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         Alagille Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Alagille Syndrome by National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 2010-03-12
  2. Alagille syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Sonja Eubanks, 2005
  3. Alagille Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers by Philip M. Parker, 2007-07-19
  4. Alagille Syndrome

21. GeneReviews: Alagille Syndrome
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22. A Mouse Model Of Alagille Syndrome Notch2 As A Genetic Modifier
A mouse model of alagille syndrome Notch2 as a genetic modifier of Jag1 haploinsufficiency Brent McCright , Julie Lozier and

23. GeneReviews Alagille Syndrome
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24. Alagille Syndrome / The Family Village
See also Arteriohepatic Dysplasia, Watsonalagille syndrome, Syndromic Hepatic ASA s mission is to provide information about alagille syndrome,
Alagille Syndrome
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Alagille Syndrome Alliance (ASA)
10500 SW Starr Drive
Tualatin, OR 97062
See also: Arteriohepatic Dysplasia, Watson-Alagille Syndrome, Syndromic Hepatic Ductular Hypoplasia, Syndromic Intrahepatic Biliary Hypoplasia, Cholestasis with Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis, Syndromic Bile Duct Paucity, Intrahepatic Biliary Artresia or Dysgenesis. ASA's mission is to provide information about Alagille syndrome, networking services, and a forum for exchange of experiences for families with the syndrome. They also disseminate information to all those interested in this rare liver disorder, and will refer families to others in the same geographical area. The Alliance publishes a quarterly newsletter, LiverLinks , and has a brochure and a fact sheet available that explain the syndrome and treatment that is available. ASA offers a new parent packet that includes, the newsletter, fact sheet, brochure, and an information form for referrals. ASA collects information on physicians and research being done and makes this information available to its members on a limited basis. They are in the process of developing a bibliography of articles and they have a scientific advisory board.

25. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc.
The alagille syndrome Alliance is a notfor-profit voluntary The AlagilleSyndrome Alliance offers a matching service to interested families as well as Syndrom

26. What Is Alagille Syndrome? - Liver Health Information - The American Liver Found
alagille syndrome is an inherited disorder that mimics other forms of prolongedliver Children with alagille syndrome usually have a liver disease

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What is Alagille Syndrome? Alagille syndrome is an inherited disorder that mimics other forms of prolonged liver disease seen in infants and young children. However, a group of unusual features in other organ systems distinguishes Alagille syndrome from other liver and bile duct diseases in infants.
Children with Alagille Syndrome usually have a liver disease characterized by a progressive loss of the bile ducts within the liver over the first year of life and narrowing of bile ducts outside the liver. This leads to a buildup of bile in the liver, causing damage to liver cells. Scarring may occur and lead to cirrhosis in about 30 to 50% of affected children.
What are the Symptoms of Alagille?
Symptoms of the illness are jaundice, pale, loose stools, and poor growth within the first three months of life. Later, there is persistent jaundice, itching, fatty deposits in the skin, and stunted growth and development during early childhood. Frequently the disease stabilizes between ages four and ten with an improvement in symptoms.
Other features, which help establish the diagnosis, include abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, the spinal column, the eye, and the kidneys. Narrowing of the blood vessel connecting the heart to the lungs (pulmonary artery) leads to extra heart sounds (murmurs) but rarely problems in heart function. The shape of the bones of the spinal column may look like the wings of a butterfly on x-ray but almost never cause any problems with function of the nerves in the spinal cord.

27. HONselect - Alagille Syndrome
Translate this page English, alagille syndrome, - Arteriohepatic Dysplasia - Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic -Alagille-Watson Syndrome - Cholestasis with Peripheral Pulmonary
List of rare diseases: English Deutsch
MeSH term:
Accepted terms:
English: Alagille Syndrome - Arteriohepatic Dysplasia
- Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic
- Alagille-Watson Syndrome
- Cholestasis with Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis
- Hepatic Ductular Hypoplasia, Syndromatic
- Alagille Watson Syndrome
Français: Alagille, syndrome - Dysplasie artériohépatique - Paucité ductulaire syndromatique - Syndrome d'Alagille Deutsch: Alagille-Syndrom - Arteriohepatische Dysplasie - Dysplasie, arteriohepatische Español: Síndrome de Alagille - Displasia Arteriohepática Português: Síndrome Alagile - Displasia Artério-Hepática HONselect ressources Definition: Yes Articles: Yes Images: No News: No Conferences: No Clinical trials: No Web sites: English Yes Français No Deutsch No Español No Português No Home About us Site map Search ... Contact Last modified: Wed May 18 2005

28. Alagille Syndrome
alagille syndrome Alliance 10630 SW Garden Park Place Tigard, OR 97223Phone (503) 6396217 Contact Cindy L Hahn
Alagille syndrome
Alagille Syndrome Alliance
10630 SW Garden Park Place
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: (503) 639-6217 Contact: Cindy L Hahn
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29. Genetic Conditions / Rare Conditions Information Site
Liver conditions (biliary atresia, alagille syndrome, alpha1 antitrypsin,tyrosinemia, neonatal hepatitis, Wilson disease); Lowe syndrome
Genetic and Rare Conditions Site
Medical Genetics, University of Kansas Medical Center

Lay advocacy and support groups, information on genetic conditions /birth defects for professionals, educators, and individuals, National and International organizations · Categories Genetic Counselors and Geneticists Children and teen sites Advocacy ... Z
Revised September 2, 2005

30. Alagille Syndrome
Links to articles, information, and resources for alagille syndrome.
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Guide picks A multi-system hereditary disorder which affects the liver, heart, and spine.
Alagille Syndrome

Feature article describes the syndrome, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. From the Guide to Rare/Orphan Diseases. Alagille Syndrome Alliance
Site offers chat room, message board, information, and book list. Children's Liver Association: Alagille Syndrome
Site offers information about the syndrome, other liver disorders, and liver transplantation, and offers support and resources. Children's Liver Alliance: Alagille Syndrome
Site offers information about liver disorders including Alagille syndrome. Topic Index Email to a Friend
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31. Alagille Syndrome
Feature article describes alagille syndrome, its diagnosis, and treatment.
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Further Information Internet links on Alagille syndrome Elsewhere on the Web Alagille Syndrome Association Children's Liver Association Most Popular Muscular Dystrophy ALD and Lorenzo's Oil Progeria Syndromes Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) ... The Elephant Man What's Hot Muscular Dystrophy Autoimmune Kidney Disease Minamata Disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease ... Meckel-Gruber Syndrome adunitCM(150,100,'x55')
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From Mary Kugler
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32. Alagille Syndrome - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Signs and symptoms arising from liver damage in alagille syndrome may include Other signs of alagille syndrome include congenital heart problems and an
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Alagille syndrome
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the liver heart , and other systems of the body. Problems associated with the disorder generally become evident in infancy or early childhood. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, and the estimated prevalence of Alagille syndrome is 1 in every 70,000 live births. The severity of the disorder can vary within the same family, with symptoms ranging from so mild as to go unnoticed to severe heart and/or liver disease requiring transplantation Signs and symptoms arising from liver damage in Alagille syndrome may include a yellowish tinge in the skin and the whites of the eyes ( jaundice ), itching, and deposits of cholesterol in the skin ( xanthomas ). A liver biopsy may indicate too few bile ducts (bile duct paucity). Other signs of Alagille syndrome include congenital heart problems and an unusual butterfly shape of the bones of the spinal column that can be seen in an x-ray . Many people with Alagille syndrome have similar facial features, including a broad, prominent forehead, deep-set eyes, and a small pointed chin. The

33. Alagille Syndrome - Genetics Home Reference
Where can I find additional information about alagille syndrome? What if Istill have specific questions about alagille syndrome?
Home What's New Browse Handbook ... Search Alagille syndrome
Alagille syndrome
On this page:
What is Alagille syndrome?
Alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the liver, heart, and other systems of the body. Problems associated with the disorder generally become evident in infancy or early childhood. The severity of the disorder, however, can vary within the same family, with symptoms ranging from so mild as to go unnoticed to severe heart and/or liver disease requiring transplantation. Signs and symptoms arising from liver damage in Alagille syndrome may include a yellowish tinge in the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice), itching, and deposits of cholesterol in the skin (xanthomas). A liver biopsy may indicate too few bile ducts (bile duct paucity). Other signs of Alagille syndrome include congenital heart problems and an unusual butterfly shape of the bones of the spinal column that can be seen in an x-ray. Many people with Alagille syndrome have similar facial features, including a broad, prominent forehead, deep-set eyes, and a small pointed chin. The kidneys and central nervous system may also be affected.

34. Alagille Syndrome - References - Genetics Home Reference
Mutation analysis of Jagged1 (JAG1) in alagille syndrome patients. Hum Mutat . alagille syndrome and the Jagged1 gene. Semin Liver Dis.
Home What's New Browse Handbook ... Search Alagille syndrome
Alagille syndrome
These sources were used to develop the Genetics Home Reference condition summary on Alagille syndrome. Last Comprehensive Review: December 2004 Published: September 6, 2005 Contact NLM Customer Service Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications ... Selection Criteria for Web Links Indicates a page outside Genetics Home Reference.

35. Alagille Syndrome - [Support Group]
This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsementfor any group. It is the responsibility of the reader to decide whether a
var hwPrint=1;var hwDocHWID="shc29ala";var hwDocTitle="Alagille Syndrome";var hwRank="1";var hwSectionHWID="shc29ala-Header";var hwSource="en-caQ2_05";var hwDocType="Shc";
Self Help Clearinghouse
Alagille Syndrome
This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement for any group. It is the responsibility of the reader to decide whether a group is appropriate for his/her needs. For evidence-based information on diseases, conditions, symptoms, treatment and wellness issues, continue searching this site.
Alagille Syndrome Alliance
National network. Founded 1993.
Support network for anyone who cares about people with Alagille syndrome, a genetic liver disorder. Disseminates information. Aims to increase awareness in health professionals. Newsletter, phone support, information and referrals, scientific advisory board.
Alagille Syndrome Alliance
c/o Cindy L. Hahn
10500 S.W. Starr Dr.
Tualatin, OR 97062
CALL: 503-885-0455

36. Alagille Syndrome
alagille syndrome is a genetic liver disorder usually present at birth. It ischaracterized by insufficient passage of bile due to a lower than normal
var hwPrint=1;var hwDocHWID="nord473";var hwDocTitle="Alagille Syndrome";var hwRank="1";var hwSectionHWID="nord473-Header";var hwSource="en-caQ2_05";var hwDocType="Nord";
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
Alagille Syndrome
It is possible that the main title of the report Alagille Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
  • AHD Arteriohepatic Dysplasia Cholestasis with Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis Syndromatic Hepatic Ductular Hypoplasia
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
General Discussion
Alagille Syndrome is a genetic liver disorder usually present at birth. It is characterized by insufficient passage of bile due to a lower than normal number of bile ducts inside the liver. In some cases, the child may be born with no bile ducts. Major symptoms include prolonged yellow skin discoloration (jaundice), eye and heart structure anomalies, abnormally shaped vertebrae of the spine, compression of nerve space inside the lower spine, an absence of deep tendon reflexes, mental deficiency, facial and kidney (renal) abnormalities, shortened fingers, and pancreatic insufficiency.
The Arc (a national organization on mental retardation)
1010 Wayne Ave
Suite 650
Silver Spring, MD 20910

37. Alagille Syndrome: Information From
alagille syndrome alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the liver ,heart , and other systems of the body.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Alagille syndrome Wikipedia Alagille syndrome Alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the liver heart , and other systems of the body. Problems associated with the disorder generally become evident in infancy or early childhood. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, and the estimated prevalence of Alagille syndrome is 1 in every 70,000 live births. The severity of the disorder can vary within the same family, with symptoms ranging from so mild as to go unnoticed to severe heart and/or liver disease requiring transplantation Signs and symptoms arising from liver damage in Alagille syndrome may include a yellowish tinge in the skin and the whites of the eyes ( jaundice ), itching, and deposits of cholesterol in the skin ( xanthomas ). A liver biopsy may indicate too few bile ducts (bile duct paucity). Other signs of Alagille syndrome include congenital heart problems and an unusual butterfly shape of the bones of the spinal column that can be seen in an x-ray . Many people with Alagille syndrome have similar facial features, including a broad, prominent forehead, deep-set eyes, and a small pointed chin. The

38. Daniel Alagille (
Syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (alagille syndrome or arteriohepaticdysplasia) review of 80 cases. Journal of Pediatrics, St. Louis, 1987,


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Daniel Alagille French paediatrician, born January 24, 1925, Paris. Associated eponyms: Alagille's syndrome A congenital familial syndrome marked by clinical picture with intrahepatic cholestasis, neonatal jaundice, and hepatomegaly. Biography: Daniel Alagille in 1954 graduated from the University of Paris, where he also obtained a diploma in biochemistry. From 1954 to 1964 he worked in the Hôpial Saint-Vincent-de Paul and was appointed associate professor in 1963. He as elevated to full professor of paediatrics and clinical genetics at the Université Paris-Sud in 1971, also being staff physician and chairman of the department of paediatrics, Hôpital de Bicêtre, where he founded a paediatric liver unit. From 1964 he was chief of the paediatric liver research unit of the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche. He remained with the Hôpital de Bicêtre until his retirement in 1990. Alagille was chief editor of the Revue internationale d'hépatologie (1954-1971) and Archives françaises de pédiatrie (1964-1990). He has published more than 500 articles and several books. He became Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite in 1967 and Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur in 1988. By 1996 he was professor emeritus at the Université Paris-Sud in Bicêtre.

39. Alagille Syndrome Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical
Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.

40. Alagille Syndrome
National network. Founded 1993. Support network for anyone who cares aboutpeople with alagille syndrome,
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Who We Are About WebMD Site Map Health Topics Symptoms ... Alagille Syndrome Alliance Alagille Syndrome Alagille Syndrome Alliance National network. Founded 1993. Support network for anyone who cares about people with Alagille syndrome, a genetic liver disorder. Disseminates information. Aims to increase awareness in health professionals. Newsletter, phone support, information and referrals, scientific advisory board. WRITE: Alagille Syndrome Alliance c/o Cindy L. Hahn 10500 S.W. Starr Dr. Tualatin, OR 97062 CALL: 503-885-0455 E-MAIL: WEBSITE: VERIFIED: 10/22/2004 The above information was "verified" as correct on the date at the end of each entry. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's database is extensive but staffing is limited and information for these organizations can change, it is not possible to keep every entry in American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information on self-help groups, please visit the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse web site at

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