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         Blindness:     more books (102)
  1. Dreaming In Color: A Story of One Girl's Triumph Over Blindness by Claudia Muttart Hammonds, 2004-06-15
  2. The William Terry touch alphabet: for use by the deaf and by the deaf-and-blind with a brief sketch of the achievements of Dr. William Terry during fifteen years of total blindness and deafness by Mary Clark, Harold T Clark, 2010-09-08
  3. Social and Cultural Perspectives on Blindness: Barriers to Community Integration by C. Edwin Vaughan, 1998-05
  4. Anti-Theism: its Moral and Philosophical Blindness by P. C. H., 2008-12-09

141. An Overview Of Retinitis Pigmentosa
Information on night blindness, including the relationship between retinal degenerative diseases and the retina as well as basics on genetics and heredity.
Retinitis Pigmentosa var site="sm5retinitis"
An overview of retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of hereditary diseases that causes the degeneration of the retina. Often called night blindness, retinitis pigmentosa may develop in a family where either one parent or both parents are affected or where there is seemingly no familial history of the disease. In other cases, RP is observed in only the males of the family. Typically, symptoms start in childhood and early adolescents. They include decreased ability to see in dim light such as movie theaters or ball games, night blindness and bumping into or tripping over objects. There may also be loss of color vision and the inability to focus or see objects in detail. The symptoms experienced depend entirely on the type of retinitis pigmentosa. Long-term affects of RP include so called 'tunnel vision'. This loss of peripheral vision is usually gradual, reducing the visual field to a narrow area of the eye, directly in front of the individual. In many cases, people with retinitis pigmentosa are considered 'legally blind' by the time they're 40. In cases where retinitis pigmentosa and hearing loss or deafness occur, there is a chance of Ushers Syndrome. Ushers Syndrome is an inherited disease affecting 3-6 % of the deaf and is usually diagnosed in childhood.

142. Web Standards Blindness
Web Standards blindness It’s been quite awhile since I’ve talked about Webstandards. I think part of the reason is because most of the people who read
Web Standards Blindness
43 Comments SEO You can only take a message so far by preaching to the choir!
There is a larger community out there
Being a Web designer, developer, or what-have-you is a job. To those people change can be a threat. Benefits can be perceived as liabilities. Lifelong learning can be seen as nothing more than more work.
Spreading the word beyond the Web
Zeldman I do have one idea.
Start with decision-makers
What do you think? Got any ideas? Filed under: Web Standards
Keyword Tags: standards lifelong+learning web+best+practice
Mark Priestap said:
I had heard of table-less design before, but had tried it and found it to be very difficult with very little benefit. It made my job twice as hard and took 3 times longer. I gave up quickly. One of the biggest obstacles was understanding how floats work. After hearing Zeldman, Bowman and Molly H. evangelize us on the benefits of said approach and watching it DEMONSTRATED I started to realize just how important table-less design can be. It also revealed that it was not that difficult to acheive. All that added up to a big wake-up call for me.

143. Visual Disablilties: Color-blindness
Before getting into the details of the types of colorblindness, Color-blindnessis a fascinating topic precisely because of its complexity.
Skip to main content Begin main menu: End of main menu. You are here: Home Visual Color-blindness Index/ Search Printer version Begin main content: Page 4 of 4. Beginning PREVIOUS
Visual Disabilities: Color-blindness
  • Types of Color-blindness
    • Red-green deficiencies Other deficiencies
      Types of Color-blindness
      Before getting into the details of the types of color-blindness, you should know that the following explanations are simplified versions of the complete picture. Color-blindness is a fascinating topic precisely because of its complexity. You do not need to understand all of the details of color-blindness to know how to create Web content that is accessible to those who are color-blind. Here is an important fact to understand right off the bat: The overwhelming majority of people who are color-blind can see colors. They just have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors. The colors with which they have difficulty distinguishing depend upon their type of color-blindness, but red-green deficiencies are the most common.
      Red-green deficiencies
      The most common broad category of color-blindness is often called red-green color-blindness , but this does not mean that these people cannot see reds or greens. They simply have a harder time differentiating between them. Not all reds and greens are indistinguishable. It would be easy for someone with a red-green deficiency to tell the difference between a light green and a dark red, for example. A lot dependsat least in parton how dark the colors are. If the red is approximately as dark as the green, there is a greater likelihood that the colors will be confused.

144. Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation - Western Australia
Chat room, links, information and support on retinal disorders and fighting blindness.

145. CBC News: Health Canada Investigates Reports Of Blindness In Viagra Users
The erectile dysfunction drug Viagra is linked to blindness and vision problems, FROM MAY 27, 2005 Viagra and blindness connection investigated
CBCCat = "Sports,News,Arts,Kids,Interactive"; Sports = "Hockey,Baseball,Football"; News = "Canada,World,SciTech,Local,Consumers,SpecialReports,Business"; Arts = "ArtsNews,Infoculture,Music,Books,ArtsFeatures"; Kids = "CBC4Kids,PreSchool,Teachers"; Interactive = "MessageBoards,Forums,Games,Media";
CBC is currently experiencing a labour disruption.
Health Canada investigates reports of blindness in Viagra users
Last Updated Tue, 26 Jul 2005 16:09:08 EDT CBC News Men who take drugs for erectile dysfunction should see a doctor immediately if they experience sudden vision loss or problems, Health Canada warned Tuesday. The erectile dysfunction drug Viagra is linked to blindness and vision problems, the department said. "There are two cases that have some commonality but we are still pursuing further information," said Barbara Raymond of Health Canada's Marketed Health Products Directorate. "In fact, we may ultimately find that neither of those cases truly represent the condition that we're concerned about."
    FROM MAY 27, 2005:

Supports the Foundation Fighting blindness to cure the blindness of more than 6 million Americans.
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147. A Philosophy Of Blindness
Whether we think about it or not we all have a philosophy of blindness. So here are some discussions about different aspects of blindness,
A Blind Net
A Philosophy Of Blindness
At first glance it might seem strange to have a section about a philosophy of blindness, however I think it is an extremely important topic to cover. The reason is simple, how you view blindness will determine your reaction to being blind or to those of us who are blind. There are as many ":philosophies" of blindness as there are people so obviously I won't be trying to cover EVERY point here. What I want to do is present you with some ideas about what blindness is, a positive outlook if you will, and thereby let you know what blindness DOES NOT NEED TO BE. Whether we think about it or not we all have a philosophy of blindness. It determines how we treat blind people and how we think about ourselves if we are or become blind. Of course one question to answer is who is blind ? Then there's the ":sensitive": question of what do you call someone who is blind ? My short answer would be blind, but God help us some people are offended by that "nasty five letter word." So here are some discussions about different aspects of blindness, incidents that have happened to blind people and the affects of different philosophies of blindness.

148. Twinkle & Eyenstein's Wise Eye Web
Children's guide eye safety, eye science, and the prevention of blindness.
Main Page The
Amazing Eye
Optical Illusions! Coloring pages! ... For Teachers
A safe search!
For Kids
Homework Help
I'm Twinkle!
I'm Eyenstein! We're the Prevention of Blindness Mascots of the Keystone Blind Association
This website is all about eye safety, eye science, and the prevention of blindness! - Table of Contents- Our Story The Amazing Eye Optical Illusions
Photo Album
For Teachers

Eyenstein's 2002 Tour!
(New schedule posting soon check back!) Feature photo Eyenstein plays soccer at the Pittsburgh Riverhounds annual soccer match. more photos! is a production of Keystone Blind Association 1230 Stambaugh Ave. Sharon, PA 16146 phone: (724) 347-5501 toll free: (800) 837-4122 fax: (724) 347-2204 visitors since December 3, 1999 Counter provided by Web Counter Keystone Blind Association

149. Rensink/CBR Attention Paradigm
Change blindness Demo.

150. Free Online Braille Tutoring Services
Braille School provides webbased communication learning tools for the visually impaired, their friends and family.
Sign Up Contact Sister Sites Forgot Login ... Legal Blindness Related Learning.
Communication at your fingertips. Login or register for a student account. Username:
Password: Welcome to Braille School!
Braille School, also known as BRL (Blindness Related Learning) is the leading provider of web-based communication learning tools for the visually impaired, their friends and family.
We offer the ability to learn blindness related subjects such as Braille at your own pace, the best feature about this site is that all services are free but donations are more than welcome.
Braille is an invaluable communication tool that blind and visually impaired people use throughout their daily lives, not only to read and write materials but to have the ability to communicate with anyone just like the sighted community takes for granted.
You are also able to search our extensive blindness related database for contact information for subjects like guide dog schools, Braille book publishers, libraries, transcription and much much more.
Don't delay

151. Change Blindness Demonstration
Change blindness Demonstration University of South Dakota Internet This onlinedemonstration of Ronald Rensink s Change blindness paradigm is a
Change Blindness Demonstration
University of South Dakota Internet Psychology Laboratory This on-line demonstration of Ronald Rensink's Change Blindness paradigm is a modification of his earlier software for the MacIntosh computer. We simply appropriated the images used in his program and ported them to an Internet-based "applet". Instructions
Once the program starts, right-click anywhere on the stimulus photograph to call a pop-up menu that can be used to change the stimulus timing parameters or switch to another scenario. To exit the demo, simple click the browser's "Back" button to return to this page. Click here to start the Change Blindness demonstration USD Internet Psychology Labs Professor Schieber's Home Page This is the 37,510th time this page has been viewed.

152. Esmerel's List Of Disability Resources
Adaptive technology, blindness, and onehanded.
Esmerel's Collection of Disability Resources
(Also the Home of Unicorn Quest - The Kids' Typing Tutor Game For One or Two Hands)
Click here to download Unicorn Quest
On these pages, you will find lists of many disability related resources. There are literally hundreds of well-organized links (at last count over 2000). These lists will continue to grow. Individual pages are updated on a weekly basis. For your information and viewing pleasure, I've arranged the resources into a variety of different categories. Feel free to have a look. If you have any suggestions, find any broken links or know of any other resources, please email Heather Click here for the site map of the disability sections.
Adaptive Technology Resources
[ 5 Subcategories]
Blindness-Related Resources
[ 2 Subcategories]
Canadian Disability Resources
[2 Subcategories]
Deafness Related Resources
[2 Subcategories]
Mail, News and Bulletin Boards

153. Computerized Simulation Of Colour Blindness
Java applets to demonstrate what a colour blind person sees.
What do colour-blind people see?

154. Astrid's Site
My personal website is about my life with blindness from Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and includes general information and resources related to blindness, as well as other information and resources on my life and interests.
FREE WEB HOSTING domain registration hosting Free Chat cheap web hosting ... notebook computer
Who Am I?

My Diary

My Articles

Retinopathy of Prematurity
E-mail me

Welcome to my site! I'm Astrid van Woerkom and this is my personal page. It's about my "labels", such as blindness and synaesthesia, but also about some of my interests. For those that don't like all the serious stuff, try out the fun stuff page for some humorous texts. Enjoy my site!
This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here
Last updated: July 12, 2004

155. African Programme For Onchocerciasis Control
Working towards the elimination of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, throughout Africa.

156. FDA Was Told Of Viagra-Blindness Link Months Ago
More than 13 months before a scientific journal reported that Viagra had beenlinked to a rare form of blindness in some men, a Food and Drug Administration
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FDA Was Told of Viagra-Blindness Link Months Ago
Senator Criticizes Delay in Alerting Consumers After Safety Officer Warned Agency About Drug
By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, July 1, 2005; Page A02 More than 13 months before a scientific journal reported that Viagra had been linked to a rare form of blindness in some men, a Food and Drug Administration safety officer made the same observation from monitoring adverse event reports and told her supervisors that doctors and patients should be warned of the findings. Her recommendation was well received, she told congressional investigators, but nothing happened. The FDA issued no public notice or proposed changes to the Viagra label. That came only following widespread publicity last month about the journal article and public concerns about the possible blindness-Viagra link.
Pfizer says it will add information to Viagra's label about possible links to blindness.

157. Fortified Peanut Butter May Help Fight Childhood Blindness

158. Viagra Lawsuit Over Blindness
Viagra Lawsuit Over blindness. Viagra stories that impacts your rights .
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Thursday September 08, 2005
Viagra Lawsuit Over Blindness
Source: Reuters
Published: June 15, 2005 A lawsuit was filed against Pfizer Inc. on behalf a Texas man who claims he suffered blindness after taking its erectile dysfunction drug Viagra, Reuters reported last week.
Pfizer said over the past seven years reports of Viagra causing visual field loss due to non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) are extremely rare.
The Lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas and is seeking class action status. More than 23 million men have used Viagra worldwide. Read Full Story at Reuters Read more Viagra news
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159. Study Smoking Raises Risk Of Blindness

160. Blindness Doesn't Stop Game Whiz | | CNET
blindness doesn t stop game whiz. To most people, becoming an expert at videogames like Mortal Combat takes hours of practice and a sharp eye.
CNET tech sites: Track thousands of Web sites in one place: Newsburst
A report covering consoles, handhelds and software.
July 27, 2005 5:03 PM PDT
Blindness doesn't stop game whiz
To most people, becoming an expert at video games like "Mortal Combat" takes hours of practice and a sharp eye. But Brice Mellen, a 17-year-old from Lincoln, Neb., routinely knocks off opponents even though he's at a slight disadvantage. He's blind. The Associated Press reported Wednesday that Mellen, who was born blind as a result of Leber's disease, became a game whiz through years of carefully memorizing key combinations, joystick movements and other in-game strategies. Having cut his teeth on "Space Invaders," Mellen is now the alpha "Soul Caliber 2" player on his block. After high school, he says, he plans to go to college and major in, naturally, video game design. Posted by Daniel Terdiman TalkBack Post a comment
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TrackBacks/PingBacks See links from elsewhere to this story Daniel Terdiman covers games, Net culture and everything in between.

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