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         Behcets Syndrome:     more books (29)
  1. Behcet hastaligina eslik eden bilateral subklaviyan ven ve vena cava superiyor trombozu/Bilateral subclavian vein thrombosis and vena cava superior syndrome ... of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi) by Muzaffer Bahcivan, Semih Yucel, 2006-12-01

41. Entrez PubMed
behcets syndrome in New Zealand. Petrie JP. Publication Types Case Reports LetterMeSH Terms Adult Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis* Diagnosis, Differential

42. Clinical Research Message Board Comment: Behcets-has Anyone Heard Of This?
I think I have behcets syndrome. I get ulcers in my mouth, to the point that Ican t eat. I have joint and bone pain. I do have arthritis, but the aching I
Behcets-has anyone heard of this?
Question posted by Jodi ( ) on 1:12:16 12/12/2001 Question: I think I have behcets syndrome. I get ulcers in my mouth, to the point that I can't eat. I have joint and bone pain. I do have arthritis, but the aching I think is behcets related. I know that this is a rare disease. The only cure that works for me is prednisone. I really want to get off of that, because I know it's not a good thing to be on it for long periods of time. I have been on it off and on for almost 14 years now. More so now. Seems also to be stress related somewhat. ANYONE-help (((Huggles)))Jodi Follow-Up Postings:

43. Health
Supports research into the syndrome. behcets syndrome Society. BM Seaman ,3Church Close ,Lambourn ,Hungerford ,Berks. RG17 8PU TEL(01488) 71116

44. Behçet's Disease - Patient UK
Behcet s syndrome. A multisystem disorder characteristically presenting withrecurrent Behcet s syndrome, J Royal College of Physicians of London 2000;
PatientPlus articles are written for doctors and so the language can be technical. However, some people find that they add depth to the articles found in the other sections of this website which are written for non-medical people.
Behçet's Disease
A multi-system disorder characteristically presenting with recurrent oral ulcers. It is presumed to be an autoimmune disease but the aetiology is unknown. Epidemiology
  • Prevalence is 0.3-6.6 cases per 100,000 population - is highest in Middle East, China and Japan.
  • Most common among patients aged 15-45 years. An age of onset younger than 25 years is associated with a higher prevalence of eye disease and active clinical disease.
  • Males are affected more commonly than females
  • Behçet's Disease is associated with HLA-B51. Familial cases have been reported, but inheritance probably not Mendelian.
Presentation Possible clinical manifestations include:
  • Non-specific symptoms: tiredness, malaise, muscle pains, transient fevers.
  • Skin and mucous membranes:
    • Painful aphthous ulcers occur in any part of the mouth and may last as long as 3 weeks.
    • Skin lesions occur in the genital regions.

45. Organizations By Health Topic Beginning With "B" (Print Version)
Behcet s syndrome. American Behcet s Disease Association http//;Arthritis Foundation - http//; National Eye Institute
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Organizations by Health Topic beginning with "B"
URL of this page:

46. Latest News - American Behcet's Disease Association
Behcet s syndrome is an episodic disorder of unknown aetiology or Behcet ssyndrome is most common in the countries around the eastern shores of the

47. Behcet's Syndrome Society - British Skin Foundation
Behcet s syndrome Society The society, a registered Charity run by unpaid Behcet s syndrome Society 3 Church Close Lambourn Hungerford RG17 8PU
Behcet's Syndrome Society
The society, a registered Charity run by unpaid volunteers, exists to provide contact and support to sufferers from Behcet's Syndrome. Through its three help lines, leaflets and periodic newsletters it provides information and counselling to over 1350 members. Charitable Aid and Research Grants are made from time to time.
Awards available: The society gives charitable aid to sufferers on a 'as needed' basis, such donations being non-recurrent in nature. From time to time, grants are made to research projects, usually when the work is specific to Behcet's Syndrome. Assistance is given to epidemiological research through use of the membership address list. Contact: Georgina Seaman
Behcet's Syndrome Society
3 Church Close
Hungerford RG17 8PU
Tel: (01488) 71116
Website: about us partners funding ... newsletter

48. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Musculoskeletal Disorders/Connective Tissue/Behce
url; Behcet syndrome Society United Kingdom patient support groupwith information on the condition. url; Behcet s
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  • report abuse/spam url: All About Behcets Disese Personal page written by a young girl suffering from the disease. url: American Behcet's Disease Association Concise information about Behcet's Disease, including diagnostic criteria and treatment. E-mail list available for patients. url: Behcet' Syndrome Society United Kingdom patient support group with information on the condition. url: Behcet's Disease Information Page Brief Behcet's Disease information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. url: Behcet's Disease Ontario Canada Personal page with information from two people with the disease.
  • 49. InfoDerm
    Behcet s syndrome. http// American Behcet s Disease AssociationPO Box 280240 Memphis, TN 381680240 1-800-7behcets
    Behcet's Syndrome
    American Behcet's Disease Association
    P.O. Box 280240
    Memphis, TN 38168-0240
    45 offices world wide - see our web site for contacts.

    50. Service AB7Be N°3
    Colitis, Behcet s syndrome, a short discussion with a radiology case example . Behcet syndrome Infolinks American behcets Disease Association (ABDA) Old
    AB (Amicale de Behcet en Belgique)
  • Behcet 's Association
    Trouvé par: Excite, FAST Search, HotBot, Lycos, MSN Web Search, WebCrawler
    behcet s.html Traduire ... 's Syndrome
    sufferer of this chronic rheumatoid condition provides information and support for others. Includes a bulletin board. Behcet 's Disease
    Trouvé par: FAST Search, HotBot, MSN Web Search, Yahoo!
    behcet s-syndrome/ Traduire ... 's Disease
    Who to Contact American Behcet 's Disease Association P.O. Box 280242 Memphis, TN 38168-0240 (800) 7 BEHCET S Website: behcet .html
    Trouvé par: HotBot, MSN Web Search, WebCrawler
    behcet .htm Traduire ... SYNDROME ADAMANTIADES - BEHCET `S SYNDROME American Behcet s Disease Association ``The American Behcet 's Disease association's goal is to provide support and information to people with Behcet 's Diseaseand their families and to educate the medical community about Behcet 's Disease.`` PO BOX 280242 Memphis, TN. 38168-0240 1-800-7
  • 51. Behcet's Disease
    DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF BEHCET S DISEASE (syndrome) *Modified frorn the recommendationsby the Behcet s syndrome Research Committee of Japan (1972).
    Ralph Snyderman DEFINITION. Behcet's disease is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent oral and genital aphthous ulcers, ocular inflammation, and skin lesions of erythema nodosum and acneiform eruptions. Behcet's disease also frequently involves the joints, the central nervous system, and the gastrointestinal tract. I NCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE. Behcet's disease is common in northern Japan, Korea, China, and the Middle East. In Japan the current prevalence is 1 per 10,000. The frequency in the United States is far less. An annual incidence of 1 per 300,000 was determined for Olmstead County, Minnesota. The disease does not occur frequently in Japanese Americans, perhaps suggesting environmental factors in addition to genetic predisposition in the etiology of this illness. ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS. No infectious agent has been consistently isolated, although a viral etiology is suspected. Sera frequently contain circulating immune complexes of the IgA and IgG variety, as well as elevated levels of chernotactic activity for leukocytes. Antibodies reactive against oral mucosal cells have been found, and factors produced by patient's lymphocytes are toxic for oral mucosal cells. However, these findings are also present in individuals with recurrent aphthous stornatitis alone. Serum complement levels in Behcet's disease are usually elevated, particularly levels of C9. Most patients with neurologic involvement have demyelinating antibodies in their sera. There is a strong association of HLA-135 with Behqet's disease in Japan and in the Mediterranean area. Heavy metal exposure, certain foods (particularly English walnuts), and toxic factors such as organophosphates have initiated attacks in some individuals.

    52. Reference Library - Patient Groups - Behcet's Syndrome Society is an online interactive information system. This site was developed toenable members of the general public to access medical professionals and
    Search for in All of Contact points Dictionary Encyclopaedia eShop Library News Medicines Information Symptoms Travel Clinic Home Register / Login Dictionary Encyclopaedia Travel clinic Drug database Library Contact points Common symptoms Illustrations Feedback
    The society, a registered Charity run by unpaid volunteers, exists to provide contact and support to sufferers from Behcet's Syndrome. Through its three help lines, leaflets and periodic newsletters it provides information and counselling to over 950 members. Charitable Aid and Research Grants are made from time to time.
    The society gives charitable aid to sufferers on a 'as needed' basis, such donations being non-recurrent in nature. From time to time, grants are made to research projects, usually when the work is specific to Behcet's Syndrome. Assistance is given to epidemiological research through use of the membership address list. Behcet's Syndrome Society
    3 Church Close
    Contact Us
    Terms and Conditions Privacy Statement Associated Medical Information

    53. News Comment | UK Corporate Solutions
    Georgina Seaman, information officer for the UK Behcet s syndrome Society, i have behcets and live in the uk i would love peoples views on thalidmide as

    54. Definitions Of Genetic Disorders-B.
    BegnezCesar s syndrome chediak.htm Behcet s syndrome behcets.htm Behcet s Diseasebehcets.htm Behcet s Disease autoimm.htm Behr 1 macdeg.htm

    55. Behcet's Syndrome - Arthritis And Arthritic Conditions, Medications, And Treatme
    syndrome Medical Condition FileBehcet s syndrome. Topical reviews in reports on rheumatic diseases Pharmacotherapy for Behcet s syndrome. In The Cochrane Library , Issue 2 2002.
    document.writeln(''); MedicineNet Home Arthritis Home Page > Behcet's Syndrome Search Tips
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    Behcet's Syndrome
    Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR What is Behcet's syndrome?
    Behcet's syndrome is classically characterized as a triad of symptoms that include recurring crops of mouth ulcers (called apthous ulcers), genital ulcers, and inflammation of a specialized area around the pupil of the eye, the uvea. The inflammation of the area of the eye that is around the pupil is called uveitis. Behcet's syndrome is also sometimes referred to as Behcet's disease. The cause of Behcet's syndrome is not known. The disease is more frequent and severe in patients from the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia than those of European descent. Both inherited (genetic) and environmental factors, such as microbe infections, are suspected to be factors that contribute to the development of Behcet's syndrome. Behcet's syndrome has not been felt to be contagious. What are symptoms of Behcet's syndrome?

    56. Patent 6,838,471
    thryoiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Goodpasture s syndrome, behcets ssyndrome, allograft rejection, graftversus-host disease, Type I diabetes,
    Buyer's Guide Outsourcing Guide Software/Report/
    Database, etc.
    ... Site Map
    Inhibition of inflammatory cytokine production by cholinergic agonists and vagus nerve stimulation United States Patent: Issued: January 4, 2005 Inventors: Tracey; Kevin J. (Old Greenwich, CT) Assignee: North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute (Manhasset, NY) Appl. No.: Filed: May 28, 2003 Abstract A method of inhibiting the release of a proinflammatory cytokine in a cell is disclosed. The method comprises treating the cell with a cholinergic agonist. The method is useful in patients at risk for, or suffering from, a condition mediated by an inflammatory cytokine cascade, for example endotoxic shock. The cholinergic agonist treatment can be effected by stimulation of an efferent vagus nerve fiber, or the entire vagus nerve. Description of the Invention BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention generally relates to methods of reducing inflammation. More specifically, the invention relates to methods for reducing inflammation caused by proinflammatory cytokines or an inflammatory cytokine cascade. 2. Description of the Related Art

    57. MUMS List Of Disorders - B
    B1A Predominent Cells or Fetal Cells (1); BOR syndrome (BrachioOto-RenalDysplasia) (7) Behavior Disorder (326); Behcet s syndrome (1) *
    Return to MUMS Home Page
    List of Disorders
    Number in parentheses indicates number of matches.
    indicates there is a support group which covers that diagnosis.
    • B1A Predominent Cells or Fetal Cells (1)
    • BOR Syndrome (Brachio-Oto-Renal Dysplasia) (7)
    • Baller-Gerold Syndrome (Craniosynostosis-Radial Aplasia) (2)
    • Band Heterotropia (12)
    • Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome (11)
    • Bannayan-Zonana Syndrome (4)
    • Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (Laurence-Moon) (20) *
    • Barrett Esophagus (2)
    • Barth Syndrome (Cardiomyopathy, Hypotonia, Low White Count) (4)
    • Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (1) *
    • Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (1) *
    • Basal Encephalocele (1)
    • Basal Ganglia Infarction (1)
    • Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome (Abetalipoproteinemia) (2) *
    • Bathing Suit Nevus (4) *
    • Batten Disease (Ceroid Lipofuscinosis) (27) *
    • Batten-Bielschowski-Jansky Disease (2) *
    • Beals Syndrome (Contractural Arachnodactyly) (13)
    • Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (26) * Beckwith Wiedemann Family Forum
    • Behavior Disorder (326)
    • Behcet's Syndrome (1) *

    58. Behcet S Syndrome
    Shed, LP Thalomide Responsiveness in an Infant with Behcet s syndrome. American Behcet s Disease Association. PO Box 280240, Memphis, TN 381680240.

    59. InteliHealth: Behcet's Syndrome
    InteliHealth Featuring Harvard Medical School s consumer health information.For more than 550 diseases and conditions, learn What Is It?, Symptoms,
    Behcet's Syndrome
  • What Is It? Symptoms Diagnosis Expected Duration ... Additional Info
  • What Is It? Streptococcus On average, the first symptoms appear between ages 20 and 30. It affects up to one in 5,000 people in some populations (such as in Japan and Saudi Arabia), but, for unknown reasons, as few as one in 500,000 in other groups (including North Americans and Northern Europeans).

    60. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care: Behcet's Syndrome
    InteliHealth Featuring Harvard Medical School s consumer health information.For more than 550 diseases and conditions, learn What Is It?, Symptoms,
    Back to Harvard Pilgrim site
    Behcet's Syndrome
  • What Is It? Symptoms Diagnosis Expected Duration ... Additional Info
  • What Is It? Streptococcus On average, the first symptoms appear between ages 20 and 30. It affects up to one in 5,000 people in some populations (such as in Japan and Saudi Arabia), but, for unknown reasons, as few as one in 500,000 in other groups (including North Americans and Northern Europeans). Symptoms Symptoms are different in each person. Some have only mild symptoms, while others have more severe ones. uveitis that usually shows up within two years of the first symptoms. Uveitis is more common in men than in women. At first, it may not cause any pain or vision problems, although it can cause blurred vision. Repeated flare-ups of uveitis can lead to decreased vision or blindness. Diagnosis Although blood tests and a skin biopsy Expected Duration Prevention Treatment Treatment focuses on relieving the symptoms, and depends on which parts of the body the disease affects:
    • Rashes and mouth sores:
      Eye disease
    Some studies suggest that interferon (Betaseron and others)) or infliximab (Remicade) may improve severe disease that has not responded to other treatment. For severe disease that affects many parts of the body, combinations of medications may be prescribed.

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