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Ide Mrs Charles W: more detail | |||||
81. 1861 Spiritualist Register Spence, Mrs. Eliza W. Farnham, Emma Hardinge, Mrs. Beebe Wilbour, RP Wilson, HealingCharles Main, WF Osborn, Mrs. CL Newton, WE Rice, HC Gordan, http://www.spirithistory.com/61regist.html | |
82. UCR Alumni Association Newsletter July 2005 Mrs. Judith Colub Mr. Thomas Gerald Crist Ms. Barbara Davis Mr. Craig Edward Delphy Mr. Charles W. Grande Mr. William Douglas Gray Ms. Dianne Griffiths http://www.alumni.ucr.edu/july_05.html | |
83. Morrison & Haydon Biography Listing SLO CA Palmer, Charles W. Palmer, John Joseph Paolini, Lois Parnell, Harry Paul, AlvaPaulding, Clara E., Mrs. Pearson, Charles H. Pedraita, Louis G. http://history.sloco.net/MorrHay.html | |
84. 1836/37 Providence City Directory - "I-J-K-L" Jenks Robert W. museum, 63 North Main Jenkins John M. corner Charles and Orms Lothrop Henry W. 5 South Water, 21 John Lothrop Mrs. Sarah, 21 John http://www.netris.org/RIToolmakers/1836-37ProvDir/1836-37ProvDir-IJKL.html | |
85. Report Of Gifts: Dennis Coleman Charles Patricia Cooper Mr Mrs William Davis Martin Dees Jr Dr Mrs Gary M Zartman GIFTS UP TO $99 Lee W Joyce Ann Addie http://muweb.millersville.edu/~develop/ROG2/friends.html | |
86. William Seymour Correspondence (TC001) Eaton, Charles W. Eaton, Walter P. Eaton, William D. Eberle, Mary T. Page,Charles J. Page, Mrs. Charles J. Page, Will A. Paige, Thomas. Pains, CF http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/seymour.html | |
88. NDGW Pioneers Project Surname Index Sm Smith Charles Frederic 1473 Smith Charles Louis 45-461 Smith Charles W. 45-168 Smith Hugh Dunlap 19-20 Smith Ida 34-310 Smith Ide M. 14-96 Smith http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/ndgwsm.htm | |
89. Le Personnel D'Avitaillement Du Titanic Snape, Mrs Lucy Violet, Hôtesse. Wallis, Mrs Catherine Jane Cissie , Surveillante Hine, Mr W. 3ème Boulanger. Burgess, Mr Charles Reginald http://perso.wanadoo.fr/titanic/page50.htm | |
90. Furnas County Marriage Index Ide - Jurey ALPHABETICAL SPOUSE VOL PAGE MARRIAGE DATE Ide, Eliza Harding, William H. 2 13T1 FEB William Robert Lehn, Lovina L. Mrs. 3A 414 15 APR 1918 Ingram, http://hometown.aol.com/tantemoi/Home/marrIJ.htm | |
91. San Francisco Genealogy - San Francisco Blue Book Directory 1905 - W WARD, Dr. and Mrs. Jas. W., 2700 Broadway (Tel. West 921). WARD, Mr. and Mrs.Roy C., WHEELER, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S., 3700 Washington (Tel. West 727). http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/1905b/sfb05d_w.htm | |
92. San Francisco Genealogy - San Francisco Blue Book & Club Directory, 1924 - W WALKER, Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. (San Mateo, Cal.), 95 W. Bellevue (San Mateo 1295) . WELLMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J., 2008 Lyon (Fillmore 1174) and http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/1924b/sfb24d_w.htm | |
93. $1 Billion Campaign - Supporters Of The Campaign For Conservation Mr. Mrs. Henry Orr PacifiCorp George W. Perkins, Jr. Charles LessieSmithgall Mr. Mrs. David Snowden Sorenson Family Starr Foundation http://nature.org/aboutus/campaign/friends/ | |
94. Roll Of Honour - Sussex - Horsted Keynes Turners Hill Parish Church W M. Born in Fletching and enlisted in Croydon. Son of Mr. Mrs. Charles M Woollven of Sunnybank , Horsted Keynes. http://www.roll-of-honour.com/Sussex/HorstedKeynes.html | |
95. Mtn Msngr Mrs. Fife was a member of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in White She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, Charles W. Clere, Jr. http://mountainmessenger.com/ObitsArchive/obitsArchive13.html | |
96. Press I-J Johnson,Charles Mrs. 11/25/15, Burial, 6. Johnson,Charles P. 11/28/14, Marriage,4. Johnson,Charles W. Wife, 7/30/18, Silver anniversary, 3 http://www.grandmastree.com/society/press/press_j.htm | |
97. Whitney Marriage Records, Illinois CLARA L SANGAMON 12/23/1889 6/ 139 WHITNEY, Charles W WARNER, KENDALL08/17/1870 A 1/ 145 WHITNEY, HERBERT F ELLSWORTH, EMMA Mrs ROCK ISLAND http://www.whitneygen.org/archives/vitals/il2.html | |
98. GoldenBuckeye.com - Senior Citizens Hall Of Fame Betty Brindiar Richard W. Brooks W. Wallace Cannon Evan E. Davis John S. Dowlin Ora McCain Barrett Charles Blakeslee Frank P. Celeste Orland C. Duke http://www.goldenbuckeye.com/hof/ | |
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