Abell, Thornton Montaigne (1906-1984) Ackey, Richard Adler, David Aiken, William Martin (1855-1908) Ain, Gregory (1908-1987) Alexander, William [Alexander Levy] (1909-1997) Allied Architects Association of Los Angeles Allison and Allison Anderson, Carl Anderson, Kenneth E. Anderson, Timothy Anlauf, H. and F. P. Ward Anthony, John B. Baylis, Douglas Beach, John Beckerman, A. D. Becket, Welton (born 1902) Beelman, Claude Beeston and Stott Benton, Arthur B. (1858/9-1927) Bennett, Edward Herbert Sr. (1874-1954) Berg, Jacob Berlage, H. P. Bernshouse, Donald Bertz, Winter and Maury Beuttler, John F. Beyers, John Bishop, Henry W. (1869-1939) Bissantz, Edgar F. Blaisdell, Nathaniel Blanchard and Maher Block, Fritz [Fred] (1889-1955) Boise, Frederick D. Bolles, John S. Bonazzola, Lindo Bostic, John Bowling, Mary Brandner, A. R. Brandt, Berkeley Brinckerhoff, Parsons Brochsteins, Inc. Brown, Arthur Page (1859-1896) Brownell, W.A.W. Burbank, Robert Burke, Nicolais Byers, John (1875-1966) California, State of, Department of Parks and Recreation Department of Transportation Carjola, Chester L. (born 1901) | |