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Ide Mrs Charles W: more detail | |||||
41. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Ide, Mrs. Charles W. AKA Ogden, Ruth, 18531927. Iles, George, 1852-1942.Inchfawn, Fay AKA Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca. Iron, Ralph, 1855-1920 AKA Schreiner http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
43. Dog Lovers Bookshop: Breeds C-E Ogden, Ruth (Mrs. Charles W. Ide) Tattine London Ernest Nister/New York EPDutton, 1898. Decorated hardcover, 8vo, 48 pages, blackand-white illustrations http://www.dogbooks.com/breedce.htm | |
44. MSS 56, The John Kirkpatrick Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Ya Ratner, Letitia Ide (Mrs. Victor M.) see Ide, Chester (1946 Jun 26 et al.) Ruggles, Violetta Johnson (Mrs. Charles Henry). see Ruggles Family http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/kp-s1ar.htm | |
45. Orange County Surnames Dwight W. Young, No address available Snail Mail HUTTON, Mrs. Charles Bowen,Snail Mail. Ide, Joseph Dorothea Miskimens, Snail Mail http://www.usgennet.org/usa/in/county/orange/ocsng-i.htm | |
46. Chase County 1895 Census Index Watchouse, Charles S, 28, M, W, Wisconsin, Cottonwood Township, 40, 13 Watson, Ide Mrs. 38, F, W, Ohio, City of Cottonwood Falls, 42, 1, 1. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/chase/1895Census/1895-6200.html | |
47. :: Virtual Book Store :: Seu Site De Livros E Literatura :: Tattine, by Ruth Ogden Mrs. Charles W. Ide The Boys Life of Abraham Lincolnby Helen Nicolay - The Agony Column, by Earl Derr Biggers http://vbookstore.uol.com.br/internacional/obras_99.shtml | |
48. 1858 Spiritualist Register Healing, ClairvoyantBostonCharles Main, CC York, WT Osborn, Mrs. CL Newton, WritingMiss S. Ide, Webster; Mrs. J. Barber, Dudley; Miss A. Prouty, http://www.spirithistory.com/58regist.html | |
49. Books By Ruth Ogden Author Ruth Ogden. Entry 1816 Tattine note Mrs. Charles W. Ide. plain textformat Gnu gzip format Unix Compress format infozip/pkzip format. http://www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/index/by-author/og0.html | |
50. Etext: Tattine Tattine Entry 1816 by Ruth Ogden note Mrs. Charles W. Ide; plain text format Gnu gzip format Unix Compress format infozip/pkzip format. http://www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/index/by-title/xx1618.html | |
51. Anderson University School Of Theology: Admissions Requirements: Financial Aid the church by Rev. and Mrs. Brooks. Charles E. Brown Endowed Scholarship Fund Leland A. Ide and Ruth M. Ide, two of the founders of the nowclosed http://www.anderson.edu/sot/admissions/finaid.html | |
52. W In Cornell University's Making Of America Wheatley, Richard to Wheeler, Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Benjamin Ide William C. to Willard, Charles W. Willard, Eugene S., Mrs. to http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/w.html | |
53. Tulare Co. Obituary I 65 1934 JULY 6 TAR Icho Wayne Joseph 59 2002 May 21 TTR Ide Don W. 83 1980 Dec . 12 TAR IDLE JANETTE (Mrs) 51 1986 DEC. 2627 TAR IEKEL Charles A. 71 http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/tulare/tcobiti.htm | |
54. R_ide.html Reasoner, John w. 191. Reasoner, Kate. 518. Recknor, Mrs. Will Robb, Charles W.725. Robb, Harry. 725. Robb, Henry. 290, 291, 722, 725. Robb, Henry http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/SWP/jbriley/ucgen/Ide/r_ide.html | |
55. G_ide.html Gentle, George W. 202. Gentle, JW. 177. George A. Ide Son. 327. George, Jeanette Glattly, Charles. 112. Glatty, Mrs. 110. Goben, Perry F. http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/SWP/jbriley/ucgen/Ide/g_ide.html | |
56. Obituaries For 1899, 1900-1903 Ide, E. Louis, Feb 5, 1901. Ingersol, Robert G. July, 22, 1899 W. Luther,May 11, 1903. Peer, Eli Mrs. May 7, 1901. Peery, Charles S. Oct 1, 1903 http://www.hrl.lib.state.va.us/Handley/Archives/obituaries_for_1899.htm | |
57. Prizes, Honors, And Scholarships Johnson Ide Snell (1865) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Katherine B. Snell in Charles P. Steinmetz Scholarship. A gift of the General Electric Co. http://www.union.edu/Academics/Scholarships/EndowedScholarships_Q-Z.php | |
58. Mary Garrett Hay Loses State Post, [1920] Her place was taken by Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, of Suffolk County. who succeedsAlba M. Ide, of Troy; Nathan L. Miller, of Syracuse; George W. Aldridge, http://womhist.binghamton.edu/nysuff/doc8.htm |
59. L_ide.html Ladd, George W. 191. LaFavre, Floyd B. 489. LaFavre, Grace E. 489. LaFavre, JO.488. LaFavre, JS Leonard, Mrs. Charles. 235. Leonard, Pauline (Smithers) http://iagenweb.org/union/Ide/l_ide.html | |
60. Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical And Family Memoirs: Ide Mrs. George Peck Ide (Mary Ella Savage) is a direct descendant of John Savage, He married Abigail Calender; children Charles, Edward Winslow Martin, http://www.schenectadyhistory.org/families/hmgfm/ide.html | |
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