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         Asthma:     more books (100)
  1. New Drugs and Targets for Asthma and Copd (Progress in Respiratory Research)
  2. All About Asthma and How to Live With It by Glennon Paul, Barbara Fafoglia, 1988-07
  3. The allergy self-help book : a step-by-step guide to nondrug relief of asthma, hay fever, headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, and over 50 other allergy-related health problems by Sharon Faelten, 1983
  4. Free Your Child from Asthma by Gary Rachelefsky, Patricia Garrison, 2005-12-23
  5. Clinical Asthma: Expert Consult - Online and Print by Mario Castro MDMPH, Monica Kraft MDFCCP, 2008-04-21
  6. Breathe Well, Be Well: A Program to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Asthma, Hypertension, Migraine, and Other Disorders for Better Health by Robert L. Fried, 1999-04-07
  7. The one-ten-ten method for allergy control: A non-drug approach for the relief of hay fever and bronchial asthma by John A Laccinole, 1980
  8. Nature's Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures by Gale Maleskey, 1999-08-27
  9. Brianna Breathes Easy: A Story About Asthma by Virginia L. Kroll, 2005-03-30
  10. Easy Breathing: Natural Treatments Asthma, Colds, Allergies, Sinusitis (A Storey medicinal herb guide) by David Hoffmann, 2001-06-01
  11. Occupational Asthma
  12. The American Medical Association Essential Guide to Asthma (Better Health for 2003) by AMA, 2000-04-01
  13. What you can do about Asthma (Dell Medical Library) by Dennis Altman, 1991-10-01
  14. Yoga Beats Asthma: Simple Exercises and Breathing Techniques to Relieve Asthma and Other Respiratory Disorders by Stella Weller, 2003-08-25

121. Asthma Tutorial
Why does asthma occur and what happens during an attack? Find out all about it and how doctors help make it better.
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      Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system. Your respiratory system is made up of your nose and mouth, your windpipe (also called your trachea, pronounced tray-key-uh) , your lungs, and a bunch of air tubes (or airways) that connect your nose and mouth with your lungs (these tubes are called bronchi and bronchioles, prounounced bron-kye and bron-key-oles)
      People who have asthma sometimes have trouble breathing. When people who have asthma have this trouble breathing, we call it an asthma attack. Lots of people have asthma attacks, even the two girls just below. Click on their pictures to hear what they feel like when they have an asthma attack.

122. Asthma Center - Help For Asthmatic Kids
asthma Center for Children, with information about action plans, prevention, peakflows, symptom diary, and triggers.
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Asthma Center
Asthma in Children Asthma (also called reactive airway disease) is a common problem in infants and children. The most common symptoms include coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing, which is caused by inflammation and tightness in the breathing tubes of the lungs. Sign-up to get a free, customized Your Child newsletter, with age-appropriate info on nutrition, growth, development, safety, vaccines and other issues. Date of Birth: Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec more info Asthma Prevention Asthma attacks and the symptoms of asthma can be prevented by avoiding triggers, using environmental controls and using preventative medications. Asthma Treatments The medications that are used to control asthma include bronchodilators and anti-inflammatories (including steroids). Do not use over the counter medicines to control your childs wheezing.

123. Alles über Asthma ·
asthmatikern, Eltern und Angeh¶rigen werden Informationen rund um asthma, Allergien und Atemwegserkrankungen, Diagnose und Ursachen geboten. Tipps zu Inhalation, Therapie und Atem¼bungen.
- Pollenflug-Vorhersage - Einnahme-Erinnerung - Arzttermin-Erinnerung
Tag 8: Die letzte Etappe nach Venedig ist geschafft!
05.09.05 – Auf den letzten 60 km von San Vito nach Venedig hat sich das Transalpin-Asthma-Team noch einmal so richtig ins Zeug gelegt. Bereits am Nachmittag hat die Gruppe dann ihr Ziel, den Zeltplatz auf der Landzunge vor Venedig, erreicht. Alle sind zu Recht stolz auf ihre ungew¶hnliche Leistung. Lesen Sie, wie es Conny auf der letzten Etappe ergangen ist.
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8. September 2005 Spitzname Passwort Jetzt bestellen! Husten, Auswurf, Luftnot?
Eventuell haben Sie eine

COPD. Informieren Sie sich

Bronchitis. Oder testen Sie
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124. Buteyko Asthma Management
Free information and facts about Buteyko the drug free asthma free breathing technique.
Welcome to Buteyko Asthma Management. If you or your child has asthma, then this website is for you. It will provide you with the information you need to understand and control your condition.
Find Out More:
What is Buteyko
The Buteyko Method - Buteyko Breathing, Asthma Control
Buteyko is a drug-free approach to achieving safe and effective asthma control. Clinical trial results show improved quality of life with reduced asthma symptoms, as well as a 96% reduction in reliever use and a 49% reduction in preventer medication three months after adopting the Buteyko method. And with a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose except your asthma. About Buteyko
Learn how the Buteyko method can put you back in control of your asthma.
Research Your Asthma

Practical tips and advice on managing your asthma, a guide to asthma medications

Buteyko solutions to take control of your asthma. Order securely online.
Our Courses

Gain control by enrolling in our asthma education courses. Or get a career helping others by enrolling in our accredited Buteyko Practitioner Training Programme. Contact Us Sign-up for our monthly asthma email newsletter.

125. Occupational Asthma - Current Perspectives
Within this definition two types of occupational asthma can be distinguished The second category of occupational asthma is that developing without a
Occupational Asthma:
Current perspectives
    Definition, and Frequency
    "Occupational asthma is a disease characterised by variable air flow limitation and/or airway hyper-responsiveness due to causes and conditions attributable to a particular occupational environment and not to stimuli encountered outside the workplace" (Bernstein et al 1993). Within this definition two types of occupational asthma can be distinguished: In the first instance, there is agreement, that the syndrome of chest tightness, wheezing, shortness of breath, dry cough etc, which appears after a latent period of occupational exposure constitutes occupational asthma. The second category of occupational asthma is that developing without a period of latency and often associated with exposure to high concentrations of irritants. Its symptoms may be somewhat different from that of asthma that follows a latent period. This is often referred to as Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome ( RADS It should be borne in mind that the airways that are afflicted by asthma are a continuation of the airways starting in the nose. It is therefore not surprising that many asthma cases also have rhinitis, (often preceding the asthma). Rhinitis literally means inflammation of the nose. Its symptoms are commonly those which the lay person associates with "hay fever" - an itchy, blocked or runny nose, often red and accompanied by sneezes. There may also be eye symptoms (itchy, glazed or runny). Thus

126. Allergy Center -
Experts offer information about the causes of, along with the latest treatments and steps you can take to prevent allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

127. Asthma -
Living with asthma is a challenge. Find out how asthma affects you, and how tomake your home healthier. asthma information from
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128. Feline Asthma
IAQ Fact Sheet asthmaasthma is the leading chronic illness of children in the United States Health care costs associated with asthma are estimated at $14.5 billion a year.
Feline Asthma By Dr. Margaret Muns, DVM Feline asthma is a common name for feline bronchitis. There are many different underlying diseases and contributing conditions that can cause the symptoms of bronchitis in cats. Causes The potential causes of feline bronchial disease include:
  • Allergy Bacterial infection Parasites (including heartworm disease) Exposure to inhaled irritants
There are also other conditions that can result in symptoms that are similar to bronchial disease, such as:
  • Bacterial pneumonia Fungal infections Toxoplasmosis Cancer Foreign bodies Upper airway disease Chylothorax (build-up of lymph in the chest due to rupture of the main lymph duct)
Feline bronchial disease can be classified into the following categories: Bronchial asthma. A reversible lower airway obstruction caused by spasms of the airways. Allergies, infectious agents, and parasites can contribute. Acute bronchitis. A reversible airway inflammation of short duration. This can occur as a result of viral, bacterial, mycoplasmal or parasitic infection. Chronic bronchitis.

129. Buteyko Asthma Management: Control Asthma, Reduce Medication
BIBH practitioner in the North West of England
Hello, my name is SALLY GETHING and I'm a Buteyko Practitioner working in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, the Lake District, and South Manchester.
I teach the Buteyko Method to people with asthma emphysema, Bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, panic attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, sleep apnoea, allergies, hay fever, and other breathing difficulties.
I completed my training in 2001, and teach over a hundred people a year at various venues across the Northwest as well as my own home. In 2004, I was asked to help train other practitioners, and now run training courses and programmes for new and existing Buteyko practitioners in the UK.
In 2004 I accompanied Jennifer Stark to Calgary, Canada, to assist her in a clinical trial of the Buteyko method organised by The Foothills Hospital, Calgary. Once all the follow up work has been done by the hospital, we hope the results will be published.
If you would like further information on Buteyko, please contact me at:

130. Internet Scientific Publications, LLC.
The Internet Journal of asthma, Allergy and Immunology TM 15320642. Home Editors Current Issue Archives Instructions for Authors Disclaimer

131. New Hope Animal Hospital - Feline Allergies
of the condition and traditional and alternative treatments.......
Feline Allergies Feline Asthma If your cat is itching
Humans aren't the only species that can suffer from asthma and allergies. If your cat is coughing, is wheezing, has shortness of breath, or seems to be constantly coughing up a nonexistent hairball, she could be suffering from feline asthma. The problem is more common than many cat owners know. Some owners may dismiss important telltale signs and assume their pet is trying to expel a hairball during a coughing episode. However, cats can get the same airway spasms that lead to acute constriction of breathing as human sufferers. Severely affected cats may even display extreme respiratory distress.
Symptoms Vary
An allergen or stress can trigger feline allergy symptoms, which may accompany or precede vomiting, sneezing, sniffling, or even wheezing like a human allergy sufferer. Symptoms can vary from cat to cat. "Cats can have several different signs, and the signs can be anything from coughing and wheezing with no other problems to severe respiratory distress or difficulty breathing, requiring oxygen therapy," explains Dr. Liz Rozanski, an assistant professor of emergency and critical care at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. "And symptoms can be anywhere in between. My own cat had one bout one summer and has never had another problem. That's not at all unheard of, but some other cats continue to have severe episodes, and it's not always easy to tell which group the cat is going to fit into."

132. Occupational Asthma
asthma Initiative of Michigan (AIM) HomePeople with asthma can live normal, active lives. Anyone can get asthma, at anyage. More than 15 million people in the US, and more than a half million
Educational Resource: Occupational Asthma
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133. Asthma
Guidelines for the general management of asthma have been developed by the Northern Guidelines for the emergency management of asthma from the Canadian
Evidence-Based Medicine for Student Health Services
Robert J. Flaherty, MD

Swingle Student Health Service
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717 Asthma
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No evidence is cited. Diagnosis Clinical Diagnosis Of patients presenting with chronic cough, 92% had gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), postnasal drip syndrome, and/or asthma. Considering only patients with cough of at least 3 weeks duration who are non-smokers, are not receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and have normal or nearly normal and stable chest radiographs, 99.4% will have GERD, postnasal drip syndrome, and/or asthma. Only 39% had a single cause of cough.

134. Offline
LinkVerzeichnis auf Themen zu Allergie, Neurodermitis und asthma. Hinweise zu Kranheitsentstehung, Behandlung Selbsthilfegruppen und Allergene.
Diese Website ist offline. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

135. Asthma Medication: Learn More About Asthma & Asthma Treatment
asthma Medication When it comes to an asthma treatment, knowledge is power.Learn more about asthma and an asthma treatment.
Glossary Site map Important information about ADVAIR Search: HOME HOW ADVAIR HELPS WHAT IS ASTHMA? TREATING ASTHMA ... LIVING WITH ASTHMA Add more symptom-free days. With ADVAIR, an asthma medication, you may be able to enjoy more days doing what you love, without your asthma getting in the way. Here you’ll find what may help you get on the right path. From tips on living with your asthma to facts about how ADVAIR may help you increase your symptom-free days. *These results were experienced by people taking ADVAIR 100/50, compared with people taking either fluticasone propionate 100 mcg or salmeterol 50 mcg (inhalation powders) alone. Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated. LEARN NOW Learn how to use the ADVAIR DISKUS See what you may expect with ADVAIR Talk to your doctor about asthma Important information about ADVAIR
ADVAIR won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be taken more than twice a day. Rare but serious asthma episodes and asthma-related fatalities occurred in a study with SEREVENT , one of the components of ADVAIR. While adjusting to a switch from an oral steroid, like prednisone, to the inhaled steroid in ADVAIR, be very careful, as you may be less able to heal after surgery, infection, or serious injury. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure. Some people may experience increased blood pressure, heart rate, or changes in heart rhythm. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve. ADVAIR is for patients 4 years and older. For patients 4 to 11 years old, ADVAIR 100/50 is for those who have asthma symptoms while on an inhaled corticosteroid.

136. Allergy Store - Your Number One Spot For Allergy, Asthma, Sinus And Air Pollutio
Allergy, asthma, and sinus information and nondrug relief products for people who suffer from allergies, asthma, or sinusitis caused by pollen, cat dander and pet allergies, mold spore and dust mites.

Site Map
Product Leadership Requires a Special Commitment
Since 1985, The Allergy Store has provided consumers worldwide with alternative, clinically proven, drug free treatments for their health needs. We are committed to developing and bringing to market innovative, high quality, professional medical and home healthcare products.
Our selection of allergy, sinus, asthma, and dust mite control products include: air purifiers, HEPA air cleaners, air purifications, air sterilzers, dust mites bedding encasings, odor removal products, water purifications, nasal and sinus irrigation systems, general utility foggers, household cleaning products and many more items to help relieve your allergy, asthma and sinus symptoms.
Brands you can trust including: and many more . Let me take my twenty-years of professional experience in the Indoor Air Quality arena and show you how to improve your indoor environment today. To your good health!
Phillip Brown, CEO
4000 Exec UV by Allerair
Compact ultraviolet light, air purifiers for homes and offices

137. Asthma And Your Child
Information for parents about children and asthma from the American Academy ofFamily Physicians.

Advanced Search Home Conditions A to Z Asthma Asthma and Your Child How do I know if my child has asthma? Is there anything I can do to help my child avoid asthma attacks? How can I help my child avoid asthma triggers? How can I tell if my child's asthma is serious? ... Can my child's asthma be treated?
Asthma and Your Child
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How do I know if my child has asthma?
Your child may have asthma is he or she wheezes, coughs and has trouble breathing. These symptoms may get worse when your child gets sick or exercises. Your child's doctor will look for other reasons for these symptoms before diagnosing asthma. Return to top
Is there anything I can do to help my child avoid asthma attacks?
You can help your child avoid asthma attacks by keeping him or her away from triggers (also called allergens) and irritants that can start an asthma attack. The following are some examples of triggers and irritants:
  • Air pollution Dust Mold Pollen Tobacco smoke Pet dander Exercise Changes in temperature Some foods Sulfite (food preservative in red wine, beer, salad bars, dehydrated soups, and other foods)

138. Asthma Flare-ups
Information about asthma flareups (attacks) from the American Academy of FamilyPhysicians.

Advanced Search Home Conditions A to Z Asthma Asthma Flare-ups Why do I need to worry about flare-ups? What causes asthma symptoms to flare up? What are the symptoms of an asthma flare-up? How do I know how serious a flare-up is? ... How is an asthma flare-up treated?
Asthma Flare-ups
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Why do I need to worry about flare-ups?
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What causes asthma symptoms to flare up?
Your asthma can flare up for many different reasons. Allergies can make your asthma symptoms get worse. Viral infections (such as a cold), tobacco, pollutants (such as wood smoke), cold air, exercise, fumes from chemicals or perfume, sinus infections and heartburn can all cause a flare-up. For some people, strong emotions or stress can trigger an asthma attack. Pay attention to the way these things affect your asthma. If you and your doctor figure out which things bother your asthma, you can start trying to address them. Return to top
What are the symptoms of an asthma flare-up?
Common symptoms of an asthma flare-up are coughing, feeling breathless, a feeling of tightness in the chest and wheezing (breathing that makes a hoarse, squeaky, musical or whistling sound). Watch yourself every day for any of these symptoms.

139. Asthma In DC
Article discusses asthma in the River Terrace Community.
Freedom to Breathe:
Asthma in the Nation's Capital
River Terrace Community Causes Schools Prevention and Education ...
About the story
Links and Resources
Much of the information in this story came from people at these agencies and organizations:
  • Indoor Air Quality Division , Environmental Protection Agency
  • Sierra Club, D.C. Chapter , source of River Terrace information
  • River Terrace Survey Results
  • Press Release
  • Survey
  • Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ...
  • American Lung Association report on asthma rates and mortality (PDF)
  • CDC Asthma Facts
  • U.S. Public Interest Research Group asthma health study
  • Allergy and Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics
    WASHINGTON - "Don't run in the hallway," a teacher gently warns a small group of students at River Terrace Elementary School. Energetic kids talk excitedly in the school's hall outside their classrooms. A few of them, dressed in uniforms of dark green pants and plaid jumpers, run up and down the hallway, drawing the warning. It's hard to tell on this December day, but at least one out of 6 of these kids has asthma. They live in the "worst of the worst" part of the District of Columbia when it comes to asthma. A community survey done over the summer found the River Terrace neighborhood, in Northeast D.C., has the high asthma rate in a city with the highest asthma rate in the country.
  • 140. Safety And Health Topics: Occupational Asthma
    Occupational asthma Public Safety and Health Topic Page.
    U.S. Department of Labor MyOSHA [skip navigational links] Search Advanced Search A-Z Index Safety and Health Topics: Occupational Asthma An estimated 11 million workers in a wide range of industries and occupations are exposed to at least one of the numerous agents known to be associated with occupational asthma. Occupational factors are associated with up to 15 percent of disabling asthma cases in the United States. Asthma is an illness characterized by intermittent breathing difficulty including chest tightness, wheezing, cough and shortness of breath. It is frequently serious and sometimes fatal. The following commonly asked questions link to resources that provide safety and health information relevant to occupational asthma.
    What OSHA standards apply?

    What is occupational asthma and what are its health effects?

    Hazard Recognition What are some possible solutions for workplace hazards?
    Possible Solutions Where can I find additional information?
    Revised: 20 November 2003 Safety and Health
    Occupational Asthma OSHA Standards ...
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