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         Attention Deficit Disorder:     more books (109)
  1. Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale School Version
  2. Attention Deficit Disorder (My Health) by Alvin Silverstein, Virginia B. Silverstein, et all 2001-11
  3. All About A.D.D.: Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder by Mark Selikowitz, 1995-12-28
  4. Addventures in Babysitting With Ellen Kingsley: Attention Deficit Disorder: Tips and Tricks for Childcare Providers by Ellen Kingsley, 2002-12
  5. Healing ADD: The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the Six Types of Attention Deficit Disorder by Daniel G. Amen, 2002
  6. Attention Deficit Disorder - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
  7. Attention Deficit Disorders: Assessment and Teaching by Janet W. Lerner, Barbara Lowenthal, et all 1994-08-15
  8. Attention Deficit Disorders: A Neurological Diagnostic Perspective by Edward F. Frates, 2002-07
  9. College Confidence with ADD - A Live Talk - Replaces 'Scholastic Success for Creative Minds and Attention Deficit Disorder' by Michael Sandler, 2008
  10. The source for ADD/ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Gail J Richard, 2001
  11. A.D.D. Kaleidoscope The Many Faces of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder by Joan Andrews, Denise E. Davis, 1997-05
  12. What Do You Mean I Have Attention Deficit Disorder? by Kathleen M. Dwyer, 1996-04

121. Notes On ADD
A marrage, family, and child counselor lists issues and considerations surrounding children with attention deficit disorder.
Notes on ADD (Dr. Richard Reither)
By Dr. Richard Reither This file is here with the generous permission of the author, Compuserve ADD forum member Richard Reither. RICHARD E. REITHER. M.A.. M.F.C.C.
7202 N. Millbrook. Suite 103
Fresno, CA 93702
Telephone: (209) 432-5805
Fax: (209) 432-5819
The following are suggestions for maintenance of the ADHD child in the classroom. These are grouped to address the primary areas in need of remediation in the ADHD child.
Motor Activity
  • Teach more complex problem-solving tasks in the morning. Research has shown that the highest activity level for ADHD child occurs between twelve noon and two o'clock in the afternoon. Allow students to present their own visual information by motoric means. For example, have students flip their own flash cards. Provide early intervention in the area of fine motor skills. Allow children to take notes, draw, or play with small objects at their desks during teacher lectures or long class discussions. play with small objects can be constructive, such as braiding or finger knitting.
  • Impulsivity
  • Rather than giving directions for many assignments at once, provide instruction immediately preceding the assigned work. Encourage the ADHD student to verbalize or rehearse plans for activities and school work.
  • 122. ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder And Yoga
    Yoga for babies and children with special needs Down syndrome, autism, attentiondeficit disorder, ADHD, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.
    Attention Deficit Disorder is a behavioral disorder formally defined as a significant deficiency in age-appropriate attention, impulse control and rule-governed behavior, which manifests in early childhood. Associated behaviors include: difficulty in following instructions; speaking or acting before one thinks; poor organizational skills; restlessness; impatience; forgetfulness; low self-esteem; and, in the case of children with ADHD, hyperactivity. Some experts believe that attention deficit disorder is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but there is no documented proof that this is actually the case. The incidence of attention deficit disorder varies from 3 to 15 percent for school age population, depending on the strictness of the diagnosis. Sometimes referred to as ADD or ADD/WO (attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity), children with this disorder generally do not perform well in school, though most of them test at average or above average intelligence. Since breath is deeply connected to the emotions, teaching yogic breathing exercises (pranayama) is an ideal way to start working with children who have attention deficit disorder. However, it is important for the yoga teacher to first find a way to create a strong bond with the child, in order to gain the child's trust and attention. Then the exercises will progress more rapidly. In addition to its positive effect on the emotions, pranayama stimulates vital areas of the brain and central nervous system. By combining pranayama with yoga poses (asanas) and deep relaxation, the benefits are greatly enhanced. With regular yoga practice, children with attention deficit disorder develop greater body awareness, emotional balance and concentration - increasing their capacity for schoolwork and creative play. As overall performance improves, so does their self-esteem.

    123. Levinson Medical Center For Learning Disabilities
    Research and treatment facility treating an innerear (cerebellar-vestibular) disorder to relieve the varied symptoms characterizing Learning Disabilities as well as related attention deficit disorder and phobias.

    [USA SITE]
    [UK SITE]

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    124. Health Care Information Resources Attention Deficit Disorder Links
    attention deficit disorder Children and Adults with attention deficit disorders;attention deficit disorder - ADHD Medications from
    The address of this page is:
    Attention Deficit Disorder Links
    For more information, see: Dyslexia , also in the Illness section of this resource.
    For more information, see: Learning disabilities , also in the Illness section of this resource.
    For more information, see: Mental health, in childhood , in the Wellness section of this resource.
    For more information, see: Mental illness, in childhood , also in the Illness section of this resource.
  • Attention deficit disorder - Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders
  • Attention deficit disorder - ADHD Medications from
  • Attention deficit disorder - A Journey into Attention Deficit Disorder very thorough treatment from an educator
  • Attention deficit disorder - National ADD Association
  • Attention deficit disorder - Adult ADD a web site from Eli Lilly and Company
  • Attention deficit disorder - Ritalin Methylphenidate , or Ritalin may be harmful to your child's health
  • Attention deficit disorder - Parents against Ritalin educating the public about the natural alternatives ...
  • Attention deficit disorder - ADD/ADHD Toronto for adolescents, adults and the parents of children with ADD
  • 125. Attention Deficit Disorder, General Information
    Dedicated to educating parents, teachers, and those with ADD about the disorder.
    htmlAdWH('93212816', '728', '90'); Main Other Academic Resources
    A Journey Into
    National Board Certified Teacher
    Nov. 1999 Updated November 15, 2002 Goal of this Web Site: It has been my goal to educate teachers, parents, and those of us living with ADD or experiencing ADD in our families. My intent is to bring information in an accurate, positive manner. My hope is to help others understand and accept AD/HD. To accomplish this goal, I authored a series of newsletters. Well known AD/HD experts such as Dr. Claire Jones, Dr. Bruce Pasch, Cynthia Pasch, M.Ed, Dr. Ed Hallowell, Dr. Katherine Nadeau, Mary Jane Johnson, Larry Saltzman, Dr. Sarah Roth, Dr. David Rabiner, Wilma Felman, Sigmund Boloz, and other professionals graciously contributed to the newsletters. Initially the newsletters were available by subscription but time pressures have prevented me from continuing them on a subscription basis. They will be made available on this website. Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaires and sending your comments. Many have had questions, comments, and requests to share the narratives. These responses will add to the web page and newsletters.

    126. ADHD And Teens
    Describes symptoms of ADD or ADHD in teenagers.Examines treatment, depression and/or learning disabilities in ADHD teens, and strategies for coping.
    htmlAdWH('93212823', '728', '90'); Main Teens' Mental Health
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Teenagers
    by James J. Crist, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist TEENS AND ADHD
    Hello! Are you tired of hearing "you're just lazy" and "I know you can do better if you wanted to?" If so, read on! This article is written for teenagers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD). It describes what ADHD is, how it is diagnosed, how it is treated, and what you can do to cope with it. Links to useful information are included as well. This page is updated periodically, so check back for new information!
    For those of you interested in more information, I have written a book especially for teenagers with ADHD. The book is called ADHDA Teenagers Guide It is written in an easy to read question and answer format. The book is also informative for parents. This article includes excerpts from the book. Information on how to order the book is included at the end. You can also ask your local library to order it for you if they do not yet carry it.
    What is ADHD?

    127. Attention Deficit Disorder, General Information
    Aimed at educating teachers, parents, and those living with ADD.
    htmlAdWH('93212816', '728', '90'); Main Other Academic Resources
    A Journey Into
    National Board Certified Teacher
    Nov. 1999 Updated November 15, 2002 Goal of this Web Site: It has been my goal to educate teachers, parents, and those of us living with ADD or experiencing ADD in our families. My intent is to bring information in an accurate, positive manner. My hope is to help others understand and accept AD/HD. To accomplish this goal, I authored a series of newsletters. Well known AD/HD experts such as Dr. Claire Jones, Dr. Bruce Pasch, Cynthia Pasch, M.Ed, Dr. Ed Hallowell, Dr. Katherine Nadeau, Mary Jane Johnson, Larry Saltzman, Dr. Sarah Roth, Dr. David Rabiner, Wilma Felman, Sigmund Boloz, and other professionals graciously contributed to the newsletters. Initially the newsletters were available by subscription but time pressures have prevented me from continuing them on a subscription basis. They will be made available on this website. Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaires and sending your comments. Many have had questions, comments, and requests to share the narratives. These responses will add to the web page and newsletters.

    128. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    This site includes information on diagnosis, treatment, and research, and includedslinks to booklets and magazine articles.
    Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Magazine Articles
    Other Web Pages

    129. NIMH: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental NIMH Research on Treatment for attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder
    @import "/includes/styles/nimhtouchup/wireframe.css"; @import "/includes/styles/nimhtouchup/contents.css"; @import "/includes/styles/nimhtouchup/textsizeS.css"; Skip to main content Working to improve mental health through biomedical
    research on mind, brain, and behavior Text Size: S M L powered by Google Advanced Search Press Room NIMH Outreach Scientific Meetings Clinical Trials ... Other Disorders
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. Children with ADHD have impaired functioning in multiple settings, including home, school, and in relationships with peers. If untreated, the disorder can have long-term adverse effects into adolescence and adulthood. more>>
    Symptoms of ADHD will appear over the course of many months, and include:
    • Impulsiveness: a child who acts quickly without thinking first. Hyperactivity: a child who can't sit still, walks, runs, or climbs around when others are seated, talks when others are talking. Inattention: a child who daydreams or seems to be in another world, is sidetracked by what is going on around him or her.

    130. ADHD And Teens
    A psychologist explains ADHD, its causes, effects and treatment. Also provides tips for living with the disorder.
    htmlAdWH('93212823', '728', '90'); Main Teens' Mental Health
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Teenagers
    by James J. Crist, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist TEENS AND ADHD
    Hello! Are you tired of hearing "you're just lazy" and "I know you can do better if you wanted to?" If so, read on! This article is written for teenagers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD). It describes what ADHD is, how it is diagnosed, how it is treated, and what you can do to cope with it. Links to useful information are included as well. This page is updated periodically, so check back for new information!
    For those of you interested in more information, I have written a book especially for teenagers with ADHD. The book is called ADHDA Teenagers Guide It is written in an easy to read question and answer format. The book is also informative for parents. This article includes excerpts from the book. Information on how to order the book is included at the end. You can also ask your local library to order it for you if they do not yet carry it.
    What is ADHD?

    131. About ADD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    The ADD website written about, for and by people who have ADD. Medications,personal stories, tips for the workplace, and parents and ADD children.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zfs=0;zCMt='a44' About Attention Deficit Disorder ADD Essentials ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
    FREE Newsletter
    Sign Up Now for the Attention Deficit Disorder newsletter!
    See Online Courses
    Search Attention Deficit Disorder From Eileen Bailey
    Your Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder
    FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now! Back To School For Teens
    Compiled with the help of several high school students, a list of what teens with ADD want teachers to know about ADD. Has a printable version to share with teachers.
    12 Things High School Students With ADD/ADHD Would Like Their Teachers To Know

    Keeping track of assignments, handing in homework on time, studying for tests and being organized are all skills to improve schoolwork. Tips to help you handle all the assignments.
    Homework Skills

    Tuesday September 06, 2005
    Tips For Managing Your Home and Keeping Your Sanity.
    Ideas and Suggestions submitted by women with ADD for women with ADD. Learn how other women manage to keep their homes and lives moving forward.

    132. Death From Ritalin The Truth Behind ADHD
    Information for parents about attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)when considering treatment with Ritalin. Includes information on alternative treatments.
    Matthew died at age 14
    The death certificate says it was due to the use of Ritalin used for ADHD.
    In Memory of children
    Death From Ritalin
    The Truth Behind ADHD
    The Controversy Behind ADD and ADHD

    the Drugs Used for Treatment
    Select Your State! ... ADHD Alternative
    Crusaders ... Please Help Us
    ADD ADHD, Story behind our Sons Death Caused from ADHD Drug, Ritalin.
    Information about ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and ADD, attention deficit disorder; Childrens deaths caused from ADD and ADHD medications like Ritalin.
    New federal law outlaws schools from forcing parents to drug their children ADHD Testing! What is ADD / ADHD ? Preview Video About strattera commonly spelled straterra stratera April 15, 2001 this website was created in hopes of providing parents and guardians with information about the truth behind ADHD and the drugs used to treat children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. We built this website because we didn't want other children to die or suffer side effects because of their parents lack of knowledge. The Biblical scripture that reads "My people parish from lack of knowledge" really hit home.

    133. What Is Attention-Deficit Disorder? Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? AD
    What is attentiondeficit disorder? Also known as AD/HD, ADHD,attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder, ADD/ADHD.
    This page is located within: Optometrists Network
    Printer-friendly Version

    Every year the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) receives thousands of requests for information about the education and special needs of children and youth with Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD, ADD/ADHD). Over the past several years, ADD or A.D.D. (ADHD, ADD/ADHD) has received a tremendous amount of attention from parents, professionals, and policymakers across the country - so much so, in fact, that nearly everyone has now heard about ADD or A.D.D..
    While helpful to those challenged by this disability, such widespread recognition creates the possibility of improper diagnostic practice and inappropriate treatment. Now, more than ever, parents who suspect their child might have ADHD (A.D.D., ADD/ADHD, ADD-ADHD, A.D.D.) and parents of children diagnosed with the disorder need to evaluate information, products, and practitioners carefully.
    This NICHCY Briefing Paper is intended to serve as a guide to help parents and educators know what ADHD (A.D.D., ADD/ADHD, ADD-ADHD, A.D.D.) is, what to look for, and what to do. While acknowledging that adults, too, can have ADHD (ADD/ADHD, ADD-ADHD, A.D.D.), this paper focuses on the disorder as it relates to children and youth.
    What is Attention-Deficit Disorder?

    134. Truehope - Offering Support And Treatment Alternatives For Mental Illness
    Non medical group involved in researching and overcoming central nervous system disorders. Concerns include clinical depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, Tourette's syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
    Home About us How we can help EMPowerplus ... Contact Search Truehope Norge Read all about us in the May-05 edition of Discover Magazine! The article covers the discovery of EMPowerplus and details the exciting new research now taking place. Are deficiencies in vitamins and minerals tied to mental illness?
    Latest EMPower research

    Latest FDA drug advisories

    Latest media presentations
    ... legal

    135. Adult & Child ADD / ADHD: Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
    Adult and Child ADD and ADHD information and resources. Test for attention deficitand hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Find ADD and ADHD medication,
    The Source for ADD and ADHD Information ADD / ADHD
    ADD / ADHD
    ... Link To Us ADD / Attention Deficit Disorder Info Child ADD Adult ADD Attention Deficit
    Disorder Symptoms
    ... ADD Diet
    ADHD / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Info Adult ADHD ADHD Child ADHD Symptoms ADHD Test ... ADHD Natural Remedy
    A virtual neighborhood consolidating in ONE PLACE information and resources
    relating to Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), AD/HD and Learning Disorders (LD) Special Features On This Site

    There are a lot of useful features and information that you won't want to miss!
    Here's a quick rundown. What's New
    New Articles Treasure Chest A collection of gems to enlighten, distract, amuse and bemuse you including ...
    • General Adult A.D.D. Symptom Checklist
    • Values and Lifestyles Questionnaire
    • Famous People with ADD/LD
    • Multiple Intelligences
    • Are You An Adrenaline Junkie?
    Please use this form to give us your valuable feedback. Community Library Calendar of Events Conferences, Seminars, Classes and Meetings. Use the Event Form to submit information about your own events!

    136. Connecticut Children's Medical Center - Neurology
    Specialty programs include expert services in the treatment and evaluation of epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, spasticity and cerebral palsy, neurogenetic/ neurocutaneous diseases, autism spectrum disorders, headaches, and attention-deficit disorder.
    Services Programs Site Search
    Staff EEG Links
    Office Location
    Location: 2A
    Telephone: 860.545.9460
    EEG: 860.545.9470
    Fax: 860.545.9484
    Contact Person
    Francis J. DiMario, MD, Director
    The Division of Pediatric Neurology offers a wide range of consultative and therapeutic services by appointment, with daily accommodation for urgent evaluations. Specialty programs include expert services in the treatment and evaluation of epilepsy, neuro-muscular diseases, spasticity and cerebral palsy, neurogenetic/ neurocutaneous diseases, autism spectrum disorders, and headaches. Special laboratory services include EEG and long term EEG Telemetry, and evoked potentials (brainstem, visual). Ketogenic Diet Location: 2A; Phone: 860.545.9489 Neurogenetics Clinic (Neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, neurocutaneous disorders) Location: 2L; Phone: 860.545.9580 Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic Location: 1A; Phone: 860.545.9293

    137. Locating The Timekeeping Centers Of The Brain
    By identifying the area in the brain responsible for governing our sense of time, scientists can study defective time perception, which occurs in people with Parkinson's disease and attentiondeficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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    Locating the Timekeeping Centers of the Brain
    Timing is everything. It comes into play when making split-second decisions like knowing when to stop at a red light, catch a ball or modulate a rhythm when playing the piano. Researchers Stephen M. Rao, PhD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin, Deborah Harrington, MD, of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albuquerque, and Andrew R. Mayer, also of the Medical College, have now identified the areas in the brain that are responsible for perceiving the passage of time in order to carry out critical everyday functions. Their study is the first to demonstrate that the basal ganglia (brain tissue involved in motor coordination) and the parietal lobe of the brain are critical areas for this timekeeping system. Their study, published in the March 2001 issue of Nature Neuroscience (Vol. 4, No. 3), questions a long-standing and widely held belief in the scientific community that the cerebellum is the critical structure involved in time perception.

    138. Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit : University Of Vermont
    Investigating the mechanisms, treatment, and amelioration of complex neuropsychiatric disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, attention deficithyperactivity disorder, and panic disorder-from the Univ. of Vermont.
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    • UVM Home Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit ...
      Paul Newhouse, M.D., Director

      The Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU) is part of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine and Fletcher Allen Health Care . The research of the CNRU is focused on clinical research studies of two basic types:
      • Studies that investigate the biological mechanisms that underlie changes that occur in cognitive functioning associated with normal aging. We are particularly interested in gender-related differences with a focus on the older women. We also study cognitive impairment that is secondary to the development of complex neuro-psychiatric disorders. Of particular interest are those disorders that have a behavioral and cognitive component, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, as well as neuro-developmental disorders such as Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
      • Clinical therapeutic trials of investigational medications for the treatment of behavioral and cognitive symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as Depression, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and panic disorder.

      Summer 2005 Paul Newhouse, M.D. featured in Vermont Medicine

    139. Disability Info: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Fact Sheet (FS19)
    attentiondeficit/Hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is a condition that can make ithard for a person to sit still, control behavior, and pay attention.
    NICHCY Our Publications Disability Info
    A publication of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    Table of Contents
    Mario's story
    What is AD/HD?

    How common is it?

    What are the signs?

    Fact Sheet 19 (FS19)
    January 2004
    Approx. 8 pages when printed.
    PDF version
    Mario's Story
    Mario is 10 years old. When he was 7, his family learned he had AD/HD. At the time, he was driving everyone crazy. At school, he couldn’t stay in his seat or keep quiet. At home, he didn’t finish his homework or his chores. He did scary things, too, like climb out of his window onto the roof and run across the street without looking. Things are much better now. Mario was tested by a trained professional to find out what he does well and what gives him trouble. His parents and teachers came up with ways to help him at school. Mario has trouble sitting still, so now he does some of his work standing up. He’s also the student who tidies up the room and washes the chalkboard. His teachers break down his lessons into several parts. Then they have him do each part one at a time. This helps Mario keep his attention on his work. At home, things have changed, too. Now his parents know why he’s so active. They are careful to praise him when he does something well. They even have a reward program to encourage good behavior. He earns “good job points” that they post on a wall chart. After earning 10 points he gets to choose something fun he’d like to do. Having a child with AD/HD is still a challenge, but things are looking better.

    140. Is Nicotine A Smart Drug ?
    Report on studies of nicotine and other nicotinic agonists on improving performance on attention and memory tasks, as well as on treating Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder.
    Cognitive effects of nicotine
    Rezvani AH, Levin ED.
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
    Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
    North Carolina 27710, USA.
    Biol Psychiatry 2001 Feb 1;49(3):258-67
    N icotine and other nicotinic agonists have been found to improve performance on attention and memory tasks. Clinical studies using nicotine skin patches have demonstrated the efficacy of nicotine in treating cognitive impairments associated with Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Experimental animal studies have demonstrated the persistence of nicotine-induced working memory improvement with chronic exposure, in addition to the efficacy of a variety of nicotinic agonists. Mechanistic studies have found that alpha7 and alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors in the hippocampus are critical for nicotinic involvement in cognitive function. Clinical and experimental animal studies provide mutually supporting information for the development of novel nicotinic therapies for cognitive dysfunction. Nicotine


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