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         Achromatopsia:     more detail
  1. My Blindy Girl - A Mother's Journey Through Achromatopsia by Ellen Tomaszewski, 2009
  2. Achromatopsia: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References by Icon Health Publications, 2004-08-20
  3. My Blindy Girl - A Mother's Journey Through Achromatopsia by Ellen Tomaszewski, 2008
  4. My Blindy Girl - a mother's journey through achromatopsia by Ellen Tomaszewski, 2010-01-17
  5. Visual Disturbances and Blindness: Color Blindness, Alice Walker, Macular Degeneration, Achromatopsia, Akinetopsia, Low Vision, Amblyopia
  6. Understanding and coping with achromatopsia by Frances Futterman, 1998
  7. Achromatopsia

21. Achromatopsia - Low Vision NoIR Medical Technologies
achromatopsia sunglasses from from NoIR Medical Technologies. Since 1972 specializing in eye protection.

22. Understanding Achromatopsia By Drs. Richard & Laura Windsor From Vision World Wi
Persons with achromatopsia are only able to perceive black, white and shades ofgray. Patients with complete achromatopsia have no real understanding of the
Click Here to access our office online
Understanding Achromatopsia
by Richard L. Windsor, O.D.
Laura K. Windsor, O.D.
The Low Vision Centers of Indiana Achromatopsia is an inherited condition that affects approximately 1 in every 33,000 Americans. It is also known as rod monochromatism. This condition is associated with color blindness, visual acuity loss, extreme light sensitivity and nystagmus. It is a condition found throughout the world with varying incidence. There are two primary forms, the complete achromatopsia and incomplete achromatopsia. Complete Achromatopsia Achromatopsia means "without color" and is defined as little or no function of the cone cells. Persons with achromatopsia are only able to perceive black, white and shades of gray. Patients with complete achromatopsia have no real understanding of the concept of color. A color like red may be perceived as dark gray while yellow may be perceived as a light gray. The vision is much like that of a black and white photograph with varying shades of gray. Incomplete Achromatopsia Patients with incomplete achromatopsia have profound color impairment, but do have a small residual amount of color vision and slightly better visual acuity due to the presence of some functioning cone cells in the retina.

23. Achromatopsia / Family Village Library
Individuals who have achromatopsia and families with children or teens who haveachromatopsia are invited to become members.
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Who to Contact
Achromatopsia Network
P.O. Box 214
Berkeley, CA 94701-0214
Website: The purpose of this Network is to provide information about achromatopsia, The Achromatopsia Network, and the publications that are available through the network. In addition, it seeks to make connections with persons who may wish to join this network. Individuals who have achromatopsia and families with children or teens who have achromatopsia are invited to become members. Interested professionals involved in providing services or products to the visually impaired are invited to become "Friends of The Achromatopsia Network." Persons who are affected by other eye conditions which cause vision problems similar to those caused by achromatopsia, such as hypersensitivity to light and total or almost total colorblindness, are also welcome to connect with this network.
Where to Go to Chat with Others
  • Achromatopsia Group
    This discussion forum is for individuals, families, friends of people affected by the rare vision disorder achromatopsia, also called rod monochromacy, which affects approximately 8,500 persons in the United States (about 1 in 33,000).

24. Achromatopsia
National network. Information and support for individuals and families concernedwith the rare inherited
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Who We Are About WebMD Site Map You are in Medical Library Choose a Topic Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... Achromatopsia Network Achromatopsia Achromatopsia Network National network. Information and support for individuals and families concerned with the rare inherited vision disorder Achromatopsia (aka achromatopia), including both rod monochromacy and blue cone monochromacy. WRITE: Achromatopsia Network P.O. Box 214 Berkeley, CA 94701-0214 E-MAIL: WEBSITE: VERIFIED: 3/17/2004 The above information was "verified" as correct on the date at the end of each entry. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's database is extensive but staffing is limited and information for these organizations can change, it is not possible to keep every entry in American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information on self-help groups, please visit the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse web site at

25. Achromatopsia Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Ter
Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.

26. Congenital Achromatopsia, Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular
Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.

27. Achromatopsia - Low Vision --NoIR Medical Technologies
achromatopsia sunglasses from from NoIR Medical Technologies. Since 1972 specializingin eye protection.
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The prevailing view, then and now, is that typical, total achromatopsia with No documented case of achromatopsia is known to have existed in either
By: Knut Nordby
Being myself a vision scientist who is also a complete achromat, I have, upon demand from friends and collaborators, taken on the task of trying to convey some of my visual experiences and to explain how I cope with my visual handicap. I rely on recollections, both my own and those of my family, and try to separate information that can be documented or is supported by other sources from the mere anecdotal. I also draw on information from interviews with other achromats, but only to supplement or comment on my personal experiences. My recollections may have become distorted over time, they may not be precise and may also be biased - and they may not, in all cases, apply to other achromats. It is my hope, though, that my account will give both vision scientists and the general reader a glimpse, not only into the manifestations of achromatopsia and rod-vision - topics usually not covered by the learned papers - but also into the practical problems and obstacles encountered by a completely colour-blind person.

29. Achromatopsia And The Underlying Bioelectrochemistry
A description of the locus of the achromatopsia syndrome.
based on
Last Update 01 March 04 Rhodonine and Activa are trademarks
There must be a distinct line between the medical and biological aspects of syndromes as serious as achromatopsia. This material should not be considered medical advice. Subjects aware of this syndrome should speak with their doctor. This webpage does not offer any alleviation of these symptoms in the near future. Because of the currency of some of the material presented below, students subject to rote testing based on the content of their textbooks are encouraged to review the Cautions Page before proceeding. Others may find the material controversial. However, the results speak for themselves.
Achromatopsia (with an s) is a stationary congenital syndrome that is easily recognized in the clinic. It typically presents five different individual symptoms:
  • Photophobia Nystagmus Amblyopia Achromatopia (without an s) Iris operating abnormalities
Each of the above symptoms may appear independently and without association with Achromatopsia. In such case, they may be caused by other underlying disease. Abnormal iris operation is common but frequently undocumented.

30. Achromatopsia
achromatopsia and Color Blindness achromatopsia THE achromatopsia NETWORK The achromatopsia - A wide range of helpful achromatopsia information
The #1 Health information site Health-Nexus.Net Health-Nexus.Org Home ... Up Search Health-Nexus for: Match ALL words Match ANY word Email this page to a friend ! Post a question or comment on our Message Board Home Page Health Specialties Health News ... Alternative Health Options Substance Abuse Animal Health Search: Books Magazines Video Keywords: Find it Here
Achromatopsia and Color Blindness - Achromatopsia THE ACHROMATOPSIA NETWORK The purposes of this page are: To provide information about achromatopsia and about the Achromatopsia Network, and To make connections with persons who may wish to join this network.
Achromatopsia - A wide range of helpful Achromatopsia information concerning treatment, prevention, diagnosis, email groups, support groups, personal stories and much more. Updated regularly.
Achromatopsia Network
- An information and support network for individuals and families who are affected by the rare inherited vision disorder achromatopsia.

31. GeneReviews: Achromatopsia
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32. Achromatopsia
Our Aims Services Stats ... Z Achromatopsia Achromatopsia Philosophical Psychopathology Achromatopsia Network, The What Is Achromatopsia? THE ACHROMATOPSIA NETWORK ... Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments

33. Search Result For "Achromatopsia"
NOAH pages containing achromatopsia . Displaying 14 of 4 achromatopsia;Adrenoleukodystrophy Information Page; Aicardi Syndrome Information Page;

34. Retinal Disorders
Scotoma Special Education Exchange. achromatopsia. achromatopsia MedicineNet;achromatopsia Gene Reviews; What is achromatopsia? The achromatopsia Network
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Updated: June 3, 2005
Achromatopsia Leber's Congenital Amaurosis Researched by NOAH Contributing Editor: Elaine Wells, MA MLS, SUNY State College of Optometry NOAH Eye Specific Disorders > Retinal Disorders Health Topics Index A to Z Page of the Month Advanced Search ... Feedback

35. FAQs/Achromatopsia - AAPOS
achromatopsia is caused by an abnormality of the retina, that portion of the eye achromatopsia is an inherited condition and so far three genes (genetic FAQs.htm
Public Resources  » FAQs/Achromatopsia Achromatopsia What is Achromatopsia?
This is a visual disorder, which is due to the absence of color vision. How common is Achromatopsia?
This condition affects approximately one in 40,000 live births. Its prevalence varies in different parts of the world. Because there is a genetic link, it is more common in regions where there is a high rate of consanguineous marriages (marriages between first cousins) and in the eastern pacific islands of Pingelap (see the book, ‘The Island of the Colourblind’ by Dr Sacks).
What causes Achromatopsia?
Achromatopsia is caused by an abnormality of the retina, that portion of the eye responsible for “making the picture”. It is analogous to the film in a camera. In the retina, there are three types of cells (cones) that are responsible for normal color vision. These are the red cones, the green cones, and the blue cones. A balanced distribution of these cells is necessary for normal color vision. If a child is born with an absence of these cells, they will have achromatopsia. Sometimes children have a reduced compliment of the cones, in which case they will have partial or incomplete achromatopsia. Achromatopsia is an inherited condition and so far three genes (genetic markers found on chromosomes) are known to be associated with this condition: CNGA3, CGNB3 and GNAT2. The three chromosomes that may have changes associated with achromatopsia are chromosome 14, chromosome 8q21- q22 and chromosome 2q11.

36. Achromatopsia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Maskun is a medical condition (also called achromatopsia or rod achromatopsiacan vary in its severity from being mild enough that it is not diagnosed
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Over US$225,000 has been donated since the drive began on 19 August. Thank you for your generosity!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Achromatopsia is a medical condition (also called maskun or rod monochromatism ) characterized by a low cone cell count or lack of function in cone cells; these are the light receptors responsible for colour perception. It is endemic on Pohnpei and was described by Oliver Sacks in Island of the Colourblind . Sacks went there with a Norwegian who had maskun, and the book narrates his experiences on the island. People with maskun have difficulty seeing in bright daylight because their rod cells (the receptors responsible for detecting brightness) are saturated. People with normal colour vision do not perceive things in the same way as those with maskun, because they depend on colour more than on luminosity to identify objects and patterns, whereas achromatopics depend almost entirely on luminosity to identify patterns. The closest that normal-sighted persons can come to experiencing maskun-type vision is in the dark, when the rod cells become the predominant receptors for vision due to their sensitivity to variations in brightness. Achromatopsia can vary in its severity from being mild enough that it is not diagnosed to causing near blindness. It is a relatively rare condition requiring two recessive genes . In the United States, it affects approximately 1 in 33,000 people. The condition is generally stable over the course of one's life. Many

37. Achromatopsia - Children's Hospital Boston
Home achromatopsia. Flower achromatopsia. Programs that treat this condition.Retina Service. Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to provide
or find by letter: A-F G-L M-R S-Z My Child Has... Home Achromatopsia Achromatopsia Programs that treat this condition Retina Service Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to provide information about this condition or procedure. However, we will be frequently adding and updating information in Child Health A to Z. So please bookmark this site and visit us again soon. Children's Hospital Boston is the primary pediatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School Contact Us Privacy Accessibility Give Now Children's Hospital Boston 300 Longwood Avenue Boston MA 02115

38. Achromatopsia,achromatopsia,achromatopsia,achromatopsia,achromat

39. Dictionary Of Difficult Words - Achromatopsia,
achromatopsia,. n. colourblindness, where only white, grey and black are visible.© From the Hutchinson Encyclopaedia. Helicon Publishing LTD 2000.
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Animals Computers Difficult Words ... Plants Frames not supported
Frames not supported Index A B C D ... Z achromatopsia, n. colour-blindness, where only white, grey and black are visible.
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40. Achromatopsia - St. Joseph Mercy, Ann Arbor Michigan
achromatopsia St. Joseph Mercy Health System Hospitals serving Ann Arbor, SEMichigan, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, Wayne County, Oakland County,
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Self Help Clearinghouse
Achromatopsia Network This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement for any group. It is the responsibility of the reader to decide whether a group is appropriate for his/her needs. For evidence-based information on diseases, conditions, symptoms, treatment and wellness issues, continue searching this site.
Achromatopsia Network
National network.
Information and support for individuals and families concerned with the rare inherited vision disorder Achromatopsia (aka achromatopia), including both rod monochromacy and blue cone monochromacy.
Achromatopsia Network
P.O. Box 214
Berkeley, CA 94701-0214
VERIFIED: 3/17/2004
The above information was "verified" as correct on the date at the end of each entry. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's database is extensive but staffing is limited and information for these organizations can change, it is not possible to keep every entry in American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information on self-help groups, please visit the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse web site at

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