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Anophthalmos: more detail | ||||
61. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES 743.0 anophthalmos. 743.00 Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified Agenesis Congenitalabsence of eye anophthalmos NOS 743.03 Cystic eyeball, congenital http://www.thera.info/icd9-cm/sect-740-759.html | |
62. ICD-9-CM From Code 740 743.0 anophthalmos. 743.00 Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified. Agenesis;Congenital absence of eye; anophthalmos NOS. 743.03 Cystic eyeball, congenital http://www.dmi.columbia.edu/hripcsak/icd9/1tabular740.html | |
63. Clinical Trial: Molecular Analysis Of Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia Sensi A, Incorvaia C, Sebastiani A, Calzolari E. Clinical anophthalmos in a family.Clin Genet. 1987 Sep;32(3)1569. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00011843 | |
64. Portal Toolkit Invalid Site URL Congenital clinical anophthalmos. Newborn girl with bilateral congenital clinical Therapy for anophthalmos with enlarging conformers, and results. http://www.co-ophthalmology.com/pt/re/coophth/fulltext.00055735-200410000-00008. | |
65. NSW Health - ICD-9-CM 740-759 743.00 Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified Agenesis Congenital absence of eyeanophthalmos NOS 743.03 Cystic eyeball, congenital 743.06 Cryptophthalmos http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/public-health/icd/740-759.htm | |
66. Oculoplastic Surgery - Reconstructive Surgery - VisionChannel A child born without an eyeball (congenital anophthalmos) usually has a small eye Cosmetic procedures for children with congenital anophthalmos are http://www.visionchannel.net/oculoplasticsurgery/reconstructive.shtml | |
67. The EyePathologist Disease - A anophthalmos X-linked - Klintworth, Gordon K. anophthalmos with associatedanomalies - Klintworth, Gordon K. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy http://www.eyepathologist.com/List.asp | |
68. EUROCAT anophthalmos/micropthalmos, , 7430, 7431, Q110, Q111, Q112. anophthalmos,Unilateral or bilateral absence of the eye tissue. 7430, Q110, Q111 http://www.biomedicalweb.biz/eurocat/appendices.cgi | |
69. Araceli Busby EUROCAT.ulst.ac.uk/pdf/CaptureRecapture.pdf; Busby A, Dolk H, Armstrong BGanophthalmos/microphthalmos in England temporal variation and the association http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/pehru/staff/abusby.html | |
70. MEANWHILE BACK IN IRAQ AND VIETNAM I have not seen any reports on anophthalmos cases (babies born without eyes)associated with these compounds, but this data may well be in company files. http://www.firethistime.org/meanwhileiniraq.htm | |
71. Publications - Childhood Eye Diseases variation in blindness in children due to microphthalmos, anophthalmos andcoloboma. and pedigrees in children with anophthalmos in southern India. http://www.iceh.org.uk/res_pu03.asp | |
72. BIRTH DEFECTS (BD) RATES IN UKRAINE(1) (2001 - 2000) IBIS Total anophthalmos / Microphthalmos (include unspecified) (2), 4, 1, nr, 2.02,NA. anophthalmos (2), 0, 0, nr, 0.00, NA http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/ubdrate3.htm | |
73. BIRTH DEFECTS (BD) RATES IN UKRAINE(1) (2001 - 2000) IBIS Total anophthalmos / Microphthalmos (include unspecified) (2), 5, 0, nr, 1.92,NA. anophthalmos (2), 1, 0, nr, 0.38, NA http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/ukbdrate.htm | |
74. Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome Synonyms. Lenz Syndrome; Lenz Dysplasia; Microphthalmia or anophthalmos withAssociated Anomalies (obsolete); MAA; Lenz Dysmorphogenetic Syndrome http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord1057.htm | |
75. GeneCard For ANOP1 anophthalmos 1 (with mental retardation, without limb anomalies or dental orurogenital abnormalities) Symbol approved by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature http://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp?ANOP1 |
76. Adbusters : "A Culture Of Life" In babies born in Iraq in 2002, the incidence of anophthalmos was 250000 times .. . the natural occurrence. The White House s dodging and weaving to duck http://adbusters.org/blogs/A_Culture_of_Life.html | |
77. UNSW Embryology-OMIM Syndactyly List *309800 MICROPHTHALMIA OR anophthalmos, WITH ASSOCIATED ANOMALIES; MAA *309801MICROPHTHALMIA WITH LINEAR SKIN DEFECTS; MLS 122920 CRANIOFRONTAL DYSPLASIA http://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/OMIMfind/skmus/OMIM-syndactyly_list.htm | |
78. Information Center For Rare Diseases And Orphan Drugs anophthalmos anophthalmos clinical anophthalmos with limb anomalies anorectalanomalies anotia anotia facial palsy cardiac defect http://www.raredis.org/modules/sections/index.php?op=printpage&artid=25 |
79. All India Ophthalmological Society - India's Biggest Ophthalmic Organisation Treatment of anophthalmos and Socket reconstruction. Smith B, Obear M, LeoneCR Jr. The correction of anophthalmos associated with anophthalmos by glass http://www.aios.org/proceedings.cfm?pid=390&show=y |
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