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         Basilar Migraine:     more detail
  1. Topiramate aids basilar migraine in small study.(Clinical Rounds)(Clinical report): An article from: Pediatric News by Michele G. Sullivan, 2007-08-01
  2. 101 Simple Ways to Eliminate , StopAnd Prevent Your Headaches And Migraines Without Resorting To Drugs (Learn How To Make the Agonizing Pain of Headaches Disappear) by Dr. Waynes, 2010-01-13
  3. How To Get Rid Of Your Headache BEFORE It Starts! by Dr. Manny Samuel, 2009-08-15
  4. 101 Tips For Preventing Headaches: Learn To Live Better Without The Pain by Dr. Collin Jahason, 2009-08-20

41. How Do Physician Migraineurs Treat Migraine?
For preventive treatment of basilar migraine, the group rated several choices ona fivepoint scale, from extremely effective to I m not sure.
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H OW D O P HYSICIAN M IGRAINEURS T REAT M IGRAINE At the Headache World 2000 conference, Randolph W. Evans, MD, of the University of Texas at Houston Medical School and Baylor College of Medicine, and Richard B. Lipton, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York City, outlined the results of their survey of 42 headache specialists who attended an April 2000 meeting, in New Orleans, for the faculty of the Neurology Ambassador Program. SELF-SELECTED SPECIALITIES? Of the 33 participants who responded, 24 were male. The mean age was 51 for men, 43 for women. The mean number of years in practice was 20 for men, 10 for women. Within the previous year, 50% of the men and 67% of the women had attacks that fit the International Headache Society definition of migraine. "I was astonished that the prevalence of migraine was so high," commented Dr. Lipton. Two subsequent studies confirmed this high prevalence among neurologists specializing in headache. "To some extent, it may be that people self-select" in choosing their medical specialty, Dr. Lipton acknowledged. However, when neurologists were asked about their migraines, their responses indicated that half had migraine before deciding to specialize, and the remaining half developed migraine after choosing their specialty. Final results of the two expanded studies of approximately 1,000 attendees of the Neurology Ambassador Program and a sample of American Academy of Neurology members are currently being analyzed.

42. MENIERES AND MIGRAINES Neurotology Of Migraine Robert W. Baloh, MD
basilar migraine is a subtype of migraine characterized by recurrent headaches Harker and Rassekh and Olsson reported patients with basilar migraine and
MENIERES AND MIGRAINES Neurotology of Migraine Robert W. Baloh, MD Migraine is a disease characterized by periodic headaches, but patients often experience other symptoms including dizziness and hearing loss and, in some, these can be the only symptoms. Since most patients equate migraine with headache, it can be difficult to convince them that symptoms other than headache are due to migraine. Comments such as "But, doctor, I don't have a 'migraine' with my dizziness" or "I came to see you because of my dizziness. I haven't had a migraine for at least a year" are common in our Neurotology Clinic. Until we understand the pathophysiology of migraine, it will remain difficult to educate patients and their physicians on the relationship between migraine and neurotologic symptoms. Furthermore, there is debate as to whether migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO) are distinct syndromes, different manifestations of the same disorder, or part of a continuum. Patients can have both types of attacks (with and without aura), and not infrequently, both types of migraine run in the same family (see below). The headache phases of both types of migraine are almost identical, and the same treatments are usually effective for both types of migraine. Conversely, certain epidemiological characteristics, overall familial aggregation, and varying pathophysiologic findings suggest that these two types of migraine may be separate entities. NEUROTOLOGIC SYMPTOMS AND MIGRAINE

43. EMedicine Health: Migraine Headaches In Children
basilar migraine (basilar artery migraine or Bickerstaff syndrome) Basilar Many people experience basilar migraine attacks intermingled with typical
Search September 8, 2005 Registration Healthcare Professionals You are in: Headache
Migraine Headache in Children
Migraine Headache in Children Symptoms
Conditions that cause severe headaches in children include both primary and secondary disorders. Primary headaches are conditions in which the headache is the medical condition and no underlying internal cause is present. Treatment is aimed at the specific headache disorder. Primary types include migraine headaches, tension headaches, chronic daily headaches, and cluster headaches. Doctors must find out which type of headache a child has, because the best treatments are different for each category. Headaches that come back again and again are usually the result of primary disorders. Secondary headaches are a result of some underlying process. When that process is treated, the associated headache usually gets better or goes away. Secondary headaches can be caused by many conditions, from harmless to life threatening. The following are examples of such conditions:
  • Infections (inside the head or elsewhere)
    Head tumors or masses
    Injuries to the head or neck
    Fever (for example, from flu)

44. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
basilar migraine, basilar artery migraine, a type of ophthalmic migraine whoseaura fills both visual fields and which may be accompanied by dysarthria and

45. Health/Conditions And Diseases/Neurological Disorders/Headaches/Migraine/Basilar
A good, though brief, description of basilar artery migraine from VanderbiltMedical Center Overview of the symptoms and diagnosis of basilar migraines.
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  • report abuse/spam url: Basilar Artery Migraine A good, though brief, description of basilar artery migraine from Vanderbilt Medical Center. url: ChiroWeb Overview of the symptoms and diagnosis of basilar migraines. url: Karyn S. Huntting's Basilar Artery Migraine Page Includes information on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment; forum. url: url: Wikipedia url: edit url:
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    46. Entrez PubMed
    We present clinical and EEG findings in 4 children with basilar migraine (BM) (threefemale and one male, age 11 to 13.5 years).

    47. Entrez PubMed
    After the attack the EEG returned to (nearly) normal in a very short time.Up to now no such EEG findings have been reported in basilar migraine.

    48. Current Opinion In Neurology - UserLogin
    basilar migraine is a subtype of migraine characterized by recurrent Sturzenegger MH, Meienberg O. basilar migraine a followup study of 82 cases.
    LWWOnline LOGIN eALERTS REGISTER ... Archive You are attempting to access protected content.
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    49. MerckMedicus Modules Migraine - Definition
    basilar migraine an uncommon migrainous disorder in which the aura clearlyoriginates from the brain stem or from both occipital lobes of the brain.

    50. Vestibular Central Disorders
    3 In basilar migraine up to half of the patients will have hearing loss, Love, JT, Jr., Basilar artery migraine presenting as fluctuating hearing loss
    Central vestibular disorders
    Intracranial complication of otitic infections
    Abscesses in the extradural or subdural spaces and those in the temporal lobe and cerebellum can cause vestibular complaints, as can a suppurative process in the apex of the petrous bone. [1]
    Abnormalities of blood flow to the vestibular system are very common causes of vestibular symptoms and are often difficult to distinguish from well-known end organ disorders.
    Migraine headache results from dilatation of extracranial and dural arteries, causing stretching of sensitive pain fibers in the walls of the arteries, the symptoms of the aura reflect ischemia secondary to intracerebral. Serotonin is implicated in the pathogenesis of these phenomena.[2]
    In order to elicit the appropriate history for a migraine the following must be asked:
    1. scotomata, or blind spots
    2. teichopsia, or fortification spectra, a zigzag pattern in the visual field 3. flashing (photopsia) or colored lights 4. paresthesia.

    51. AXERT - Frequently Asked Questions
    Hemiplegic or basilar migraine; Had an allergic reaction to AXERT or any of migraine or for use in the management of hemiplegic or basilar migraine.
    What is migraine? Why do I have migraines? What is migraine with aura? What is a tension-type headache? ... How is AXERT taken? 1. Q: What is migraine?
    A: A migraine is a chronic condition with episodic attacks of mild to severe headache pain usually felt on one side of the head. But unlike a severe headache, a migraine can have other symptoms associated with it, such as an upset stomach and sensitivity to light and sound. You may even see an "aura"—a visual disturbance. What's more, a migraine can often last anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days! Return to top of page 2. Q: Why do I have migraines?
    A: While it is not yet completely known why migraines happen, researchers believe that migraines happen to people who have a predisposition for an attack. In other words, migraines tend to run in families. Return to top of page 3. Q: What is migraine with aura?

    52. AXERT - Fastlasting Relief
    AXERT is not intended for the prophylactic therapy of migraine or for use in themanagement of hemiplegic or basilar migraine. Safety and effectiveness of
    In some people, AXERT:
    • Can help relieve migraine pain in as fast as 30 minutes Can keep the pain from coming back for 24 hours Has a lower incidence of side effects than the leading acute prescription migraine medicine
    AXERT helps stop your migraine pain, not you.
    Answer 4 simple questions and find out. Effective, fast-acting, long-lasting treatment that will help you stop your migraine so you can be where you want to be. AXERT Tablets are indicated for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in adults. AXERT is not intended for the prophylactic therapy of migraine or for use in the management of hemiplegic or basilar migraine. Safety and effectiveness of AXERT have not been established for cluster headache, which is present in an older, predominantly male population. Important Safety Information
    AXERT tablets should be used only when a clear diagnosis of migraine has been established. AXERT is not right for everyone. You should not take AXERT if you have known heart disease or risk factors for heart disease or stroke (family history, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, past menopause or smoking). Medicines in this class have been associated with very rare reports of serious heart-related problems. Because AXERT may increase blood pressure it should not be taken if you have uncontrolled hypertension. If you’re not sure whether you have heart disease or risk factors, ask your doctor. Before taking AXERT, be sure to tell your doctor about any medicines you are taking or plan to take. As with other medicines in this class, AXERT should not be taken within 24 hours of another triptan or ergotamine. Do not take AXERT if you have had an allergic reaction to any of its ingredients.

    53. Headache Causes
    Hormonal Headache (eg Menstrual Migraine); basilar migraine Headache (female basilar migraine Headache (female adolescents); Paroxysmal Hemicrania
    Home About Links Index ... Editor's Choice document.write(code); Advertisement Neurology Headache Assorted Pages Headache Causes Headache History Headache Examination Headache Diagnostic Testing ... Headache Headache Causes Book Home Page Cardiovascular Medicine Dentistry Dermatology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology Geriatric Medicine Gynecology Hematology and Oncology HIV Infectious Disease Jokes Laboratory Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Ophthalmology Orthopedics Otolaryngology Pediatrics Pharmacology Practice Management Prevention Psychiatry Pulmonology Radiology Rheumatology Sports Medicine Surgery Urology Chapter Neurology Index Autonomic Cerebellum Chorea Cranial Nerve Cognitive CSF Cardiovascular Medicine Demyelinating Dermatology Disability Examination Ophthalmology Geriatric Medicine Gynecology Headache Infectious Disease Laboratory General Level of Consciousness Motor Obstetrics Pediatrics Pharmacology Prevention Procedure Psychiatry Radiology Seizure Sensory Sports Medicine Surgery Symptom Evaluation Tremor Page Headache Index Approach Approach Evaluation History Approach Evaluation Exam Approach Evaluation Diagnostics Approach Acute Generalized Approach Acute Localized Approach Acute Recurrent Approach Chronic Nonprogressive Approach Chronic Nonprogressive Tension Approach Chronic Progressive Approach Self Help Cluster Migraine Migraine Trigger Migraine Rebound Migraine Management Migraine Management Peds Migraine Management Clinic Migraine Management Abortive Migraine Management Abortive ED Migraine Management Prophylaxis

    54. Basilar Migraine
    Offers basilar migraine migraine topamax and migraine remedy.

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    This is simply amazing. Offers basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers migraine topamax and migraine remedy. is an affiliation of chiropractors across the United States dedicated to best practices and the highest level of patient care. Offers basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers migraine topamax and migraine remedy. You will want to find out more information.

    55. Artery Basilar Migraine
    Offers artery basilar migraine headache migraine relief and migraine optic.

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    artery basilar migraine
    Offers artery basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers headache migraine relief and migraine optic. uses the lastest advances in chiropractic care to service its patients. Offers artery basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers headache migraine relief and migraine optic.
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    This is simply amazing. Offers artery basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers headache migraine relief and migraine optic. is an affiliation of chiropractors across the United States dedicated to best practices and the highest level of patient care. Offers artery basilar migraine with a product or service that delivers headache migraine relief and migraine optic. You will want to find out more information.

    56. New Treadwell Library Page
    forms (for example, hemiplegic migraine, basilar migraine, migraine withprolonged aura). are not effective with hemiplegic and basilar migraines.

    57. New Treadwell Library Page
    hemiplegic migraine, basilar migraine, migraine with prolonged aura). Prevent migraines and cluster. May be particularly useful in migraine patients

    58. ACP-ASIM Observer, July-August 2002 - Drug Therapies To Treat—and Prevent—migr
    with a history of cardiovascular difficulties—especially coronary arterydisease and hypertension—nor those with hemiplegic or basilar migraine.
    Home Search Site directory ACP Observer Contents Current Print Issue Past issues 2005 Editorial Calendar ... Permission
    ACP Observer
    From the July-August ACP-ASIM Observer By Jason van Steenburgh Is it really a migraine?
    A summary of drugs to treat acute migraine headaches
    Related resources:
  • The National Headache Foundation JAMA migraine information center U.S. Headache Consortium Guidelines: Pharmacological management of acute attacks Headache guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology ... Toward Evidence-Based Management of Migraine
  • PHILADELPHIA-If you're like many physicians, you probably tell patients suffering from migraine headaches to try ibuprofin before you prescribe something stronger. While it's true that NSAIDs are the first line of defense in treating migraines, experts say that you should consider using other drugs, particularly when one class of agents isn't working. Even more importantly, you need to tell patients that NSAIDs are only the first part of your strategy to treat their migraines. To give patients relief from the pain, nausea and light sensitivity of migraines, physicians can offer a multi-tiered regimen of drugs.

    59. Re: Imitrex/Zomig Side Effects
    This is called a basilar migraine. At the hospital the Dr. diagnosed a classicmigraine and gave me imitrex. This, I believe caused my stroke,

    60. References :
    basilar migraine a Review. In CP Panayiotopoulos (ed), Benign Childhood PartialSeizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes. London John Libbey Company Ltd
    Search WHO IS EPILEPSY.COM DONATE PROFESSIONAL FORUM CO-EXISTING DISORDERS ... RESOURCE LIBRARY References Co-Existing Disorders References Author: SD Silberstein and RB Lipton Andermann F. Clinical Features of Migraine-Epilepsy Syndrome. In F Andermann, E Lugaresi (eds), Migraine and Epilepsy. Boston: Butterworths, 1987;3–30. Silberstein SD, Saper JR. Migraine: Diagnosis and Treatment. In DJ Dalessio, SD Silberstein (eds), Wolff’s Headache and Other Head Pain (6th ed). New York: Oxford University Press, 1993;96–170. Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society. The International Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia 2004;24 Suppl 1:8-151. Andermann E, Andermann FA. Migraine-Epilepsy Relationships: Epidemiological and Genetic Aspects. In FA Andermann, E Lugaresi (eds), Migraine and Epilepsy. Boston: Butterworths, 1987;281–291. Andermann F. Migraine and Epilepsy: an Overview. In F Andermann, E Lugaresi (eds), Migraine and Epilepsy. Boston: Butterworths, 1987;405–421. Marks DA, Ehrenberg BL. Migraine related seizures in adults with epilepsy, with EEG correlation. Neurology 1993;43:2476–2483.

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