campylobacter pylori and Barrett´s esophagus- Mayo Clinic Proc. 1988; 63:1258-60
  • Walker y col. Patterns of colonissation of Campylobacter pylori in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum- Gut 1989; 30:1334-1338
  • Stuart y col. Campylobacter pylori and Barrett´s mucosa, an association of prognostic significance- Gut 1989; A279
  • 78. ARUP Helicobactor Pylori Antibodies
    Newell DJ, et al. The serology of campylobacter pylori infections. In campylobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease. Rathbone, et al, eds.

    79. Revista Costarricense De Ciencias M?cas - B Helicobacter Pylori
    Translate this page Transfer of campylobacter pylori and Campylobacter mustelae to The first cases of Campylobacter (Helicobacter) pylori reported from Costa Rica.

    80. Revista Costarricense De Ciencias Médicas -
    Translate this page Pathogenicity of campylobacter pylori. A causative factor in gastritis? Yardley JH, Paull G. campylobacter pylori A newly recognized infectious agent

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