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41. Echo In Context: Chest Pain Lecture aortic valve disease in the adult Stenosis, sclerosis and Lecture aortic valve disease combined with Ischemic or mitral disease When to http://www.echoincontext.com/2003_video.asp | |
42. Wisconsin Heart ? Treatment Of Heart And Vascular Disease - Aortic Valve Diseas When aortic valve disease is present, the valve no longer opens or closes A person with aortic valve disease may initially experience no symptoms or http://www.wiheart.cardiologydomain.com/handler.cfm?event=practice,template&cpid |
43. The Health Library Cardiovascular (Jump to Overviews Valve Repair Replacement aortic valve disease Mitral Valve Disease Pulmonary Valve Disease Tricuspid Valve Disease ) http://healthlibrary.stanford.edu/resources/internet/bodysystems/cardio_valve.ht | |
44. Surgery Cures Aortic Valve Disease Dr. Paul Donohue . Surgery cures aortic valve disease Dear BM The aortic valve prevents blood from leaking back into the heart after it has been http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041028/COLUMNIST82/410 |
45. Access To Articles : Nature Nine affected family members had aortic valve disease (Fig. 1b,g). Figure 1 NOTCH1 mutations segregate with familial aortic valve disease. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature03940.html | |
46. Figure 1 | Mutations In NOTCH1 Cause Aortic Valve Disease : Nature NOTCH1 mutations segregate with familial aortic valve disease. From the following article. Mutations in NOTCH1 cause aortic valve disease http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/fig_tab/nature03940_F1.html | |
47. UWTV Program: Valve Replacement: Aortic Valve Disease Valve Replacement aortic valve disease The University of Washington Regional Heart Center presents patient case studies focusing on valve replacement. http://www.uwtv.org/programs/displayevent.asp?rid=1288 |
48. Heart Valve Replacment Calcific aortic valve disease. The most common acquired lesion in the practice cardiac medicine is calcific aortic valve disease with aortic stenosis. http://www.womensheartfoundation.org/content/HeartSurgery/heart_valve_replacment | |
49. Cardiac Surgery In The Adult -- Collected Resources : Valve Disease Part IVa Valvular Heart Disease aortic valve disease Pathophysiology of aortic valve disease Tomislav Mihaljevic, Subroto Paul, Lawrence H. Cohn, http://cardiacsurgery.ctsnetbooks.org/cgi/collection/valve_disease?ck=nck |
50. Florida State University College Of Medicine Digital Library Miscellaneous aortic valve disease Patient/Family Resources. MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine) Health Topics Index. Heart Valve Diseases List of http://fsumed-dl.slis.ua.edu/patientinfo/cardiology/valvular/aorticvalvedisease. | |
51. Northwestern Memorial Hospital - Exceptional Care In The Heart Of Chicago aortic valve disease occurs in two basic forms stenosis and regurgitation. If it is determined that surgery is required for aortic valve disease, http://www.nmh.org/nmh/heart/heartvalvedisease/aorticvalve.htm | |
52. Ross Pulmonary Autograft For Aortic Valve Replacement 1996;8(4)328335. Chambers JC, Somerville J, Stone S, Ross DN. Pulmonary autograft procedure for aortic valve disease. Circulation. 1997;96(7)2206-2214. http://www.aetna.com/cpb/data/CPBA0407.html | |
53. Aortic Valve Disease Definition. aortic valve disease entails damage to, and dysfunction of, the aortic valve, aortic valve disease can be congenital, result from infection, http://ww3.komotv.com/global/story.asp?s=2848775&ClientType=Printable |
54. Wockhardt Hospital-Know Your Heart-Valve Disease Mitral valve Disease · aortic valve disease · Multiple Valve disease. Non- Rheumatic. · Mitral Valve Prolapse, Flail Leaflet · Aortic Valve http://www.whhi.com/valve.htm | |
55. Learning Ctr : Ross Procedure : Patient Selection In the advanced stages, aortic valve disease can cause chest pain (angina), fainting during exercise, exertional shortness of breath, or congestive heart http://www.hsforum.com/stories/storyReader$1473 | |
56. Congenital Ross Procedure rather than the normal three, is another cause of aortic valve disease. When aortic valve disease is suspected, your doctor will order an ECHOCARDIOGRAM http://heart.amc.edu/ross_procedure.htm | |
57. Newswise Mutations in NOTCH1 Gene Cause aortic valve disease. Libraries Science News, Keywords aortic valve disease HEART DEFECT HEART DISEASE MUTATIONS NOTCH1 GENE http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/513172/ | |
58. Aortic Valve Disease An aortic valve disorder usually does not cause any symptoms in its early stages. Infection on an abnormal aortic valve leads to a disease called infective http://heart-disease.health-cares.net/aortic-valve-disease.php |
59. Log In Problems Summary of the natural history and pathophysiology of aortic stenosis and regurgitation, surgical indications, and the advantages and disadvantages of http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/466235 | |
60. Log In Problems Many patients requiring coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery will have concurrent mild or moderate aortic stenosis (AS) or aortic insufficiency (AI). http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/417257 | |
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