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         Anorexia:     more books (100)
  1. Sexual Anorexia: Overcoming Sexual Self-Hatred by Patrick CarnesPh.D., Joseph Moriarity, 1997-05-13
  2. Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (P.S.) by Marya Hornbacher, 2006-02-01
  3. The Anorexia Workbook: How to Accept Yourself, Heal Your Suffering, and Reclaim Your Life (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) by Michelle Heffner, Georg H.Eifert, 2004-05
  4. Answers to Anorexia: A Breakthrough Nutritional Treatment That Is Saving Lives by James Greenblatt, 2010-10-15
  5. Treatment Manual for Anorexia Nervosa: A Family-Based Approach by James Lock MDPhD, Daniel le Grange PhD, et all 2002-08-29
  6. Biting Anorexia: A Firsthand Account of an Internal War by Lucy Howard-Taylor, 2009-09
  7. Brave Girl Eating: A Family's Struggle with Anorexia by Harriet Brown, 2010-09-01
  8. Beyond the Looking Glass: Daily Devotions for Overcoming Anorexia and Bulimia (Serenity Meditation Series) by Remuda Ranch, 1992-06
  9. Anatomy of Anorexia by Steven Levenkron, 2001-03
  10. Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery by Lindsey Hall, Monika Ostroff, 1998-11-10
  11. Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa by Joan Jacobs Brumberg, 2000-10-10
  12. Perfect: Anorexia and Me by Emily Halban, 2009-08-01
  13. Holy Anorexia by Rudolph M. Bell, 1987-06-15
  14. 100 Questions & Answers About Anorexia Nervosa by Sari Shepphird PhD, 2009-01-14

161. Tripod
Tips, tricks, techniques, thinspiration pictures and icons, restaurant nutrition info, inspiring quotes, body mass index calculator, and general anorexia information, like warning signs and statistics.
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162. BANA
The BULIMIA anorexia NERVOSA ASSOCIATION (BANA) is celebrating 22 years of providing Copyright © Welcome to the Bulimia anorexia Nervosa Association 2004.
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BANA is committed to the provision of specialized treatment education and support services for individuals affected directly and indirectly by eating disorders.
OUR VISION To be recognized in the community as the primary source for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. To be the leader in promoting the acceptance of diverse body shapes and sizes through the adoption of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The BULIMIA ANOREXIA NERVOSA ASSOCIATION (BANA) is celebrating 22 years of providing treatment and support services to the community for individuals affected by eating disorders. Created on 2004-12-15 12:49:53 by bana1 Updated on 2005-04-21 13:31:27 by bana1

163. ZieZo Informatie Eetstoornissen Zelfhulp Organisatie
Zelfhulporganisatie die zich inzet voor iedereen die te maken krijgt met eetstoornissen, zoals anorexia en boulimia nervosa of binge eating disorder. Deskundigheidsbevordering en voorlichting.

164. Anorexia Nervosa
anorexia is a lifethreatening disorder, with mortality over 10%. Diagnostic Criteria. Early signs may include withdrawal from family and friends,

165. Anorexia & Bulimia, True Relief Without Drugs
anorexia Bulimia are easier to dispel when you collapse the true causes with EFT download free manual. It often works where nothing else will.
are easier to dispel when you collapse the true causes with EFT – download free manual. It often works where nothing else will.
New discovery allows quality, lasting relief without drugs or painful procedures - no more binge eating, anorexia or bulimia
These case studies of are found in the EFT archives.: Those of you who have been on this list for awhile will recall Sonia Novinsky, the Brazilian therapist who has contributed so elegantly to our understanding of how best to deliver these procedures. I was privileged to meet this South American Rose in person at the recent Las Vegas Energy Psychology Conference. She and Dr. Carlos Rabinovich, a dedicated Brazilian M.D., were in attendance..
But first, some comments regarding such disorders from beneath my minister's hat. It has long been my view that neither of these is a problem in and of itself. Neither are addictions, cancer and a long list of other ailments/behaviors. Rather, these are often SYMPTOMS which are contributed to by unresolved anger, guilt, fear, etc. These unresolved emotions cause conflicts (lack of peace) within the system and are thus the true causes of many of our problems. Until they are properly resolved, we may just flit from symptom to symptom with the illusion that healing is taking place. We do the best we can given our existing beliefs, attitudes and other resources. But now we have a new understanding about what healing is about. Our new energy based techniques are SHOUTING at us to re-evaluate our previous procedures. With their use, such things as headaches, stomach distress, depression, orthopedic problems and lactose intolerance have gone completely away without pills or surgeries. Further, even the most intense of emotional issues have often subsided without a trace of their return. We are still learning why EFT works so well. It centers around the profound effects of the body's subtle energies using the theory that "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Accordingly, EFT is an emotional form of acupuncture except that we don't use needles. Instead, we tap with the fingertips to stimulate certain meridian energy points while the client is "tuned in" to the problem.

166. Magersucht-Online: Information Und Hilfe Bei Anorexie (Anorexia Nervosa)
Informationen zu Magersucht, Anorexie, anorexia nervosa, zusammengestellt von Betroffenen f¼r Betroffene.
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Aufklärung und Information über Essstörungen ist wichtig. Wir unterstützen Sie in Ihrer Arbeit. Jobs/ Mithilfe
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Bestellen bei Top Bücher Die heimliche Sucht, unheimlich zu essen. Bulimie- Verstehen und heilen. Die perfekte Frau und ihr Geheimnis Der Kilokrampf Über uns Magersucht-Online und Bulimie-Online sind Informationsangebote des Hungrig-Online e.V. zum Thema Essstörungen.
Hungrig-Online e.V.
Postfach 1905 91009 Erlangen Vorstand: Dr. med. Jan Nedoschill, Iris Skorka, Jasmin Hemicker , Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Gawlik, Birte Zess Spendenkonto: Kt.-Nr. 3973

167. Nutrition Intervention In The Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa
Five percent of females and 1% of males have anorexia nervosa, Many authors (7,8,9) have noted that anorexia nervosa is detectable in all social classes

Shopping Cart Nutrition Fact Sheets Position Papers ... ADA Journal
Nutrition intervention in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). J AM Diet Assoc 2001;101:810. (Expires 2006) PDF Version
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) that nutrition education and nutrition intervention, by a registered dietitian, is an essential component of the team treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) during assessment and treatment across the continuum of care. INTRODUCTION
Eating Disorders are considered to be psychiatric disorders, but unfortunately they are remarkable for their nutrition and medical-related problems, some of which can be life- threatening. As a general rule, eating disorders are characterized by abnormal eating patterns and cognitive distortions related to food and weight, which in turn result in adverse effects on nutrition status, medical complications, and impaired health status and function (2,3,4,5,6). Many authors (7,8,9) have noted that anorexia nervosa is detectable in all social classes, suggesting that higher socioeconomic status is not a major factor in the prevalence of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. A wide range of demographics is seen in eating disorder patients. The major characteristic of eating disorders are the disturbed body image in which one’s body is perceived as being fat (even at normal or low weight), an intense fear of weight gain and becoming fat, and a relentless obsession to become thinner (8).

168. Home Page
Julie Greene suffered from anorexia and schizoaffective disorder for 18 years, then recovered to write about it in her new book, Breakdown Lane, Traveled, which contains fiction, nonfiction, and memoir pieces.
NEW: BLOG!!! Note: I regret to say that Joe Casey, alias "Doug" in Breakdown Lane, Traveled, passed away suddenly August 19, 2003. Memorial Page Breakdown Lane, Traveled: An Anthology of Writings on Madness is Julie Greene’s brilliant new collection of her most powerful essays, entertaining short stories and flash fiction, excerpts from her novel, Tilting The Thing , and chapters from her memoir, Chosen Breakdown Lane, Traveled is an extraordinary mixture of fiction and nonfiction, combined in this dazzling new anthology that is sure to please and inspire all who read it. From the Boston suburbs to rural Vermont, from the World Series to nuthouses to an oceanic paradise, Greene covers it all, including the near-tragic events that took an unusual twist to freedom. Whether or not your life has been touched by mental illness, you’ll find this unique story of Greene’s journey through madness both enlightening and entertaining, a book worth reading again and again. Julie Greene seemed like a bright, happy child to her parents and teachers, but into adulthood, she entered into a horrific, long-term battle with serious mental illness. During this time, she struggled within the walls illness imposed on her, and believed she would never recover.

169. Anorexia
anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by obsessive dieting There are a wide variety of ways in which someone with anorexia can display
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More Reading ANOREXIA What is anorexia? Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by obsessive dieting and starvation. The sufferer typically is below a weight that would be considered normal for his or her height. An anorexic individual may be abnormally concerned about being perceived as fat or have a fear of becoming fat, even despite being underweight or thin. He or she may also be afraid of losing control over the amount of food consumed. What are the causes of anorexia? While the specific causes vary from case to case, generally, anorexics are reacting to internal and external conflicts, such as stress, anxiety, unhappiness, or feeling like their lives are out of control. Most people with eating disorders have low self-esteem and a desire for acceptance. Some also may feel that they do not deserve pleasure out of life, and will deprive themselves of the pleasure that can be found from food. What common traits do anorexics share?

170. Eating Disorders
Articles, discussions and links about eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating.
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What is Anorexia Nervosa
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171. Best Treatments :: Access Denied
anorexia is a serious medical condition, not just a phase or a fad. We ve brought together the best research about anorexia and looked at the evidence
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If you have a medical problem please see your doctor or phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

Translate this page Documento sobre la anorexia y la Bulimia, con informacion general.
1. Anorexia
2. Bulimia

3. Cómo defendernos

4. Dónde acudir en caso de anorexia o bulimia
... Sumario Problemas Concretos Los datos hablan por si solos: en los últimos diez años el incremento del número de afectados por anorexia ha sido galopante. En la actualidad, en los países desarrollados, la anorexia nerviosa afecta aproximadamente a una de cada 200 jóvenes de entre 12 y 14 años y aunque las mujeres jóvenes (chicas entre 14 y 18 años) siguen siendo el colectivo más afectado, los varones, las mujeres maduras y los niños/as menores de 12 años comienzan a sumarse a la lista de víctimas de esta afección. La anorexia nerviosa es más frecuente en la mujer que en el varón en una proporción de 10 a 1. La bulimia se da con más frecuencia que la anorexia nerviosa, su incidencia es 4 veces mayor. Los estudios plantean que entre el 3 y el 10% de las chicas la padecen. Entre el 50 y el 60% de los casos se cura y el resto de pacientes cronifican la enfermedad. La mortalidad por anorexia nerviosa es de un 10% entre las pacientes que la padecen.

173. A.L.A.B.E.N.T.E - Asociación Para La Liberación De La Anorexia Y La Bulimia Ne
Informaci³n sobre las enfermedades, centro de d­a y asociaciones.
Estamos renovando nuestra web

174. Battling Anorexia: The Story Of Karen Carpenter
She died of a cardiac arrest caused by the strain that the anorexia had put on her 15 years ago, there were half a million young women with anorexia,
Battling Anorexia: The Story of Karen Carpenter
by Adena Young
She was a great musician. A teenager turned accordion player turned flutist turned drummer turned singer. Karen Anne Carpenter was one of the all time great musical sensations of the 70s. On the stage she was glamorous and loved by the crowd. Thousands of people cheered her on as she performed classic song after song. She guest starred on TV shows, was on the front cover of many national magazines, and even toured the world. But amidst all this fame and fortune, she was dying. Karen Carpenter was suffering from an eating disorder not uncommon among the American population. Though disorder was not rare, it was rarely talked about. Most people at that time had never heard of the term Anorexia Nervosa. Sad but true, the death of Karen Carpenter in 1983 opened the eyes of the world to this life threatening disease. Karen Carpenter was well known in the 70s and 80s for her dazzling music. She was one half of the sibling music group, The Carpenters. Born in 1950, she grew up listening to the Beatles and performing with her older brother Richard, and in her lifetime captured 3 Grammy's, 8 Gold Albums, 10 Gold Singles, and 5 Platinum Albums. The music she made was so great that she held the record for the most Top 5 hits in the first year of business. You could say that she lead her life in the spotlight. Young girls looked up to her. She was a role-model and a symbol of American culture. At least, this is what she was trying to be. As it turns out, it was these social pressures that ultimately lead to her downfall.

175. Fading Obsession - Home
Forum for people with anorexia or bulimia. Features other topics like music, fashion, member journals area, chat room, and thinspiration section.
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176. Sheena's Place : Quick Facts: Anorexia Nervosa
anorexia nervosa is more prevalent among females ( 90 % are women) and The femalemale ratio of full or partial syndrome anorexia nervosa was 21.
about Eating Disorders signs fact sheets links Fact Sheet: Anorexia Nervosa Main features of anorexia nervosa
  • Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height Weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight Amenorrhea in women (loss of menstrual periods)
Behaviours associated with anorexia nervosa
  • Dietary restriction; eating less calories, only "safe" foods, no fat Hoarding, concealing, picking at, crumbling or throwing away food. Engaging in compulsive or ritualistic behaviour such as cutting food into small pieces, or rearranging food Behaviors associated with anxiety if a person has to handle certain foods (measuring, weighing food)

177. Medicijn Tegen Eetstoornissen Op Komst
Eetstoornissen als anorexia, boulimia en zwaarlijvigheid zijn binnenkort te behandelen met medicijnen. Het onderzoek naar hormonen die de spijsvertering be¯nvloeden, vordert in snel tempo. Bron Rotterdams Dagblad.

178. Anorexia Linked To Chemical Problem In Brain - Mental Health -
Women who suffer from anorexia have increased chemical activity in a part of the brain that controls reward and reinforcement.
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Anorexia linked to chemical problem in brain
Study: Disorder connected to overactivity in pleasure-regulating region
PITTSBURGH - Women who suffer from anorexia have increased chemical activity in a part of the brain that controls reward and reinforcement, something that may explain why they are driven to lose weight but don't get any pleasure from it, according to a new study. Researchers used brain-imaging technology on 10 women who had recovered from anorexia and 12 healthy women. In the anorexic women, they found overactivity by dopamine receptors in a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is associated with regulating pleasure. "The take-home message is dopamine in this area may be very important in how we respond to stimuli, how we view positive and negative reinforcement," said Dr. Walter Kaye, a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and one of the researchers involved in the study. Dr. Guido Frank, a child psychiatry fellow at the University of California at San Diego and also a leader of the study, said the hope is that the research can lead to the development of drugs to treat anorexia.

179. Starved Of Sense
Presents facts about anorexia nervosa, written by teens for teens, as well as suggestions for where to get help.

180. BTonline: Anorexia Nervosa, Magersucht, Anorexie, Eßstörungen
Einf¼hrung sowie Abschnitte ¼ber Vorkommen, Symptomatik, Formen, Verlauf, Ursachen und Therapie.
Krankheiten Vorkommen Symptomatik Formen Verlauf ... Therapie Magersucht ( Anorexia nervosa ) ist eine Störung des Eßverhaltens, die durch seelische Probleme ausgelöst wird. Der Begriff "Anorexia" stammt aus dem neulateinischen und bedeutet Appetitlosigkeit. Der Zusatz "nervosa" weist auf die psychischen Ursachen der Eßstörung hin. Magersüchtige verspüren meist einen sehr großen Appetit, verleugnen diesen aber. Insofern ist der Begriff "Anorexie" irreführend, denn das Merkmal der Magersucht ist nicht die Appetitlosigkeit, sondern die Angst vor dem Essen , verbunden mit einer panikartigen Angst vor der Gewichtszunahme Vorkommen Risikogruppe Menstruation Erkrankungsgipfel liegen zwischen dem 14. Lebensjahr und 18. Lebensjahr. Erkrankungen nach dem 25. Lebensjahr sind selten. Allerdings nimmt die Zahl der Frauen zu, die nach dem 25. Lebensjahr magersüchtig werden. Die Sterblichkeit asketische (passive) Form und die bulimische (aktive) Form Symptomatik

  • Bei den Betroffenen kommt es zu einer verzerrte Wahrnehmung Das Kardinalsymptom
    Teufelskreis Krankheitseinsicht
    . Jegliche Hilfe wird abgelehnt und die Therapiemotivation ist entsprechend gering.

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