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         Altophobia:     more detail

81. Altophobia Is The Fear Of Heights - Find Phobias - Phobia List
richardWINTERSmd The Phobia List 1altophobia Fear of heights. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Amaxophobia- Fear ofriding in a car. April 17, 2001 Permalink
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82. Richard[WINTERS]md: April 2001
altophobia Fear of heights. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Amaxophobia- Fear ofriding in a car. April 17, 2001 Permalink Comments (0)
An irregularly irregular weblog by an emergency physician geek.
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Washington Post [1]
Washington Post
This summer, a group of local model airplane buffs, fresh from the horse pasture tests, will attempt what they say is the world's first flight of a model plane across the Atlantic Ocean Permalink Comments (0)
The Onion [1]
The Onion
"Recent studies indicate that knowledge of slang does not improve communication between parents and children," Putnam-Ellis said. "Instead, statistics show that hearing parents use the street names of drugs leaves teenagers feeling vaguely creeped out." Permalink Comments (0)
AMNews [1]
Emergency physicians realize that EMTALA doesn't shoulder all of the blame for problems they're encountering. But they say some changes to the EMTALA law could go a long way to help improve the stumbling system. Permalink Comments (0)
The gateway to statistics [1]...

83. Pakistan Link - Letter & Opinion
phobias which can be triggered by elements in the environment such asheights (altophobia), water (hydrophobia), and enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
Overcoming Fears By Zainab Mahmood
Many of us have some phobias. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of some object or situation. It is a conditioned response, which means repeatedly reacting the same way to a feared object or place. The essential ingredient is irrationality, as the person knows that his/her fear is magnified out of proportion. It is not an illness, mental disorder or lack of willpower. The person is genuinely afraid and if the irrational fears are not dealt with they can greatly undermine the quality of life.
Specific phobias are caused by a single object or situation. The most common ones, for example are; a fear of animals such as dogs (cynophobia), flying (aviophobia) or thunder (astraphobia). Many of us experience specific situation phobias which can be triggered by elements in the environment such as heights (altophobia), water (hydrophobia), and enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). Social phobia affects a large number of people around the world, especially adolescents. This is a fear of social situations and interaction with people for example, fear of public speaking and eating in public.
Phobias find their root in childhood and can arise as a result of watching others having a bad experience with a specific object or situation. That object becomes associated with fear, which becomes generalized, for example, being bitten by a dog may lead to a fear of all dogs. The best time to eliminate common fears is during the impressionable years before they develop into irrational phobias. People who have weak strategies for dealing with difficult situations are prone to developing phobias as they are more likely to react negatively to situations.

84. Phobias: All About Altophobia
Phobias all About altophobia website. People suffering from altophobia willexperience some or all of the following, to different degrees
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About Altophobia
    Definition of altophobia
    "The fear of heights" What causes people to experience altophobia You are not born with altophobia. It is generally recognised that altophobia is a "learnt behaviour", a decision you make at a very deep unconscious level for very good logical reasons. What are the symptoms of altophobia People suffering from altophobia will experience some or all of the following, to different degrees:
    • abnormal or over-strong emotional reaction to a particular sight, sound, smell, or a deep sense of physical revulsion energy drying up at the thought dry mouth palpitations crippling sense of helplessness or being emotionally "paralysed" crying desire to run away or get-out-of-here
    Self diagnosis: You notice a distinct change of behaviour, a strong emotional reaction, or a need to overcome a reaction.
Living with Altophobia
    What kinds of people suffer from altophobia Altophobia does not respect age, social status, gender or culture. If you are human you can experience

85. Theocratic Dulcimer Company - Phobias
altophobia, Heights. Amathophobia, Dust. Ambulophobia, Walking. Amnesiphobia,Amnesia. Amychophobia, Scratches. Anablephobia, Looking up. Ancraophobia, Wind

86. Phobia
altophobia. Fear of heights. Amathophobia. Fear of dust. Amaxophobia. Fear ofriding in a car. Ambulophobia. Fear of walking. Amnesiphobia. Fear of amnesia.
B C D ... Z Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary.
- A -
Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.
Fear of sourness.
Fear of darkness.
Fear of noise.
Fear of heights.
Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances.
Fear of open high places.
Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness.
Fear of pain.
Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets.
Fear of sexual abuse.
Fear of wild animals.
Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Fear of cats.
Fear of kidney disease.
Fear of chickens.
Fear of pain.
Fear of garlic.
Fear of opinions.
Fear of heights.
Fear of dust.
Fear of riding in a car.
Fear of walking.

87. Facts
altophobia heights amathophobia dust amaxophobia riding in a car, or vehiclesambulophobia walking amnesiphobia amnesia
Intersting Facts Home Events The J.A.R. Just For Fun ... Discussion Board An Almost Complete List of Phobias ablutophobia: washing or bathing
acarophobia: itching
acerophobia: sourness
achluophobia: darkness
acousticophobia: noise
acrophobia: heights
aeroacrophobia: open high places
aeronausiphobia: vomiting secondary to airsickness
aerophobia: drafts, air
aeruophobia: flying
agliophobia: pain agoraphobia: open spaces agrizoophobia: wild animals agyrophobia: streets or crossing the street aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects ailurophobia: cats albuminurophobia: kidney disease alektorophobia: chickens algophobia: pain alliumphobia: garlic allodoxaphobia: opinions altophobia: heights amathophobia: dust amaxophobia: riding in a car, or vehicles ambulophobia: walking amnesiphobia: amnesia amychophobia: scratches or being scratched anablephobia: looking up ancraophobia: wind androphobia: men anemophobia: air drafts or wind anginophobia: angina, choking or narrowness

88. Journalspace
Technophobia fear of technology Agateophobia Fear of insanity. Zeusophobiafear of gods altophobia/Acrophobia Fear of heights. Algophobia Fear of pain.

89. PsychNet-UK Phobia List
altophobia Fear of heights. Amathophobia Fear of dust. Amnesiphobia Fear ofamnesia. Androphobia Fear of men. Angrophobia Fear of becoming angry.

90. What Are You Afraid Of?
altophobia fear of heights amathophobia fear of dust amaxophobia fear of ridingin a car amaxophobia fear of vehicals ambulophobia fear of walking
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words...
Back to me!

91. The Rather Mundane World Of The "Rikaitch"
Acrophobia, altophobia, Batophobia, Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia are technicalterms for vertigo. I m the first to admit I have a terrible problem with
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What does this mean?
A "Rikaitch" is to botch something temporarily, only to find that it works better, so is left like it. Come and see my latest Moblog image.
Friday, September 2
I'm a chuffed blokey
My foray into car restoration has just taken a more sinister and worrying turn, in that I have successfully reconditioned the brakes. It might not sound like a major milestone (mechanics normally do it in a couple of hours) but to me it is a major boon. It all started so easily.
The Haynes manual (bible to car restorers) started out innocently enough, with comments like undo the caliper pins using an allen key. The Haynes manual (bible to car restorers) also fails to mention that the Allen key is not a standard size of Allen key, but is in fact a 7.5mm (!) Allen Key. On top of this the Haynes Manual (bible to car restorers) also failed to take into account that the car is 15 years old, and hasn't had any major work done on the brakes since it rolled off the production line in Gothenburg. I know I shouldn't use any sort of penetrating fluid near the brakes, but what else could I do? 2 large tins of WD40 later, and things are moving, slowly to start with, but definitely moving.
I finally get the seized caliper away from the wheel, and completely separated from the rest of the car. Much investigation reveals something the Haynes manual (bible to car restorers) had failed to tell me. You have to turn the cylinder in the caliper to return it back to the outer most position. I dismantle the caliper (worth 4 spanners in the Haynes manual, that's a first) and recondition it. Within 20 minutes the wheel is back on, and the brakes are working. I now need to bleed it.

92. Jaman Edan
altophobia (Hypsiphobia) Takut thd ketinggian Anuptaphobia Takut ga dapetjodoh (Fear of staying single) Cenophobia Takut thd ruangan kosong
Friday, May 13, 2005 Paraskevidekatriaphobia Friday the 13th sudah menjadi hari yang sangat terkenal, yang seringkali diasosiasikan dengan nasib buruk. Begitu 'menakutkannya' hari ini, sampai-sampai ada nama khusus bagi orang yang mengalami fobia thd Friday the 13th Paraskevidekatriaphobia Fobia sendiri berarti ketakutan yang berlebihan (tidak dapat dijelaskan dan tidak logis) terhadap sesuatu hal atau situasi. Ternyata ada banyak sekali jenis fobia, fobia yang mungkin kita belom pernah denger dan terdengar sangat mengada-ada. Berikut ini fobia yang mungkin cukup umum kita jumpai. Agyrophobia: Takut menyeberang jalan
Aichmophobia: Takut thd jarum
Altophobia (Hypsiphobia): Takut thd ketinggian
Anuptaphobia: Takut ga dapet jodoh (Fear of staying single)
Cenophobia: Takut thd ruangan kosong
Coimetrophobia: Takut thd kuburan
Demophobia: Takut thd keramaian
Ecclesiophobia: Takut thd gereja
Gerascophobia: Takut thd penuaan
Haemophobia: Takut thd darah (pendarahan)
Myctophobia:Takut thd kegelapan (darkness) Obesophobia: Takut beratnya nambah Untuk daftar selengkapnya bisa dilihat di List of Phobia Types Aneh sekali ya, kita (manusia) bisa punya ketakutan yang berlebihan seperti ini.....

93. For Kids And Teens
altophobia. hell. Hadephobia. hell. Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia. heredity.Patroiophobia. home surroundings, house. Oikophobia. home surroundings.
Northern County Psychiatric Associates
Baltimore, MD
For Kids and Teens
Articles games and book reviews for children and adolescents interested in understanding mental health issues. Why Am I In Family Therapy? Mood Swings and Drug Abuse Food and Whine: Dining Out with Kids What Makes a Good Joke? ... I Am Different But You May Not Know
Hidden Disabilities Dealing with Bullies Kids Can Be Depressed Too Teens and Sexual Harassment Lots More Books for Kids and Adolescents about Mental Health Issues: Divorce, Depression, School Problems and More When I Worry.... About Mom or Dad S ometimes kids and teenagers get depressed, or anxious, but sometimes parents do too. It is confusing when your mother or father starts acting differently. They still love you, but how should you act? Can you help? Here are some books that may help. Please Don't Cry, Mom by DenBoer (1994)
Tell Me a Story, Paint Me the Sun by Chaplan (1991)
This is an illustrated book, appropriate for elementary school children and younger adolescents. It describes a girl whose father loses his job and becomes depressed (or starts drinking). Although he does not seek treatment or improve, she is able to talk to other adults and learn that she is worthwhile. This book is useful for the child who must learn to cope with ongoing parental denial of a mental illness or drug problem. Daddy Doesn't Have to be a Giant Anymore by J R Thomas (1996) Clarion Books

94. Vertical Limit Movie Review By Jim Eadon
This opening serves to let the audience indulge in a spot of altophobia and togenerate the mother of all guilt trips to motive the son into making crazy
movies section
Vertical Limit
K2 and nitroglycerin. Dangerous enough?
Vertical Limit is a mountain action/effects movie. Think Cliff Hanger without charisma. Or the terrorists. It is almost, but not quite, as bad as it sounds. The start of Vertical Limit has a lovely scene where Dad chats to son and daughter on the side of a sheer cliff. Something goes horribly wrong and father snuffs it in a suicidal effort to save his kids: a fine example of the selfish gene in action if ever I saw one.
This opening serves to let the audience indulge in a spot of altophobia and to generate the mother of all guilt trips to motive the son into making crazy decisions later on. (The son is played by Chris O'Donnel who portrayed Robin out of the 3rd and 4th (i.e. rubbish) Batman movies.)

95. The Blog Impaired
I found the fears I have altophobia heights and Apiphobia bees. The othergood ones on there are ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA the fear of peanut butter
The Blog Impaired Home 100 things about E Favorite Links Books and CD's yummy ... Blogroll Me! Beta Band: Out Side The Beta Band - Out-Side Get More Music Videos @ Monday, September 27, 2004 She's Come to Get Me Nooooo...not me, not me. The sickness has come, and she has come to claim me. The snot has been draining like molasses in the summer time. It is ridiculous. I've sent Kris to purchase the necessary items, DayQuil, the drug of champions. Everyone keeps trying to convince me to take that TheraFlu crap, but oh man, I would rather be sick than drink that toxic waste any day. They even make different flavors...Apple Cider flavored (vomit), Lemon (barf). What's the point of taking medicine that is meant to keep you from barfing when after you take it you want to barf anyways. But I am gonna make it through...I am convinced to be better by Wednesday because I want to go to dance class. Hopefully I will be able to shake more than snot around the room.

96. Lagal[og]
kinda hard to believe because from time to time, i feel altophobia and claustrophobiawhile up in the mountains or deep inside some cave but i guess the
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stories on and off the road of life
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
tarak ridge
like a small speck of colored dust, campsite resembles a minute dot in the scheme of things in this picture of the tarak ridge taken near the summit. posted by oggie at 8:57 PM 3 comments
mt. mariveles
like a flirt, mt. mariveles alternately shows and hides herself from the viewer. image taken from mt. tarak peak. posted by oggie at 8:54 PM 0 comments
tawag ng tarak
last friday was a big disappointment for some 120 mountaineers. the reason: we were all set for our pinatubo climb that didn't happen. even brought my gear to the office because i want to make it to dau before midnight. but got a text from our guide at 4pm that said a shootout with the npa broke out that morning. which means postponed ang climb until things cool down. it was hard mentally for us to go home with our backpacks and supplies unused so a few quick text messages led us to find an alternative - mt. tarak in mariveles. with no itinerary on paper, we made a hasty decision. magkita-kita sa ccp terminal of the mt. samat ferry to mariveles at 4am. kulang man sa tulog, we pushed for our climb and i wasn't disappointed. not at all.

97. A Complete List Of Phobias
Phobia is an intense, persistent, or abnormal fear of certain object. Here is acomplete list of phobia names based on the fear objects.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Psychology Clinical Psychology ... Psychological Disorders A Complete List of Phobias Homework Help Psychology Essentials Psychology Glossaries ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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Search Psychology Phobias - Abnormal Fear Fear Object: A B C D E ... P Q R S T U ... Y Z Fear Of Phobia Name Accidents - Dystychiphobia. Air - Anemophobia. Air Swallowing - Aerophobia. Airborne Noxious Substances - Aerophobia. Airsickness - Aeronausiphobia. Alcohol - Methyphobia / Potophobia. Alone - Autophobia / Monophobia. Alone and Solitude - Isolophobia. Amnesia - Amnesiphobia. Anger - Angrophobia / Cholerophobia. Angina - Anginophobia. Animals - Zoophobia. Animals - Doraphobia. Animals, Wild - Agrizoophobia. Ants - Myrmecophobia. Anything New - Neophobia. Asymmetrical Things - Asymmetriphobia.

98. Èíä ÇáÛáæ æÇáÊØÑÝ æÇáÎæÝ ãä ÇáÇÓáÇã
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99. ÝæÈíÇ æÃÎæÇÊåÇ!
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áÛæíÇð¡ ÝæÈíÇ (Phobia) ßáãÉð íæäÇäíÉ ÇáÕá æÊÚäí "ÇáÎæÝ ãä"¡ æÞÏ ÏÎáÊ ÇááÛÇÊ ÇáæÑæÈíÉ¡ æãäåÇ ÇáÅäßáíÒíÉ¡ ßßáãÉð ãæÕæáÉð ãÚ ãÇ íõÑÇÏ æÕÝ ÍÇáÉ ÇáÎæÝ ÇáãÑóÖí ãäå¡ ßÇáÎæÝ ãä ÇáÑÞÇã "ÑöËãæÝæÈíÇ" (Arithmophobia). Ëã ÎÐÊ åÐå ÇáßáãÉ ÇÓÊÞáÇáåÇ Ýí ÇááÛÉ ÇáÅäßáíÒíÉ æÕÇÑÊ ÊÓÊÎÏã ßÈÏíáò¡ Ðæ ãÚäìð ÚãÞ¡ Úä ãÑÇÏÝÊåÇ ÇáÔåíÑÉ (Fear).
Acrophobia / Altophobia Agoraphobia Agraphobia Agyrophobia Aichmophobia Algophobia Androphobia Anglophobia Anthrophobia Anuptaphobia Aquaphobia Arabophobia Ataxophobia Autophobia Centophobia / Cenophobia Chronophobia Claustrophobia Dentophobia Doraphobia Doxophobia Ecophobia Euphobia Felinophobia / Gatophobia Genophobia Heliophobia Hemophobia Homophobia Hypnophobia Illyngophobia Islamophobia Judeophobia Kenophobia Kilobytophobia Macrophobia Melanophobia Misophobia / Mysophobia Monophobia Mycrophobia / Microphobia Necrophobia Nosophobia / Pathophobia Numerophobia / Arithmophobia Obesophobia Ophidiophobia Phalacrophobia Phobophobia Polyphobia Potamophobia Pyrophobia Rhabdophobia Scotophobia / Myctophobia Sinophobia Sociophobia Stenophobia Technophobia Theophobia Thermophobia Toxiphobia / Toxophobia Tropophobia Xenophobia Zoophobia

100. ƒtƒHƒrƒA
Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
‚±‚̃TƒCƒg‚Í ”ªç‘ã•a‰@(¸_‰Èj ‚É‚æ‚Á‚ĉ^‰c‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚· ”ªç‘チƒ“ƒ^ƒ‹ƒNƒŠƒjƒbƒN
ƒtƒHƒrƒAiphobiaj ‚Ɩ󂵂܂·B
i“Á‚Ɂ`phobia‚̂悤‚ÉŒê”ö‚ɂ‚­Œ`‚Å jphobia‚Æ‚È‚Á‚½‚à‚Ì‚¾‚»‚¤‚Å‚·B
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.@
Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being.
The Phobia List Japan
i The Phobia List
2004/11/27 2004/12/06ˆê•”C³ ‚±‚̃y[ƒW‚Ì•¶ÓA’˜ìŒ ‚Í”ªç‘ã•a‰@/”ªç‘チƒ“ƒ^ƒ‹ƒNƒŠƒjƒbƒN¸_‰Èˆã ’·’Jì‰ë•F‚É‘®‚µ‚Ü‚·

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