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         Bulimia:     more books (101)
  1. Overcoming Bulimia: Your Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Guide to Recovery (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) by Randi E., Ph.D. McCabe, Traci L., Ph.D. McFarlane, et all 2004-01
  2. Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (P.S.) by Marya Hornbacher, 2006-02-01
  3. Bulimics on Bulimia by Maria Stavrou, 2008-09-15
  4. Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery by Lindsey Hall, Leigh Cohn M.A.T., 2010-11-01
  5. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bulimia: Using DBT to Break the Cycle and Regain Control of Your Life by Ellen Astrachan-Fletcher, Michael Maslar, 2009-08-01
  6. Beyond the Looking Glass: Daily Devotions for Overcoming Anorexia and Bulimia (Serenity Meditation Series) by Remuda Ranch, 1992-06
  7. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and Bulimia by Debra L. Safer, Christy F. Telch, et all 2009-05-20
  8. Bulimia: A Guide for Family and Friends (Psychology Series) by Roberta Trattner Sherman, Ron A. Thompson, 1996-12-30
  9. The Bulimia Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Stop Bingeing and Purging (Instant Help) by Lisa M. Schab, 2010-12
  10. Andrea's Voice: Silenced by Bulimia: Her Story and Her Mother's Journey Through Grief Toward Understanding by Doris Smeltzer, 2006-05-15
  11. Treating Bulimia in Adolescents: A Family-Based Approach by Daniel le Grange PhD, James Lock MDPhD, 2009-06-19
  12. Learning to Be Me: My Twenty-Three-Year Battle with Bulimia by Jocelyn Golden, 2007-05-25
  13. Bulimia: Hunger For Freedom by Katie Gesto, 2004-07-29
  14. Overcoming Eating Disorders: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work) by W. Stewart Agras, Robin F. Apple, 2007-09-14

181. Index
Sitio oficial de la asociacion contra la anorexia y bulimia de euskadi.

182. Domain Name Renewal And Web Hosting From Network Solutions
The Association Against bulimia and Anorexia in Argentina is directed by Dr. Mabel Bello. Information on what are anorexia and bulimia, services, courses, contacts, news, and polls. Available in Spanish, English, and Catala.
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183. Promising Treatments For Anorexia And Bulimia
Meanwhile, the largest controlled study on bulimia nervosa so far supports what bulimia nervosa is a serious clinical disorder for which we have
Volume 33, No. 3 March 2002 document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('');
Promising treatments for anorexia and bulimia RESEARCH BOOSTS SUPPORT FOR TOUGH-TO-TREAT EATING DISORDERS. BY TORI DeANGELIS After years of investigation, researchers are finally homing in on ways to help young women overcome two dangerous psychiatric disorders: anorexia nervosa, the rare disease of self-starvation, and bulimia nervosa, the condition marked by binge-eating, purging to avoid weight gain, low self-esteem and depression. While mental health professionals have tried to understand and treat anorexia nervosa since the 1970s, their efforts have met with little success. The mainstay of treatment has been hospitalization for weight regain, sometimes followed by psychotherapy, and it's often ineffective at helping patients recover physically and psychologically over the long term, those studying the disorder say. But new research reveals there may be a more effective treatment for anorexia: a form of family therapy that enlists parents' aid in getting their teen-age daughters to eat again and helps to strengthen the young women's autonomy. The treatment, which originated in England, challenges current anorexia treatment because it's relatively short-term, relies mostly on outpatient treatment and boasts lasting success, those involved say. "Overall, patients appear to do remarkably well on this treatment," says James Lock, MD, PhD, a child psychiatrist at Stanford University who's testing the treatment in the United States on a five-year National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) grant. "I'm amazed at its ability to help patients overcome the acute symptoms of anorexia nervosa."

184. FDA/CFSAN Why Do Eating Disorders (bulimia Nervosa And Anorexia Nervosa) Require
There are no drugs approved specifically for bulimia or anorexia, but several, If you think a friend or family member has bulimia or anorexia,
Why do eating disorders (bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa) require medical attention?
Anorexia may be a single, limited episode with large weight loss within a few months followed by recovery. Or it may develop gradually and persist for years. The illness may go back and forth between getting better and getting worse. Or it may steadily get more severe. Anorectics may exercise excessively. Their preoccupation with food usually prompts habits such as moving food about on the plate and cutting it into tiny pieces to prolong eating, and not eating with the family. Obsessed with weight loss and fear of becoming fat, anorectics see normal folds of flesh as "fat" that must be eliminated. When the normal fat padding is lost, sitting or lying down brings discomfort not rest, making sleep difficult. As the disorder continues, victims may become isolated and withdraw from friends and family. The body responds to starvation by slowing or stopping certain bodily processes. Blood pressure falls, breathing rate slows, menstruation ceases (or, in girls in their early teens, never begins), and activity of the thyroid gland (which regulates growth) diminishes. Skin becomes dry, and hair and nails become brittle. Lightheadedness, cold intolerance, constipation, and joint swelling are other symptoms. Reduced fat causes the body temperature to fall. Soft hair called lanugo forms on the skin for warmth. Body chemicals may get so imbalanced that heart failure occurs.

185. Fundacion BACC
Tratamiento individual, familiar, grupal y m©diconutricional externo orientado espec­ficamente a resolver los trastornos alimenticios de anorexia, bulimia y comer compulsivo.

186. Go Ask Alice!: Dangers Of Bulimia
Dear Alice, I am bulimic and I would like to know exactly what harmful thingsthis does to your body. Can you die from it? Can you actually be cured?
Mac users: please note that our site is optimized for the Safari browser Eating disorders Dangers of bulimia Originally Published: March 15, 1996 / Updated on: September 23, 2005 Dear Alice, I am bulimic and I would like to know exactly what harmful things this does to your body. Can you die from it? Can you actually be cured? Dear Reader, Most bulimics eat enormous amounts of food rapidly and in secret, without much appreciation for its taste, texture, or quality. Following these binges, they feel guilty, ashamed, and out of control, and try to get rid of the food through vomiting; overexercising; abusing laxatives, diuretics, or enemas; or not eating for several days. These practices may take place daily or weekly and go on for years. Is it harmful? YES. Even though people may be bulimic for years, there are dangers associated with bulimia. The most notable is cardiac arrest or heart attack, which is caused by an electrolyte imbalance of the mineral potassium, a consequence of vomiting or the use of certain diuretics. People who vomit frequently will also lose the enamel from their teeth, which subsequently become sensitive to heat, cold, and acids. Their teeth may eventually decay and fall out. Those who abuse laxatives will find that their own natural body processes cannot function properly when they stop using laxatives, and constipation will result. Stomach ulcers and irritation of the esophagus result from vomiting. More scary, an esophageal rupture could happen the first time, or the two hundredth time, you vomit, and this could kill you. Psychologically, there is depression.

187. Anoressia, Bulimia Ed Obesità Da Iperfagia FORUM CRISALIDE Aiuta Ragazzi E Raga
Associazione senza scopo di lucro la cui missione ¨ quella di aiutare coloro che sono affetti da anoressia, bulimia o obesit  da iperfagia. Nel sito i programmi di trattamento, la metodologia e una sezione sulle testimonianze.
Il numero verde, attivo 24 ore su 24, si rivolge a ragazze e ragazzi affetti da anoressia, bulimia o iperfagia ed ai loro parenti ed amici.
Se vuoi inviaci la tua storia. Da quasi vent'anni alcuni membri del nostro staff scientifico si occupano di problemi legati al disturbo alimentare di origine nervosa. Perchè "crisalide"? Crisalide è uno stadio di sviluppo della farfalla. Ragazzi e ragazze affetti da bulimia, anoressia o iperfagia nervosa sembrano “crisalidi” paurose di lasciare il loro involucro protettivo ed avventurarsi nella vita. Genitori, mariti, amici e fidanzati:
una rubrica tutta per voi. Forum Crisalide cerca psicologhe, educatrici ed esperte in economia aziendale per potenziare la propria presenza sul Territorio. Modelli per capire e strategie per curare il disturbo alimentare psicogeno. Successi ed insuccessi afferenti al Protocollo di Cura, proposto da Forum Crisalide, in cifre. Home Page Bucalettere Pubblicazioni Riviste ... Statistiche di successo Tutti i diritti riservati

188. Antidepressants Versus Placebo For People With Bulimia Nervosa (Cochrane Review)
Abstract of a systematic review of the effects of health care prepared by theCochrane Collaboration.
From The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2005
Antidepressants versus placebo for people with bulimia nervosa (Cochrane Review)
Bacaltchuk J, Hay P ABSTRACT What's new in this issue Search abstracts Browse alphabetical list of titles Browse by Review Group A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 11 August 2003. Cochrane reviews are regularly checked and updated if necessary. Background: Bulimia Nervosa (BN) represents an important public health problem and is related to serious morbidity and even mortality. This review attempted to systematically evaluate the use of antidepressant medications compared with placebo for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. Objectives: The primary objective of this review was to determine whether using antidepressant medications was clinically effective for the treatment of bulimia nervosa.The secondary objectives were:(i) to examine whether there was a differential effect for the various classes/types of antidepressants with regard to effectiveness and tolerability(ii) to test the hypothesis that the effect of antidepressants on bulimic symptoms was independent of its effect on depressive symptoms Search strategy: Selection criteria: Inclusion criteria: every randomised, placebo-controlled trial in which antidepressant medications were compared to placebo to reduce the symptoms of bulimia nervosa in patients of any age or gender.Quality criteria: reports were considered adequate if they were classified as A or B according to the Cochrane Manual. The Jadad scale, with a cut off of 2 points, was applied to check the validity of the above referred criterion but was not used as an inclusion criterion.

189. Hand To Mouth
The story of one woman's struggle with and recovery from bulimia. Now available for performances at schools, theatres, and organizations.
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by Lisa K. Barnett
From the time she was a sophomore in high school, until she was a senior in college, Lisa suffered from bulimia. In Hand to Mouth , Lisa takes the audience into the "eating disordered" mindset, painting a vivid picture of her battle with the disease. With humor & keen insight, she explores the societal pressures & self-hate behind bulimia, revealing how she finally won the battle. Click on photo for Lisa's bio. H2M News Click here to find out
Now you can bring Hand to Mouth to your theatre, school or organizaton.
Hand to Mouth is an educational and humorous look
at eating disorders - a problem facing 1 in 5 women.
For more information about bringing Hand to Mouth
to your organization send an e-mail today!

190. Tuotromedico: Bulimia
Translate this page La bulimia es una enfermedad de causas diversas (psicológicas y somáticas), queproduce desarreglos en la ingesta de alimentos con periodos de compulsión
  • Ansiedad o compulsión para comer
  • Vómitos
  • Seguimiento de dietas diversas
  • Deshidratación
  • Alteraciones menstruales
  • Aumento y bajadas de peso bruscas
  • Aumento de caries dentales TRATAMIENTO El tratamiento de bulimia generalmente consiste en:
  • Psicoterapia individual, de grupo y/o familiar.
  • Orientación nutricional. Voluntariedad en llevar una pauta de tratamiento Disciplina en las dietas, y con las hospitalizaciones si son necesarias Control de peso en los objetivos proyectados Hacer una vida social normal Regularidad en las consultas individuales o familiares Fortalecer la personalidad. Confianza en el entorno familiar Confianza con su terapeuta VER TAMBIÉN Última actualización: Abril 2005 pulsomed s.a.
  • 191. Eating Disorders - MentalHealthChannel
    Statistical information regarding bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating disorder.
    Home Search SiteMap Contact Us ... Physician Board

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    General Anxiety Disorder Narcotic Abuse Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Panic Disorder Phobias Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Schizophrenia RESOURCES Clinical Trials Depression Self Test Glossary Links ... What Is a Psychotherapist? What Is a Clinical Social Worker? ABOUT US Pressroom Testimonial Overview
    An eating disorder is a disturbance in eating behavior. Anorexia nervosa (anorexia) and bulimia nervosa (bulimia) are the eating disorders that are studied most often, and researchers estimate that nearly 7 million women in the United States suffer from anorexia or bulimia. A newly-recognized condition known as binge-eating disorder is considered the most common eating disorder. In the United States, it occurs in 0.7% to 4% of the population, meaning that 1 to 4 out of every 100 people have the disorder. Eating disorders affect women more often than men, but approximately 1 million men in the United States suffer from anorexia or bulimia, and millions more have binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders are more prevalent in industrialized countries and according to the American Psychiatric Association, they are most common in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Africa.

    192. Bulimia Drug And Health Information
    Prozac and bulimia resources from Eli Lilly and Company including educational materials, drug information, news, and community support.

    193. HELIOS Centro De Atención Emocional Y Alimentaria
    Centro especializado en anorexia, bulimia y comer compulsivo en Guadalajara, Jalisco, M©xico. Sitio que ofrece informaci³n acerca de los trastornos de conducta alimentaria.

    194. Home Page
    Il centro si occupa dello studio, prevenzione e cura dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare, sovrappeso, dimagrimento, obesit , anoressia e bulimia.
    Centro interdisciplinare Limoi studio, prevenzione e cura dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare e delle variazioni fisio patologiche del peso e delle forme del corpo Dott. Carlo Romanelli Dott. Paola Manzoni Medico Chirurgo Psicologa Psicoterapeuta Visitatore n° Dal 6/10/2002


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