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         Apert Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Apert Syndrome - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-08-31
  2. Apert syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Suzanne, MS, CGC Carter, 2005
  3. Physical activity for children with Apert syndrome.: An article from: Palaestra by Robert C. Weber, 1994-01-01
  4. Dysostoses: Syndrome D'apert, Syndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi, Syndrome Oro-Facio-Digital Type 1, Syndrome de Greig, Syndrome de Pfeiffer (French Edition)
  5. Apert Syndrome
  6. Apert Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers by Philip M. Parker, 2007-07-19

1. Teeter's Page
A family support network for people affected by apert syndrome and other craniofacialdisorders.
Hi, hola, kia ora, bonjour, hallo, ciao, aloha!
I'm Elizabeth Sears, but all my friends call me Teeter! My mom and dad made this page for me. If you or someone you know has Apert Syndrome like me, or if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you!
This Internet safe haven is dedicated to the strength and
determination of all of the people with craniofacial
differences and their families.
This website was created January 1, 1996 as a single page on America Online. We grew quickly, and moved our own domain on August 10, 1997. This page was last updated August 17, 2005.
You are visitor number and we are glad you are here! You can make a difference! If you are able to help financially, please visit our charity website at

2. What Is Apert Syndrome?
Medical information including definition, major and related features of thecondition, genetics.

A Guide to Understanding Apert Syndrome
from the Children's Craniofacial Association
highly recommended reading!
What is Apert Syndrome?
The following was developed from information contained in an article entitled Clinical Assessment and Multispecialty Management of Apert Syndrome , written by Lawrence C. Kaplan, MD, and published in Clinics in Plastic Surgery-Vol. 18, No. 2, April 1991.
Major Features of Apert Syndrome
Prematurely fused cranial sutures A retruded midface Fused fingers Fused toes
Possible Related Features of Apert Syndrome
These have been observed in some cases of Apert syndrome, although whether they were caused by Apert syndrome is uncertain. Various heart defects Dextrorotation Pulmonary Atresia Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Tracheoesophageal Fistula Pyloric stenosis Polycystic kidneys Bicornate uterus Hydrocephalus Ear infections Sleep Apnea Severe acne Increased incidence of eye injuries
Apert Syndrome is a genetic defect and falls under the broad classification of craniofacial/limb anomalies. It can be inherited from a parent who has Apert, or may be a fresh mutation. It occurs in approximately 1 per 160,000 to 200,000 live births. Apert syndrome is primarily characterized by specific malformations of the skull, midface, hands, and feet. The skull is prematurely fused and unable to grow normally; the midface (that area of the face from the middle of the eye socket to the upper jaw) appears retruded or sunken; and the fingers and toes are fused together in varying degrees. Apert syndrome is named for the French physician who first described it, E. Apert, in 1906.

3. Apert Syndrome
Frequently asked questions and answers on apert syndrome.
The National Craniofacial Association P. O. Box 11082 * Chattanooga, TN 37401 Apert Syndrome What is Apert Syndrome?
Apert Syndrome is a condition involving distortions of the head and face and webbing of the hands and feet. Characteristics include:
  • skull - short from back to front, wide on the sides, and overly tall ( craniosynostosis eyes - slightly side-spaced, bulging, the eyelids tilt downward abnormally at the sides face - the mid-face has a sunken-in appearance, the upper jaw slopes backward, lower teeth project in front of the upper teeth hands and feet - webbing and/or fusion including finger bones, toe bones, and joints of fingers and toes
Why did this happen?
There is no link between anything the mother did or did not do while she was pregnant and the occurrence of Apert Syndrome. Doctors believe Apert Syndrome occurs when a gene mutates early in the pregnancy.
Will this happen to children I have in the future?
The chances of having another child with Apert Syndrome is almost non-existent if both parents are unaffected. If one parent has Apert Syndrome, there is a 50% chance that his/her children will have Apert Syndrome.
What kinds of problems could my child have?

4. Apert Syndrome / Family Village Library
Resource for contacts, chat rooms, pen pals and other relevant links.
Apert Syndrome
Who to Contact
Where to Go to Chat with Others

Learn More About It

Web Sites
Search Google for "Apert Syndrome"
Who to Contact
Apert Support and Information Network
Post Office Box 2571
Columbia, SC 29202
Where to Go to Chat with Others
  • Apert Syndrome
    The purpose of the list is to allow us to quickly trade information, through email - questions, answers, news about individual surgeries coming up, surgical or genetic breakthroughs, whatever! Our subscribers include adults with Apert and other craniofacial anomalies, parents, physicians, therapists, teachers, friends, and family.
Learn More About It
Web Sites
Back to [ A - B Family Village Home Library Coffee Shop ... Information Last Updated 8/23/2005 by Document Source:

5. Apert's Syndrome
Produced by Alliance of Genetic Support, this includes comprehensive information about the condition, an Apert listserve, newsgroup, links, webring and family homepages.
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Some links to information on Aperts.
Apert Syndrome Page

Alliance of Genetic Support Groups

The Apert Listserver

A Special Newsgroup for Special Webtv People Only
... Siblings Count Too!

6. Apert Syndrome
Frequently asked questions and answers on apert syndrome.

7. Swedish Apert Syndrome Info
General information about apert syndrome with photographs of people with the condition. English version follows Swedish text.
To live with Aperts syndrome as a child and an adult
Apert's syndrome causes impediments for life:
Apert's syndrome ( acrocephalo syndactyli = high skull plus joined up fingers and toes ) is a summarized name for a number of deformaties in the facial bones, hands and feet. In addition, the syndrome causes limited movement in the shoulders as well as disturbances in balance. Besides this serious acne can occur during childhood which increases the psychic burden, first and foremost, during the sensetive adolescent years. An uncommon syndrome:
Apert's syndrome is unusual. in sweden about one in 160.000 is born with the syndrome. That means about at least one child every other year. The syndrome is often caused by a temporary change in a hereditary factor and later becomes dominautly hereditary. Mental ability varies from normal to low. Most are however normally talented but are subjected to such great strains that some skills cannot develop at a normal pace. Many long and painful modes of tretment.
Skull operations:

For children born with Apert's syndrome, the surgical and medical treatment is a long and sometimes a very difficult time. The children go through a number of skull operations at Sahlgren Hospital ( Sahlgrenska sjukhuset ) in Gothenburg which has a team of specialists in plastik surgery. The joint work with the odontologic ( dental ) chlinic at the same hospital is very important as extensive adjustment of the teeth is necessary in order to obtain a good result. Added to this, naturally is continnius contact with the lokal child rehabilization centers and clinics.

8. Teeter's Page
A family support network for people affected by apert syndrome and other craniofacial disorders.

9. SCEIC....Detecting Flash Plug-In
A nationally recognized notfor-profit pre-school and therapeutic center for families and children with Down syndrome, William's syndrome, Rett syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Autism, P-4 Deletion syndrome, PDD and apert syndrome.

10. What Is Apert Syndrome?
What is apert syndrome? The following was developed from information contained in an article entitled Clinical Assessment and Multispecialty


12. Swedish Apert Syndrome Info
Om ansiktsmissbildning.
To live with Aperts syndrome as a child and an adult
Apert's syndrome causes impediments for life:
Apert's syndrome ( acrocephalo syndactyli = high skull plus joined up fingers and toes ) is a summarized name for a number of deformaties in the facial bones, hands and feet. In addition, the syndrome causes limited movement in the shoulders as well as disturbances in balance. Besides this serious acne can occur during childhood which increases the psychic burden, first and foremost, during the sensetive adolescent years. An uncommon syndrome:
Apert's syndrome is unusual. in sweden about one in 160.000 is born with the syndrome. That means about at least one child every other year. The syndrome is often caused by a temporary change in a hereditary factor and later becomes dominautly hereditary. Mental ability varies from normal to low. Most are however normally talented but are subjected to such great strains that some skills cannot develop at a normal pace. Many long and painful modes of tretment.
Skull operations:

For children born with Apert's syndrome, the surgical and medical treatment is a long and sometimes a very difficult time. The children go through a number of skull operations at Sahlgren Hospital ( Sahlgrenska sjukhuset ) in Gothenburg which has a team of specialists in plastik surgery. The joint work with the odontologic ( dental ) chlinic at the same hospital is very important as extensive adjustment of the teeth is necessary in order to obtain a good result. Added to this, naturally is continnius contact with the lokal child rehabilization centers and clinics.

13. Apert Syndrome / Family Village Library
Who to Contact Where to Go to Chat with Others Learn More About It Web Sites Search Google for "apert syndrome"

14. Entrez PubMed
apert syndrome is one of the craniosynostosis syndromes and is commonly associated Retrospective analysis of case notes of apert syndrome patients seen

15. Apert Syndrome Crouzon Syndrome Pfeiffer Syndrome Saethre-Chotzen
apert syndrome Crouzon Syndrome Pfeiffer Syndrome SaethreChotzen Syndrome Single Suture Craniosynostosis What is Craniosynostosis?

16. Apert Syndrome
a CHORUS notecard document about apert syndrome

17. EMedicine - Apert Syndrome : Article By Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG
apert syndrome apert syndrome is named for the French physician who describedthe syndrome acrocephalosyndactylia in 1906. apert syndrome is a rare
(advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Pediatrics Genetics And Metabolic Disease
Apert Syndrome
Last Updated: July 10, 2003 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: acrocephalosyndactyly Apert type, acrocephalosyndactyly type I, type I acrocephalosyndactyly, Apert's syndrome, typical acrocephalosyndactyly AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG , Chief, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Perinatal Genetics, Louisiana State University Medical Center Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Pediatrics American College of Medical Genetics American Medical Association American Society of Human Genetics , and Teratology Society Editor(s): James Bowman, MD

18. Craniofacial Diseases
apert syndrome

19. Apert Syndrome
9 Jones Street New York City, NY 10014 Phone (212) 6457038 Contact Augusta apert syndrome Pen Pals PO Box 115 Providence, RI

20. Andrew's Apert Journey: What Is Apert Syndrome?
These have been observed in some cases of apert syndrome, although whether apert syndrome is a genetic defect and falls under the broad classification
SITE LINKS: What is Apert's Syndrome? Andrew: Born With Apert's Andrew's Early Saga ... Andrew's Image Gallery
(These Links Will Open In New Browser Windows) Craniofacial Surgery: Tennessee Craniofacial Center Erlanger Health System Erlanger on Apert:
A PDF File
Nat'l Org. for Rare Disorders: Craniofacial Work at Columbia:
Apert Syndrome: Faces-Cranio Disorders Clinical Variability in Patients:

A CONGENITAL DEFECT FOR ONE IN 200,000 ... BUT WHAT IS APERT SYNDROME? From data in an article entitled "Clinical Assessment and Multispecialty Management of Apert Syndrome," Lawrence C. Kaplan, MD, published in Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 18, No. 2, April 1991. What Is Apert Syndrome?
M ajor Features of Apert Syndrome
  • Prematurely fused cranial sutures A retruded midface Fused fingers Fused toes
Possible Related Features of Apert Syndrome
These have been observed in some cases of Apert syndrome, although whether they were caused by Apert syndrome is uncertain.

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